MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 68 escape from the sun

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Flying in the universe in a vacuum environment, the resistance is almost negligible.

Theoretically, it can even reach the speed of light during constant acceleration. However, this is just a theory, let alone the speed of light. When light accelerates to one-fifth of the speed of light, it will face obstacles invisible to the naked eye: such as the annihilation of positive and negative particles, vacuum fluctuations, etc... and all kinds of objects floating in the universe. A variety of large and small particles.

And if the spacecraft wants to fly, it needs to carry a lot of fuel.

But the more fuel, the heavier the quality, the greater the driving force required, and more fuel to carry... This is an endless loop.

But the 'Black Cat' is different.

First of all, the hull modified by memory metal is far stronger than all metals; secondly, the "energy" of this ship comes from Luffy and Zeus, one of them is a person with ability, and a creature with ability. It weighs no more than a hundred catties, but the energy it can generate is enough to make any technologist explode.

On the moon, one blow is enough to activate and maintain a city.

Nuclear fusion dare not touch porcelain, unless the legendary anti-physical energy furnace can fight.

‘So, while it’s not two days, it doesn’t take a year either. '

Driven by Luffy's continuous injection of lightning as energy, the Black Cat continues to accelerate at a terrifying speed in the dark universe!

It's just that the surrounding area was empty and desolate, so everyone had the illusion that they were moving slowly or even stopped moving. Only the increasingly huge and fiery sun in front of them can prove that their 'sailing' speed is not too slow.

In the boundless universe, no matter how fast the speed is, it will take nearly a week to travel from the moon to the sun even with the Black Cat continuously accelerating.

Of course, this is already very scary! At least Nami, Robin, and Sanji couldn't imagine that one day they could fly to the vicinity of the sun.

As for Luffy and Chopper, they just think it's fun.


Only a strong opponent can make him interested, the sun or something... can it be cut?

As the Black Cat approached the sun at high speed, it didn't even touch Mercury and Venus along the way. This is also a normal thing. In just two days, the two planets don't know where they have orbited. Not being affected by the other party's gravitational force is a good thing. But here's the trouble:

'We can't get any closer,'

Before they knew it, the sun in front of everyone's eyes had turned into a giant fireball that covered the sky and the sun. In fact, the Black Cat is still a long way from the sun, but the endless light and heat almost ignited the Black Cat, and the intense solar 'wind' made the ship turbulent after a long time. It is very exaggerated and unbelievable to come to the sun to fish for people.

Luffy and the others will come here entirely because of the friendship that Rossi has taught over the years, as well as their personalities.

A man's promise, even if his body is smashed to pieces!

'We are too close to the sun! '

'If you don't turn around now, the Black Cat will have no chance to escape the sun's gravity! '

Nami, who was at the helm, quickly wrote these two paragraphs. On the hot and violently turbulent deck, everyone's eyes fell on Luffy. Just when Lu Fei wanted to 'say' something, his face changed, and he wrote a paragraph calmly and quickly.

'You are here to turn around and prepare to leave. I will figure out a way for the last distance. '

? !



On the photosphere layer outside the solar core, there is a figure floating quietly.

Black feather coat, white casual clothes, tall figure... He and the space around him were 'frozen' like amber, which looked very strange in the hot flame light.

finally come!

The originally gloomy Tong Kong suddenly lit up, and Rossi, who had been 'imprisoned' motionless for eight years, released the silence ability on her body. Blood flowed again, nerve sparks jumped, muscles contracted... the powerful vitality returned to this body again.

It is impossible for Luffy and the others to directly sail here to pick up Rossi, and now they can only rely on Rossi to get out of trouble.

"Hmph, Yoom!"

The structure of the sun is very peculiar. The temperature of the photosphere close to the solar core (sun body) is only a few thousand degrees; while the temperature of the chromosphere a little farther away is from tens of thousands to tens of thousands of degrees; as for the farthest from the center of the sun In the corona, the temperature is as high as one million degrees!

Why such a structure was formed, Rossi didn't know, at least those scientists in his previous life were also scratching their heads and couldn't come to a conclusion.

But one thing is, if Rossi just breaks out like this, even with his strength, he can't get out of the 'cage' of the sun!

"The sun? Joey Boyin, I don't believe in this—"

Rossi, who has released the silent ability, is covered with armed domineering colors all over his body, which can be said to be truly going all out. Reach out and press down in the air:

"Silence·Black Territory!"

As the awakening ability of the Rossi fruit spreads out, the high-energy particles that can easily penetrate the earth under the feet, the thin hot gas in the ion state, the tsunami-like air waves churning, and the deafening electromagnetic explosion constitute a grand and noisy scene. The magnificent scenes are all solidified.


With one step, Rossi shot upwards.

Because Rossi's ability solidified a large area, causing a large amount of matter to accumulate here, and the magnetic field began to soar. The strong magnetic field inhibits the internal energy of the sun from being transferred outward through convection. It actually allowed the background temperature in this area to slowly drop from 5700c to around 4000c. If an astronomer were observing the sun, he would see a dark area.

This is: Sunspot;

With the domineering Rossi covered in armed colors, he continued to soar through the air and rushed out of the photosphere in an hour. The 500-kilometer distance almost consumed most of his physical strength. And then comes the real test:

On the periphery of the photosphere, there is a chromosphere with a thickness of about 2,500 kilometers, which is composed of plasma filled with a magnetic field!

Although far less bright than the photosphere, the temperature has risen sharply, from 10,000 degrees Celsius to 100,000 degrees Celsius. Due to the instability of the magnetic field, the energy distribution in the chromospheric layer is extremely uneven, the heat wave fluctuates, the fire flows, the cyclone gathers and disperses, and the energy fluctuates... In the face of this, it is enough to make any top natural system expert feel deeply. It is as small as dust itself.

"very good!"

Facing the chromosphere composed of terrifying high temperature and boundless energy, Rossi was already prepared and rushed towards a 'cyclone'.

The thickness of the photosphere is five hundred kilometers, and there are countless fiery cyclones, like bubbles in boiling water. These ever-changing 'bubbles' have a diameter of one or two thousand kilometers, like gas planets larger than the moon, most of them only exist for a few minutes, and a few of them don't dissipate for a few hours.

Although the inside of this cyclone is also swept by scorching energy mania, it is still a little bit better than the outside.

"Silence·Black Territory!"

The flowing energy is Rossi's special event, and the awakened fruit ability freezes these whistling plasmas in place, forming a ball that wraps Rossi. It looks like Rossi has temporarily escaped from the innermost photosphere to the chromosphere.

No, it's not just about running away!

Rossi, who was waiting quietly in the center of the air mass, swept over with a domineering look, and had already seen the future he wanted.


Below the cyclone, an unprecedentedly strong flow of light suddenly exploded out of thin air, as if hundreds of millions of hydrogen bombs exploded at the same time!

Radiation, visible light, high-energy particles, super magnetic storms, violent energy enough to destroy planets the size of the moon suddenly erupted below, and the indescribable ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-giant shock wave temporarily sheltered Rossi in an instant. The scorching cyclone was completely torn into pieces!

This is: Solar Flare;

Solar flares are invisible to the naked eye, and only special instruments can observe the sudden brightening of a small local area of ​​the sun. This is the process of large-scale energy release in the solar chromosphere, releasing more than one billion hydrogen bombs in a few minutes. energy.

It's now!

The blazing torrent of millions of degrees Celsius rushed in from below, and even Rossi's power of intangible matter, such as the power of knowledge and domineering, felt "dizzy" for a while.

"Ghost Slash · Flame Sun Destroyer!"

Rossi, who was suspended in the scorching cyclone, slashed downward with his bare hands. Along the trajectory of his slash, a jet-black crack thousands of meters long was pulled out in the void, like the extreme darkness in the aurora, a large amount of scorching gas and destruction. Sexual energy leaks in along the crack.

Although this knife, not to mention the sun, was nothing more than a mosquito bite to the 'flare' in front of him, it also slowed down the violent impact.

'Black Domain! '

The ability of the devil fruit was released downwards, and the ability of the silent fruit instantly formed a semicircular upside-down 'bowl' under Rossi's feet, protecting Rossi in an extremely unscientific way, and was immediately hit by the impact from below. submerged.

It was like a leaf falling into a torrent of tsunami, with no other choice but to go with the current.

All of a sudden, Rossi's whole body was pushed by the terrifying explosion and flew out of the sun, getting faster and faster, and there was an illusion that he was about to turn into light.

With the eruption of solar flares, Rossi's whole body keeps rising and rising at a frightening speed that would make any scientist's eyes pop! If it weren't for the fruit ability and peak arrogance, this speed alone would be enough to decompose any substance into a gaseous state on the spot.

And when Rossi carried the 2,000-kilometer chromosphere, the surrounding temperature had risen to an exaggerated level. Even if he closed his eyes, there was only:


Boundless light!

Filling the whole world, compared with the four seas, great routes, and new worlds that have been explored and galloped in the past, it is not as magnificent and huge as the sum of all of them.


Outside the core, photosphere and chromosphere of the sun is the corona.

It is composed of high-temperature, low-density plasma. It sounds like you are about to escape? However, the temperature of the corona is as high as millions of degrees! This is the real high temperature that melts everything, and at this point, there is only:



The pitch-black lightning suddenly bloomed in the white light, no matter how high the temperature was, it couldn't conceal the power from the soul. Because this overrides the laws of physics:

Overlord color winding!

Rosie, who was covered in black lightning, spun suddenly, opening a small space in the blunt white light.

Immediately afterwards, Rossi's hair suddenly began to grow and spread out on the back of his head, and dense electric currents began to shine on it immediately. At the same time, a huge force fell on Rossi who was almost exhausted, pushing him to shoot out.

This is: solar wind;

The so-called solar wind refers to the flow of supersonic plasma charged particles ejected from the upper atmosphere of the sun. The solar wind is a continuous stream of high-speed charged particles that diffuses from the sun and moves at a speed of 200-800km/s. Driven by this stream of particles, Rossi truly 'rides the wind' and flies away from the sun.


That is? !

Cruising on the Black Cat on the periphery of the sun, Luffy and the others opened their mouths wide and looked towards the direction of the sun: a black line extended towards this side. Even the scorching sun's rays can't hide the darkness: stubborn, straight, and never admit defeat.

The light soared towards the Black Cat, and the void was torn into black cracks, sucking the scorching white light and scorching gas into it, gradually revealing a figure wearing a black feather coat and shining crystal light all over.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, which is used by old bookworms,]


As the light fell on the Black Cat, a smoky figure landed in front of Luffy, and at the same time his palm fell on top of Luffy's head.

'Well done, my student. '


ps: The author is just squatting at home with all his knowledge returned to the teacher, flipping through Baidu Encyclopedia, the content of this chapter is pure nonsense, please do not take it seriously~~

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