MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 9 black cat pirates

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Donghai, Orange Town.

Although it has the name of "Orange Town", there are not a lot of oranges grown here, and it is not Nami's hometown: Nami's hometown is called Cocoyasi Village. This is just a new village that has just been established more than ten years ago. Because there is no relationship between the navy stationed, it has gradually become a place where many gangsters and pirates are rampant.

"Forgive me~~"

"You are 'Hawkeye'?"

The man who was severely beaten by Sauron had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and his eyes were dim due to years of drinking. At this moment, he could say whatever he wanted.

"Stop hitting, I'm Hawkeye, I'm Hawkeye!"


'Obviously, this guy is not 'Eagle Eye' Mihawk. '

Even Rossi, who eats melons, can't stand it any longer. Although he knew that Luffy and Zoro would probably miss nothing, he didn't expect that he was just a little boy with a reward of 4 million, and he dared to call him 'Hawkeye'. I can only blame Mihawk for his nickname: Eagle Eye, which is too ordinary.

Of course, it doesn't matter what the nickname is, what matters is who calls it.

"Zoro, what you're looking for is 'Eagle Eye' Mihawk, one of the Seven Martial Seas?"

In fact, Luffy doesn't know what the "Qiwuhai" is, but there is an old saying called "the ignorant has no fear". After hearing the teacher Rossi tell him that there is a way to contact "Eagle Eye" Mihawk, Luffy took it to heart.

"If I let you meet Hawkeye, you will be my partner!"

"Hmph, if you can do it."

Sauron, who was upset because he found the wrong person, snorted coldly, but didn't take it to heart.

"You two, 'Eagle Eye' Mihawk is one of the Shichibukai, the bounty... Forget it, in short, he is a person from a world completely different from ours."

'Hawkeye' Joracle Mihawk: A bounty of 3.59 billion Berry is offered!

For Sauron and Luffy, who are still dealing with the tens of millions of bounties, it is no different from the clouds in the sky. So the tall and burly Navy Ensign Monka reached out to the restaurant next to him in a good-tempered manner:

"Let's talk about the 'Black Cat Pirates', they own a pirate ship called 'Hyakuji Braku', the captain is 'Hyakuji' Chloe, and the bounty is 16 million Baileys , is a rare powerhouse in the East China Sea!"

And this navy ensign Mengka with an ax on his back and a simple and serious face is the later arrogant and conceited naval colonel who put a huge ax on his right arm and gave him the "Ax King" Mengka!

In fact, Monka is a good person.

That's right, the past... or the present Monka is still a good person, and he is a passionate navy full of justice in his heart.

In the not-too-distant future, when he was hunting down the Black Cat Pirates, he was killed by "Hundred Schemes" Crowe, and his own jaw was crushed. Chloe's subordinate Zango hypnotized him, making him think he had caught Chloe.

He delivered the fake Crowe to Naval Headquarters, and was promoted to colonel as a result, becoming the head of Navy Branch 153. However, Zango's hypnosis also changed Monka's character, making him sinister and shameless, conceited.

Or not only hypnosis, but also the corruption of power.

After all, as the person in power of a naval branch, he is basically equivalent to the "Emperor of Earth" in this sea area, and power can corrupt people's hearts the most.

However, the current Monka is still a passionate and righteous navy, and the sailors led by him have not been wiped out by the "Hundred Strategies" Crowe, so they found Luffy and Sauron who went to sea in advance.

"For the sake of the peace of the East China Sea, I am going to lead people to attack the 'Black Cat Pirates'."

After telling the story of the Black Cat Pirates, the tall naval ensign seriously looked at the two teenagers in front of him: Luffy can only be considered a half-grown boy, but this is the way this world is, some people are born strong, And most of them spend their whole lives just spinning around in lieutenant's strength.

"The entire Black Cat Pirates have a bounty of nearly 40 million Baileys, and we don't want a single cent!"

"I just want to bring the evil to justice: what do the two bounty hunters want?"

In addition to the bounty of 16 million Baileys from the captain "Baoji" Crowe, the Black Cat Pirates also have 9 million "Hypnotist" Zango, 7 million Baileys from Black Cat Brothers Buji and Sam, and other odds and ends. The bounties of dozens or millions of Baileys of the miscellaneous cadres in the army add up to a considerable income.

"Okay, I'll take it!"

Lu Fei grinned. The Black Cat Pirates burned, killed and looted without leaving any survivors. They are the famous scum pirates in the East China Sea. Now that he has encountered it, he naturally has to take care of it: and it is impossible for him to use a small fishing boat to go to the great route. It is necessary to save money to buy a boat that can really cross the sea.

Although the "teacher" Rossi said that if necessary, it is okay for someone to take him to the new world directly, but for Luffy, arriving in the new world is only the purpose, and more importantly, the travel during this time and the encounters people and things.

"A big pirate with a bounty of 1600?"

Sauron raised his brows and became interested.

"Count me in."

In this way, Luffy and Zoro boarded the navy ship, and while waiting for the arrival of 'Eagle Eye', they stopped by to see the 'big pirate' Chloe.

"Big pirate?"

In the cabin of the navy warship, Rosie, who was attached to the left half of Luffy's face, couldn't help complaining.

"The standard of the 'big pirate' in the East China Sea is really frighteningly low."

In the first half of the great route, at least hundreds of millions of people dare to call themselves a big pirate; in the new world, it takes more than 500 million domineering powerhouses to have the nerve to call themselves a big pirate. However, in the weakest East China Sea, 16 million Baileys are considered a big pirate... It can only be said that because Garp has nothing to do, he likes to go home to see his grandson and sort out the East China Sea by the way, which led to:

When there are no heroes, Lizi becomes famous.


A few days later, the warship carrying Luffy and Zoro and hoisting their "small boat" to the side of the ship caught up with the ship of the Black Cat Pirates: Baiji Braku!

"Wow, what a big cat head."

Standing on the deck, Luffy built a pergola and looked at the pirate ship in the distance.

It was a three-masted ship with a 'cat' as its head portrait, and a black cat-headed skull flag hung to indicate the other party's identity.

Black Cat Pirates!


Under the command of Lieutenant Mengka, a large number of naval soldiers moved, and the naval soldiers holding long-barreled flintlock guns that could be fired continuously ran back and forth. elite soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, the howling shells were fired in unison, and the fireworks filled the deck, and the eye-catching flames and the sound of explosions penetrated everyone's ears. Just now, at least twenty shells roared out, creating a large amount of water between the two ships!

Although the momentum is huge, but... if you want to hit the target when the two ships are advancing in the wind and waves, you need at least a 'sniper' level expert. Ordinary soldiers, on the other hand, can only rely on quantity and quality: expect a certain bombardment to hit the opponent's mast, paralyze the enemy's mobility, and then slowly blast the opponent into the sea with shells.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of naval battle will last for several hours, and even fight for days and nights in the pursuit and escape.

"Hmph, why don't we put down our boat and let us row over directly."

Sauron raised his eyebrows. As a swordsman, he hated this kind of confrontation with guns and guns. Only the "jump gang" tactic was suitable for him.

? !

"Zoro, look~~"

Just as the naval warship fired its guns, a small boat was put down from the pirate ship ahead. The small boat deftly turned around, and then rushed towards the warship behind at a high speed.

"Oh, the other party also wants to be with us."

On the speeding boat, stood a man wearing a captain's coat. His black hair was combed back, and he had a pair of flat eyes. Push the glasses with the bottom of the palm.

'Hundreds of tricks' Crowe

The speed of the small boat was very fast, and it quickly reached the vicinity of the naval warship. The soldiers on the deck raised their flintlock guns without hesitation, and fired a salvo at Captain Crowe on the boat. Unfortunately, Crowe's strength clearly exceeded his 16 million bounty. .

The long sharp claws 'Ten Blades' worn on the fingers of Crowe's hands waved forward, jingling as the sparks splashed, and pushed away the flying lead bullets. The sound of gold and iron lasted for a long time, and wearing glasses , Captain Crowe, who looks like a gentleman, has already kicked his feet.


The whole person drew an arc in the air, and the man nicknamed "Bai Ji" was like a big bird, with the captain's coat flying behind him, and jumped directly from the small boat to the warship.

? !

"Enemy attack—"

Seeing that the other party boarded the ship alone, the naval soldiers on the warship were taken aback, and surrounded them with knives and guns: Second Lieutenant Mengka also took off the big ax behind his back, and rushed to the first place with the weapon weighing hundreds of catties in both hands. Wire. but:


With a flash of a figure, Crowe, who had just boarded the ship, opened his arms, and the shadow of the 'Ten Blades' sharp knife attached to his fingers whirled, and he rushed directly into the naval formation! Roaring and screaming were instantly intertwined, flesh and blood were torn apart, knives and guns were split, and the deck was shot with blood. The naval soldiers who had just surrounded were almost collapsed at the touch of a button!

The strongest thing about 'Hundred Strategies' Crowe is not his mind, but his high speed that is so agile that ordinary people can't even detect it.

'Pay attention, the speed of the other party has not really exceeded the limit of the human eye. '

And next to Luffy's ear, Rossi's voice sounded. Give him live teaching:

"But he has a talent: put himself in the blind spot of most people's sight, just like two people standing opposite each other, one person suddenly lowers his body to attack the next three lanes, and the other one seems to have no training, and there will be an instant" Loss of sight', this is what people who are good at agility use most often. '


With the sound of a sword clashing, Crowe's killing was stopped.

"Are you also a swordsman?"

The 'big sharp knife' named He Dao Yiwen blocked the ten blades, and Sauron raised his eyebrows.

"If you kill all these navy boys, I will also have a headache."

"Bounty Hunter?"

Crowe, whose attack was blocked, strengthened his decision: he wants to "wash his hands" and go ashore. Today these navies are his pawns: kill everyone, and then leave a "lucky guy" to go back with the glory of capturing "Captain Crowe".

Of course, 'Captain Crowe' is his prepared substitute. For 'Lucky', the ensign just now is pretty good. pity-

"Don't hinder my plan, die here for me."

Facing the green short-haired bounty hunter who stopped him, Captain Crowe turned into ten silver rays of light while waving the weapon on his hands and shrouded Sauron! However, Sauron was not one of those naval soldiers who couldn't even see Crowe's attack clearly. The double knives in his hands blocked him vertically and horizontally, blocking all the 'ten blades' like ten short knives.

clang clang clang clang clang~~

"Die here? I am the man who wants to become the world's number one swordsman!"

Captain Crowe's speed is extremely fast. Although he is not a capable person, he is similar to a capable person in the eyes of ordinary people: he disappears and appears instantly, so that ordinary soldiers don't even know how they died. But Sauron is a 'Queen of the Famous Family' with a solid foundation after all. The Shuangyue family's swordsmanship allows him to support even in the face of the terrifying and high-speed Crowe.

And the other side:

"Zoro, come on!"

Luffy first dragged the injured sailors aside, and after a simple bandage, began to cheer for Sauron. Leaning on the side of the ship, the **** Second Lieutenant Monka tilted his head and asked while panting.

"You... won't you help?"

"Hee hee hee, this is Sauron's own battle, I trust him!"

And on the battlefield, the two figures fought back and forth with knives and claws, and they were evenly matched?

As expected of a guy who can create his own 'Six Forms', he can match up with Zoro who just left the house like this.

Rossi, who was observing all this, nodded inwardly. In addition to having a high IQ that is rare among pirates, Crowe's strength is not bad: the silent step combined with the high speed that is difficult for ordinary people to detect is very sharp, especially It's his trick 'dipper die'.

The speed is almost equal to the razor in the "Six Styles", and it is used continuously. Unfortunately, the disadvantage is that he can't control the direction himself, and can only move all the creatures in the entire battlefield at a high speed that even the people who are slashed can't react. kill.

Many years ago, Rossi was able to accurately hack everyone to death without any reaction, but he didn't use that technique on purpose.

"Captain, we are here to help you!"

Crowe's original plan was to kill all the navy soldiers himself, and then feign death to escape.

It's a pity that when meeting Luffy and Sauron, Sauron alone is not an opponent he can easily kill. The time between the two is constantly passing during the high-speed battle, and the Black Cat Pirates have also approached.

"Zango, hypnotize them!"

Since the original plan could not be carried out, Crowe had no choice but to let his deputy captain: the 'hypnotist' Zangaoxiang hypnotize the rest of the navy.


"Okay, okay."

On the ship of the Black Cat Pirates approaching, the "hypnotist" Zango, who was wearing heart-shaped glasses and dressed like a dancer, took out a ring and pointed it at the deck of the warship.

"I'll count to 321, and you will be hypnotized to sleep!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the rest of the navy to react, he shook the ring in his hand left and right while pressing the hat on his head to cover his face:

"3, 2, 1, hypnosis!"

? !

boom boom boom boom

A series of sounds of human bodies falling to the ground sounded, and the soldiers who were guarding on the deck of the warship fell down with their eyes turned white. Sauron, who was fighting, couldn't help but glance over.

"No way, you actually hypnotized the navy in a second... Luffy?!"

Not only the navy soldiers, but even Luffy, who was wearing a vest, shorts, and slippers, closed his glasses, and fell backwards with a huge bubble on his nose.


Fell asleep.

? ? ? ?

"Hey, hey, you actually—"


"Distraction in battle is a big no-no, swordsman!"

Sauron, who was distracted by Luffy's hypnosis, was grabbed by Captain Crowe's claws in the abdomen, and he stumbled back with two swords in his hands amidst the blood splatter.

"It seems that my 'cute' subordinates are still useful, it's a pity..."

Crowe, who succeeded in one move, glanced at the Black Cat Pirates behind him. He was going to find a chance to kill these guys, because only when everyone believed that he had been brought to justice, could Crowe really "clean up" and go ashore ? !

"Tsk, really."

'Luffy', who just fell to the ground because of Zang Gao's hypnosis, got up from the ground and rubbed his temples.

"It's so easy to be hypnotized, and I don't know whether to say that Luffy is simple-minded, or that he has 'too low mental resistance'?"

As 'Luffy' stood up again, everyone present seemed to be standing naked in the cold wind, and looked up to witness the sun radiating infinite light and heat, and the whole soul and body were shocked Can't move.

"You... who are you..."

Faced with Zoro who gritted his teeth and tried to turn around to question, 'Luffy' scratched his hair.


"I am Luffy's 'teacher'."


PS: There are 16 people in the family, and only 3 of them are completely resistant to the new crown. The probability is really low~~ Today is particularly out of shape, so I really can’t write it. Feel sorry···

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