MTL - The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress-Chapter 90 Ancestor

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Shen Yuqing, who was aware of the existence of Gu’s pity, couldn’t sleep at all. After falling asleep with her daughter-in-law, she quietly left the dormitory. She came to the small study room of Fengyi Palace, turned out the history books of the previous dynasty, began to look closely, and must not let go of a detail.

This history book does not know who wrote it. It is not as concise as a general history book, but recorded in the story of a story. During the period, there are still some portraits of important people, and they are really very... simple.

Even so simple, Shen Yuqing still saw some familiar eyebrows from the picture of Gu Li.

The book records a famous painting that has been handed down from the previous dynasty. It is the appearance of the doctor in the military camp when the Gu County prince and the princess went out. This painting is called "The Medical Immortal from the Army."

Shen Guizhen looked at the name of the painting and always felt where he had heard it.

It seems that there is a painting in the reward given by the Emperor’s next time.

Shen Guizhen thought thoughtfully.

She sneaked back to the sleeping hall and took her wife and children to sleep. As for the painting, I will return to the palace in the future to let the full moon turn over and see.

I heard that this painting was written by the princess himself, and the county’s voice and smile were depicted in seven or eight points, which is very realistic.

Early the next morning, Shen Guizhen returned to the palace. When changing clothes, he ordered a full sentence, let her find out the painting, and then took the palace to take the bus to the Fengyi Palace.

Since Shen Guizhen gave birth to the emperor, her treatment has changed from a soft car to a car. Originally, the car was exclusive to the emperor. Nowadays, Shen Guifei and Zhai Guiyu have also won this honor, and many people who have not even sat in the soft car.

In Fengyi Palace, Wei Wei is quietly facing the cynicism of Fu Wei and Xi Yu. Every day, a thorn in the palace is very accustomed to the elderly.

It’s new, or it’s still unclear. The situation doesn’t dare to speak out at random, or it’s not to care about these things that have no real effect. Sitting in the second position of the cold, faintly glaring at everyone, but as if no one is in the eye.

She is the first to be Yin Xian, opposite Wei Wei. However, she was not willing to take care of Yinxian, but it was the gentle and welcoming Wei Wei, which made her look more.

Very rare, in the harem can be mixed with the niche, there are such pure people.

There was a trace of surprise in the blink of an eye, and the subconscious set her eyes on her. Wei Wei seemed to notice her gaze, looked over, and then smiled, very friendly.

Last night, I heard some things about the county owner. Wei Wei knows that this is not an enemy. Although the niece is cold and cold, but her heart is not bad, she can't help but feel a good impression on such a real woman.

It’s better than inserting a knife behind the harem of the harem.

The smile on her face is a glimpse. The subconscious mind opened his eyes and was awkward.

Staring at people, the results were caught...

"Wei sister is very good today." Yin Xian is an open mouth, no words to laugh first, squatting makes people feel good.

It’s not like other women’s skin smiles, her smile is very real, not like a smirk.

Wei Wei bowed his head and licked the tea. He didn't pick up the trick: "Sisters look at it? Didn't sleep well last night, how could the color look good?"

Yin Xian does not play cards according to common sense. Other people's exports are ironic. All kinds of eye medicines suggest that others are very fond of Wei Wei, and they are all together to deal with Wei Wei. However, Yin Xian did the opposite and acted as if to give Wei Wei a break. Nai Wei Wei did not appreciate it, but also turned to show off his sleep.

In this way, the atmosphere is a bit embarrassing.

Nai Xian Xian is not an ordinary person, not moving, still said something with a smile, played a round.

Wei Wei looked at her a little surprised and didn't expect Yin Xian to be so calm.

Taking advantage of this scene, I don’t know why I suddenly felt a little funny. There is no contradiction between Wei Wei and Yin Xian. I don’t know why she took the initiative to attract Yin Xian, but it seems that Xian Xian is indeed over-prepared.

Yin Xian took a sip of tea, then took out the dark handkerchief and wiped her lips and put it away. After doing this, she smiled and said: "Before the palace entered the palace, the father asked him to send some brocades from the hustle and bustle. This time, he was brought into the palace together, and he planned to give the sisters a face-to-face ceremony. How rare is it, I hope that the sisters will not despise the gift."

Her tone and gentleness are soft, and there is no meaning to show off. It makes people feel very comfortable.

This piece of brocade is the specialty fabric of the sorghum, and the best brocade is to be sent to the palace for tribute.

However, in addition to the best of the brocade, there are a small number of top grades. Compared with those of the tribute, it is also a luxury that is sought after by the officials.

This thing is hard to buy in the capital, but it is not too difficult in the depression. It is only slightly more expensive, but now the sage of his father, General Cao, is the chief soldier in the squatting area. The squatting businessman hears that he wants to buy brocade for his wife and daughter, and will naturally give him a discount.

As a result, for Cao's family, this brocade is not too precious. It’s not a bad thing to take it out as a gift, but it’s not expensive to the person who receives the gift.

Therefore, I heard that Yin Xian wanted to send a lot of people to Jin Jin, and many of the palaces that had never seen many good things were surprised.

The brocades that Yin Xian took out were all luxury items in the capital. In the palace, only the most favored crickets felt that the brocade she had brought out was just as general. Among them, the Queen of the Royal Palace is impressively listed, and none of the fabrics they wear on weekdays are worse than the tribute. In addition, it is the embarrassment of the princess days in the fief.

The gift is obviously very popular, although it is clear that the Yinxian is drawing them, and everyone has a happy expression, and the mood is much better.

In the end, Yin Xian is the head of the four, and the status is second only to the Queen of the Royal, and there is no need to deal with them. Then they don't need to be right with Xianxian before they climb to the position.

With such a thought, they readily accepted the sacred meeting, and they thought that they should simply rely on the sage.

Speaking of Yin Xian is also unlucky, although the first entry into the palace is the head of the four, but her preparations are all in line. A queen is two nobles. This is an ancestral system and cannot be added. If she wants to climb up, unless she pulls the top three down, she can only use her life to get stuck in the Yinxian position.

When the son succeeds, he can be a queen, but when she is a beggar, she does not want to continue climbing.

Wei Wei had just spoken with Yin Xian, but she did not speak at this moment. She only cares about drinking tea herself, and she does not accept the words of the sage.

Yin Xian slightly frowned, I feel that this Wei Wei is not easy to draw.

In the middle of the palace, Wei Wei is an exception. Others have family support behind them. Only Wei Wei is a lonely man. His father is a small official outside Beijing. He can't help her.

This kind of embarrassment can climb to the niche, either the emperor is very fond of it, or she is very high. But watching Wei Wei's eyes is not as superb as it is, so it can only be favored by the emperor.

Yin Xian is trying to win over her, so she always shows it. Why, Wei Wei is not fooled.

Yin Xian slowly looked at other women in the room. The Queen of the Royal Family did not consider it. Looking for an ally, it seems that I can only pick from the rest of the people.

It is up to her alone that she is afraid that she will not be able to cope with the queen of the queen who has a stable position and that she has given birth to the nobles of the emperor.

However, in the eyes of Yin Xian, the Queen is not worried. There is only one princess who is not born of her own. The queen can't influence the inheritance of the next emperor. At present, only Shen Guifei is her enemy. After all, this person already has a prince.

Mrs. 倒 is a good use, the origin of the Huang Shang, the status is not high, only some merchants are smart, should be good.

Yin Xian slowly rubbed the cup of the cup, no longer open.

Not long after, the Queen's maiden left, everyone was scattered.

Yin Xian was not slow to return to the palace with a close-fitting female green back. After entering the dormitory, she retired the palace, leaving only her to go to the Fengyi Palace's green and a donkey.

Four in the palace can bring two close-fitting ladies, Yin Xian brought a green spring to come in, the other is not a palace girl, but this one. She only said that she was her milk. She grew up watching her grow up, and she was not allowed to be physically responsible. She did not go to the emperor and went with her.

Yin Xian took out the dark parch and handed it to Cao Yu.

Cao Yu took it, carefully sniffed it, and used the tip of his tongue to lick the wet place, and then put down the scorpion.

"Girl, this tea..." Her brow wrinkled.

Yin Xian stopped what she had to say, turned her head and looked at the green cock: "Green cockroach, you are sensitive to five senses. Have you ever noticed that someone in this temple is watching?"

It wasn't her cautiousness, but after the return of the book's grand ceremony yesterday, Lun Qiao told her that she felt that there was a dark guard in the dark. After that, Green did not say much, but Yin Xian had already understood what she meant.

Since the reference to the dark guard, then naturally it is not just that there is a secret guard in the ceremony. It is normal for the Great Ceremony to have dark protection in the dark. Green Witch specially mentions this, telling her that there is also a dark guard in her palace.

At the beginning, Yin Xian was only to protect himself and brought him to the green. I didn’t expect to let Green Spring find this.

Green is not the shackle of Cao's family. She is the killer on the rivers and lakes. After I finally escaped from the ascension, I was seriously injured and dying. After learning about her identity, Yin Xian used her anti-drug product in her home to solve the poison-drug that the killer had once controlled her. Green Green has since been loyal to Xian.

With such a maid around, Yin Xian dared to enter the palace with peace of mind.

I thought that the existence of the Guardian in the Royal even if there were not many, I did not expect that there were so many, even in her palace.

Fortunately, the green cockroaches came out yesterday and let her know.

Today, Yin Xian deliberately asked this question. First, I wanted to make sure that the dark guard left, and the second was to force the other party to leave. Yesterday, I did not let Green Sweep say that today I just want to tell the secret guard that she already knows the existence of the Guardian, so it is best to leave with fun.

After all, the dark guard was discovered, and it doesn't make much sense to continue to stay. If the sages are unveiled, it is just a tear off the fig leaf.

Things were as good as Yin Xian expected, Green Spring listened to her question and immediately shook his head: "No one is watching, the Dark Guard has left."

It seems that they were their conversation yesterday, and they were caught by the dark guards. The other party left.

But until I didn't come back today, I should have asked the master of the dark guard, and the master told her not to monitor.

Yin Xian sighed with a sigh of relief and said: "Well, you can continue."

Cao Yu nodded and then said something that had not been finished: "This tea has problems, but there are problems, but it is not really ‘tea,’ but ‘tea fragrant.’”

"Tea fragrance?" Yin Xian raised his head and fixed her, "every one."


Cao Yu is still very skillful. Green is good at Wu, Cao Yu is good at medicine. In order to safely give birth to the emperor to climb the position of the Queen Mother, these two right-handers are indispensable.

Cao Yu easily and easily explained the role and side effects of tea fragrance. After listening to Yin Xian, he loosened the frowning brow.

"I didn't expect the Queen to have some means..."

However, this injury hurts a thousand self-destruction of 800, tea is a smell that everyone will smell, then the Queen will also be recruited. Did she rather not have children, nor let other women be born? This is how much hatred the emperor will have to make this decision?

Yin Xian sighed, but unfortunately, her tea fragrance has obvious limited effect, otherwise Shen Guifei and the previous Anzhen could not be pregnant.

"There should be a law of restraint."

Cao Yuwen said with a smile: "That is natural, the old slave has an incense in his hand, just to restrain the side effects of this fragrance. Not to mention that this fragrance is weak, even if it is doubled, it can be resolved. ”

Yin Xian sighed with a slight smile: "So, it will be troublesome."

"What is there, what is the old slave? Just..." Cao Yu hesitated. "Do you want to go out and think about it?"

If the queen does this kind of thing, don't blame them for saying it!

Yin Xianguang flashed and did not answer immediately.

"The old slave means that there is no need for the maiden to go out in person, as long as it is revealed to the 虞 虞 仪 ........."

I heard that the right-hand daughter is a little brainless and somewhat impulsive.

She said this, Yin Xian shook his head instead: "No, the last time Mrs. Shu revealed the contraceptive pill, but put herself in, I am afraid that no one dares to shoot in a short time. Although Zhao Zhaoyi impulsive, but Not stupid. According to the news I got from this palace, she has no conflict with the queen. Instead, she wants to step on her sister's sorrow. If this is a matter of cherishing, it is feasible."

Yan Zhaoyi will not deal with the Queen for no reason, and the Queen will not be a Queen. She will only deal with her status, or have a hatred with her.

And now that the Queen has dealt with the Queen, if the Queen has not been rejected by the Emperor, then Zhao Zhaoyi must be retaliated by the Queen. If Zhao Zhaoyi is stupid, he will not have a long brain. He will offend the Queen and have no good fruit to eat. He may also invite a hostile hostile to their family, which will harm others.

Cao Yu sighed, and so, only the cheap queen escaped.

Yin Xian looked helplessly and looked at him: "Even if we reveal it, it may not be possible. Even the doctors can't see the problem of tea, and when they stand out, they are afraid that no one will believe it."

"The niece said it." Cao Yu stunned. "It is the old slave who wants to marry."

Green did not say a word in the whole process, she was a silent temper, not to say good. When she saw her own maiden, she was born: "The maiden does not have to worry, the queen only dares to use these means in the back, and there is no effect if there is a squat. If she uses the means of Zhengdaguang, there are subordinates. Keep your safety safe."

Yin Xian heard the words and laughed: "There is a right arm and a right arm. This palace naturally does not worry. This pamper is taken to wash it, and the incense is also used as soon as possible."


When Shen Guizhen returned to the palace, Man Chen took out the famous paintings she had wanted.

The artistic value of this painting is naturally not as high as that of other masters, but the person who wins the painting is the Princess of Tianrui. This long princess is a legendary female, and her work value is naturally rising. What's more, the painting is still another legendary county owner.

Shen Guifei slowly unfolded this well-preserved picture.

Among the pictures, a purple woman is bending over to check the pulse of the soldiers. The soldier was half lying on the sickbed, describing the dryness, and apparently suffering from a refractory disease.

The woman did not despise his bad appearance, looked indifferently, and seriously treated him for treatment.

- If Shen Yuqing did not see the half face, she must also feel that the county owner is really a great doctor.

However, there is no such thing.

With this side face exposed, will she not forget her dreams? !

This is the face of the poisonous sister base friend!

I think that in this world, there is also a "liked person" with the same name and the same name. Shen Yuqing's look suddenly subtle.

Shen Yuqing has such a presence, and if there is one in the pity, it still makes sense. The history book said that the original county owner was almost persecuted by the aunt and sister. After the illness, he suddenly figured it out and no longer allowed it. Later, I not only met the long princess, but also made some achievements.

If you think of Shen Yuqing's experience, is it that the pity also replaces the identity of the original Miss Gu? The original Miss Gu is sick and dead, and she is wearing a pity; or is she suspended from life, and she is wearing the identity of the other person?

In any case, Shen Yuqing’s 80% affirmed that the former dynasty county owner was her friend.

The base friend changed his ancestors, Shen Guizhen said that he was very sorry. It seems that he will only be able to burn the paper and add incense to the friends in the holidays.

- There are some small happy O(╮V≦)O!

Calling your aging mother for so many years, now I have been retribution!

Shen Guizhen was happy. He decided to pack up a room and hang it in the inside. Then he burned some paper money to the old friends who had already made an ancient book before the painting. It was also that she still read the old feelings.

Man Chen listened to the strange command of the noble lady, and looked strangely holding the album.

Could it be... my own maiden is the descendant of this county lord?

Maybe it is true, although the Niangniang is from the Western Region, it is difficult to protect the ancestors from the Tianxi Dynasty. However, the county owner heard that he had never married and had no descendants, but her sister-in-law had a child.

Is the noble lady a descendant of these people?

The full-time action was very fast, and it took a long time to arrange the Xiaolingtang. Shen Guifei went to the column incense and made a fuss about the paintings of the friends. Seeing that the friend of the base has died, it is feared that the bone **** has been corrupted. Shen Guizhen decided not to swear that the other party could not refute the opportunity to marry her. So it is rare to say something good, I wish her a good life in the next life.

After the smashing, the big-hearted noble lady walked away happily and watched the children go.

On the other hand, Man Chen thought that he had discovered the ancestor of the goddess, so he carefully took the star to the storeroom.

"What?" The star slaps the dust on the hand.

There are too many things in this storeroom, and it is impossible to clean up every day, so it has always been a little gray. The star looked at the dirty palm and his face was dark.

What is wrong with Man Chen? Why don’t you pull her to find the relics of the former lord?

Man Chen squinted and held the roster of treasures in the storehouse: "The lord is the ancestor of the maiden. Naturally, she must find her relics and keep them in good condition. If I turn back and accidentally give the reward, I will send it to you. How to do?"

A full star: "Is this still the case?"

In this case, it is really necessary to find out and supply it.

"Nature." Man Chen slightly decapitated, turned the roster to the next page, and quickly found the same medical ancient books, "called "Five Immortals", you go to the bookshelf to find."

There are two large bookshelves in the storeroom, one is to place a lonely book, and the other is to put a famous copybook and the like. The dust on the top was the most, and the full star ran to look for it, and turned over and felt that it was wrong.

After half an hour -

"Mother's full moon! Why don't you look for something yourself?!" The star is crazy.

This man, who is clean and holding a roster, stands by and looks at it. He only commands his mouth and does not do anything at all. This is not the case, she does not want to be hands-on, can not find a few eunuchs to help her find something? Do anything to enslave her!

The full moon swayed in front of him and waved the flying dust: "Nature is because you are very busy, give you something to do."

As a grandmother outside the main palace of the palace, the full moon can be said to be idle and not free. Especially since she threw the coffers and the gift-giving work to the full moon, she was completely left with a "live" with the adults and the blacks.

Man Chen couldn't see her playing lazy, and finally found an excuse to catch her.

"More than that." Man Chen slowly added, "This warehouse is yours, naturally you should come to find things. How can a small **** easily enter the urn of the maiden? The warehouse is a heavy palace, not everyone can come in of."

Full of stars: Oh.

Believe in your evil!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the mine: Liu Yi, Luo Wei, dream filling hole

Thanks for the grenade: Jinxiu Huanian

Thanks for the nutrient solution: Moonlight mirror +20, grilled fish +5

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