MTL - The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament-Chapter 1001 new heaven

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Yongding Xiandu, go to the study room.

A ghost guard reported to Xiao Nanfeng respectfully: "Shenhou Wujian said that he was with the avatars of the six saints, and they mentioned in their conversation that the bodies of the six saints were all beheaded, and their laws made Talismans were all snatched away by the top ten powerhouses."

Xiao Nanfeng's eyes condensed slightly, and he also had a better understanding of the strength of the top ten powerhouses. If they really fought that day, at least both sides would suffer.

"Wujian Shenhou asks, do you need to provide the locations of the six saint clones so that the Immortal Emperor can make a move?" the ghost guard asked.

Xiao Nanfeng shook his head and said: "No need, there must be more than one clone of the six saints, even if they were surrounded and killed, they would not be able to kill them cleanly. Since they haven't suspected Tang Xiaoyi, that's the best, too late, to cover and protect Tang Xiaoyi is the first priority."

"Yes!" The ghost guard said respectfully.

"Let Tang Xiaoyi pay attention to safety, if you have any needs, you can ask them." Xiao Nanfeng said.


"Go down first!" Xiao Nanfeng said.

The ghost guard saluted respectfully and withdrew.

Great Southern Fairy Capital, Peach Blossom Forest.

Xiao Nanfeng looked at one of Mrs. Yanzhi's maids, frowned and said, "Yanzhi hasn't left the customs yet? Even me?"

The maid said with a bitter face: "Xiao Xiandi, don't embarrass your servants, the Xiandi said before the retreat, no one will be seen, and even if Xiao Xiandi comes, don't bother her, the Xiandi is refining The talisman of the law, said that he will not leave the customs until he has fully comprehended the Tongtian Tree."

Xiao Nanfeng: "..."

Naturally, he wouldn't embarrass Rouge's maid, but, how many months has it been? Since the last time the three women had a conversation behind his back, the three women had retreated separately, so that he couldn't see them anymore.

Although he didn't know what the three women talked about at the beginning, Xiao Nanfeng understood that the three women were competing with each other, the key was the three women's rivalry, and he was the one who was unlucky.

"Forget it, since that's the case, let me know as soon as Rouge is out of customs." Xiao Nanfeng said.

"Yes!" said the maid.

Xiao Nanfeng had no choice but to step out of the peach blossom forest.

Outside the Peach Blossom Forest, a group of people in black robes were already waiting.

"Immortal Emperor, the Beihai Secret Realm has been dealt with, and the Immortal Emperor can go there at any time." A man in black said respectfully.

"Okay, lead the way!" Xiao Nanfeng said.

"Yes!" said the leader in black robe.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Nanfeng led a group of men in black robes to the sky and headed straight for the North Sea.

Not long after, they arrived at an island in the North Sea.

On that island, there was a group of demon clans standing, the leading demon king saw Xiao Nanfeng approaching, he immediately stepped forward and saluted, "I have seen Emperor Xiao Xian."

Xiao Nanfeng nodded and said, "Has the Dragon King of the North Sea come?"

"My lord is in seclusion. Let me wait here to hand over this secret realm to Emperor Xiao. My lord said that he will not show up. I hope that Emperor Xiao will forgive me." The dragon head demon king laughed.

"The Dragon King of Beihai really believes in people. Okay, I accept this secret realm. Thank you Dragon King of Beihai for me." Xiao Nanfeng said.

This is one of the top ten secret realms that Xiao Nanfeng provided the positions of the six great saints in exchange for the top ten powerhouses.

"Okay! I'll take my leave." The leading demon king saluted.

Then, the leading demon king led a group of demon clan and retreated slowly.

On the island, there is a group of strong men who have just handed over to this group of monsters.

"Open!" A strong man in Dazheng activated the magic weapon.

With a buzzing sound, a void hole appeared in front of everyone.

"Emperor Immortal, Lord Qingdeng is already waiting inside." The strong man said.

Xiao Nanfeng nodded, and led a group of people in black robes into the secret realm.

With a buzzing sound, the secret realm closed.

A group of people appeared in a mysterious place shrouded in fog. At this time, the blue lantern not far away immediately flew to the front and said: "Emperor Immortal, the arrangement has been made."

Xiao Nanfeng nodded, he sat cross-legged, and the formation was activated by the blue lantern.

With a bang, the sky darkened, and a giant hand that covered the sky descended from the sky, covering the surrounding area with thick fog, and a hand from the sky came towards Xiao Nanfeng.

With a roar, Xiao Nanfeng opened his mouth and inhaled. With the assistance of the bronze compass, the hand of heaven and the rolling dark clouds in the higher sky were swallowed by Xiao Nanfeng's belly with a roar.

The rolling force entered the body and was quickly decomposed by Xiao Nanfeng. The special evil power contained in the interior was all decomposed and sent into the golden tree, helping the golden tree to grow, while other forces were forging Xiao Nanfeng's body, allowing him to stronger.

Two hours later, Xiao Nanfeng digested the hand of heaven.

With a buzzing sound, Xiao Nanfeng opened his eyes.

"Immortal Emperor, your cultivation has not broken through?" Qing Deng asked in surprise.

Xiao Nanfeng nodded and said: "I have opened the door of my heart. If I want to break through, I need to consume more energy. A giant hand from the sky is not enough for me to break through."

Qing Deng opened his mouth, how did the Immortal Emperor cultivate? The hand of heaven that suppressed the evil king is not enough to break through?

"The top ten experts agreed to give me one secret realm each, and there are nine more secret realms. Let's continue." Xiao Nanfeng said.

"Yes!" Qing Deng nodded with a strange expression.

In this secret realm, without the power of the heavenly rules, many good things can be collected.

Xiao Nanfeng left this place for his subordinates to clean up, and then left with Qing Deng.

After leaving this secret realm, the two went straight to the next secret realm.

After running through four secret realms in a row, each secret realm devoured all the power of the heavenly rules, and only after a loud roar, a huge wave of flames erupted from Xiao Nanfeng's body.

"Da Luo Jin Wonderland, Seventh Heaven? Good! Continue! Let's go to the next secret realm." Xiao Nanfeng stood up, his eyes flashed brightly.

Although he is still not sure how the top ten powerhouses divided up the six saints, but the top ten powerhouses can be regarded as trustworthy, and each powerhouse arranges the handover of subordinates, providing him with a secret realm.

In the next two months, he went to many secret places one after another. Finally, when all the power of the heavenly rules in the tenth secret realm was refined, there was another roar from his body, and a terrifying wave of flames erupted again.

"Da Luo Jin Wonderland, Eight Heavens?" Xiao Nanfeng took a long breath and opened his eyes.

Daluojin Wonderland, Eight Heavens?

He now feels full of strength. At this time, if he fights against Jade Prajna again, he will be confident that he can beat Jade Prajna without having to manipulate the power of a country, and without the power of three women entering his body.

"Congratulations to the Immortal Emperor, your cultivation base has greatly improved." Qing Deng laughed.

"Thanks to your assistance, otherwise, I wouldn't have improved so fast." Xiao Nanfeng laughed.

"The Immortal Emperor is absurd, it's all the ability of the Immortal Emperor." Qing Deng said modestly.

In a dark hall.

The clones of the six saints gathered together.

"Sages and lords, it's inappropriate for me to talk to you, right?" Tang Xiaoyi said beside him.

"You stay and help us argue for good and bad luck." A saint clone said.

"I don't know how to distinguish between bad and good. I only feel a little when I'm in danger." Tang Xiaoyi said.

"We need your ability. Back then, if we had listened to you and stopped staring at Xiao Nanfeng, we wouldn't have suffered so badly."

"That's right, **** Xiao Nanfeng, and those bastards, what method did they use to find us?"

"Tang Xiaoyi, from now on, you have been following us and helping us sense danger."

A group of saints kept talking.

It's not that they didn't suspect that there was something wrong with Tang Xiaoyi. The key point was that Tang Xiaoyi tried to persuade them to avoid Xiao Nanfeng every time, but every time they didn't listen, they suffered disasters. Therefore, they trusted Tang Xiaoyi more and more strangely.

"Yes, I listen to you masters." Tang Xiaoyi said immediately.

At this time, several saints complained to each other.

"I can't sense my law token at all."

"So do I. In the past six months, our Law Talismans may have been refined by those thieves."

"Hmph, when God comes back, I want them to look good!"

Several saints kept counting angrily.

Tang Xiaoyi stood aside, not daring to make a sound, but patiently watched the saints complaining, and at the same time looked at the saint who called everyone here today. The saint had been sitting there drinking tea without speaking, as if waiting for everyone End of topic.

Sure enough, all the saints chatted for a while, and all looked at the saint, and one of them said, "Saint Wushang, you summoned us today, why haven't you spoken?"

The martial wounded sage smiled slightly and said, "I'm waiting for you to finish talking."

"Oh?" All the saints were puzzled, and they all fell silent.

The sage Wushang took a sip of his tea and said with a slight smile, "It's time for us to take revenge."

"Revenge? Our body is dead, and the laws and tokens have been robbed. How can we take revenge? Now we have become the target of everyone in the world. As long as we show our faces, we will surely die. Want revenge?" A saint shook his head, With a look of disbelief, he added a sentence: "Unless the new heaven comes, otherwise, we won't be able to show our faces at all."

Saint Wushang smiled slightly and said, "You are right, the new heaven has come."

The pupils of all the saints shrank suddenly, and they all looked at the saint Wushang in disbelief.

"What did you say? The new heaven has come? Where is it?" a saint asked in surprise.

Tang Xiaoyi's complexion changed, his breathing stagnated, and he felt panic.

"My other avatar has been guarding outside the waiting for the new heaven to come. Just yesterday, the new heaven has arrived, and it is just outside the sky. My other avatar has already gone to Goodbye. Now, I want to take you to meet the new heaven. Would you like to go with me?" Wushang Saint said.

The eyes of the saints changed for a while, as if they were analyzing whether the words of the saint Wushang were true or not.

In the end, a sage suddenly looked at Tang Xiaoyi and said, "Tang Xiaoyi, is what the sage Wushang said true? Is there any danger?"

Tang Xiaoyi immediately said: "I didn't sense anything, I don't know."

Seeing that Tang Xiaoyi didn't sense the danger, all the saints showed joy.

"Wushang, let's go, take us to meet the new heaven." A saint said excitedly.

"Go, let's go! I've had enough of this kind of life, the new heaven has come, it's great, take us to pay respects." Another saint said excitedly.

All the saints showed signs of excitement.

ps: I wish everyone a happy new year and auspicious Year of the Rabbit.

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