MTL - The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament-Chapter 1019 white haired monster

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Chapter 1019 White Haired Monster

At the very moment, with the help of the ancient altar, Xiao Nanfeng finally entered the Baisheng Secret Realm. The hole in the void behind him opened wide. The Empress roared outside, but he didn't dare to follow in. Not long after, the hole in the void behind him disappeared.

In an instant before, the Supreme Master caused the collapse of the golden tree in a way that hurt both sides, and exploded with monstrous power, destroying all the magic weapons that the three daughters had lent to Xiao Nanfeng to block the door of his heart, and even destroyed Xiao Nanfeng's heart world. All exploded.

Xiao Nanfeng's face turned ugly for a while, but the world of the heart can be repaired slowly, so he didn't care too much, and quickly left the place with his injuries.

At the same time, he also saw the general outline of Bai Sheng's secret realm.

The environment in front of the secret environment is very similar to the outside world, with lush mountains and forests, endless rivers, and vast land, endless. The only abnormality is that the sky has been snowing lightly, even where there are no clouds, it is also snowing lightly, but this light snow did not land on the ground, and slowly disappeared in mid-air.

He didn't observe much, but found a hidden valley and temporarily retreated.

He sat cross-legged, sensing his physical condition at the moment, and waved his hand, the main **** space appeared, the great moon disappeared, leaving only the sky full of stars, and the red, purple, and blue three moons hanging in the sky.

"Fortunately, the secret of the number of stars has never been known to the empress." Xiao Nanfeng breathed out softly.

At this moment, a powerful air force locked the valley where he was. His face changed, knowing that he had been discovered, and he stepped into the sky.

At this moment, with a bang, the valley was cut down by a sword light, causing the formation he arranged to shatter instantly, and causing the surrounding mountains to collapse.

"Who?" Xiao Nanfeng asked in surprise.

But I saw a man holding a long sword standing in mid-air. Except for the outline of the man's face, the man's whole body was covered with long white hair.

"Who is Your Excellency? Why did you sneak attack me?" Xiao Nanfeng said coldly.

The white-haired man didn't speak, but looked at Xiao Nanfeng coldly, and a bright moon slowly emerged between his brows, it was a bright moon.

"You also practiced "Tai Shang Yin Nerve"?" Xiao Nanfeng asked with a concentrated expression.

But I saw that Taishang Haoyue slowly floating in the air, bursting with a faint white light, and then split from the middle, with a buzzing sound, as if the eyelids were stretched open, revealing a fierce black pupil and white eye.

As soon as Taishang Haoyue's transformed eyes opened, a murderous aura locked onto Xiao Nanfeng, and Xiao Nanfeng's expression darkened, as if he had a premonition of something.

Sure enough, Taishang Haoyue made a voice and said: "Xiao Nanfeng, do you think that I don't enter the Baisheng Secret Realm because I can't get in? No, it's because I don't need to come in at all."

"Your avatar consciousness in the outside world can contact Bai Sheng's secret realm?" Xiao Nanfeng asked in surprise.

"You only know now? It's too late." Taishang Haoyue said coldly, and then said to the white-haired man beside him, "Kill him."

"Yes!" The white-haired man said respectfully.

Then, the white-haired man swung the long sword in his hand, and a beam of sword light went straight towards Xiao Nanfeng. Xiao Nanfeng's eyes turned cold, and he reached out and punched him.

With a bang, the sword and fist collided, creating a huge wave of air, and Xiao Nanfeng was cut so that he retreated.

"The white-haired monster in the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian?" Xiao Nanfeng asked in surprise.

The white-haired man's eyes turned cold, he moved faster, and once again slashed at Xiao Nanfeng with his sword.

"Ba fist!"

With a bang, the two fought. The white-haired man's sword light was extremely powerful, and it was getting faster and faster. Wherever it passed, it was surrounded by boundless sword energy. This sword technique is extremely rare in the outside world. The sword light flashed continuously, Not even a human being. And Xiao Nanfeng couldn't parry it even with Baquan. Fortunately, he has candlelight supernatural powers, and he jumped short distances in space time and time again at the most critical time, avoiding it time and time again.

This is Xiao Nanfeng's soul body, and his injuries have not healed, so naturally he fought extremely hard.

While Xiao Nanfeng was fighting, he looked at Taishang Haoyue who was watching the battle high in the sky, and wanted to rush over, but the white-haired man was too strong and suppressed Xiao Nanfeng time and time again.

Xiao Nanfeng could feel the sneer of Taishang Haoyue in the sky.

Xiao Nanfeng's eyes turned cold, and he waved his hand: "Town!"

With a bang, the white-haired man was suppressed by the Dazheng Tianxi that fell from the sky, and was instantly crushed immobile.

"Didn't you already run out of luck before? How could you activate the Great Zheng Tianxi?" Taishang Haoyue asked in surprise.

"It was exhausted before, but didn't it be replenished?" Xiao Nanfeng said coldly.

Taishang Haoyue's expression froze, and she said in a cold voice: "I have forgotten that Dazheng collects luck at a different speed now. During the battle between you and me, it was true that we could accumulate some luck, but the amount is not much, right?"

"The amount of luck is not much, but it is enough." Xiao Nanfeng said coldly.

Xiao Nanfeng approached the white-haired man in an instant, and punched him in the head.

With a loud bang, under the dual effects of Dazheng Tianxi and Baquan, the white-haired man's head exploded, and he died on the spot.

Xiao Nanfeng reached out and took the long sword from the white-haired man's hand, as well as some of his treasures.

Putting away the Great Zheng Tianxie, Xiao Nanfeng went straight to the Taishang Haoyue high in the sky.

Taishang Haoyue did not escape, but said coldly: "You think you won? Don't worry, this is just the beginning. Next, let's play a game."

"Game?" Xiao Nanfeng asked doubtfully.

"The name of the game is 'The whole world is chasing you', hahahaha!" Taishang Haoyue laughed.

With a bang, Xiao Nanfeng blasted Taishang Haoyue with one punch. He seemed to have guessed something, and at the same time sensed something, he raised his head and looked into the distance.

I saw a large number of white-haired monsters rushing towards them in the distance, but their aura was rather weak, and their faces were covered with long white hairs. Among them, there were a few white-haired monsters with a Taishang Haoyue floating out of their heads. , and all opened their eyes, directing them to rush towards Xiao Nanfeng.

With a roar, the first white-haired monster approached.

Xiao Nanfeng's expression changed, and with a bang, he punched the white-haired monster flying away. But he was also surrounded by a group of white-haired monsters. These white-haired monsters are not strong. Maybe they came here at the first time because they were close. It is not difficult for him to defeat these white-haired monsters, but, But he didn't stay, because he guessed that a large number of white-haired monsters would come, so he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

With a whoosh, he left a large number of white-haired monsters behind him, and he ran away quickly. Soon, he found that there were white-haired monsters chasing one after another everywhere. He covered himself with mist, jumped into the forest, and looked around in all directions at the same time. After two days, he was sure to shake off all the white-haired monsters.

"When I was healing before, how did the emperor find a place?" He frowned and thought.

Suddenly, he looked at the snow in mid-air, thoughtfully, then covered himself with mist, flew high into the sky, and entered the snowy area. Sure enough, after a while, several powerful auras came from a distance.

His complexion changed, he fled in a hurry, flew to a place where there was a sea, dived into the sea, and escaped the pursuit.

"Is it snow in midair? As soon as I enter the snowy area in midair, can I be found? I was constantly tracked during the flight before?" Xiao Nanfeng wondered.

He didn't stay long, but quickly left the sea area.

He didn't go to investigate the surroundings, because he escaped all the way and found that countless white-haired monsters were searching for his whereabouts. If he continued to be exposed, he might not be able to escape every time.

Now, what he needs is to strengthen himself so that he will not run away when facing the white-haired monsters again.

He took out the Great Zheng Tianxie again from a hidden seabed.

"It's up to you whether you can improve your cultivation." Xiao Nanfeng smiled wryly.

He stepped into the Dazheng Tianxi space. This is his big hole card. Although he has used it before, he has been deliberately ignoring this great fortune ever since he realized that the evil things in his body might be plotting against him. , and because of his prudence, the Supreme Master did not pay too much attention to this thing.

The Dazheng Tianxi was originally a purple sacred stone that Zulong brought back from the sky. Back then, even the Taoist ancestor of the Sanqing hadn't researched a clue. It was only because of his special soul that he could enter the space of the purple sacred stone and finally obtain the purple sacred stone. approved.

Entering the space of Dazheng Tianxi, he once again saw countless gray energies and some purple rays of light. He didn't know what these were, but it was this gray energy and purple light that actually repaired the original Heavenly Dao Map. At that time, he knew that this must be a top-level good fortune.

He is trying to absorb this good fortune at this He sat cross-legged, opened his mouth and inhaled, inhaling this energy into his body.

With a buzzing sound, he showed a look of pain: "Sure enough, it's the same as when I absorbed it last time. This gray energy is so muddy, it makes me feel so uncomfortable!"

This gray energy entered his body, and it seemed that his soul was going to be filthy and collapsed. Last time, it was like this that made him dispel the idea of ​​refining this energy. Now that the soul is so strong, it still can't do it?

Just when he was irritable and depressed, suddenly, a suction force seemed to be produced in his main **** space.

"Huh?" His expression changed.

He unfolded the main god's space, and suddenly, the stars all over the sky seemed to produce a suction force, actually absorbing these gray energy.

"This is..." Xiao Nanfeng showed surprise.

Amidst the buzzing sound, the stars all over the sky also absorbed the gray energy he had just swallowed, making him feel much better. At the same time, as the amount of absorbed gray energy increased, the stars became brighter and brighter. And spin faster and faster.

The sky is full of stars, divided into nine starry sky areas, and these nine areas burst out nine kinds of light at a time. Vaguely, the silhouettes of nine sky-reaching giant trees appeared in the nine areas.

"Nine Datongtian Trees? Starry Sky wants to use these gray energies to condense into Nine Datongtian Trees? No, the Nine Datongtian Trees are originally one. Then, this is to condense and replicate the Nine-Color Giant Tree?" Xiao Nan Feng's breathing stagnates, and a burst of ecstasy arises in his heart.

The map of heaven records the laws of heaven in the world, that is, all the laws and rules of the world tree in the past, and this gray energy has such a terrifying power to condense the laws and rules into a new world tree? Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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