MTL - The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament-Chapter 1024 Tai Shang Zhan 3 Qing

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Chapter 1024

The golden tree is resplendent and possesses monstrous divine power. It draws billowing power from the cosmic void and pours it into the Taishang's body.

The purple gold tree can also absorb the rolling power from the void of the universe, making the power of Daozu Yuqing reach the extreme.

With a bang, the two fists collided, and the Taishang lost a little and retreated a thousand feet.

"Survey the sky in ten days." The Taishang stopped shouting.

With a sound of wow, the ten golden crows flew out of the Taishang Dantian, spread their wings and shouted loudly, they did not fly to the distant sun, but landed on the ten branches of the golden tree.

With a buzzing sound, the ten golden crows used the power of the golden tree to generate an extremely large suction force, absorbing all the sunlight within millions of miles, and the range of this absorption is still expanding, and the power of the sun is pouring in. , Feed back into Taishang's body, making Taishang's power strengthened by a large amount again.

With a bang, the two palmed each other, this time, the Taishang managed to catch the power of Daozu Yuqing.

"Xiao Nanfeng's physical body actually has such potential?" Daozu Yuqing asked in surprise.

"Otherwise, why do you think I would take the risk of being discovered by you again and take away this body? This body has not yet reached Hunyuan, but you will see it soon." Taishang sneered.

With a bang, the two of them fought fiercely again. Daozu Yuqing had countless methods, Yuqing folded the plum hand, Yuqing covered the sea palm, and Yuqing eclipsed the sun. The moves are not weaker than him.

During this period, there were bursts of white light all over Tai's body, but it was during the battle. He used the aftermath of Yuqing Daozu's attack on his body to purify his soul and body, and became the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Daozu Yuqing naturally saw Taishang's plan, but he didn't expose it. Instead, he sneered while fighting: "This body was forged by Xiao Nanfeng, and it has long been filled with Xiao Nanfeng. Only the soul of Xiao Nanfeng, the trace of the true spirit, can merge with this physical body, depending on you? It can't be done."

While fighting, the Taishang merged his body and soul and said: "You are right, only Xiao Nanfeng's soul can perfectly integrate with this body, but, I am afraid you don't know, my soul is also full of the soul of Xiao Nanfeng. The same true spirit trace."

Daozu Yuqing shrank his pupils and said, "You raised your own soul in Xiao Nanfeng's soul? Did you use that trick?".

"It turns out that back then you knew that I would use that trick against you, so you avoided it on purpose." Tai Shang said coldly.

"Xiao Nanfeng met you too early, he was powerless to resist, but back then we would not be at your mercy, but now it seems that your trick is nothing, isn't it discovered by Xiao Nanfeng? Was Xiao Nanfeng escaped? You really have nothing to fetch from a bamboo basket!" Daozu Yuqing sneered and tried.

"How do you know that Xiao Nanfeng escaped?" Taishang said angrily.

"If Xiao Nanfeng hadn't escaped, you would have threatened me with Xiao Nanfeng a long time ago, right? Although I don't care about Xiao Nanfeng's life or death, but with your character, you will still do it. What's more, Da Zhengxian There is no fluctuation in the golden dragon's luck, which means that Xiao Nanfeng is fine, and you can't do anything to Xiao Nanfeng." Daozu Yuqing said tentatively.

"Hmph!" Taishang snorted coldly.

He was extremely annoyed at the moment, not only because Daozu Yuqing had guessed the truth, but also because Xiao Nanfeng was making him suffer everywhere in Baisheng's secret realm.

"Don't worry, he won't escape, I will catch him soon." Tai Shang said coldly.

Daozu Yuqing's pupils shrank, and he heard a lot of information from the emperor's few words.

"The world of your heart cannot be controlled by you?" Daozu Yuqing asked with a flickering expression.

"What did you say?" Taishang's expression darkened.

"Ha, I fully understand, you can't control the heart world trapped in the ancient altar, and Xiao Nanfeng is causing huge damage to you inside, right?" Daozu Yuqing laughed.

"Yuqing, aren't you being too self-righteous?" Taishang naturally denied it.

"Ha, you can't hide it from me. My Yuqing Yin nerve was born out of the Taishang Yin nerve, and many of them are common. I have the Ziyue illusion, and you must have a similar heart world, but I have never seen it. You have performed it, it seems that you are subject to some kind of restriction, and Xiao Nanfeng can escape from your hands, it must be inside." Yuqing Daozu laughed.

Taishang's face darkened for a while.

"I'm also curious about your identity. How could you be imprisoned in the ancient altar?" Yuqing Daozu narrowed his eyes and looked at the Supreme Being.

"Guess what!" Tai Shang was naturally unwilling to say.

The two fought more and more fiercely, causing monstrous shocks in the void.

In this way, the battle went on for a whole day.

Suddenly, a bright golden light burst out from Tai Tai's body, and his strength suddenly swelled countless. With a bang, he punched Daozu Yuqing backwards and flew hundreds of miles away. A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Qing Daozu's mouth.

"Are you a Hunyuan?" Daozu Yuqing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and asked in surprise.

"Thank you very much, if it weren't for your power to help me refine this fleshy body, I don't know how long it would take to reach Hunyuan, hahahaha!" Taishang laughed excitedly.

Daozu Yuqing didn't seem to believe it: "My power is full of destructive Yang power, how can I help you Hunyuan?"

"Have you forgotten my skills?" Taishang laughed.

"Hunyuan Taiji, transformation of yin and yang?" Daozu Yuqing's pupils shrank.

"You know this, it's already too late. Now let's calculate the various debts you have caused me to lose over the past ten thousand years!" Tai Shang said coldly.

In a cold voice, he waved his hand, and with a buzzing sound, the bright moon in the sky floated in the air, and a stream of silver light scattered in all directions. In this vacuum, suddenly there was boundless heavy snow. Wherever the heavy snow passed, the void condensed. Strips of white ice crystals swept towards Daozu Yuqing, but some dark matter in the vacuum was actually affected by the Taishang Haoyue, and was mobilized into a cold tsunami.

"Ziyue hangs in the sky!" Daozu Yuqing said coldly.

With a buzzing sound, a round of purple moon floated in the air, and the boundless purple snow in the purple light rushed towards the opposite side. The purple moon seemed to have the same power as the bright moon of the Taishang, attracting countless dark matter and rushing towards the sun.

With a bang, the two forces collided, causing the void to shake violently again, but the collision of dark matter seemed to be not loud.

Daozu Yuqing and Taishang slammed their palms at each other again, and each gave their best.

The Taishang laughed ferociously and said, "I'm already Hunyuan, this time, you lose!"

Daozu Yuqing sneered, "Have you forgotten what I just said? Your Hunyuan will eventually have flaws. No matter how similar your soul is to Xiao Nanfeng's soul, it is not Xiao Nanfeng's soul. It will never be the same as this physical body." A hybrid."

"Death is imminent, are you still stubborn? Die for me!" Taishang said fiercely.

With a bang, the place where the palms of the two collided exploded into a shocking shock wave, but this time Daozu Yuqing was not sent flying. Instead, it blocked the Taishang's palm for life.

"How did your strength become stronger? This is wrong." Taishang said in surprise.

But at this moment, behind the Ziyue of Yuqing Daozu, two rounds of bright moons, red and blue, slowly emerged, and the two moons were also arousing the dark matter in the void, forming a huge force to assist Ziyue. It suppressed the power of Taishang Haoyue.

"It's you? Taiqing, Shangqing?" Taishang's pupils shrank.

But behind Daozu Yuqing, an old man in red and a middle-aged man in blue appeared. The two each launched a force to help Daozu Yuqing block the power of the Supreme, and they counterattacked, suppressing too much. They are naturally Taiqing Daozu and Shangqing Daozu.

Taiqing Daozu suddenly said: "Taishang? If my guess is correct, you should be an important member of the Heishi clan, right?"

"Heishi Clan?" Daozu Yuqing and Daozu Shangqing suddenly shrank their pupils.

The next moment, the two of them figured out the key point, and immediately stared at Taishang.

"Taiqing? You are still as wise as ever. You guessed right, but what can you do?" Taishang sneered.

"Of course, I will kill you!" Daozu Taiqing said coldly.

With a bang, the Taoist ancestors of the three Qings joined forces and blasted out with each palm. The three monstrous forces were instantly crushed too high, and they couldn't move. Their Sanyue hung in the air, suppressing Taishang Haoyue.

The purple golden tree, red golden tree, and blue golden tree bloomed with bright light, covering up the light of the golden tree.

The Supreme Being was suppressed by the three of them, and for a moment he showed a ferocious expression: "Your strength has actually reached this level? In the first place, you should have been killed."

"It's you who should be damned now!" Daozu Taiqing said coldly.

"I'll kill him." Daozu Shangqing drew out the long sword from his waist.

"Two, wait a minute!" Daozu Yuqing said suddenly.

"Huh?" Daozu Taiqing and Daozu Shangqing looked at Daozu Yuqing suspiciously.

"If you two trust me, pour your strength into my body, and I will do it." Daozu Yuqing said.

Taiqing and Shangqing raised their eyebrows. They had known each other for thousands of years, so they naturally heard something in Yuqing Taoist's words.

"Okay!" The two responded without hesitation.

The two drew their own energy and poured it into Yuqing Daozu's body. The power of the red moon and the blue moon are introduced into the purple moon, and the power of the red gold tree and the blue gold tree is also poured into the purple gold tree.

In an instant, Daozu Yuqing's power increased innumerably and became extremely bright, and a lot of sweat beads appeared on his head when he was overwhelmed.

"What do you want to do?" Taishang suddenly felt a little bad.

"I said, there is a flaw in your Hunyuan. Now, I will break your Hunyuan." Daozu Yuqing said coldly.

While speaking, Daozu Yuqing's power changed, and there was a black light mixed with the purple light, which struck Taishang heavily with a bang. Taishang blocked the purple light, but could not block the black light.

The black light entered the body, Taishang trembled all over, and then there was a bang, a large amount of blood exploded from his body, Taishang Haoyue burst open, and the golden tree burst into countless pieces in an instant, Taishang was beaten upside down and flew out. UU Reading

"Impossible, how could you break my Hunyuan body? No, there was a problem with your ability to temper my physical body before, and you did something wrong before? Pfft!" Taishang vomited blood and exclaimed.

"I only know now, it's too late!" Daozu Yuqing said coldly.

With a flash of his figure, he came in front of the seriously injured Taishang.

But Taishang showed hatred and said: "I should have thought of it earlier, you and Taiqing are vicious people."

"Yuqing Soul Slayer Hand!" Daozu Yuqing patted it down with a palm.

The palm that was braving purple flames slammed on Taishang's body, and the purple golden tree slammed towards the golden tree. With a bang, the golden tree shattered countless times, and the ten golden crows screamed, and exploded into countless golden flames and returned to Taishang's dantian. Taishang's wounded body exploded with a lot of blood, and his injuries were serious, as if he was about to collapse in the next moment.

At this moment, a white light appeared in front of Taishang, Taishang's wounded body flashed, entered the white light, disappeared, and the golden tree also disappeared in a flash.

"You wait, I will make you irreversible, puff!" A curse from the Supreme Master came from the disappearing white light.

With a buzzing sound, Daozu Yuqing put away the Zijin Tree and Ziyan.

The other two Taoist ancestors suddenly stepped forward.

"How is it?" Daozu Taiqing asked.

"The Taishang was seriously injured by us again, but with all his strength, he should have escaped back to the world of his heart and returned to the ancient altar." Daozu Yuqing said.

"Oh?" The two frowned.

"However, the blow just now allowed me to successfully leave a tracking mark on him, and I can lock his heart world." Yuqing Daozu said.

"Okay!" The two smiled with satisfaction. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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