MTL - The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament-Chapter 1029 all women together

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Baisheng secret realm.

In the clouds, Taishang Haoyue opened Nuo Da's eyes one after another, looking in surprise at the countless army of monsters emerging from the distance, the number of red-haired monsters, purple-haired monsters, and blue-haired monsters is actually more than that of white-haired monsters out many times.

"You three stinky girls, even if you have practiced "San Qing Yin Nerve", it is impossible to create these monsters. These monsters were lent to you by San Qing?" Taishang Haoyue said angrily.

"Kill!" The three girls stopped drinking almost at the same time.

With a roar, countless red-haired monsters, purple-haired monsters, and blue-haired monsters rushed towards the white-haired monsters on the opposite side.

At the same time, the three women also took out their treasures and killed them.

In Zhang Lingjun's hand was a piece of red futon. Once the futon came out, it was like a mill covering the sky. Wherever it passed, all the white-haired monsters were strangled and crushed.

In Xia Xiaoyu's hand is a purple banner, and purple sword energy emerges from the purple banner, like a heart sword, tearing down all white-haired monsters wherever it passes.

In Lan Yaoguang's hands were four blue long swords, and all four swords came out at the same time, tearing apart the void and beheading everything.

With a bang, the battle started, and the three women suppressed the strongest white-haired monsters with their magic weapons.

A Taishang Haoyue shouted: "Golden tree, gravity!"

With a buzzing sound, the golden tree attracted countless power and poured it into the body of the strongest white-haired monster. The power of that white-haired monster suddenly increased countless.

"Nine-color giant tree, gravity!" the three girls shouted.

With a buzzing sound, the nine-color giant tree also attracted countless powers into the three women's bodies, and the three women's power surged for a while.

The three women fought against the strongest white-haired monster. With a bang, the forces of both sides blasted the void and the three women blocked the white-haired monster.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for the golden tree being severely injured by Sanqing, how would it make you proud?" Taishang Haoyue said angrily.

In the midst of the rumble, the battle continued, and Taishang Haoyue naturally would not stop there. After the top white-haired monster was defeated by the three women, it immediately picked another white-haired monster to inherit the power of the golden tree, and continued to fight. At the same time, recruit white-haired monsters from all over the world to rush here, and it will completely consume the three girls to death.

Just like that, after fighting for three days and three nights, Taishang Haoyue panicked.

"How many monsters have you brought? Why can't you kill them all?" Taishang Haoyue exclaimed.

The mountains of corpses of countless monsters have been covered in all directions. Monsters of all colors can be reborn after dying in their respective illusions, but they cannot be reborn in the outside world. When they die, they are corpses.

The white-haired monster died, entangled by the roots of the nine-color giant tree, and turned into fertilizer to be consumed.

The three women had already collected a large number of corpses of their own monsters, but their monster army had never decreased.

In the past three days, countless monsters died, and Taishang Haoyue also felt that he could not hold on anymore.

Because the monsters summoned by the three women are endless, which is a bit wrong. Moreover, after the nine-color giant tree devoured the corpse of the white-haired monster, it continued to solidify and became stronger and stronger.

The three girls have also become stronger and stronger, not only the power provided by the nine-color giant tree has increased, but the strength of the three girls themselves seems to be improving.

This endless consumption, the three women are not consumed to death, these white-haired monsters are probably about to usher in a catastrophe.

"Retreat first!" Taishang Haoyue exclaimed in shock.

Countless white-haired monsters were ordered to retreat crazily.

However, they didn't retreat far away, they just temporarily ceased fighting not far away at a distance. Of course, it was because Taishang Haoyue didn't dare to leave with the Golden Tree.

If he leaves with the golden tree at this moment, once Xiao Nanfeng opens the space of the Dazheng Tianxie, he can dispatch the giant nine-color tree, and it will be unstoppable if it takes away Xiao Nanfeng's physical clone. The golden tree is nearby, as long as Xiao Nanfeng opens the Dazheng Tianxi space, it can restrain Xiao Nanfeng.

Now, the Taishang is also holding back his big move, secretly summoning more and more white-haired monsters from all over the world.

The three women were not in a hurry to chase and kill them. The sudden truce at this moment was exactly the same as the situation Xiao Nanfeng had deduced. They all took a long breath and sat down. Obviously, their three-day battle was not easy. Even with the power provided by the nine-color giant tree, they were exhausted. They sat on a rock to heal their wounds and recovered. Each of them has some scars on their bodies, and I don't know if it is the reason for the three days of life and death together. The eyes they look at each other are much softer now.

Zhang Lingjun said: "Xia Xiaoyu, thank you for helping me block the sword earlier."

Xia Xiaoyu shook her head and said: "You should thank Fairy Yaoguang, her four swords just now are the key to our victory."

But Lan Yaoguang shook his head and said, "Without Zhang Lingjun's futon as a shield, I wouldn't be able to exert the power of that blow."

While the three women were talking, they looked at each other and smiled, and then healed quickly.

The nine-color giant tree is also enjoying this huge harvest. The billowing white-haired monster is consumed by it. The nine-color giant tree is becoming clearer and more real, and even the countless lines on the tree can be seen. The giant tree is getting stronger and stronger.

The three women's injuries were not serious, and they recovered quickly, and their cultivation base has improved again.

Xia Xiaoyu frowned and said, "The white-haired monsters are avoiding fighting over there, what should we do next?"

Zhang Lingjun took a deep breath and said, "Nanfeng said before that we should do our best to slaughter the white-haired monsters and supply the nine-color giant tree. If they don't fight, then let's do it and continue to kill the white-haired monsters here." clean."

"Okay!" The two girls said at the same time.

While talking, they each took out the Daozu

The bestowed ball of light released more and more three-color monsters, killing them towards the opposite battlefield.

The outside world, Yongding Xiandu.

Madam Yanzhi, Shenhuang, and Liu Miaoyin also gathered together, and some important officials of Dazheng stood beside them.

Ye Sanshui asked worriedly: "Three Immortal Emperors, I wonder if the Immortal Emperors are safe now?"

The three women were silent for a while, and finally described what they knew.

Listening to the description of the three women, the expressions of all the Dazheng officials changed. Is the Immortal Emperor imprisoned?

Ye Dafu was the first to say: "I believe in the ability of the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Emperor will be able to save the day."

Wen Zhong also nodded and said, "That's right, Da Zheng's luck is stable, which means that the Immortal Emperor is fine."

Even so, many officials still showed concern.

At this time, Liu Miaoyin suddenly said: "I want to say a few words, I hope you will cooperate with me."

"Oh?" Mrs. Rouge and the Emperor of God both showed doubts.

"Emperor Liuxian, please order." Dazheng's officials also said immediately.

Everyone showed curiosity. They knew that Liu Miaoyin had unconditional trust in Xiao Nanfeng. She never even intervened in the establishment and governance of the Great Purity Immortal Dynasty. She entrusted everything to Xiao Nanfeng and never expressed her opinion. , but this time he suddenly took charge, and there must be something extraordinary.

Liu Miaoyin took a deep breath and said, "My husband is in prison now, but we cannot be pessimistic. At this critical moment, I hope we can do something for my husband."

Madam Rouge frowned and said, "What do you want to do?"

She was extremely irritable, and her heart was full of worries about Xiao Nanfeng, if Liu Miaoyin hadn't spoken, she would not have listened to anyone's words.

The God Emperor was also in a similar state, and looked at Liu Miaoyin curiously.

Liu Miaoyin was silent for a while and said: "From the beginning to the end, I believe that my husband can save the whole world. Although my husband is trapped in that secret realm, I believe that my husband will definitely win out. Of course, some people may think that This is my wishful thinking, but I think this belief is unquestionable."

"Emperor Liuxian is right." All the officials said one after another.

Madam Rouge and the Emperor also nodded.

Liu Miaoyin went on to say: "I hope that when your husband is fighting for the crown, we can share some affairs for your husband within our capacity."

Madam Rouge frowned and asked, "You mean...?"

Liu Miaoyin said: "The Great Confucian Emperor and the top powerhouses in the world were killed by the Supreme. I don't feel sorry for them. They are greedy and want to take away their husbands. Sooner or later it will lead to disaster. The Great Immortal Dynasty blocked the unification of the world, thinking that it would be able to control the husband at the critical moment, but it violated the general trend of the world to fight against the enemy wholeheartedly. Now, they are dead, but it may not be a bad thing. It’s vulnerable.”

Madam Rouge's expression changed and she said, "You want to take this opportunity to unify the world?"

Liu Miaoyin nodded and said: "The Four Dynasties of the Great Zheng have already controlled nearly 70% of the territory of the world. This is a rare opportunity. We need to remove all obstacles for my husband, and pave the way for my husband to be promoted to the Emperor of Heaven."

The eyes of all the officials lit up.

Madam Yanzhi and Shenhuang looked at Liu Miaoyin unexpectedly. It wasn't that they didn't want to do this in the past, but because they were too worried about Xiao Nanfeng's safety, and they couldn't be interested in anything at the moment. At this moment, Liu Miaoyin's words suppressed their disturbed hearts for a while.

The Emperor of God nodded and said: "Okay, instead of worrying about it every day, it's better to find something to do."

Madam Rouge also nodded and said, "Okay!"

Liu Miaoyin looked at the officials of Dazheng and said, "Everyone, would you like to help us?"

All the ministers were moved, they looked at each other, and finally Wen Zhong said: "Although there is no order from the emperor, the three are the Empress of the Great Zheng Emperor. I am willing to listen to the emperor's order."

"I would like to listen to the emperor's order!" All the officials said respectfully.

Liu Miaoyin said: "Since that's the case, I would like to ask you all to discuss a policy of unifying the world. After the policy is finalized, I, Madam Yanzhi and the Emperor will sign the seal and implement this policy."

"Yes!" Dazheng officials responded.

Two days later, the four dynasties of the Great Zheng sent a large number of envoys and officials to the major forces that were not the Great Zheng, and began to persuade them to surrender.

The generals of the four dynasties, including Ye Sanshui, Ye Dafu, and Yan Zhenhuo, began to mobilize their troops and attack some stubborn forces, formally taking over the remaining territories of the world.

The four major continents once again set off a great war, but at this moment, the general trend, even if there are some people who are greedy for power and hate Zheng, they can't make any waves at all.

Liu Miaoyin, Mrs. Yanzhi, and the Emperor of God continuously issued edicts one after another. While taking over the world, they were also exchanging their experiences of comprehending the Tongtian Tree. At this moment, they let go of the grievances in their hearts, stopped rejecting each other, and talked openly, but gradually developed a trace of unexpected friendship.

At the moment Xiao Nanfeng dragged Taishang into the Dazheng Tianxi space, the three women also left the space, and Xiao Nanfeng immediately closed the entrance and exit of this space, isolating the golden tree and the nine-color giant tree from the outside world.

Taishang was also eager to get the chaotic energy, as soon as he came in, he looked around.

"Where's the chaotic energy?" Tai Shang exclaimed.

However, the original gray space became empty, only on the ground in the distance, there were dozens of formations glowing with golden light, as if they were covering something, or providing a light source for this space, illuminating the area. space.

The dozens of golden light formations are naturally to cover things up. The chaotic energy in this space was completely consumed by Xiao Nanfeng, but there was still an extremely thick purple mist, so that Xiao Nanfeng couldn't collect it into the world of his heart for a while. He knew that the purple mist must be a top treasure. Naturally, it had to be covered up, but if only one formation was used to cover it up, it would be too conspicuous. He also set up dozens of golden light formations as a cover, so that Tai Shang would not be able to guess the situation for a while.

"The chaotic energy has already been used by me, you don't want to come in to find the chaotic energy, do you?" Xiao Nanfeng sneered.

The Taishang's expression changed, his plan failed, and he shouted angrily, "You liar."

"Cheat? You can't compare to you. You have lied to me for so many years, and even my body. Today, I want to get back everything I have." Xiao Nanfeng said coldly.

With a whoosh, Xiao Nanfeng rushed to Taishang.

"Things looking for death!" Taishang cut off his drink.

With a bang, the two fists collided, blasting out monstrous flames, and they fought again.

Although Taishang's injuries have not healed, Xiao Nanfeng's physical body he seized is extremely powerful, even though Xiao Nanfeng is already at the late stage of the Lord God Realm, it is extremely difficult to parry.

"Just like you, you still want to fight with me?" Taishang said coldly.

"This is just the beginning, what are you in a hurry for?" Xiao Nanfeng said.

Under the heavy blows of bang, bang, bang, the two fought extremely fiercely, and the Taishang even released ten golden crows, which immediately made it difficult for Xiao Nanfeng to move.

However, Xiao Nanfeng was able to use candlelight supernatural powers, jumping through space again and again to avoid Taishang's ultimate move.

There is no aura here, and all battles are energy consumption without replenishment. It is extremely difficult to recover from injuries.

"Stinky boy, don't hide if you have the guts." Taishang said angrily.

"If you don't hide, how can you consume you to death?" Xiao Nanfeng said coldly.

With a snort, Taishang Linxu punched the void, intending to shatter this space and get out, but how could Xiao Nanfeng let him do what he wanted? Instantly attacked him from behind, preventing him from doing what he wanted.

Xiao Nanfeng said coldly: "Don't think about going out, since you're here, let's decide the winner."

"Only by you? Your current strength is not as good as mine, and you will be the first to be exhausted." Taishang said coldly.

"It's true that you are stronger than me when you take advantage of my body, but you don't have a world of heart." Xiao Nanfeng said.

"What do you want to say?" Tai Shang frowned.

"To be precise, your heart world is outside, and it has merged with Baisheng's secret realm. A person has only one heart world, and you can have the main **** space, but you can't use the heart world here." Xiao Nanfeng Said.

"So what if I can't use the world of heart?" Taishang said coldly.

"You can't use it, but I can!" Xiao Nanfeng laughed.

While speaking, three bright moons loomed in the sky behind him. The red moon, blue moon, and purple moon hung high, and the three moonlights shone down. Xiao Nanfeng's excess soul power that escaped during the battle was quickly collected in the moonlight. Then, it turned to pour moonlight into Xiao Nanfeng's body again.

"Under the bright moon, my power can be used repeatedly, but your power will only be used less and less." Xiao Nanfeng sneered.

"You think beautiful!" Taishang said coldly.

The ten golden crows soared into the sky, grabbing at the three bright moons, but the moment they rushed over, they passed through the moons, as if they hadn't touched the three moons at all.

Taishang was surprised and said: "Your three months are hidden in the heart world? Your main **** space has merged with the heart world? You have only practiced for a long time, how can you do it?"

"Thank you too, you used the golden tree to forge the world of my heart to be extremely tough, so that I can fuse them together." Xiao Nanfeng laughed.

When Tai Shang heard it, he was very angry immediately, and said coldly: "Hmph, I don't believe it, you have no loss. Kill!"

With a bang, the two fought again.

The dissipated power that Xiao Nanfeng wields every time is indeed recovered by Sanyue, but he is still consuming it in confrontation with the Supreme Being, but at this moment, Xiao Nanfeng's power is depleted more slowly, and the power of the Supreme Being is exhausted. faster.

After ten days of fighting, Taishang's physical strength was almost exhausted, and the top ten Golden Crows also returned to Dantian, too weak to have any strength.

Only then did the Taishang give up continuing to use the physical body, and stepped out from the eyebrows of the physical body with a face full of anger, he was going to use the soul body.

As soon as the Supreme Being came out, a huge soul breath radiated out. With a wave of his hand, he hid Xiao Nanfeng's body in the brow opening of his soul, and a round of the Supreme Bright Moon flew out of the brow opening.

As soon as the bright moon came out, the Taishang opened the main **** space, and countless white lights shone down.

"Now, continue!" Tai Shang came straight to Xiao Nanfeng in a cold voice.

However, Xiao Nanfeng immediately used the candlelight supernatural power, reached Taishang Haoyue in an instant, and punched Taishang Haoyue.

"Looking for death!" Taishang's expression changed,

And up.

Taishang Haoyue also opened her mouth suddenly, biting towards Xiao Nanfeng.

With a bang, Xiao Nanfeng collided with Taishang Haoyue with a punch, and a huge wave of air exploded. Taishang Haoyue retreated suddenly, and a crack appeared on it.

At this moment, the Empress also approached, punching him, Xiao Nanfeng hastily punched him, and with a bang, Xiao Nanfeng was thrown backwards.

After all, Xiao Nanfeng's soul body at the moment is not at the peak, so where is the opponent who is too high at the peak?

However, the Taishang didn't dare to chase after him, he stood by Taishang Haoyue, for fear that Xiao Nanfeng would sneak attack Taishang Haoyue again.

Taishang is also very depressed at this moment, if he does not release Taishang Haoyue's main **** space, his soul body will only be exhausted like the physical body just now. If Taishang Haoyue is released, Xiao Nanfeng will be easily attacked. Once Taishang Haoyue is blown up, the backlash he will suffer will be even worse.

"Master, come on, why are you not moving? Are you afraid?" Xiao Nanfeng shouted provocatively.

The Taishang cursed inwardly: "Why don't I move? Don't you have any points? I'm going to chase you down, but you use candle power to attack my Haoyue? Do you think I'm stupid?"

Xiao Nanfeng saw that Taishang couldn't come up, he didn't want to give Taishang a chance to rest, he rushed forward again while frowning.

"Death!" Taishang's eyes turned cold, and he punched out.

With a bang, the two clashed fists, and Xiao Nanfeng was beaten back again.

Taishang Haoyue became smaller and floated in the back of his mind. In this way, his main **** space shrunk countless, and he brought Taishang Haoyue to kill Xiao Nanfeng.

Taishang said coldly: "Compressing my main **** space, although I can't recover all my dissipated soul power, but it is enough, you suffer!"

In the rumble, the two fought again.

Xiao Nanfeng was at a disadvantage for a while, but Taishang's soul power was depleted at a faster rate. After a day of consumption like this, both of them felt a little irritated, because if it continued like this, no one could be sure that they would win in the end.

Although Xiao Nanfeng was irritable, he was also thankful that now he and the Supreme Master had reached a balanced state, but he still had a backup.

In the world of his heart, there is still a soul power, which is a white soul power fed back by the nine-color giant tree after digesting the body of the white-haired monster. If the nine-color giant tree doesn't want that white soul power, it should It is the purest soul power of Taishang.

He originally planned to use this white soul power after researching it thoroughly, but the current state did not allow him to think too much.

When he was not fighting, he manipulated the heart world to pour part of the white soul power into the red moon, hoping that the red moon could refine it into the soul power he needed and feed it back.

With a buzzing sound, the red moon suddenly burst into bright light, and the light surpassed the other two months in an instant, making the emperor in the battle unconsciously look up.

Taishang's pupils shrank and said, "Are you subduing Hongyue?"

"Hmph!" Xiao Nanfeng snorted coldly, without explaining.

The Taishang sneered and said, "You don't have enough soul power to support you to fight now, and you still use your soul power to subdue Hongyue? Do you want to use the subdued Hongyue to fight me? Go ahead and dream, relying on yourself His soul power will never be able to subdue Hongyue, hahahaha!"

The Taishang came to cull while laughing.

Xiao Nanfeng's expression changed, he had never thought of surrendering to Hongyue now, but Taishang's determined attitude made him suddenly have a new judgment.

Why did the Taishang judge that he was conquering Hongyue? There is only one possibility, that is, Taishang's manipulation of Hongyue is weakening, and Taishang is slowly losing contact with Hongyue?

Xiao Nanfeng's heart skipped a beat. He sensed Hongyue for a while, and sure enough, he found that his manipulation of Hongyue had become stronger. The sense of resistance that Hongyue should have existed was constantly being suppressed. With the red moon.

This momentary change made him overjoyed, he remained calm, and while entangled with the Supreme Being, he used the white soul power to subdue Hongyue, and he didn't even let Hongyue feed back the white soul power into his body. These white soul powers subdued Red Moon wholeheartedly.

In the rumbling, it was a few days later.

With a bang, the red moon suddenly burst into bright light and swelled suddenly, as if it shattered some of the black aura inside.

"Impossible, how did you do it? How can you subdue Hongyue?" Tai Shang exclaimed.

He completely lost contact with Hongyue, and Hongyue was completely controlled by Xiao Nanfeng.

In an instant, Hongyue radiated a large amount of red light into Xiao Nanfeng's body, causing Xiao Nanfeng's whole body to shake, and his strength suddenly increased a lot.

"Really?" Xiao Nanfeng said in surprise.

Without hesitation, he quietly poured the remaining white soul power into Ziyue.

"Sanqing was able to conquer Sanyue because they arranged a large number of people to practice Taishang Yin nerves in Qingqiu Secret Realm, and finally extracted a little bit of my original soul power, washed away the traces of me attached to Sanyue, and finally Successful. You can subdue Hongyue, could it be that you also have my original soul power? This is impossible!" Taishang said with an ugly face, and the next moment, his face changed: "No, you have collected white-haired monsters this month The corpse is just to purify my original soul power?"

Hongyue was surrendered, and the soul power fed back to Xiao Nanfeng increased, causing the original balance of the battle to be broken little by little.

The remaining white soul power was not very abundant, but after a few days, when it was exhausted, Ziyue was completely subdued.

With a buzzing sound, Ziyue shook, and a bright light burst out, piercing the entire space like a red moon, and a large amount of black air was shaken from Ziyue.

"You even surrendered to Ziyue?" Taishang said angrily.

Xiao Nanfeng ignored Taishang, but let Ziyue feed back a lot of soul power into his body.

At this moment, Xiao Nanfeng's strength is no longer too weak and too high, and he no longer needs to be beaten up again and again in the battle with Taishang, and he no longer needs to use candle power to dodge.

At this moment, Xiao Nanfeng slashed forward with his palm, like a heavenly knife slashing down, and with a bang, he slashed upwards and flew out, his soul was wounded, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Damn it, I am the invincible king of this fairyland, die to me!" Taishang roared angrily. He rushed forward, and with a bang, the two fought again.

But at this moment, the offense and defense were reversed, and Xiao Nanfeng sent the Taishang flying out again and again. With the brilliance of the red moon and the purple moon, Xiao Nanfeng's lost soul power was absorbed every time he made a move, and Taishang's soul power was consumed very quickly because of the constant fighting.

Even though Taishang has countless methods, they are useless in the face of absolute power.

A few days later, the Taishang was so powerful from the beginning that he gradually became weak and fled. He was unwilling to lose to Xiao Nanfeng, but he was helpless.

Because of too much loss of soul power, Taishang's soul body became transparent, and a large number of cracks appeared on Taishang Haoyue behind his head. Amidst the crackling sound, the cracks spread like cobwebs, as if they were on the verge of collapse.

Taishang said bitterly: "You are the most difficult opponent I have encountered in these years. Today I let you win first, but the final winner will only be me."


Xiao Nanfeng let out a cold snort, and instantly approached, punching out with a bang, this punch exhausted all his strength, like a sky crashing. He is confident that this punch will definitely defeat the Supreme Master.

Taishang showed a ferocious expression: "If you want to defeat me, you have to pay the price, explode!"

Xiao Nanfeng's face changed, thinking of a possibility, he turned around and fled to the distance, and protected his whole body with all his strength.

With a bang, the Taishang exploded suddenly at the last moment, not only the Taishang's soul body exploded, but also Taishang Haoyue exploded, and he even detonated Xiao Nanfeng's physical body.

It is not a big deal for Taishang Soul Body and Taishang Haoyue to self-detonate. Xiao Nanfeng's physical body is horrifying when it is detonated. Although this physical body has exhausted its energy and vitality, the energy accumulated in the flesh, bones, and dantian is amazing. So much despair, this detonation is a world-class disaster.

With a bang, the terrifying flames exploded, tearing apart the inner space and forming a huge black hole. The black hole tore toward the periphery, and everywhere it passed was filled with flames.

With a scream of ah, Xiao Nanfeng was engulfed by countless flames and cracked void.

The space of Dazheng Tianxi was shaking violently. Although the internal space was constantly being torn apart, it strangely did not shatter the space. It took a long time for the power of the big bang to calm down completely.

After the explosion, the internal scene was slowly revealed. Taishang and Taishang Haoyue were directly blown into fly ash, Xiao Nanfeng's body was blown to pieces, and there were flame-burning stumps everywhere.

The world of the heart that guarded Xiao Nanfeng's soul was also shattered countless times. Even though Xiao Nanfeng's soul was fully defended and escaped, it was still completely deformed by the blast. , Fortunately, there is still a breath.

The red moon, blue moon, and purple moon that were blown to pieces sprinkled light in the broken heart world, poured into Xiao Nanfeng's soul body, and repaired Xiao Nanfeng's soul body.

As for Xiao Nanfeng's body, although it was blown into countless fragments, it was not the worst, but the fragments of Xiao Nanfeng's body began to deform in a clatter, and turned into countless pieces of paper in a blink of an eye, slowly reuniting.

This is the supernatural power of the book of life and death, which can be reborn on paper, but it is a bit slow to recover.

It took a full ten days for Xiao Nanfeng's body to be repaired into a contoured body. Although it is still extremely weak, it will take a lot of time to fully recover, and it will take a lot of energy from the outside world, but, because this time The big explosion caused all the hands and feet that Taishang had done in this flesh body to be wiped out.

After more than ten days, Xiao Nanfeng's physical body could barely be used, and Xiao Nanfeng's soul also recovered a lot.

Xiao Nanfeng's soul stepped into the brow opening of the physical body, and with a buzzing sound, his soul and body merged into one, and he took back everything that belonged to him.

"It's dangerous!" Xiao Nanfeng exclaimed.

He is in a very good mood at the moment, although he won miserably, he still won.

He checked the surroundings again, and made sure that Taishang's soul had been completely destroyed by the blast. There is no trace of the Great Zheng Tianxi in this space.

Taking a deep breath, he quickly opened the Dazheng Tianxi space. He was also extremely worried about the battle situation outside, and he didn't know how Ling Jun, Xiao Yu, and Yaoguang were doing in the battle.

He knew that the three women were all arrogant masters. Although they said they didn't mind each other, which woman would share a man with another woman? For more than a month, I don't know how their cooperation is going.

When two women meet, it is already a terrifying Shura field. Now that the three women gather, it is simply Shura hell. This has lasted for more than a month?

He couldn't even imagine how the three girls got along with each other for more than a month. Did they fall out? Big fight? It shouldn't be possible, but the atmosphere should be very cold.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. He couldn't wait to step out of the Dazheng Tianxi space, ready to endure the next Shura **** storm.

But the moment he stepped out, he fell into a steaming hot spring.

In the dense fog of the hot spring, the laughter of the three women could be vaguely heard.

"Sister Yaoguang, why are you helping Sister Zhang bully me, ah, look at me not tickling you." Xiaoyu's laughing voice came from a distance.

"Don't come here, I'll splash you with water if you come here again, ah, don't, I'm ticklish, Xiao Yu, please spare me, Sister Zhang, save me." Lan Yaoguang exclaimed endlessly.

"Yaoguang, hold back, I'll help you, watch me clean up Xiaoyu, giggling!" Zhang Lingjun laughed.

The water in the hot spring pool was rippling, and the three women seemed to be fighting together. A large amount of hot spring water was opened by them, and it was everywhere. For a while, the small hot spring pool turned into a beautiful and fragrant battlefield, and because it was covered by fog, it sounded more bloody.

Xiao Nanfeng was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound in the distance.

"What's the situation? It's different from what I thought." Xiao Nanfeng looked into the depths of the fog in disbelief.

With a plop, Xiao Nanfeng fell into the hot spring.

At this moment, the three women who were fighting froze, their expressions changed and they exclaimed, "Who!"

With a bang, a large amount of mist was lifted, and the three women were wrapped in mist to cover their bodies, looking not far away as if they were facing an enemy.

But it was seen that formations were set up around the hot spring pool, so that outsiders could not peek into the inside, and the Dazheng Tianxi was placed on the edge of the hot spring pool, where the clothes that the three women took off were placed.

The sudden appearance of Xiao Nanfeng also shocked the three girls, and they looked at each of them as if they were facing an enemy.

When it was clear that it was the weak Xiao Nanfeng, the three girls immediately beamed with joy, but the next moment they were all on guard.

"Who are you?" Zhang Lingjun called out.

The three women showed worried expressions, for fear that the person in front of them was Tai Shang.

"Looking at the sky at dawn and looking at the clouds at dusk, I miss you when I walk, and I miss you when I sit." Xiao Nanfeng said.

This is the secret signal that he and the three women discussed in advance. If he returns with a big victory, this will be the first sentence.

When the three girls heard Xiao Nanfeng's words, they immediately beamed with joy.

"Ling Jun, Xiao Yu, Yao Guang, I won, I'm coming out." Xiao Nanfeng laughed.

Although the three girls were excited, they didn't immediately believe it. They immediately stepped forward, checked and questioned Xiao Nanfeng in their own way, and they were completely sure that the person in front of them was Xiao Nanfeng.

"Nanfeng!" The three women's eyes turned red, and they rushed over together.

The sudden embrace of the three women made Xiao Nanfeng look overjoyed.

This, Asura Hell is gone? Am I dreaming?

With tears in their eyes, the three women buried their heads in Xiao Nanfeng's arms and back, and they completely burst out their worries, grievances and excitement during this period.

Xiao Nanfeng felt the three women's longing for him, and his heart was extremely warm.

In the hot spring, he hugged the three girls and kissed them passionately. The longing of the three girls during this period has long been heartbroken, how can they stop Xiao Nanfeng, their enthusiasm at the moment is even greater than that of Xiao Nanfeng.

Perhaps it was during this period of time that the three girls no longer rejected each other because they lived and died together, or maybe it was because their deep affection for Xiao Nanfeng ignored everything.

At this moment, the sky is like a hut, the ground is a couch, and the hot spring is full of lust.

Even though Xiao Nanfeng's body is extremely weak at the moment, he doesn't care anymore, UU reading www. saw that the clothes on his body were decreasing one by one. Soon, the hot spring water that had just calmed down made regular ripples again.

A pool of hot springs is full of charming light, the mist is once again transpiring, and the moving music resounds inside.

Xiao Nanfeng stayed with the three girls in the hot spring for nearly a day before coming out of the hot spring. After they put on their respective clothes, the faces of the three girls showed an indescribable rosiness and satisfaction, only Xiao Nanfeng's face turned slightly pale, but his eyes were indescribably refreshed.

Xiao Yu worried: "Nanfeng, why are you so pale?"

Yaoguang said: "Nanfeng, your body is a little weak?"

Zhang Lingjun said: "Nanfeng, you need to replenish your body."

Xiao Nanfeng's face turned black and he said: "What nonsense? How is my health? Don't you guys know this day?"

The third daughter's face flushed with embarrassment, and then she said in embarrassment: "That's not what we're talking about."

Xiao Nanfeng saw that the three girls spoke in such a unified way, and then thought about everything he experienced that day, a gentle and happy smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

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