MTL - The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament-Chapter 1038 Tai Shang ontology

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Xiao Nanfeng is the body of the soul at this moment, he bowed to the void and said: "The ancient altar, please trouble."

Immediately afterwards, the void trembled, billowing black air appeared out of thin air, quickly covering all directions, and a huge monster slowly appeared in the center of the black air, which was the ancient altar.

"Sanqing Daozu, you just follow me." Xiao Nanfeng said.

"Okay!" Daozu Sanqing nodded.

Xiao Nanfeng waved his hand, and there seemed to be a crack in the void on the ancient altar. The crack was very narrow. He squeezed in, and the crack was still getting smaller. Daozu Sanqing looked at each other, and stepped forward without hesitation. Followed in, with a whoosh, the crack disappeared.

Xiao Nanfeng followed the roots of his nine-color giant tree and found the way back. Through the thick land, they quickly arrived at the Baisheng secret realm.

With a bang, they appeared beside the nine-color giant tree.

Zhang Lingjun, Xia Xiaoyu, and Lan Yaoguang next to the Nine-Colored Giant Tree felt something, and turned their heads to look at it, and only let out a long breath when they saw that it was the four of them.

"Nanfeng, you're back." Xiao Yu excitedly jumped to Xiao Nanfeng's side, and took Xiao Nanfeng's arm.

Lan Yaoguang and Zhang Lingjun also surrounded him, but they were more reserved, and immediately bowed to Daozu Sanqing, "Meet Daozu!"

Daozu Sanqing nodded. Instead of reminiscing with the three women, they each took a step and looked in three directions. A bright moon appeared behind their heads, and they were quickly exploring the secret realm of Baisheng.

Xiao Nanfeng described the external situation to the three women.

Zhang Lingjun said unexpectedly: "Dazheng has been promoted to Heaven? You named us Queen of Heaven?"

Xia Xiaoyu thoughtfully said: "I said that during that time, why was there an invisible thing added to us, I thought it was the Taishang attacking us, so it was you who did it?"

Xiao Nanfeng was surprised and said, "Do you have the feeling of being sealed off by the Great Zheng?"

All three girls nodded.

Xiao Nanfeng was thoughtful. He knew that even the consciousness of the ancient altar could not enter the Baisheng secret realm, but he didn't want the connection created by luck to ignore the isolation of the Baisheng secret realm. It is indeed extraordinary that Yun Chao can spread in all the great fairy vaults of the universe.

Xiao Nanfeng immediately said again: "By the way, let me introduce some people to you."

As he spoke, he sat cross-legged, took out the body from the brow opening, the soul entered the brow opening of the physical body, opened the eyes of the physical body, and woke up.

He took out a storage magic weapon, opened the entrance and exit, and a group of people poured out from the inside in an instant, it was Mrs. Yanzhi, Liu Miaoyin and the Emperor, and a group of ordinary officials of Dazheng.

Madam Yanzhi, Liu Miaoyin, and Shenhuang looked around in amazement as soon as they came out, but soon, the three women saw the other three women.

Xia, Zhang, and Lan also had complicated expressions when they saw Yan, Liu, and Shen. They seemed to be divided into two small groups, and they nodded to each other, but they didn't say much.

Xiao Nanfeng also understands that it's obviously not a short-term thing for them to accept each other. They didn't tear it up, it was already giving him face.

Xiao Nanfeng immediately said: "I think you all know each other already, so I won't introduce any more. You should get used to the environment first, and nothing can go wrong."

The six girls all nodded. They all knew that the next step was to save Xiao Nanfeng's parents.

Xiao Nanfeng saw the three daughters Yan, Liu, and Shen frowning, and asked curiously, "Is there something wrong with it?"

Madam Yanzhi said solemnly: "The secret realm of Baisheng is indeed very different. This secret realm is eroding our physical bodies all the time and weakening my strength. At the same time, we can no longer use our three Tongtian trees."

Xiao Nanfeng nodded and said: "That's natural, this place belongs to the place of evil spirits, even my physical body is affected to a certain extent, and your Tongtian tree has not yet materialized, and it is losing the support of external laws and rules Next, it is indeed impossible to call, but it should not be difficult for you to deal with the white-haired monster here."

Yan, Liu, and Shen Shen all nodded.

Xiao Nanfeng made some more arrangements, then went to Sanqing Daozu and asked, "What do you three see?"

Daozu Yuqing said: "The Taishang merged the world of his heart with the cage space of the ancient altar, isolated the inside and outside, let his body sleep, let his original soul power merge into the soul of the outsider, and formed a white-haired monster. The original power of the altar. But, we guess, he is also consuming a huge amount of mental energy."

Xiao Nanfeng nodded and said: "It's similar to what I thought, and, I guess, his main body is integrated into this space, and if he wants to recover his main body, he will inevitably suffer a lot of damage, so he only used his clone to fight me before. And in the past few months, he should have been merging with the white-haired monster in order to fight me again."

Daozu Yuqing asked: "What do you think?"

Xiao Nanfeng said solemnly: "My idea is that the three Taoist ancestors forced out the Taishang body, fought and held the Taishang body, and I was responsible for dealing with those white-haired monsters. Three reinforcements."

Daozu Sanqing looked at each other, nodded and said: "Okay!"

The Taoist ancestors of the Sanqing each flew into the air, and the red moon, blue moon, and purple moon suddenly floated into the air behind their heads, illuminating the snow-covered heaven and earth with three-color light, and then, behind them slowly emerged three ten thousand-zhang Tall babel tree.

As soon as the red gold tree, purple gold tree, and blue gold tree came out, the void trembled violently. The three trees seemed to have monstrous power, and they were frantically absorbing the power of the four directions. The shaking is like ripples in the lake, spreading to all directions.

The Taoist ancestor of the Sanqing cast spells and forced the Taishang to show up.

Baisheng Secret Realm, in a mountain forest shrouded in mist.

Taishang Haoyue floated in the air, it was looking at its masterpiece, all the white-haired monsters devoured each other under his cruel orders, and then devoured each other, until now there are only dozens of white-haired monsters left, the soul power is superimposed, and the strength Superimposed, the current breath of these white-haired monsters is extremely domineering.

Taishang Haoyue glanced at the white-haired monsters below and said coldly: "Okay, the curse in your body should be stable, you can continue to swallow each other, the chosen one, die!"

Beams of white light shone on a group of white-haired monsters below, and the expressions of the group of white-haired monsters changed, and they all exclaimed in alarm: "No, my lord, we have made meritorious deeds."

With a bang, the heads of the group of white-haired monsters exploded, blood overflowed, and they died on the spot.

The remaining half of the white-haired monsters were so frightened that they trembled all over and did not dare to speak out. Under Taishang Haoyue's order, they went to devour the white-haired monsters that had just been bestowed to death.

Xiao Hongye and Tan Xianzhi were also among this group of white-haired monsters, and they were extremely anxious, because the dozens of white-haired monsters today all made contributions to the Supreme Being, only because their contributions were greater, They were dragged to the end, and they didn't know when it was their turn to die.

Taishang Haoyue doesn't care about the life and death of these white-haired monsters at all. It has Taishang Haoyue's avatar in the outside world. During this time, it also saw Xiao Nanfeng appearing in the outside world, and also saw Dazheng promoted to Heaven.

It was thinking: "Why did Xiao Nanfeng go out to set up the Heavenly Court? Since he could go out, why didn't he take those three stinky girls out too? What exactly is he going to do?"

At this moment, suddenly three rays of light pierced through the clouds and fog, and shot from afar.

"Red moon? Blue moon? Ziyue? How is it possible? Although the strength of those three stinky girls has been rising, it is impossible for them to have such a glorious March. This power is huge and thick like a mountain. It is impossible for them to display it. Yes." Taishang Haoyue exclaimed.

The next moment, I saw a sudden tremor in the void. In this tremor, three phantoms of Tongtian trees appeared vaguely. These three phantoms of Tongtian trees drew power from the entire Baisheng secret realm.

"No, it's Sanqing? How did they come in?" Taishang Haoyue exclaimed, and the next moment, its pupils shrank and said: "It's Xiao Nanfeng, the purpose of his going out is to invite Sanqing? This **** Xiao Nan wind."

Amidst the rumbling, the void was still vibrating, but the snow floating in Bai Sheng's secret territory seemed to be attracted by a force, and quickly flew towards Sanqing Daozu.

"You want to exhaust my energy? You are dreaming!" Taishang Haoyue said angrily. It looked at the remaining white-haired monsters below, frowned and said: "These white-haired monsters are okay against Xiao Nanfeng, but they are not enough to deal with Sanqing."

After pondering for a long time, Taishang Haoyue said in annoyed voice: "Forget it, although it will cause a lot of damage to me, but I can only use the main body."

Not far from the Taoist ancestor of the Sanqing.

Xiao Nanfeng looked at the three sky-reaching trees, and then at his own nine-color giant tree. Although they were similar in size, they were not the same in solidity, and the power they displayed was also different.

"No wonder the Daoist Sanqing didn't envy my giant nine-color tree. Their Tongtian tree seems to be stronger now." Xiao Nanfeng sighed.

Madam Yanzhi comforted: "Don't underestimate yourself. The Tongtian tree of the Taoist ancestor of the Sanqing was only born from the golden tree. The emperor who was in charge of the golden tree was trapped in the ancient altar. UU reading Later, your When the nine-color giant tree reaches its peak, it will definitely be stronger."

Xiao Nanfeng smiled slightly and said, "I know, so I'm not in a hurry."

Only then did Madam Yanzhi nod her head, and then said: "It's just that Daozu Sanqing acted like this, will the Taishang really come?"

"He's already here." Xiao Nanfeng said solemnly.

However, countless dark clouds appeared out of thin air, covering the sky and covering the sun, darkening the sky and the earth. The dark clouds swirled and brought out a tornado storm. The storm was mixed with endless ice and snow. Wherever it passed, mountain peaks collapsed with roars. .

In this doomsday-like scene, everyone seemed extremely small, and everyone was ready to fight.

Madam Rouge's expression became concentrated: "This aura is so strong!"

Xia Xiaoyu was also surprised and said: "Look, there is a tall figure in the depths of the snowstorm, but the snowstorm is too big for people to see clearly."

"It should be the Taishang's body." Xiao Nanfeng said solemnly.

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