MTL - The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament-Chapter 12 Zhao Yuanjiao

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On Taiqing Island, in a huge valley, there are tombstones erected at this moment.

The coffins that have just been transported have been buried. At this moment, in front of these tombstones, there are a large number of disciples of the Taiqing Xianzong, each with a look of grief.

The drizzle washed away everyone's clothes, but no one cared. In remembrance of the deceased, they all looked at the leading man whose clothes and cloak had many broken clothes and bloodstains.

This man had a handsome face, and his eyes seemed to contain murderous aura. He stood at the front, and he was not angry. Come back another day to pay homage.”

"Yes, Big Brother!"

The disciples followed the order and left one after another. In the end, only four remained standing in front of the tombstone along with the elder brother. When everyone was completely clear, they looked at him again.

"Eldest brother, why did you lose so much in this act?" A man said with an ugly face.

The senior brother's face was gloomy: "Zongnei was hidden by Mozong's meticulous work. Mozong knew the route of our trip in advance, and ambush masters along the way."

"What?! Demon Sect's meticulous work?" The expressions of several people changed suddenly.

"Hmph, although we have suffered heavy losses, the disciples of the Demon Sect have also suffered heavy losses. We caught a leader, and after some interrogation, we found out that the detailed work of the Demon Sect has been sneaking into the Taiqing Xianzong for many years, and no one knows their specific details. Identity, and, over the years, I have been sending people to sneak into my Taiqing Immortal Sect, and even the new disciples who are about to be recruited this time are also mixed with disciples of the Demon Sect." The senior brother's face was ugly, and he clenched his fists tightly: " Even if I, Zhao Yuanjiao, dig three feet into the ground, I will dig out the details of the Demon Sect!"

"Elder Brother, what should we do next?"

"Go, go to Zhaoxian Temple!" Holding the hilt of the sword, Zhao Yuanjiao's face was murderous, and he walked out of the cemetery in the rain and went straight to the hall somewhere in the Taiqing Xianzong, followed by four junior brothers.

The five people soon came to the entrance of a huge palace with three big characters "Zhaoxiandian" written on the plaque.

The miscellaneous disciples who came in and out of the Hall of Immortals saw Zhao Yuanjiao's five people, and they first showed a look of astonishment, and then they respectfully saluted: "Meet Senior Brother Xuanmai!"

Zhao Yuanjiao ignored them, walked directly into the hall, walked to the main seat and sat down.

The leader of the handyman disciples in the main hall suddenly stopped everything at hand: "Brother Zhao, I don't know why the big driver is here?"

"Go, bring me all the list information of those who came to apprentice this time!" Zhao Yuanjiao said coldly.

The leader of the handyman disciple didn't even dare to ask, and immediately took a stack of documents respectfully. The boss of Xiao Nanfeng's big ship is also here, and at this moment, he is following behind him respectfully.

"Senior Brother Zhao, this time I lead the team to receive the apprentices. All the apprentices' information is here." The principal respectfully said.

Zhao Yuanjiao glanced at the information: "I suspect that some of the apprentices have suspicious identities. Now, you immediately send someone to compare their registered information to find out those with suspicious identities!"

"As ordered!"

Although the leader of the handyman and the master of the sea boat are not clear, but the order of the elder brother cannot be disobeyed, and the manpower is called immediately.

The information of a thousand people is not so easy to review. In addition to the name and cultivation base, it is also compared to whether the registered identity background is false.

Busy all night. No one rested that night, including Zhao Yuanjiao, who was always watching the group of handyman disciples verifying the information.

Before dawn, a document arrived in Zhao Yuanjiao's hands.

Several marked individuals appeared on the list. One of them, the most prominently marked.

"Nanfeng? Sixteen years old, the fifth level of the Houtian realm? The boarding pass obtained through the back door?" Zhao Yuanjiao said with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, this person has only registered such a little information, without any identity background, because he said that he had a relationship to get on the ship, so the junior brother in charge of the registration was not too embarrassed, but these days when the ship sailed, I specially asked someone to ask , to make sure that no one gave him the back door at all. That is to say, his boarding pass is unclear." The owner of the sea boat said firmly.

Zhao Yuanjiao looked at the captain of the ship dissatisfiedly: "Are you all so casual in screening your disciples now? If you go through the back door, you can ask nothing?"

"I, we..." The captain of the sea boat suddenly sweated on his forehead and was frightened.

If you come in through the back door of a formal disciple, how dare we handyman disciples take care of it?

"Humph! Do you know that recruiting disciples is a major matter related to the survival of the Taiqing Xianzong. If it mixes with the enemy, the consequences will be disastrous! Is this how you do things?" Zhao Yuanjiao slammed the table and scolded.

The handyman disciples in the hall were suddenly silent.

Zhao Yuanjiao stared coldly at the master of the sea ship: "The handyman's time to rectify it."

"Senior brother, calm down!" The ship's owner said in a panic.

"No one will be allowed to go through the back door in the future. Humph! Whoever dares to reach out to recruit disciples in the future, I will deal with them and make trouble with their vein masters. I think who has a good face!" Zhao Yuanjiao said coldly.

Everyone immediately bowed their heads and dared not speak.

"Senior brother, do you think this Nanfeng is the meticulous work you're looking for?" a junior brother couldn't help but ask.

Zhao Yuanjiao showed a hint of solemnity: "I don't know, but there must be something wrong with this person. If you want to sneak into the meticulous work of my Taiqing Xianzong, you should make your background information flawless. Therefore, this list is for the time being. It's just to pick out a few people who seem to have problems, and the meticulous work may also be those who don't seem to have any problems, don't neglect. Hmph, take me to meet these people for a while." Zhao Yuanjiao said coldly.

"Yes!" The ship's master said respectfully.

Accompanied by the owner of the ship, Zhao Yuanjiao and his party came not far from the pier. Standing in a hidden place to observe in secret.

At this moment, the pier is extremely lively. In addition to those who come to worship, there are also a large number of disciples of the Taiqing Xianzong. Some good seedlings and some people who go through the back door are recruited as disciples in advance.

Not long after, Xiao Nanfeng also carried his luggage and walked off the boat unhurriedly along with the crowd.

"Senior Brother Zhao, look, that boy is Nan Feng. When he was fishing on the boat, he caught a golden demon eel. I thought it was his luck. Now, according to Brother Zhao's description, maybe he really has a problem." The ship's master said in a low voice.

Zhao Yuanjiao narrowed his eyes and stared at Xiao Nanfeng in the crowd.

I saw Xiao Nanfeng got off the boat and was looking around. At this time, although he seemed harmless to humans and animals, Zhao Yuanjiao had just experienced a tragic battle and many junior brothers died. At this moment, everyone has a sense of indifference .

"Senior brother, do you want to directly arrest him and torture him?" a junior brother said solemnly.

Zhao Yuanjiao shook his head: "Don't worry, it's unclear whether this person is doing meticulous work, if it is really meticulous, with such a cultivation level, here I come to apprentice Taiqing Xianzong, there must be other details that work for him, maybe he can catch more Big fish. You are secretly observing several other suspicious people, and I will come to watch Nanfeng in person."

"As ordered."

Zhao Yuanjiao stared at Xiao Nanfeng intently, hoping to find Xiao Nanfeng's contact person, but after waiting for a while, he didn't find the person he wanted.

Zhao Yuanjiao's face was gloomy for a while: "The idea is really cunning, and there is no flaw in it. I will go over and test it first. If it doesn't work, I will directly arrest it and interrogate it."

He took a deep breath and stepped towards Xiao Nanfeng in the distance. UU reading

Although Zhao Yuanjiao was famous in the Taiqing Xianzong, no one knew him.

Zhao Yuanjiao walked straight to Xiao Nanfeng and was about to speak, but at this moment, Xiao Nanfeng suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhao Yuanjiao.

Zhao Yuanjiao was shocked, what happened?

Found out?

Xiao Nanfeng stared at Zhao Yuanjiao and looked at it again and again, and Zhao Yuanjiao's heart was trembling when he saw it, did he really realize that I was watching him?

Could it be that the information about him has been leaked by himself?

Is the infiltration of the Demon Sect already so terrifying?

Hmph, the group of handymen disciples in the Hall of Immortals, also need to check carefully.

Zhao Yuanjiao's eyes were cold, and he was about to reach out and capture Xiao Nanfeng, but saw that Xiao Nanfeng took the lead.

A small gold ingot suddenly appeared in Xiao Nanfeng's hand and sent it to Zhao Yuanjiao.


Zhao Yuanjiao, who was about to start, was stunned for a moment. What do you mean? This gold ingot... almost four or two?

"Senior brother, you look a lot like a good friend of mine. I'm new to your land, how about making a friend? This is a greeting." Xiao Nanfeng said with a slight smile.

Zhao Yuanjiao: "..."

meet and greet? To make friends? what are you doing? Are you going to bribe me? That's it? Forty taels of gold? I want a hundred taels of gold for a meal, and you want to bribe me with just this amount of money? You don't ask me who I am?

"Take it, you're welcome! Senior brother, take it back and buy two pieces of clothes." Xiao Nanfeng shoved four taels of gold into Zhao Yuanjiao's hands.

"???" Zhao Yuanjiao looked down at the somewhat torn clothes and capes on his body, but he had not had time to change them when he came back yesterday. Although the blood was washed away by the rain, it did look a little tattered. You... what do you take me for? ?

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