MTL - The Paranoid Bosses Are All My Boyfriends-v3 Chapter 46

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Chapter Thirteen

Zhao Hongyang sat blankly in his seat, his body still trembling slightly convulsively. He lowered his head and stared, listening to the chattering discussions of the people around him, sweating uncontrollably.

what happened?

Why is the development getting weirder this time around?

When Zhao Hongyang thought about it, his body twitched more and more violently, as if he had been stimulated by something, goosebumps exploded, and even the pupils were in a state of constriction for a long time.

And he seemed to feel something in his heart, and a terrifying and creepy thought came to him...

He inexplicably felt that the strange suicide and death of the voyeuristic boy even included his sudden loss of control and inability to move...

Maybe they all have an inexplicable relationship with the man who broke in just now...

Zhao Hongyang took a breath, grabbed his hair with his hands suddenly, and scratched it desperately with his fingernails, as if he was venting some emotion, with such force that he wanted to tear off a layer of skin, very ferocity.

His nonsensical actions frightened the few people sitting near his seat. Everyone took a breath, moved their buttocks to the side instinctively, and subconsciously stayed away from him, as if they were afraid of him. Sudden madness harmed his expression.

So who is that man?

Zhao Hongyang gritted his teeth.

Why did he backtrack so many times! Followed Su Jingyan so many times! But never saw this man?

Zhao Hongyang searched his memory hard, trying to find any shadow or memory related to that man in his mind.

Zhao Hongyang hammered his temple, his eyes were about to burst.

Strangely, the more he tried to search for the memory of this man in his mind, the more his brain ached and his heart beat faster and faster.

What step went wrong?

What is the problem?

Two weeks later, how did Su Jingyan die? Who killed him?

Is it related to this man?

It took Zhao Hongyang a long time to calm down, and he continued to clench his teeth, his face was very pale, the bruises and dark circles under his eyes became more and more heavy, and his whole temperament became gloomy.

He tilted his head, his neck made a rattling sound, and he looked like he was a little crazy.

The fear dissipated, and the fire of jealousy began to burn in Zhao Hongyang's chest unstoppably...


Why? Why so many times! Su Jingyan didn't dare to look him in the eye?

damn it!

What went wrong this time? On the way, Cheng Yaojin unexpectedly came out?

Su Jingyan found a boyfriend directly behind his back?


Zhao Hongyang recalled so many times that his admiration for Su Jingyan in his heart was no longer the pure liking at the beginning. Now, his feelings for Su Jingyan are more paranoid and possessive.

Zhao Hongyang has long put a mark on Su Jingyan's circle in his heart, and he believes that Su Jingyan will be with him sooner or later, and will become his own person sooner or later.

It's all just a matter of time.

He described himself as Su Jingyan's savior, and everything about Su Jingyan should belong to him!

He couldn't tolerate these things time and time again like a runaway wild horse out of his control!

It is impossible for him to give up Su Jingyan willingly!

Not reconciled! He is not reconciled!

Could it be that he paid so much and got nothing?

Zhao Hongyang tried his best to calm down, but his whole person looked more and more gloomy, and the calculating light in his eyes kept flickering.

what to do? What should he do next?

He clenched his fingers involuntarily, and then tightly clenched into a fist, his fingers trembling faintly.

If only things could start all over again!

Zhao Hongyang thought viciously.

Thinking of this, Zhao Hongyang's expression suddenly froze, and a temporary crack appeared on his face, as if some seedling had taken root in his heart, and then popped out.

In the next second, Zhao Hongyang was like waking up from a dream, and his demeanor and expression immediately changed dramatically, revealing an expression of ecstasy.

right! That's right!

All you have to do is start over!

Ha ha ha ha ha…

As long as Su Jingyan is dead, can't all this start again?

Zhao Hongyang became excited, his eyes glowed, and he was immersed in the fantasy that he could start again.

How long until Su Jingyan's death?

There is still more than a week!


Zhao Hongyang couldn't help cursing a little, and his madness became more and more severe.

Still so long! He simply can't wait!

He was going crazy with envy!

Zhao Hongyang took a deep breath, and his slightly out-of-focus eyes changed, revealing a sinister expression.


Anyway, Su Jingyan is going to die...

Why not! This time, he was the only one who came to help him out personally, and let him go happily!

There will be no pain in death!

As if he had got the answer, Zhao Hongyang lowered his head, his body twitched slightly again, and then let out a sinister sneer.

Su Jingyan held the key with a distressed face, and inserted it into the lock hesitantly, followed by a "click", and the door was opened.

Su Jingyan paused, grabbed Lu Yichen's hand that was about to push the door in, quickly blocked the man's way, and hurriedly shouted, "Hey, wait a minute."

Both of Lu Yichen's hands were carrying the food materials that the two of them went to buy together just now, and it looked very out of place with his meticulous clothes, and even felt a bit of inexplicable joy.

Hearing Su Jingyan's words, the man paused on the spot, his black eyes met Su Jingyan's deer eyes that seemed to be very guilty.

Su Jingyan blinked non-stop, his eyelashes flicked up and down, and then swallowed, showing an expression of apologetic smile, trying to cover up his inner unrest at this moment, even ups and downs.

He stood at the door lock, with both hands behind him, one hand holding the handle of the door, and using his body to block the man's hand who wanted to push the door in.

Su Jingyan smiled forcedly, resembling an embarrassing yet polite smirk.

He couldn't help but think in his mind...

If Yi Chen went in directly like this, he would definitely see the unwashed dirty underwear that he threw on the sofa!

It's over! How embarrassing!


Su Jingyan took a deep breath, probably because of embarrassment, he half-stretched his tongue and lightly touched his front teeth, revealing a little bit of scarlet, which added a bit of innocent and childish color Air feeling.

Temptation without knowing it.

Tsk, what a talent.

A dangerous gleam flashed in the man's eyes.

"That, Yichen," Su Jingyan called out to the man cautiously, the expression on his face became more and more reluctant, and the movement of raising his head to see the man was also very stiff.

The latter looked at him quietly, with a smile that was not a smile, as if he had read his mind, but then blinked innocently, as if asking what was wrong with him.

Finally, Su Jingyan let out a breath, summoned up his courage, and hurriedly said, "Well, my room is too messy. I'll go in and clean it up first. You wait for me at the door for two minutes. I call you in and you come in again. Did you hear that?"

Su Jingyan finished his words in one breath, and before the man responded, he quickly opened the door and rushed in.

Immediately after that, there was a "pong", Su Jingyan mercilessly closed the door tightly, not giving the man a chance to rush in at all, and locked him out abruptly.

Isn't this just giving people a sense of sight that there is no silver three hundred taels here, and they are deceiving their ears and stealing their bells.

so cute.

Lu Yichen's eyes flickered, he stood at the door and stared at the tightly closed door, and slowly curled the corners of his mouth, showing no sign of anger at all.

And the color of his eyes also became transparent, as if they were penetrating, and he could clearly see what was behind the door.


Su Jingyan looked flustered, and casually threw his schoolbag on the cabinet at the entrance, looking completely flustered and at a loss for what to do.

He didn't even have time to take off his shoes, so he rushed straight to the sofa and threw himself on it.

During this process, he even staggered two steps because of too much movement and panic, and almost fell down, so embarrassed.

Su Jingyan threw himself on the sofa, as expected, lying on the sofa were the dirty underwear and clothes he changed in the morning.

Su Jingyan gasped, with a reluctant expression, and then panicked again, and quickly ran into the bathroom with the clothes in his arms.

His face was burning red during the run.

This is too embarrassing!


Good thing he remembered it!

After finally waiting for him to finish the matter of dirty underwear, Su Jingyan breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he came out of the bathroom and returned to the living room, his eyes scanned the surroundings to see the surrounding scene clearly, his heart skipped a beat again, and his heart choked.

Another long heartache.

Some time ago, because he was busy with the school papers, he left early and returned late every day. The night before yesterday, he came back in the early morning because he stayed too late in the school study room to check the information.

In addition, he lived directly at Lu Yichen's house these two days, so the current situation is that his bachelor's apartment has not been cleaned up for almost half a month.

Of course, this does not mean that the garbage in the living room is littered, and the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen are not washed, but that his brushes, tools and some messy things are everywhere on the sofa and chairs...

Su Jingyan held his forehead a little suffocated, he was caught in a dilemma, and ten thousand grass and mud horses were galloping above his head.

If some other people came to his house as guests, Su Jingyan might not be so particular about it. After all, although his things are not neatly arranged together, they still look comfortable and don’t look very It's messy.

Su Jingyan has always followed a path that is comfortable, convenient, and clean, without paying too much attention.

Su Jingyan's face wrinkled into a bitter gourd.

But the problem is that the person who came was Lu Yichen.

It's that Lu Yichen who even smoothes the wrinkles of the sofa at home!

Su Jingyan felt his brain explode.

If he started packing these things now, even at his fastest speed, it would definitely take at least seven or eight minutes...


But he can't let Lu Yichen shut the door for such a long time, can he? !

Just when Su Jingyan wanted to cry but had no tears, he was struggling with what to do.

I don't know if Lu Yichen really believed Su Jingyan's words that two minutes would be two minutes, he picked the time, and when the time came, he immediately started knocking on the door.

"Boom boom boom."

Su Jingyan put his hands on his forehead helplessly, finally sighed as if death was at home, hung his head, walked to the door in small steps and opened it.

Lu Yichen's eyes were still calm, his back was straight, and with the groceries in his hand, he stood motionless at the door, maintaining the movement of Su Jingyan before entering the door, with a gaze that seemed to be able to see through people. It was fixed on Su Jingyan.

Su Jingyan bit the bullet, forced a smile and said, "Come in."


Then Su Jingyan took out the new cotton slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them on the ground so that the man could change them out.

After entering the door, Lu Yichen began to look around. There didn't seem to be any big emotional fluctuations in his eyes, and he didn't have any cleanliness reaction because of the messy things in the house.

One thing to say, in fact, Su Jingyan misunderstood him from the beginning.

The reason why Lu Yichen's house is so clean and tidy is that his existence is silent and invisible. He doesn't need to eat or sleep. Everything in the house is useless to him.

Naturally, it will appear extraordinarily neat and rigorous to the point of being unpopular.

Alas, this is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

After Lu Yichen entered the door, he went straight to the kitchen with a big bag of things, and put all the food materials he bought on the chopping board.

Seeing that Lu Yichen didn't show any displeasure after entering the door, Su Jingyan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at the man's back, took a step, and hurriedly followed.

He stood behind Lu Yichen, rolled up his sleeves, and greeted warmly, "This time I will cook, go and rest."

Lu Yichen turned his back to Su Jingyan, upon hearing what the other person said, a fleeting smile appeared on his face, and he turned around directly.

Su Jingyan was defenseless, tilting his head, startled by the man's movements.

Because at this moment, the two of them are standing face to face, only a few centimeters away from each other, so close that if the man lowers his head a little bit, the two of them should kiss each other...

Sure enough, this time, Su Jingyan's face immediately turned red into a pink apple, and even swallowed because of nervousness.

Su Jingyan blushed and took a step back, wanting to alleviate this enigmatic embarrassment, secretly despising himself for being too ungrateful.

But Lu Yichen followed his step back and took a step in his direction. The distance between the two was even closer than before.

Su Jingyan's eyelashes were trembling, and his whole expression had completely betrayed the wandering thoughts in his heart.

In fact, Lu Yichen's actions did not disappoint him.

Lu Yichen's right hand was directly attached to Su Jingyan's head, giving him a domineering sense of sight that fixed people in place.

Su Jingyan's eyes also blinked, his lips were pursed tightly, his heart was pounding and beating fast, his eye sockets were also red, and his eyelashes were trembling constantly.

Lu Yichen bent down, and the faces of the two of them got closer, and Su Jingyan could even feel the heat of his breath spraying on the man's face.

Su Jingyan's Adam's apple slipped again, and the whole person seemed very nervous.

Lu Yichen hooked the corners of his mouth, closely watching every micro-expression of Su Jingyan.

Su Jingyan looked at the man's eyes, and he couldn't tell what he expected, but he always felt that the next second, the man would kiss him involuntarily.

The surroundings were also very quiet, without any sound, as if there were only the two of them in the world, and they only had each other in their eyes.

However, Lu Yichen stared at his face, but did not make any further moves. The two of them stared at him for a long time.

Just when Su Jingyan thought that he was too self-indulgent, Lu Yichen suddenly laughed out loud, hooked the corners of his mouth, and let out a hoarse voice.

"Yanyan, can I kiss you?"

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