MTL - The Paranoid Bosses Are All My Boyfriends-v5 Chapter 94

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Chapter One

"Hey, have you heard? Our class will transfer a transfer student."

"I heard from the squad leader that it seems to be a boy."

"Hey, I also heard that he was expelled because of a fight in the previous school, and he beat people so violently that he was sent to the hospital. That's why he came to our school."

"Wori, so fierce? No way? Is it true?"

"Ah? Social youth, it's so scary!"

"Shhhhhhh, Miejue Shitai is here, hurry up! Everyone, stop talking."

The woman was wearing a black and white professional attire, with a square eye on the bridge of her nose, and walked in from outside the classroom.

Her hands were folded in front of her chest, and she was holding a textbook in her hands. From the moment the person appeared at the door, she scanned the entire classroom with her sharp eyes.

The students in the entire classroom were all silent, with their heads down, pens in their hands, looking like they were studying hard and studying hard.

If you ignore the fact that there are still a few books that have been knocked down and the caps of the ballpoint pens have not been torn off, just take a look at it and feel that it is still not bad.

"Cough, cough, cough." The woman stood on the podium and coughed twice, implying that everyone should pay attention to herself.

Everyone who received the message raised their heads immediately, and those who were talking in the classroom looked at each other with a guilty look.

"Our class will be injected with new blood today, everyone welcome."

With that said, the woman took the lead in applauding.

The homeroom teachers applauded, how could they not show face, faked smiles, and immediately clapped like thunder.

Seeing the students' admiration, the woman nodded in relief and said, "Student Lu Yichen, you can come in now."

The boy had a pale face, his bangs almost covered his eyes, he carried a schoolbag on his shoulders, his hands were hanging weakly on his sides, his whole person's aura was a bit dejected, without any energy.

Lu Yichen's lips were tightly pursed, and there was no emotion on his face, only his clenched teeth betrayed that his inner emotions were not calm at all.

gross! gross!

Lu Yichen tried his best to restrain his emotions, not letting himself show any disgust.

He is sick! literal meaning.

His illness was even a little unusual! — He has an extremely rare cognitive impairment.

But his disease is different from the common cognitive impairment such as red-green color blindness. On the contrary, it is a bit like an addict at the onset of the disease. The closest family members become monsters or something, and then do something terrible.

But for Lu Yichen, from childhood to adulthood, the world in his eyes is like the world of a sick addict.

All the human beings he saw were corpses and beasts with **** mouths and rotting skin. Even normal cats and dogs were piles of carrion in his eyes, like corpses that had been dead for a month in the sewer. The bad smell emanated from everyone, making him sick.

He has never eaten meat, and he would not even drink water if he could, because he is out of tune with this world, so he resists the whole world.

disgusting! disgusting!

The blue veins at Lu Yichen's temples were already bulging, and the hands hanging on both sides were slowly clenched into fists. He lowered his head, his eyes looked a little empty, supercilious, inexplicably giving off a kind of self-sufficiency and aloofness. sense of sight.

"He is Lu Yichen, and he will study with us next."

The woman glanced at Lu Yichen, did not ask him to introduce himself, but offered to help him write the three words of his name on the blackboard.

According to the description of the relatives, she knew that this boy had a severe autistic personality and seemed to have...


Lu Yichen couldn't see that the teacher felt sympathy for his experience, and looked at him with a little pity. What he could only see was a rotten monster standing next to him, looking at another pile of extremely ugly monsters in front of him. Disgusting beasts introduce themselves.


Lu Yichen?

Su Jingyan, who was lying on the table and drowsy, straightened his back when he heard these three words. Like taking a stimulant, his expression instantly became very happy.

Almost the moment he raised his head, the eyes of the people next to him were completely forgotten.

"Papa papa." To everyone's surprise, Su Jingyan applauded very positively under the watchful eyes of everyone.

His actions not only frightened the classmates next to him, even the old class on the podium raised their brows, with surprised expressions in their eyes.

Lu Yichen seemed to have been bewitched by something. His head, which had been bowed since entering the classroom, paused at the moment of the applause, and then his clenched fists loosened. He pursed his lips, as if feeling something. He raised his head and looked towards the source of the sound.


"Plop! Plop!"

Lu Yichen's eyes widened suddenly at the moment of seeing clearly, and his heartbeat was also bouncing up and down at a very high frequency, as if the air had become frozen and the whole world had become silent.

"Boom boom boom—"

Lu Yichen almost forgot to breathe. He stared, not daring to blink at all, as if he was afraid that if he closed his eyes, everything in front of him would be like a ball of bubbles, and then disappear without a trace.

and then a dream...

A cold light flashed in Lu Yichen's eyes. Although his eyeballs were bloodshot and even torn, he still didn't want to blink his eyes, and his expression became slightly distorted and ferocious. .

He hesitated in place, his feet moved, as if he was trying to suppress some emotions, and his shoulders trembled and twitched slightly.

Then, under the inexplicable, even surprised eyes of everyone, when even the old class on the podium didn't react to stop him,

Lu Yichen, however, seemed to be summoned and guided by something, with his back slightly arched, his footsteps paused, with a bit of hesitation, he walked purposefully in the direction of Su Jingyan.

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes fell on Lu Yichen.

Su Jingyan also sat there in some astonishment, but unlike the shock of the others, his expression clearly showed a kind of indescribable surprise.

Su Jingyan raised his head, and his eyes met Lu Yichen's torn eyes accurately.

His seat is next to the window, sitting in the last row, different from other people in the classroom, he is the only one in the whole class without a deskmate.

Because he is a very special existence in this class, or even in the whole school.

Su Jingyan's appearance is so memorable, he is obviously a boy, but he has a face that makes people fall in love at first sight and fall in love at first sight, regardless of gender, men and women can fall in love with each other.

Almost all the classmates who used to be at the same table with Su Jingyan will be tricked and retaliated by other people in the school. Over time, Su Jingyan seems to be an existence that cannot be reached. Anyone who approaches him is like blasphemy Generally, they will be spurned and bullied by the collective.

Even the teachers and the school have come forward to coordinate this issue many times, but the results are all to no avail.

Su Jingyan has become a recognized property of the whole school, and no one is allowed to defile or approach it.

So when the transfer student approached Su Jingyan in front of the whole class, not only the classmates but also the old class were a little nervous, and their expressions were all slightly suffocated.

The students didn't know whether to describe their impression of Lu Yichen with pity or disgust.

Not rotting corpses...

No nauseous to nauseating stink...

The hair is black, the skin is white, the eyes are bright...

"He lived in the filthy sewer for more than ten years, and finally, he saw a mermaid."

Lu Yichen's expression was like a chameleon, his facial features twisted and changed back and forth, as if he saw something unbelievable, the eyes covered by bangs were almost unadorned shock, and the whole person's aura was also shocked. All of a sudden, he went from depressed to excited.

So lovely…

It's really... so beautiful...

Against the backdrop of a pile of garbage, it looks even more earth-shattering.

This was the first time he saw a creature whose body structure was very similar to his own.

It's just incredible...

Su Jingyan took the initiative to stand up, first glanced at Lu Yichen, pursed his lips, and looked a little shy and nervous.

Su Jingyan's voice and eyes moved, and he looked at Lu Yichen with a bit of expressed surprise and curiosity. He tilted his head slightly to look at the boy's bangs with no blood in his facial features.

When he was only one meter away from Su Jingyan, Lu Yichen stopped in his footsteps, his eyes were torn badly, his teeth were clenched tightly, and he tried his best to control his emotions that were about to lose control.

From the corner of Su Jingyan's eyes, he saw the unthinking eyes of the people around him, swallowed his saliva, and didn't know what he thought of, and kept rubbing the ballpoint pen that was originally on the table with both hands, looking very stiff.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, his face slowly turned red, and his cheeks also swelled up.

Finally, as if he had made up his mind, he bit his lower lip, looked past Lu Yichen, and cast his eyes on the teacher standing behind Lu Yichen, who was standing on the podium, showing an extremely obedient smile.

"Teacher, can you let him be my deskmate?" Su Jingyan's voice was very soft, not heavy, and even stammered somewhat cautiously, but the volume was enough for the whole class to hear.

The frightening thing is that at this moment, Su Jingyan still has a somewhat hesitant expression on his face, even a bit shy.



There was an indescribably strange silence all around again, and death stares fell on Lu Yichen's body one after another accurately, wondering if there was a heartache feeling that his cabbage was being gouged by a pig.

Lu Yichen looked at Su Jingyan with increasingly hot eyes, his eyes trembled a little, and the corners of his mouth also twitched slightly.

He involuntarily took another step towards Su Jingyan's position, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Seeing his footsteps moving again, Su Jingyan immediately raised a big smile, and even took the initiative to pull away the empty stool next to her, and said a little coquettishly, "It's the first time we meet, my name is Su Jingyan."

Su Jingyan...


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