MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 320 When the Injustice Universe Becomes a Zombie Universe

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  Chapter 320 When the Unjust Universe Becomes a Zombie Universe

  DC dreamland, unjust universe.

  The shadow of unknown death, quietly but with lightning speed, enveloped the entire earth!

  Under Injustice Superman's super hearing, he can hear the wailing and screams from various areas outside Gotham City.

  On the city streets, one vehicle after another lost control, causing a series of car accidents that stretched for several kilometers.

  Even, plane after plane fell from the sky, like the end of the world!

  Many citizens fled in despair, and one after another people around them suddenly became ill, and they were cut off to death, but their eyes were dark, and they became zombies hunting around like wild beasts!

   In just one second, there will be tens of thousands of zombies in this world, and this number is still soaring and superimposing at a crazy rate!

  Hearing the words of the unjust superman Yi Meng, the three members of the superman regime trembled.

   Viruses infected through the Internet? This is really - unbelievable!

  Yimeng pondered, this virus reminded him of the Martian hunters.

  At that time, the developed alien civilization second only to Krypton, because of the self-immolation virus on the psychic side, the Martian hunters quickly perished, leaving only Xiaohuahua as a survivor.

   And now, the tragedy is happening here.

  The network, for the human civilization on Earth, is equivalent to the minds of the Martians who keep together.

  Through the Internet channels, the zombie virus spread wildly, spreading all over the world in an instant, and it is too late to stop it now.

   What is even more frightening is that this deadly virus that turns people into walking dead can easily infect even the inhuman defense physique of a superhero!

   In this way, superheroes will not only be unable to fight against the virus, but will also become a powerful host for the spread of the virus!

"not only that."

  The unrighteous superman Yi Meng lowered his eyes and looked down, and the three members of the superman regime followed suit.

   On the surface where the rebels are located, it can be seen that Green Lantern suddenly fell ill, bit Firestorm, and scratched Flash.


  The Flash suddenly let out a low growl, his life was suddenly overshadowed by death, the veins on his face protruded, and the blood in the veins turned black.


  Speed ​​Force glowed on the body surface, Flash ignored the others, rushed out of Gotham City, turned into a current and disappeared in an instant!

  The unrighteous Black Adam gritted his teeth: "This is terrible. At the speed of the Flash, within half an hour, there will be almost no living people in this world."

  The Goddess of Injustice was astonished: "But Green Lantern, he obviously has no access to the Internet, how did he get infected?"

  Super girl Kara couldn't think of a reason, and looked at Yimeng.

  The unrighteous superman Yi Meng said calmly: "Because it is a conceptual virus that is biased towards the law of energy. It seems to spread through the Internet, but the will of the whole world has actually been infected by the virus, and the will is also the source of the green light."

  He suddenly squinted his eyes, and whispered to himself: "This infective power seems familiar, it seems to come from..."

   Right at this moment, there was a bang.

  Below the surface, Firestorm, who was bitten by the Green Lantern zombie, suddenly let out a low growl, and the flames on his body exploded, and then the entire body of the dead zombie expanded like a balloon, like a small hydrogen bomb exploded on the spot!


  The flames exploded, flooding the Gotham area for miles, erasing everything!


  Looking at the city below that was shrouded in raging flames, and the tragically damaged rebel forces, the unrighteous Black Adam was also unhappy.

  Besides, if this continues, the world will end and be overwhelmed by the wave of dead viruses!

   "Leader, what shall we do now?"

  The Goddess of Injustice took a deep breath, and looked seriously at Superman Injustice.

   "Don't understand yet?"

Yi Meng, the unjust superman, shrugged his shoulders, his stern face was as calm as ever, and he looked at the unjust Black Adam and the unrighteous goddess: "I am not your leader. You should know your own leader very well, and you should also Do you see it?"

   Both were silent.

   "That's it, goodbye."

   As Yi Meng, the unjust superman, said, he broke through the sound barrier and flew to a higher sky alone.


  Flying to near space, Yi Meng, the unrighteous superman, suddenly stopped, turned around and looked behind him, and saw a young girl chasing him.

   Seeing him stop, the young girl in the women's Kryptonian uniform also stopped.

   "What are you following me for?" Yi Meng frowned slightly: "I am not the leader of the Superman regime, and naturally I am not your cousin, so there is no need for you to continue following me."

Supergirl Kara pouted: "But, my parents in my Kryptonian hometown asked me to come to you. Black Adam who rescued me also asked me to work with you in the future. Even if you say you are not my cousin now, I will not Knowing what to do and where to stay."

  She smiled and said, "At the end of the end of the world, can I continue to follow you?"

   What the heck, it's like a stray puppy from Krypton.

  The unrighteous superman Yi Meng was silent, and then replied: "Follow if you want."

  He didn't pay attention to the other party, and flew down towards one place.

  The super girl Kara hurriedly chased after her, and asked curiously while flying: "Then who are you, and where did you come from? Are you going back now?"

   The unrighteous Superman Yimeng did not respond, and a second later, he landed on the outskirts of Gotham.

   "This is the place where the watchtower crashed just now." The super girl Kara was surprised.

  The unjust Superman Yi Mengchao flew down the remains of the watchtower fortress that was still burning with raging flames.

   Before he landed.


  From the wreckage of the watchtower, two parallel dark red rays crossed the Z orbit at an extremely fast speed, pierced through the air in front, and shot towards the unrighteous superman Yi Meng and the super girl Kara!

too fast!

  Super girl Kara trembled in her heart, staring at the red Z-shaped ray, she didn't have time to react and dodge, and she was about to be pierced by the ray!

   At the critical moment.

  Yimeng stretched out her right hand like lightning, a subtle golden light glowed on her fingertips, and blocked the dark red ray moving in a Z-shaped trajectory with her bare hands!


  The wreckage of the watchtower exploded, and a burly and tall body slowly stood up, wearing gray cold armor, with dark red pupils burning continuously in both eyes!

  That is, Darkseid!

   To be more precise, it is the clone of Darkseid in another parallel universe, or zombie!

  The Omega effect used instinctively was resisted, and the Dakseid avatar zombie roared ferociously, and continued to rush towards the falling unrighteous superman Yimeng!

  The unrighteous superman Yimeng pointed out with all her strength, the fingertip was like the golden light warmed by the sun, after neutralizing the omega rays, it landed on the forehead of the Darkside zombie!

  He didn't hold back, and used the strongest force he could use at the moment!


   Space Warp.

  Like the compressed light of celestial bodies, it contains the mystery and power of the universe!


  Super girl Kara can even feel the power of transformation beyond the genes of the Kryptonian family!

  With a finger of golden light, a head exploded, and the Darkseid zombie, which had already lost its vitality and will, flew out!

   "If I can kill your clone once, I can kill the second time."

   "It's just that I didn't expect you to use such a method to set up a situation." The unrighteous superman Yi Meng shook his head and said to himself.

  Super girl Kara opened her starry eyes wide: "What do you mean? You mean, he created the concept virus?"

  Yimeng nodded. The moment he saw Darkseid's clone zombie, he understood everything.

   No wonder it feels so familiar.

  The current conceptual virus is not an anti-life equation, combined with the power of death, and after mixing, it sublimates and transforms into an ability equivalent to rules.

  Super girl Kara was silent for a moment, and urged: "Get out of here quickly. The creatures here will soon be infected by the concept virus. With your strength, you should have a way to escape to other planets or universes."

   "Aren't you going with me?" Yi Meng looked at her curiously, and followed her slyly just a moment ago.

  The girl smiled sweetly, her immature face was a little lonely, she shook her head and said, "No way. Anyway, even if I live, there is no meaning of existence. Why don't I die here with the people here."

  She looked to the sky: "Perhaps, I should have died long ago, with my parents when Krypton was destroyed."

"All right."

  The unrighteous superman Yi Meng spread his hands together: "Then let's go together. Anyway, it's too late to escape."

   "It's too late?" Supergirl Kara was stunned.

Yi Meng nodded, and said bluntly: "Yes. This is to kill my concept virus. The moment I put it into the planet, the creatures here have already been infected, and no one can avoid it. Besides, I have been in close contact with it. His infected body."

  His words were a little helpless, but calm enough.

   While speaking, the eyes of Yi Meng, the unrighteous superman, had turned to hazy black, filled with death.

  (end of this chapter)

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