MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 326 A shocking change in the Marvel Universe, Morgan!

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  Chapter 326 Shocking Changes in the Marvel Universe, Morgan!

  Yimeng exited the DC dreamland and woke up from the dreamland.

   If you want to rescue the ancient incarnation of Doomsday trapped on the wall of origin, there is no rush, at least let the unrighteous superman who lives in Dreamwalk find the original universe.

   Then, find a way to escape the ancient doomsday incarnation from the wall of origin.

   Now, the action is still stuck in the process of returning to the original universe through the teleporter.

  In addition, the parallel universe that was just teleported to is a bit interesting, so Yimeng decided to stay and explore for a while.

   Before that, she had been in the dream for a long time, so Yi Meng chose to temporarily withdraw from the DC dream.

  Back to the real world.

   After waking up, Yimeng confirmed her physical condition. The characteristics of the ancient Doomsday were still suppressed, and she couldn't use much of the power of the ancient Doomsday.

  However, fortunately, it still has some of the characteristic powers of Marvel's dream avatar.

  That is part of the ability of a single mind gem and the analyst god, enough to deal with the current S-level invasion incidents in the real world.

  Of course, it would be hard to say if there was another world-ending situation where the wandering earth hit the real world!

  The real world will not be so unlucky, right?

  Yi Meng is really not sure, who predicts that dozens of large-scale invasions of film and television worlds are on the way in the near future.

   Therefore, it is still the top priority to let the incarnation of the ancient Doomsday in the DC dream come out of trouble and complete the remaining golden perfect transformation.

  After waking up.

  Imeng wandered around the real world and confirmed that there was no new invasion event that the Dragon Girl could not deal with, and also learned that there was still no news about the missing Tifa.

  So, after having dinner and taking a shower, Yi Meng, who put on her pajamas, went back to bed and lay down again.

  Now, there is no progress in the real world, and there is still no major breakthrough in body ability, so the dream is the key.

  Yimeng closed his eyes, and now with his superior control over the mind, he was able to put himself into a sleep state anytime and anywhere.

   It's just that he still can't understand all the principles of the golden finger of 'Entering Dreams'.

  After falling asleep, Yi Meng's consciousness continued to sink, and three familiar dream world options popped up in front of her eyes.

  The third dream world that has not been explored in depth is still in a black screen state.

  Yimeng originally wanted to directly choose DC Dreamland to continue the unfinished rescue operation.

  Suddenly, he thought of one thing, when the dream consciousness plunged into the first dream world.

  That is, Marvel's dreamland.


  Marvel Dreamland.

  Earth France, in a cozy apartment on the second floor.

  The TV is on.

  Wanda **** her **** red hair and wore a floral home apron, just like a virtuous wife doing home hygiene.

  A two-meter-high robot that resembles a miniature version of the Tenjin Group sits motionless on the sofa, like a decorative mascot for the family.

   Around its neck, there is a fresh wreath around it.

  Wanda used chaos magic to transform into a sprayer and sprinkle water on the wreath.

   At this time.

  The body of the **** robot trembled slightly, and a wave of energy and spiritual waves swayed out quietly.

  Wanda, who is the Scarlet Witch, naturally noticed this.

  She asked in surprise, "Xiaomeng, are you back?"


  The soul gem, Yi Meng, returned to this Marvel universe, took advantage of the opportunity to settle in this analyst's body, and asked, "Time..."

  Wanda stretched out four fair fingers, and responded, "It's been four days since you left when you became a god."

   "Four days?"

   Yi Meng pondered for a moment.

  Since leaving the dream world and returning to the real world, and the time in the dream universe will continue to pass, he has been paying attention to the time ratio between reality and dreams.

  Now, Yi Meng is more and more sure of a conclusion.

  Time in the current Marvel universe is constantly slowing down!

  Before, a day passed in the real world, and maybe a week or even half a month passed in the Marvel dream universe.

   Now, one day has passed in the real world, and only four days have passed in the Marvel dream universe!

  Perhaps, in the near future, the time in the real world will be completely aligned with the time in the Marvel Dream Universe!

   And when the time is fully connected, what will happen?

  Jewel **** Imeng is thinking.

  Now, every moment, the real world, several major dreams, and even dozens of film and television worlds are all performing various unpredictable variables.

   You must control these variables in your own hands in order to predict the real future and move towards a foolproof situation.

  If you want to get Tifa back, you have to start with these variables...

   "Xiaomeng, Xiaomeng."

  Wanda called several times, her beautiful eyes were clearly concerned and hesitant, as if she had something to say to him.

   "During the three days I was away, what happened in this world?"

  Yimeng came back to her senses suddenly, sensing Wanda's uneasiness.

  Wanda no longer hesitated, and slowly uttered a sentence:



  On the outskirts of New York, the lake was frozen, and the wooden houses were piled up with snowcaps.

   At this time, in the living room of the wooden house where the fireplace was burning, there was a heart-piercing cry of a woman.

  Pepper Potts sat on the sofa, his eyes were flushed, and he kept wiping away the overflowing tears.

   Beside her, Aunt Mei was hugging her body, patting her back to comfort her.

  The other side.

  Happy in a suit and leather shoes, with a big belly on his face, his face was livid at this time, and his fists were clenched tightly: "If you let me know that someone did it, I will definitely eat him alive!"

  He said in a deep voice: "Pepper, don't worry. I have already contacted SHIELD, Tianjian Bureau, and the Avengers. I will definitely find the missing Morgan as soon as possible!"

  Pepper Potts did not respond, twitched with tears, and passed out with grief.

  At this time, in the mirror space.

  Looking at the sad and angry three people in the wooden house outside, the gem **** Yimeng calmly said: "Morgan, when did you disappear?"

   "Just yesterday, I have been missing for a whole day." Wanda sighed softly, holding Yi Meng's hand.

  Because of knowing Yi Meng, Wanda knew that Yi Meng was far less peaceful than imagined.

  In this world, Morgan Stark is a very important person to him.

Wanda said softly: "I also investigated secretly for the first time yesterday. But it's very strange, Morgan seems to have disappeared out of thin air from this wooden house, from his own room. I can't find her in the parallel universe through dream magic. trail."

  Disappeared out of thin air?

  Even though Yi Meng was burning with anxiety, she still remained calm enough.

  With the strength of Wanda Scarlet Witch, she wanted to take Morgan away without leaving any traces, even the Celestial Group couldn't do it!

   So, the only possibility is that Morgan himself disappeared?

  But Morgan Stark is just an ordinary person, a natural genius in the field of science and technology, without the ability to travel through the multiverse, and Wanda has also confirmed it through dream magic.

  Jewel God Immon took a step forward and appeared in Morgan's room.

at this time.

  The room that Morgan regarded as half a studio was dead silent, and the vivacity and vitality of a girl was lost, leaving only a pile of cold mechanical tools and equipment on the workbench.

  Yi Meng saw a plush bear doll on the bed, and couldn't help but be in a daze. It was the Christmas gift he gave Morgan a few days ago.

  After being in a trance, unprecedented anger indeed ignited on the body of the mind gem incarnation, the analyst god!

  With a thought, Yi Meng took control of the artificial intelligence and monitoring of the hut in an instant.

  Confirming the surveillance video, Yimeng witnessed Morgan disappearing out of thin air in the room the day before.

  The blond-haired little loli lay on the bed with the doll in her arms, her small body curled up in the blanket turned from reality to emptiness, like an image on the drawing paper being erased by an eraser, and disappeared here without a sound...

   This scene seems familiar!

"how come…"

  Yimeng was greatly shocked in his heart. He suddenly looked around, and it was obvious that he hadn't seen him for a few days, and the style and furnishings of Morgan's room had changed.

  Originally there were only cold decorations of steel battle armor, but now all these are placed on one side of the room, and all kinds of dolls are placed on the other side of the room. The very girlish decoration and the steel mechanical style are just in sharp contrast.

  (end of this chapter)

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