MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 340 Starburst, Dr. Manhattan's Transformation

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  Chapter 340 Starburst, Dr. Manhattan's Transformation

  DC dreamland, the watcher's universe.

  The space is silent and silent, only the dazzling golden light that surpasses the sun suddenly lights up, and the mighty power surge sets off waves of nebula and dust, and the aura of destruction wreaks havoc on the solar system.

at this time.

  Through the satellite device, the great powers who barely witnessed the end of the battle between Dr. Manhattan and the unjust Superman in outer space were collectively dumbfounded.

   "My God, what's that?"

   "Mars... Mars gone!"

   "Mars has been destroyed, it looks like it was destroyed by an opponent of Doctor Manhattan!"

   "Hey, it's true, it's Mars!"

  Government officials, scientists, and even military personnel of major powers were all shocked by this feedback!

   That's Mars!

  Although Mars is only 0.15 the size of the Earth, that is, a little more than one-tenth, it is indeed a celestial body!

   Such a celestial body that is in the solar system and is the fourth planet, in today's battle between the two, it was hit and ushered in destruction...

   This is crazy too!

  If this scene hadn’t happened right in front of your eyes, no one would dare to believe the fact that the original site of Mars turned into nebula and dust was seen in the image fed back by the satellite!

  In just an instant, Mars, who was involved in the battle between the two, disappeared out of thin air, destroyed into dust and nothingness!

  This is even more shocking and horrifying than the extraordinary power shown by Doctor Manhattan before!

  At this moment, the global human beings in the Watcher universe clearly feel their own smallness and weakness, and their fear is inexplicable!

  Watcher Universe Earth, located in Manhattan, New York, in the high-profile and luxurious top-floor office of a skyscraper.

  A handsome man in a suit and leather shoes came to the floor-to-ceiling windows. He looked up at the sky with strong golden light and the blue light that was torn and suppressed by the golden light, and whispered: "Joe (Dr. Manhattan), will he also lose?"

  If Dr. Manhattan loses, then the peace plan he has been planning can only be declared a failure.

   On the other side, also in the city of New York, in a dark alley full of garbage.

  A man dressed in mysterious and heavy black clothes, with a white hood on his head, and a flowing black shadow on his face, looked up at the high-altitude vision in the gap of the alley, with his hands in his pockets like a shadow, silent.


  The outer space of the universe, the original site of Mars, among the nebula and dust.

  The injustice superman Yi Meng, who escaped from trouble, looked down. Starting from the right hand that popped out the Starburst Finger, his body became completely transparent and lost its substance, and then continued to collapse and dissipate like ashes.

  This unrighteous superhuman body has already exceeded the limit of the impact of internal and external energy and power.

  Right now, even the power of the ancient destructive sun and the power of immortality, it is too late to repair this body that has been riddled with holes by the destructive power and atomic power.

  And the destruction of this body as a medium will also cause the dream magic to stop on its own.

   "However, the teleportation bracelet has been destroyed, so we can only find another opportunity..."

  Imeng closed his eyes, his consciousness sank into the darkness, just when the dream magic was about to be interrupted, and his consciousness returned to the incarnation of the ancient Doomsday.


  A mysterious atomic blue light lit up in front of my eyes.

  Yimeng opened his eyes in surprise, and what he saw was a blue man standing in the space ahead and returning to normal size.

   That's...Dr. Manhattan.

   What surprised Yi Meng was not that Dr. Manhattan survived a blow from his own golden finger. After all, he knew that Dr. Manhattan had already transcended the current dimension, and his strength was unfathomable.

   Instead, the current Dr. Manhattan is actually using his ability to help repair the body of the current unjust Superman!

Dr. Manhattan stretched out his hands forward, and the blue atomic power shrouded the transparent superhuman body that was about to collapse and dissipate, causing the body of the superhuman to heal itself at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon returned to a non-destructive body. entity.

   "Why did you do this?" Yi Meng, the unrighteous superman, looked at him suspiciously.

  Dr. Manhattan said inexplicably without emotion: "I've changed my mind, and I won't shoot you again. Because I didn't understand something until this moment."

   "What do you understand?"

  Yimeng became more and more curious about what made the other party not only stop attacking, but also helped him repair the unrighteous superhuman body that had completely collapsed.

   Of course, he is not afraid of Dr. Manhattan.

  Although he is no match for Dr. Manhattan now, Dr. Manhattan is not really a threat to his ancient Doomsday incarnation.

   "Sit down and talk."

  Dr. Manhattan stands in space. With a wave of his hand, the dust in the nebula below changes by itself, forming a grand and expansive metal platform, with a metal round table and two opposing metal benches placed in the center.

   Even, steaming tea and coffee are prepared on the metal table.

  This is the creation-like ability of creation!

  The unrighteous superman Yi Meng was not polite to the other party, and flew down directly, sat on one of the metal chairs, and took a sip of tea.

  Dr. Manhattan landed on the opposite metal chair and sat down slowly: "I don't know if it suits your taste."

   "Not bad." Yi Mengjie quenched his thirst and nodded.

  The harmonious scene in front of us, if humans on Earth saw it, they would definitely be dumbfounded.

  A moment ago, the two had gone from earth battles to space, and even Mars was blown away!

  It is obviously a situation of immortality, but now they are sitting together, sitting on the nebula of debris turned into Mars, talking face to face like friends?

   "Now, can you tell me why you changed your mind?"

  The unrighteous superman Yi Meng remained calm, put down the cup, and looked at Dr. Manhattan who had saved him.

  Dr. Manhattan said peacefully: "After I became Doctor Manhattan, I have always been able to see the past and the future. It can be said that I exist in the past, present and future at the same time."

"But lately, I've been disconnected from the future. I've been guessing that sometime in the future, there's a nuclear war and there's a sudden tachyon explosion that travels backwards along the time hole. , thus blurring the future scene I saw."

   "This guess is very reasonable, isn't it." Yi Meng nodded. Even he, who has just arrived in this universe, knows that in this Watcher universe, the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union is unprecedented, and a nuclear war will break out at any time.

   "But yesterday, your appearance changed my guess." Dr. Manhattan asked back: "Do you know who unlocked your self-limiting special handcuffs and ankles?"

   "It's a white man in his early forties." Yi Meng learned this through the heart of the unjust Superman.

  Dr. Manhattan said calmly: "That was a comrade-in-arms of mine when I was in the militia—Pharaoh. He is the smartest person among us. He also used to study atomic energy with me, and he has my special energy."

  Yimeng suddenly said: "I understand. So you guessed that it was not a nuclear war that caused the big particle explosion in the future, but the Pharaoh used your special energy."

  Dr. Manhattan nodded calmly: "That should not be a guess, but an established future."

  (end of this chapter)

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