MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 351 Doomsday Superman returns, blow everything up!

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  Chapter 351 Doomsday Superman returns, smashing everything!

   This sudden shocking scene.

  Not to mention other people, even the always indifferent eyes of the anti-monitor shrank suddenly, and the sudden change obviously exceeded his known information.

   What stunned everyone on the field is yet to come.

  The moment the antimatter light beam, which is powerful enough to destroy all existence, came into contact with the golden palm protruding from behind Xiao Huahua, there was no one-sided destruction as expected, nor did the terrifying scene of energy or law collide.

  The golden palm actually blocked the antimatter beam!

  Following light grasping with five fingers, the antimatter beam was lifted up like dough!


  Following the golden palm flick upwards, the antimatter beam bends 90 degrees abruptly and rushes towards the space beyond the sky directly above!

  On the field, everyone watched this scene in shock.

  The anti-monitor who created the anti-matter cannon beam opened his eyes even more, and his pale face, which had always been calm, showed an incredible look!

   Take the antimatter cannon with bare hands? What a multivariate joke!

  The antimatter cannon is enough to destroy all the matter in the single universe!

  If you want to resist, unless the opponent has the strength to go beyond the current universe and step into the diversity!

   No, even if you have the ability to surpass multiples, it's too ridiculous to block it with your bare hands!

  The Anti-Monitor couldn't accept it for a while, even with his physique, he dare not say that he can easily block the attack of the same level as the anti-matter beam!

"this is…"

  Xiao Huahua blinked her bright starry eyes, and then put out her other hand behind her, grabbed her colorful long hair, and lifted Loli's body directly.

  A calm young voice sounded from behind: "Why guard a dilapidated house, the most important thing is to save your own life."

  Xiao Huahua was stunned, her eyes were quickly covered with a layer of moisture, she slowly turned her head, and a black-haired young man jumped out of the void and stood behind her.

   Exactly, what the ancient Yimeng looked like in the previous destruction day.

The difference is that the other steel bodies are covered with bone-white silver, only the palm of the right hand is glowing with a unique golden light, and the whole body is covered with a semi-transparent blue energy battle suit, and a surging destructive aura is hidden in the suit. under.

   "Woo! Your Majesty is back, Xiao Huahua thought she would never see you again!"

  The corners of the pink loli's mouth twitched, both hands and feet were used together, and the four-clawed octopus hugged his left arm.

  Ancient Destroyer Ri Yimeng flicked her silvery white left hand lightly, but found that she couldn't shake off the Martian loli, and was speechless for a while.

   It always felt like those who lived in the mansion were less in awe of him after his last return as Doomsday Superman. The fear is less, but the love and admiration are still the same.

  Is this a good thing?

  Yimu didn't know about the ancient destruction day, but this feeling wasn't bad either.

   "Okay, step back and deal with business."

  Ancient Destruction Day Yimeng shook again, and finally flung the little flower attached to her arm towards the interior of the mansion behind her.

  Cam rolled a few times at low altitude, stopped, and smiled brightly while wiping away his tears.

  Of course she knew that it was basically impossible to block the antimatter cannon just by herself.

   But this is the place where she and the king are full of memories, and it is her home. Keeping here is the meaning of her life.

  However, the king said just now that her life is more important than this room.

   "This room can't accompany the king for the rest of his life, but I can. Is that what you mean, king?" Little Hua's star eyes twinkled and sparkled.


  Seeing the young man who appeared in front of the mansion to block the antimatter cannon, Superman in black and Batman couldn't hide their joy.


   "He's back!"

   "That is the king of the world!"

"Very good."

   "..." The anti-surveillance officer was silent. He who knew the information couldn't see that the young man in front of him was the Ancient Ruin Day.

  But because of this, it was even more difficult for him to understand and accept.

  The other party was obviously exiled to the wall of origin by the existence of a certain omnipotent domain!

   Now, in less than a week, have you successfully escaped from the Wall of Origin?

how can that be!

  That is the wall of origin, not a place like a black hole or phantom zone!

  Even his mother, the goddess of creation, Popetua, couldn't escape from the wall of origin! Although, his mother wasn't trapped on the outer layer of the Wall of Origin...

   "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. During the time you were trapped on the wall of origin, what happened to you?"

  The anti-monitors stared at the black-haired young man in the atomic battle suit, the iron body of the ancient doomsday with bone silver, and the right palm blooming with sacred and mysterious golden light.

  Ancient Destruction Day Yimeng shrugged, "Guess. If you exiled me to the wall of origin, I would like to thank you a little bit."

   "If it was me, I would directly banish you into the antimatter universe and swallow you up! Now, I already regret that I was one step too late!" The anti-monitor's eyes flickered coldly: "However, it is not too late to make up for it now!"

   The voice just fell.


  A pair of crimson rays crossed a Z-shaped trajectory in the air in an instant, heading straight for Yimeng!

   Greer, who seemed to be dominated, made the move, using the Omega Ray that kills with one blow!

at the same time.

  Sinesto's whole body is full of yellow lights, and he no longer pays attention to Leopard Girl and the others, carrying the power of fear and emotion, and rushing towards Yimeng like a yellow storm!

  The two cooperated with the outbreak, changed the target of the attack and attacked Immon, and the Batmans who were fighting with them didn't even react!

"too slow."

  The eyes of Yimeng, the ancient destroying day, were burning with destroying pupils. He stood where he was, only the golden right hand moved.

  The next moment.

  The time of the universe seems to have stopped, only the golden right hand was gently raised, and the two index fingers caught the omega rays that crossed the Z-shaped trajectory and arrived in front of them.

  Sinestro's eyes widened in astonishment. He jumped high and fell down like a thunderstorm, but at this moment, in the blink of an eye, he seemed to be stuck one meter in front of Yimeng.

  His movements couldn't keep up with his consciousness, so he could only watch helplessly. The golden palm snuffed out the omega rays, and continued to reach out to him, tearing apart the storm of fear and emotion with his bare hands.

   Then, a golden index finger hooked up slightly, approaching the glowing yellow light ring on the palm of Sinestro's right hand.

  When he realized what the other party was going to do, Sinestro, who was driving the yellow light of fear, felt unprecedented fear in body and mind—

"Do not!"

   Before he could even cry out for mercy, he flicked his golden index finger and landed on the yellow lamp Sinestro was wearing!

  Accompanied by a metallic scream, the yellow light of fear burst open, and the storm was destroyed!

  Of course, this is just a feint attack by the Anti-Monitor, and he has already made plans to sacrifice the two.

   "Die to me!"

  When Imen blocked Greer and Sinestro's attack, the anti-monitor had already opened his hands and raised them upwards, as if they had really set up a round of void cannons above their heads!

  The muzzle of the gun seems to lead to another dimension, lighting up a beam that is darker than a black hole and brighter than the sun, ten times the size of the previous beam!

   This antimatter beam is enough to blast the earth into nothingness!

   Don't wait for this antimatter beam to launch.

  I saw a straight fist from the ancient Ruin Riyimu. At this moment, it was not the iron body exerting strength, but more like the golden right hand exerting force directly, pulling the whole body forward and shooting out!


   With the golden fist in front, dust, light, storm, energy, space, everything is penetrated by the golden light!

   With a golden punch in front of him, the ancient Ruin Imeng, who turned into a silver streamer, pierced directly through the chest of the anti-monitor wearing cold gray armor!

   Silence, silence on the field!

  After that, Yi Meng's voice rang out on the field with a delay at the speed of sound.

   "What are you pretending?"

  (end of this chapter)

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