MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 354 Beyond Kryptonian genes, the profound meaning of golden power!

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  Chapter 354 Beyond the Kryptonian gene, the mystery of the golden power!

  The outskirts of the metropolis.

The members of the ancient Doomsday family and the Justice League, including Sinestro, who controlled the yellow lantern, and Greer and Black Adam who were dominated, all stopped in amazement at this moment, looking at the Doomsday in the sky. scene of the land.

  The black-haired young man turned into a two-meter-tall bony spur monster. His body surface was smooth and silvery, and his muscles and skeleton were perfectly curved.

  His eyes were burning with inextinguishable flames of destruction, and his silver-white steel body was constantly bursting with bloodstains, like a fragmented statue of an old god, but he still waved his golden right fist, knocking out the Anti-Monitor again and again!

  The aftermath alone caused the clouds in the sky to be swept away, the space was shattered, and there were signs of earthquakes all over the world!

  If this golden punch hits the earth completely, I am afraid that even if the celestial body is not blown up, it will collapse the land plate on one side!

  There is no doubt that this single hand already has the power to explode the stars, far exceeding the power of nuclear bomb explosions that humans can create!

   Every gesture is capable of destroying the world!

   A little reaction force kept squeezing her body, which was unbearable even for the body of the ancient Doomsday. Yimeng's body had already healed itself in secret how many times, and the self-healing speed gradually couldn't keep up with the body's collapse speed under the load!

  Even so, he still didn't mean to stop. Dragging his body which was on the verge of limit, he swung his golden fist vigorously again and again, piercing and blasting the anti-monitor reorganized by the Shadow Legion!

  Under such continuous attacks that could blow up the stars, not only the metropolis, but the shadows of the entire North America have been emptied of large areas!

   "It's amazing."

   Zatana looked up at the sky, opening her mouth wide.

  Every time the fist is swung, the power produced far exceeds the magic power on her body.

   "Bruce, if this goes on, is there any hope of destroying the king?" Cyborg looked at Batman beside him and asked in a deep voice.

"It's hard to say." Batman looked up at the sky, took a deep breath and said solemnly: "The anti-surveillance is too insidious. It seems that they have thrown the Moubis chair over and given us information, but in fact they have covered up their own reality. , hiding the greatest intelligence.”

  He has actually said this in a good direction.

   From Batman's point of view, in this situation, the Ancient Doomsday has no hope of winning!

   After all, the anti-monitor is located in the anti-matter universe, no matter how to destroy the energy clone in the positive matter universe, it is only equivalent to fishing for a moon in water!

  But at this moment, a sentence came from the side: "You still don't understand at all."

   Batman and others looked sideways.

   is Atlanta.

  As the elder of the ancient Doomsday family, she looked at the infinitely reorganized anti-monitors in the sky, and Yimeng, who was moving more and more 'slowly', and smiled inexplicably: "My lord, he was born to fight."

"In the 30 years since we have been here in the manor, we have never defeated the king once. Because not only we are improving, but as time goes by, the king can use faster speed, simpler and rougher strength and behavior to ravage us. look."

  Recalling the unbearable past, Atlanta smiled instead: "The king never does useless work in battle. No matter who the opponent is, as long as he wants to win, he will definitely win the final victory!"

   "The king shall prevail!"

   Steppenwolf gripped the electric axe.

  Batman fell silent, and once again looked at the silver-white figure who was slashing at the anti-monitor when the battle situation was drawn to the clouds and near space.

   "Now, we can't pose any threat to the anti-surveillance. On the surface, we don't even have a winning point. What are you thinking?"



  Ancient Destroyer Ri Yimeng once again swung his fist horizontally, the golden fist smashed everything, and pierced the anti-surveillance in the sky above 10,000 meters. The power of the fist exploded like a small supernova!

  At the same time, an antimatter cannon beam struck from behind.

  Dropped on Yimeng's body, the blue atomic battle suit with almost only the cloak left, engulfed it again, swallowing up the beam of the antimatter cannon.

   This also uses up the remaining blue atomic energy.

  The energy borrowed from Dr. Manhattan dissipated in this world.

The **** body of Yimeng, the ancient destruction day, was completely exposed to the air, but it seemed that the fire of destruction on his body was burning more vigorously. He firmly stabilized the silver-white right arm that was constantly vibrating and deforming under the reaction force, and looked back at Gather the reborn Anti-Monitor not far behind.

   "No matter how many times you come again, your attack is still meaningless." The anti-monitor looked at him indifferently.

  During the time of speaking, shadow legions from other regions of the earth, and even outer space, continued to gather again from all directions, covering the sky that had been emptied and cleared by Yimeng before.

   "My body is in the anti-matter universe. Like this shadow army, I can create as many as I want!"

   "And you have stopped here, lost the shelter of atomic energy, how do you resist my antimatter cannon?"

  The Anti-Monitor is very strong, he has already won the victory, and the opponent has not brought him any threat from the beginning to the present!

  In the eyes of the Anti-Monitor and Batman, there was no way to win the hopeless situation, the ancient Ruin Day Yimeng remained expressionless.

  The body is like an overheated furnace, Yimeng continuously breathes out the hot breath, and then continues to swing the golden right fist!

  Looking at the silver-white monster charging towards him again, the anti-surveillance officer couldn't understand the almost obsessive attack intention.

  In so many multiverses before, no one would resist him to this point, and the will and belief have long since collapsed.

   "You obviously can't defeat me, why are you still punching?"

   "Forget it, I thought you really opened up your wisdom, but I didn't expect that you are still a high-gene monster that has lost its mind."

  The Anti-Monitor sneered in his heart.

  The anti-monitor has decided that after Yimeng blows up his energy clone, taking advantage of this gap, he will use all his antimatter cannon to send Yimeng on the road!

  This farce should end here!


   This time, the anti-monitor of the energy avatar almost stopped in the original space, waiting for the ancient destruction day Yimeng to arrive in front of him, and he didn't know how many times he was pierced through the chest, and the golden fist annihilated a large area of ​​the antimatter shadow!

   "It's now, I'll send you to see death... Ahhh!"

  The Anti-Monitor, who was about to counterattack, suddenly paused, and then let out a scream like a pig.

  Screams resounded through the sky, large pieces of the Shadow Legion disintegrated themselves, leaving only the anti-monitor energy clone with a hole in its chest almost instantly.

   On the other side, the antimatter universe, the core domain.

  The main body of the Anti-Monitor, who has been behind the scenes here, suddenly stood up from the throne. He lowered his head in disbelief, watching the golden fists burst out from his chest.


  The golden fist wave was mighty, annihilating everything, blasting through his armor and body, revealing a huge hole passing through his chest!

  (end of this chapter)

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