MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 363 Doomsday Superman VS Three-Body Civilization (Part 2)

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  Chapter 363 Doomsday Superman VS Three-Body Civilization (Part 2)

  In the real world, in the vast universe.

  Day of Destruction Superman Yimeng flew extremely fast, his eyes were burning with fiery destruction flames, and his body was surrounded by plasma-like silver light, as if an ancient **** was passing through.

  In a silent space, near the edge of the solar system.

  Yimeng's eyes suddenly caught sight of ten crystal objects flying towards them.

  The object is about three to four meters long, in the shape of a water drop as a whole, with a round head and a pointed tail. The body surface is as smooth as a mirror, reflecting the light patterns of the Milky Way.

   It looks like a liquid silver droplet, not a solidified metal.

   "Water drop..." Yi Meng thought secretly in her heart.

   This thing is a detector of Trisolaran civilization, but it is also a cannonball that can destroy everything.

  Because the material of this detector uses a strong interaction material, this advanced technology of nailing and fixing atoms makes the hardness of water droplets more than a hundred times that of the hardest object in the solar system!

  In the original work of Three-Body Problem.

  A single water droplet detector destroyed 3,000 space battleships of the earth-human joint force and blocked the solar system signal.

   There are a total of ten such water drop detectors.

  And behind the water drop detector, there are thousands of three-body ships that are even bigger and more powerful than the water drop detector! This is also the confidence of the Three-Body Civilization!

  Now the merged civilization of the multiple empires and the wandering earth, if we only talk about the power of science and technology, not counting the extraordinary, it can't even compare to one-tenth of the armed forces of the human coalition army in the original book!

  So, in the eyes of a civilization as strong as the Trisolarans, the multicultural empire civilization is indeed as weak as a bug.

  And his deeds of shaking the planet before did surprise the Trisolaran civilization, but it couldn't make the Trisolaran completely shrink back in fear. After all, the Trisolaran can also shake and destroy the planet!

  Since this is the case, let's head to head!

Facing the ten three-body water drop detectors flying head-on, Yi Meng didn't dodge or retreat, but the speed of her forward flight soared again. She was wrapped in destructive flames and hit a water drop detector in the center. device!

  Three-body civilization was astonished by this: "He is crazy! Do you want to compare the hardness between the physical body and the three-body detector?!"

   "This is our chance! All detectors cooperate with the siege!"

  The next moment.

   At the edge of the solar system.

  The young man wearing the S-marked hope battle suit on his chest, surrounded by silver and white glare, and the Three-body Civilization faction flew in the forefront, and a three-body detector that resembled a silver water drop collided!

   In the next moment.

  In space, the other nine three-body detectors all adjusted their directions, surrounded the young man, and the head of the water drop hit his entire body in one fell swoop!


  Ten three-body detectors in the form of water droplets are connected together in an enveloping manner, leaving only tiny gaps, as if burying the youth inside, and the shock waves that can instantly pierce through battleships and even small planets are surging inside!



   "No matter how strong his body is, it is the peak miracle of the local civilization, it cannot be stronger than the strong interaction material that is crucified with atoms!"

   "Just in case, keep ten detectors in a connected formation and throw them into the black hole."

  The Trisolaran civilization continued to give instructions happily but cautiously.

   And the other side.

  Multiple empires, aerospace headquarters bases.

   There was a dead silence in the main hall, and almost everyone was staring blankly at the feedback on the screen.

   "Mr. Yimeng, the visible light emitted by the body has completely disappeared."

"No way…"

  The staff trembled as if the fire in their hearts had been extinguished.

  If Yimeng is defeated, then their world civilization...

  Suddenly, a calm and pleasant voice sounded: "Calm down."

  Dragon Girl paused, then continued to calmly say: "He doesn't die so easily."

   As soon as the voice fell, the picture fed back by the satellite changed again.

  A little bit of visible light lit up again in the dark cosmic star map. Like a symbol of hope, it appeared at the place where Yimeng disappeared, and it was brighter and brighter than before!

  Universe space.


The ten three-body detectors connected around their heads kept trembling, ignoring the remote command of the three-body civilization to stop, a bright golden light seeped out from the inside of the first three-body detector, and the light beam sent the detector Burst from the inside out!


  One water droplet shattered into pieces and shattered into countless pieces of metal parts, and the other nine water droplets also flew out!

  The silver-white young man broke free from it, he slowly raised his right hand, and on the tip of his right index finger, a tiny golden bean gleam came out!

  That little bit of gold isn't even enough to fill the nails of a single finger.

  However, as the index finger with a little golden light poked lightly, another three-body detector in the form of a water drop shattered and exploded!

  Beautiful water droplets, one drop after another, shattered into countless gray metal fragments, sprinkled all over the universe!

  In the blink of an eye, ten three-body detectors were neatly arranged, and they were all broken by Yi Meng's right hand fingers!

   After finishing all this, Yimeng continued to fly towards the outside of the solar system, where the three-body space is located, without stopping!

  At this moment, facing this scene, the Trisolaran civilization is doubting life.

  At this moment, they even questioned the technology that is the foundation of the race!

   "Ten, ten Trisolaran detectors were wiped out by the opponent!"

   "This...unbelievable! That is a strong interaction material, which is stronger than any natural object in the universe!"

   "He is still coming this way!"

   "Don't be afraid! Probes are just probes after all, there is no conventional attack method, but we still have a whole fleet, a full thousand Trisolaran warships, and we will definitely be able to stop him completely!"

   "How could technology be defeated by an extraordinary creature, absolutely impossible!"

  The trisolarans obviously no longer have the previous conceit, just when they communicated urgently.

  In space, the Trisolaran fleet is going out for action.

  Thousands of three-body warships are arranged neatly together, each warship has a weight of one million tons, and the fuel that exceeds nuclear energy explodes with huge power, like a huge starry sky matrix shuttling through space!

  The power of this trisolaran fleet is enough to sweep the universe!

   It’s just that, at this time, inside the Trisolaran Fleet, every Trisolaran is tense physically and mentally. They have just received the information that the preceding detectors have been wiped out in one fell swoop.

  The enemy is not a space battleship, not a technological weapon, but a living organism!

   "Once the enemy enters the strike range of the fleet, activate the accelerated particle cannon immediately to annihilate it!"

  All Trisolaris warships have received this order, and they are all on alert.

  Because Sophon was limited by Yimeng's ability, they didn't dare to send Sophon to track and lock the position, and could only wait for the arrival of the only enemy—Imeng.

   But as time passed, the Trisolaran Fleet did not detect any suspicious targets ahead, and the young man seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

   "The visible light on the other party disappeared again."

   "We have no way of knowing where he is..."

   "Perhaps, after seeing the fleet, he has fled or avoided it."

   "It's possible."

  The Trisolaran fleet moving forward neatly like a starry sky matrix is ​​trying to contact the united front base of the Trisolaran headquarters behind.

  But at this time, a little golden light that was incompatible with the huge starry sky matrix, for no reason, lit up on the top of the main command ship in the center of the Trisolaran Fleet!


  Dou Da Jin Guang cut open the shell of the Trisolaran main ship like tofu, and a young figure broke into the Trisolaran main ship from outer space!

  Under the crazily resounding alarm in the ship.

When Yimeng invaded, he looked at the astonished Trisolarans in the main hall of the main ship, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "It seems that you can become a piece of skin through dehydration, so as to resist the extremely harsh high temperature environment. I don't know you Can't stand this—"

  The burning pupils of destruction in his eyes combined into a burst of hot rays, quickly sweeping towards everything in the Trisolaran main ship, and the Trisolarans who were unable to react in the future were directly incinerated into ashes!

  (end of this chapter)

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