MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 371 Wonder Woman Through the Marvel Universe

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  Chapter 371 Wonder Woman Traveling Through the Marvel World

  At this time, MJ outside the door, seeing the middle-aged male white man who opened the door, his pupils suddenly shrank like an earthquake, and his mouth opened wide: "You, you are Stark, Mr. Stark?!"

   "Didn't you tell her?"

  Tony Stark glances at Spider-Man.

  Spider-Man scratched the back of his head with a hood, and said embarrassingly: "That... I didn't have time. After all, you have to see it with your own eyes to believe it."

   "Then come in first, it's cold outside." Tony Stark nodded, turned and returned to the house.

   "Peter, what's going on?"

   Outside, MJ is still petrifying.

  Spider-Man smiled and said: "As you can see, Stark came to life first, thanks to Mr. Imen's ability."

   "Is this something that humans can do?"

  MJ was shocked.

   "Mr. Yimeng is not an ordinary person, at least he is more like a **** than Thor." Spider-Man shrugged: "Okay. Let's go in first, lest they wait for us..."

  Spider-Man was about to walk into the house, but was stopped by his girlfriend MJ.

  MJ looked at him with a look of astonishment: "Wait. You said earlier that there was a family reunion, and you brought me here with you, just to attend Mr. Iron Man Stark's family reunion?!"

  Spider-Man nodded: "Yes, we have already talked to them about our affairs. They want to have fun at home today, so they asked me to bring you here."

   "You didn't say it earlier. I just wore my school clothes and didn't change my clothes."

  MJ was very angry. Seeing Spider-Man wearing a nano-spider suit, he let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, you are too..."


  Spider-Man turned off the nano-spider suit, and the nano-metal itself faded away, revealing a brand-new formal suit. He looked at his girlfriend MJ suspiciously: "What did you say?"

  MJ: "..."


  In a heated room, Aunt Mei, wearing a suspenders and an apron, walked out with a turkey. She was surprised to see the young man and the girl walking into the room holding hands, "These two are...?"

   "Aunt May..." Peter Parker moved his mouth slightly, but in the end he still didn't call out.

  He is still in a state of being forgotten by the world, but Yimeng took a shot to restore MJ's memory.

  And Tony Stark was resurrected from the dead and was not affected by the oblivion spell.

  Aunt Mei looked curiously at the big boy in front of her, feeling inexplicably familiar and kind, but she didn't remember seeing him before.

  Tony Stark made a timely rescue: "They are all juniors who enrolled in MIT this year, and they are also my friends. Peter Parker and his girlfriend MJ."

   "Hello, Aunt Mei."

  MJ naturally knew about the relationship between Peter and Aunt May, and bowed in embarrassment as if seeing a parent for the first time.

   "Welcome." Aunt Mei smiled slightly.

   "Tony, you actually have a friend who forgets years."

  Pepper Potts comes out of the kitchen, surprised, but also doesn't recognize Spider-Man.

  She still looked bad, and she was haggard visible to the naked eye, obviously she hadn't recovered from the grief of losing her beloved daughter.

  This family gathering is also Tony Stark thinking about making the house lively and comforting his wife.

  After dinner.

  MJ slightly rolled up the cuffs on both sides, and offered to go into the kitchen to help Pepper and Aunt May clean up.

  Happy went to the garage next door to heat up the oil.

  After eating Iron Man and Spiderman, the two took off their coats and wore white shirts, like a father and son sitting on the sofa.

   "She's a good girl."

  Tony glanced at the kitchen, heard the voices of the three talking and laughing inside, and praised with a wink.

   "Yeah, I've always known." Peter nodded and asked curiously, "Mr. Stark, is there still no news about the missing Morgan?"

   Tony fell silent.

   "Sorry, I said the wrong thing." Peter was a little flustered: "I have been looking for it, but I don't have any clues."

  Tony Stark said calmly: "Imeng said that Morgan is no longer in this universe. I believe him, and he will be able to find Morgan and bring it back here."

   "If it's Mr. Yi Meng, I will definitely be able to do it." Peter nodded, and quickly remembered something: "Recently, I have to contact Mr. Yi Meng about one thing."

   Not only want Mr. Yi Meng to restore Aunt Mei's memory. Also, about a communal creature inside him that has been making noise.

  Spider-Man was about to talk to Tony Stark, when suddenly, the whole cabin trembled slightly.

  The water in the cup on the table also kept vibrating and rippling.

  The artificial intelligence in the room gave timely feedback: "Report. About 61 kilometers away from the ground, an unusual and unnatural earthquake source occurred in New York City, a seismic wave close to magnitude 5.8."

  Tony and Peter immediately looked at each other with solemn eyes.


  New York City, Times Square Pedestrian Street.

Thor and Jane Foster, the Goddess of Thor, walked side by side. They both took off their godly costumes, left Thor's Hammer and Storm Ax in their respective homes, and wore winter trench coats, wandering around the world like ordinary people. On the cold and lively streets.


  After all, as ex-girlfriends, the atmosphere between the two is still a bit frozen, and there is a certain distance between their shoulders.

  Sol's right hand shook slightly, and he mustered up the courage to grab Jane's hand by accident, but Jane just adjusted his collar with both hands, making Sol's hand empty.

  Sol hurriedly pretended to be indifferent, scratched his head, and smiled honestly at Jane.

  Jane Foster stopped suddenly, turned sideways to Thor Thor, and said seriously: "I think there are some things between us that need to be clarified."

   "I think so."

   Thor, the **** of thunder, also turned sideways and looked at the female **** of thunder face to face.

   Just when there was an emotion brewing and glowing between the two.

  A strange sound came from one end of the street not far away, and many citizens and passersby screamed and fled from there.



  It seemed as if two forces far surpassing the power of the missiles collided with each other, the city trembled violently, and a group of explosive waves exploded, and the glass of the city several miles away should be shattered inch by inch!

   "Go and have a look!"

  Sol and Jane glanced at each other, summoned the Storm Ax and Thor's Hammer respectively, turned into Thor and the female Thor, and rushed there against the crowd.

  When Thor and the female Thor arrived at the scene, they were stunned by the scene before them.

   I saw that in the ten-meter-radius pothole caused by the impact, two people were fighting fiercely with cold weapons!

   Thunder God was shocked, and said: "I know one, the son of Zeus, Hercules the God of Hercules!"

  The female Thunder God asked solemnly: "Where is the other one, female..."

   "I don't know, I've never seen it in the universe."

  Thor stared at the front, and finally shook his head.

   In the fierce battle with Hercules, it turned out to be a tall and beautiful black-haired woman!

Sexy black hair with a shawl fluttered wildly against the storm. The woman was wearing a red battle armor and a blue skirt. Under the silver crown was an exquisite face, holding a long sword and a round battle shield. Fight with the demigods without falling behind!

  (end of this chapter)