MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 377 Slay the gods with the sword, and there will be no gods in Marvel from now on!

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  Chapter 377 The sword cuts the gods, and Marvel will have no gods in the future!

  Marvel New York is raining blood, and the sky is also stained red with blood.


  Over the city, in the thunder space tunnel opened by the artifact lightning.

  A mournful cry sounded.

  Hercules Hercules' eyes were about to burst, and he watched Zeus kneeling down on the headless corpse. His divine power was stripped away by the shadow, and he couldn't even return his soul to the Hall of Valor.

   It can be said that in this way—

  Zeus really died, his real body was cut off, his divinity was stripped, his soul was absorbed, and he couldn't die anymore!

The red eyes of Hercules turned to behind his father Zeus. A silver-haired young man who broke into the Thunder Tunnel out of thin air stood there. Could it be the young man who showed up to take Wonder Woman away earlier? long sword.

   "The Sword of Black Death!"

  Hercules naturally recognized this god-killing weapon that the gods dreaded. This evil weapon was forged for the purpose of killing gods. Once killed by the black death sword, the divine power would be directly exploited and absorbed!

   This is the only sword that can kill Zeus completely at once!

   "How dare you... how dare you do that!"

  Hercules, the God of Hercules, roared like a wounded red-eyed lion, tightly clenched the hammer-headed iron rod with both hands, his muscles and veins burst out, and rushed madly towards the silver-haired youth!

  In anger, he swung a blow with all his strength that broke through his own strength, making the hammer-headed iron bar turn into a falling meteorite, and the power was so great that the Thunder Tunnel was slightly turbulent!

  Incarnation of the Soul Gem, Yi Meng holds the Black Death Sword, with a calm face, golden flames of destruction flashing in his eyes, and he slashes down at will.

  The black death sword that devoured the divine power of Zeus' vigorous thunder appeared sharper, and the pitch-black blade was extremely thin, just like a scene of darkness torn apart when the Marvel universe was born!

  In the hands of Yimeng, who is blessed with the power of the ancient Doomsday, she can fully exert her due power—


  Half of the hammer-head iron rod was thrown high, with a smooth cut, just like the sword that was cut off by Wonder Woman earlier!

The red-eyed Hercules first stared blankly at the remaining iron rod handle in his hand, and then continued to roar towards Yimeng with his bare hands, but he only took a step forward, and the bronze-colored body as strong as a bull flew from between his eyebrows. The bottom is divided into two symmetrical parts!

  The blood is like rain, once again sprinkled on the universe and the earth!

  Looking at the remnant of Hercules who was cut in two and fell on the ground along with the rain of blood from a high altitude.

   "Dude." Thor shook his head, suddenly feeling a bit sad.

  The gods who once looked down on the world from above were cut off like chickens and ducks!

  Doctor Strange raised his hands, setting off a storm of spells, blocking the rain of blood.

  The current supreme mage Wang Jue shouted in surprise: "It was Yi Meng who made the move!"

  Iron Man kept looking up, looking at the red-dyed sky, and whispered: "Only he can do this."

  The other superheroes trembled in their hearts. They were the gods in mythology, Zeus and Hercules, and they were cut off in succession, without even a sign of resistance!

  I'm afraid that even the rebirth of Thanos who brought sorrow and despair to everyone will be cut off with one sword here, and there is absolutely no need for a second sword!

  Yimeng, who was once a member of the Avengers, is now so strong?


  The artifact lightning burst into a mournful cry and shot into the depths of the universe.

   Not long after. On the Pantheon, all the gods heard the news of the passing of Zeus and Hercules, and the whole family wept bitterly!

   It's just that, compared with them, an existence descended to the near space of the earth more quickly.

  Hoo hoo—

  The blood-red Huoshaoyun was instantly dispersed by the strong wind, and a metal existence comparable to the size of the earth's land plate descended in the universe outside the near space of the earth.

   A group of new and old heroes who had just escaped from the pressure and crisis of Zeus hadn't breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the huge metal existence whose face really covered the sky, and its six eyes were shining.

  If it wasn't for the face covering the sky and the sun still shaking slightly, everyone might have mistakenly thought it was a vision of the starry sky!

   "What is it this time?"

  Iron Man feels that he has been dead for a year and can no longer keep up with the changes of the times.

  Spider-Man swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Mr. Stark, we have never seen such an existence."

  Doctor Strange and the Supreme Sorcerer King glanced at each other, their faces unprecedentedly solemn.

   "It's a god!"

   Thor gritted his teeth and made a sound.

   "God, what is that?" She-Hulk couldn't help asking, even if it was a huge existence, it couldn't be shaken by her current strength.

   "The gods, to be more precise, are called 'the gods group'. After all, they can be regarded as a group force, never alone, have no private desires, and represent the strength and will of a group of gods!"

   "Some existences in the Celestial Group, life is even earlier than the origin of this universe, and they are the true behind-the-scenes creators of some celestial bodies and races!"

   "My father, in his heyday, once fought against the Celestial God Group under the blessing of Asgard's God Realm power, and lost miserably!"

   Thor, the **** of thunder, couldn't hide his fear and fear when he said this.

  The Celestial Group, that is the true behind-the-scenes creator and controller of the universe, no creature in this universe can resist its will!

at the same time.

  From the second-floor cottage in Paris, France, a metal statue that had been placed in the corner as a furniture display moved slightly, and then disappeared from the corner out of thin air.


  The metal statue kept getting bigger, and soon changed from a two-meter-high statue to a metal giant with a size of two hundred kilometers, facing the **** who suddenly appeared in the near space of the earth.

   "The new analyst."

  The god, the size of a state plate, looked at the newborn **** who came out of the earth, and conveyed his thoughts.

   "I haven't completed the analysis of this planet, and I haven't summoned the Celestial Group. Why did you, the 'Eradicator', appear here?" asked the newborn Celestial God.

  Eradicator, that is, in the group of gods, the gods who are born to fight and destroy.

  When the analyst judges that a planet has no existence and experimental value, he will notify the Celestial Group, and then the Celestial Group will assign a Celestial with the post of eradicator to come.

   But now, before the newborn celestial **** who is the analyst of the earth has been called, an eradicator celestial **** who can exterminate genocide and destroy the planet suddenly came here.

  The Eradicator God replied: "Your analysis task is over here, there is no need for this planet to continue to exist, this is the order of Judge Alitham!"

   Speaking of which, the Eradicator Celestial God looked at the silver-haired youth suspended behind the newborn Celestial God, with obvious intentions.

   "Oh yeah, I see."

  This time, the newborn **** didn't respond, but Yi Meng, the incarnation of the soul gem, responded casually.

   "It seems that the Zeus gods may have secretly joined the Celestial God Group. However, it doesn't matter."

  The soul gem, Yi Meng, smiled lightly, took a step forward, turned into a beam of light, and submerged into the body of the newborn god.

  Since this is the case, there is no need for him to pretend!

  (end of this chapter)

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