MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 381 The **** of infinite destruction, Yimeng!

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  Chapter 381 Infinite Destruction God, Yimeng!

   As Wanda said.

  The real battle, above the stars—

   At this time, the space outside the earth is under the direct sunlight.

  Nearly fifty gods fought with Yimeng, the **** of infinite destruction who held a sword alone. The starry sky was dim and chaotic for a while, and the nebula burst and wreckage fragments in the sky exploded silently!

Obviously, with one enemy and half a hundred gods, Yimeng, the **** of infinite destruction, ran into the flock, holding the black death sword in the dark corner of the universe in his left hand, and a concentrated destructive force accumulated in his right fist, beheading and smashing in an instant There are two or three gods!

  However, there are too many gods descending here, especially the eradicator gods who are good at fighting, and they carry the destructive power that can be called a black hole as soon as they make a move!

   Soon, under the highly cooperative siege of the Tianshen group, the space for Yimeng's activities in the core area of ​​Star Wars became smaller and smaller, and seemed to be gradually falling into the disadvantage of a trapped beast!

  The action area was about to be blocked by the swarming **** group, Yimeng, the **** of destruction, suddenly changed to holding the sword in his right hand, and the right hand of the **** blessed by the power of the ancient ruining sun held the black death sword!

   "It's easier for me to kill you when you gather together."

  Infinite energy lingered and flowed on the body surface, and Yi Meng's second eye suddenly lit up with a bright blue light.

   This moment.

  The gods who swarmed up collectively stood still, as if they were stuck.

  At the same time, the surrounded God of Infinite Destruction, Yimeng, flickered, and appeared in the outer periphery behind the Tianshen group along with the blue fog light teleportation!

  One of the six infinite energy sources, the 'space' that crosses dimensions!

  Imeng, who teleported to the back of the Tenjin group, held the sword with his right hand, the power of the Celestial God, the power of the ancient Ruinous Sun, and the boosted power of the power gem intertwined and slashed horizontally towards the Tenjin group that was momentarily held by the space energy.


  Black light flashed.

  The huge heads of the three gods were thrown up together, like a celestial body collapsing!


  At the same time, the rest of the eradicator gods reacted and blasted the vast black hole energy onto Yimeng, the infinite destruction.

  However, the black hole energy capable of devouring celestial bodies and galaxies collapsed like a bubble, blowing on Yimeng's celestial body uselessly.

  The third eye of Yi Mengtian's divine body lit up with a red illusory light.

this is-

  Six infinite energy powers, dreams come true 'reality'!

  Imeng continued to hold the sword in her right hand, with the pitch-black sword of death in front, and rushed forward to pierce the chest of an eradicator god, and continued to cut off the other two gods standing behind the god!

  The remaining upper bodies of the two gods wanted to fight back, but a wave of energy wiped out their will out of thin air and threw them around!

  The power of six infinite energy sources, the 'soul' of the origin of life!

  Yimeng's fourth eye lit up with a warm and cold orange light.

   At this time, the number of fallen gods has reached double digits!

   Even if it is placed in the Celestial Team with a large number of people, it will be an immeasurable loss! After all, it takes one billion years for a **** to hatch from a living planet!

   Don't look at the current fifty-odd statues, which are many. In fact, there were very few casualties in the Celestial Group. Even Odin in his heyday only broke the arm of one of the Celestials. The current fifty-odd Celestials are all that has existed since the birth of this universe!

  Yimeng, who was still surrounded by the Tianshen group a moment ago, now holds a sword in his right hand and starts killing!

   One **** after another fell, and the universe of the solar system was filled with fragments of the exploded gods.

  The **** of infinite destruction, Yimeng, became more and more courageous as he fought, and the black death sword in his hand continued to absorb the power of the **** and strengthened. It seemed to be a corner of the law of darkness, and the blooming black sword light swept across the opposing gods and brilliance!

  The number of gods lost in the battle of the **** group reached an astonishing 20 o'clock, that is, nearly half of the number.

  Yi Meng, who was cutting a **** in half, was alerted by the power of his mind and turned his head suddenly, but after all, it was still a step too late, or the other party's attack was too fast!

  A black hole quietly appeared behind itself, and a huge god's hand stretched out from it.

   This golden metal palm is larger than the bodies of other gods. Compared with Yimeng's current 200-kilometer tall **** body, it is less than one-tenth of this palm!

  The God of Infinite Destruction, Yimeng, was directly grasped by this giant hand, and the power of creation and destruction exploded in the palm of his hand, erasing it!

   And in the next moment.

  The space in this cosmic region solidified again, the huge celestial god's hand released, and Yimeng, who had recovered to the original, retreated from it, and the celestial giant hand also retracted into the black hole, and the black hole also dissipated into space.

   This is also the last of the six infinite energy powers, the 'time' that reverses everything!

  The infinite destruction **** Yimeng who has reversed the flow of time, his fifth eye also lit up with green light, looking in the direction of the sun.



  Yimeng has always been clear that whether he can defeat Alitham is the key to this war, and it is also the biggest difficulty.

   After all, the ancient **** Alitham came from other Marvel multiverses, older than the birth of this universe, and he also created the Celestial Organization of this universe by himself, and is the real master behind the universe!

  Facts have proved that just now the ancient **** Alitham posed a fatal threat to the current Yi Meng!

  He and other gods are not on the same level at all, and he has the same creation power as the infinite gem!

   "You can't help it, so come on. Let's see who judges who in the end."

  The **** of infinite destruction, Yimeng, smiled coldly at the ancient **** of heaven, Alitham.

  Alitham flew forward. He was so huge that it blocked the light and heat of the sun behind him, and a large shadow covered Yimeng standing in the universe.

  Yimeng, who is more than 200 kilometers tall and has a newborn godly body, still has the same sense of sight as a child witnessing a giant when facing the ancient **** Alitham at this time.

  The ancient **** Arisham raised his metal hands, a dark vortex that could swallow even light erupted from his left hand, and a fireball celestial body that radiated endless light and heat erupted from his right hand, causing the entire solar system to become slightly turbulent.

   That's the black hole and the sun!

   "Rubbing black holes, the sun with bare hands..."

  Yimeng's sixth eye shone with a yellow light of spiritual power.

   One hand creates the sun, which symbolizes the creation of the world, and the other hand rubs out the black hole, which symbolizes the extinction of the world.

   What kind of power is this?

  Although Alitham is not the strongest he has ever seen in the dream world, he is definitely the most oppressive cosmic superior he has ever seen!

  If you want to defeat this kind of existence, you probably have to dream!

   "Fortunately, I'm just dreaming."

  The six eyes of Yimeng, the God of Infinite Destruction, flashed different gem lights, raised the sword of black death, and faced Alitham who rubbed out the black hole and the sun with his bare hands:

   "With this blow, the winner will be determined!"

  (end of this chapter)

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