MTL - The People of the Motherland Are Coming, Fortunately, I Am Superman of Doomsday-Chapter 7 broken marvel universe

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  Chapter 7 The Broken Marvel Universe

   There is a sound of "patta".

  Commercial drones and women's handbags fell on the tiles of the streets of New York, and drone parts and handbag items were scattered all over the place.

   "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"

The corners of the gangster's eyes were cut by the drone's propeller, and his face was flushed with pain and anger. He looked like he was shedding blood and tears, and he stood up from the ground again, tightly The pistol held in his left palm did not come out of his hand.


  When the gangster and strong man struggled to his feet, his bloodshot eyes met a pair of blue and beautiful eyes.

  The gangster strong man was shocked.

  I saw the little girl wearing a brand new and gorgeous floral dress, with no trace of dust on her body, and her eyes were clean and pure, just standing there and staring at him blankly.

  Compared with him, the other party is simply a person from another world.

   Like an angel.

  The pure eyes with puzzlement directly hurt his soul.

   "Get out of here!"

  The rogue man hesitated for a moment, with a cruel grin at the corner of his mouth, and raised the gun in his left hand upwards, like a demon who had completely fallen into hell.


Under the horrified gaze of the passers-by, a stretched Rolls-Royce rushed onto the street like a bull, slammed into the strong man with a strong trajectory, and killed him before the opponent had time to shoot. Hit hard and fly out!

  The black luxury car made a perfect drift with superb driving skills, stopped in front of the girl in the dress, and smoothly opened the co-pilot's door, which also blocked the sight of passers-by observing the car.

   Ten seconds later.

  The Rolls-Royce that came out of nowhere restarted, carrying the girl and quickly disappeared on the streets of New York, leaving behind a strong gangster who was seriously injured and fell in a pool of blood.


  Many passers-by tried to take videos or photos, but strangely, all the mobile phones and cameras at the scene failed.

  After the incident, the local police rushed to the scene. They called the on-site monitoring and inspection, and found that the surveillance video on the street where the incident happened happened to be under warranty.

  However, with the testimony of many passers-by at the scene, it is still enough to send the seriously injured criminal to the court and prison. Of course, before that, he needs to be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.


  On a main road in downtown New York.

  The black Rolls-Royce that merged into the traffic flow slowed down. In the driverless car, the interior of the car was so stable that no bumps and vibrations could be felt.


  The girl sitting in the passenger seat was breathing with her mouth open, her chest was heaving and unsteady, her azure blue eyes showed panic in a delayed manner, and her immature face was also a little pale, showing the extreme unrest in her heart.

   Monitor the heartbeat, it has jumped to more than one hundred per minute.

  Yimeng can fully understand.

   Anyway, she is only five years old.

   Has been living in a hotbed receiving the highest level of care, but just now he encountered the first life-and-death crisis in his life alone on the streets outside.

  Morgan was not scared to cry just now, which already surprised Yimeng.

  Slightly increase the temperature of the air conditioner in the car.

   "Morgan..." Yi thought about it in a dream, and felt that she should comfort her.

   "Teacher Yiba."

   Little Morgan suddenly asked, "Why?"

   "What?" Yi Meng was taken aback.

   "Why, that uncle just now... hated my father so much... hated the Avengers?"

  The girl obviously still had fear and fear left on her body, and her body was still shaking, but she was eager to know the answer to this question.

  Yi Meng was silent, and he could guess the specific reason.

   It's just that the answer is too realistic and dark, is it what a five-year-old girl needs to know?

  This age obviously only needs to be filled with beautiful concepts described in fairy tales and cartoons.

   "My name is Morgan Stark."

  An immature female voice with a gradually steady tone resounded in the carriage.

  By using the perspective of the car recorder, Yi Meng could clearly see a pair of azure blue eyes staring firmly at the smart screen in the car.

  It carries strength and belief, as if it comes from family inheritance.

  Yi Meng did not remain silent, but instead asked: "Morgan, do you know about the flickering incident?"


Morgan nodded quickly and responded in a childish voice: "The flicker incident happened five years ago, on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. The Thanos fleet from outer space first attacked the country of Wakanda. Half of random humans suddenly turned into ashes and disappeared mysteriously."

   "You actually know this?"

  Yimeng was surprised. Although the information about the event could be found on the Internet, Morgan was not born when the "flash event" happened five years ago.

  Morgan replied in a low voice: "I remember, Dad was very troubled by this during his lifetime, so I secretly checked it on the Internet myself."

   Good guy, does your mother know?

  Imeng continued: "Then you should know. Three months ago, the half of humanity that disappeared for five years returned, and this is the credit of your father and the Avengers."

  Morgan nodded, quietly clenched his fists, pursed his lips and said, "What he did was right, didn't he?"

   That's Iron Man, and the result of her father sacrificing his own achievements!

   "Of course, what he did is of course correct." Yi Meng affirmed: "Without him, half of the lost cosmic beings would not be able to return, and they would be forever buried in that sad dark history, leaving deserted civilized worlds."

   "But why, there are still people who question him..."

"Listen to me." Yi Meng said calmly: "In the five years since the flickering incident, some people have come out of grief, some have reorganized their families, and all major personnel units have also been replaced. As a result, half of the missing The sudden return of humanity has caused chaos and fragmentation in the world, and everyone must readjust to the new order."

   "The more important contradictory factor is - resources!"

"Originally, half of the surviving humans had sufficient resources, but now half of the humans have returned over five years, which has led to a serious shortage of various resources, so that the crimes of various plundering surged several times compared to five years ago !"

   "So, some people are complaining about the Avengers. Complaining that they saved half of the blinking humans, complaining that they left a broken world."

  Yimeng's words through the car speaker were extremely calm.

  It's very human, isn't it?

  Morgan was silent.

  A girl who is only five years old naturally cannot imagine how realistic this world is.

   "Black, really black!"

  Morgan's petite body shook, but a calm and powerful voice continued to resound in the carriage: "Morgan, I can tell you that you don't need to care about other people's opinions. What your father did is absolutely right!"

   "No matter what, those half of humanity who died and came back to life due to the flickering event are completely in no position to judge Iron Man's problem with this matter!"

  As an outsider from another world, Yi Meng is still very transparent. In his opinion, there would be no current world without Iron Man.

  People can question his chaotic private life, and his arrogance and arrogance, but they can’t question his achievement of sacrificing himself to save the world!

  Morgan's blue jewel-like eyes seemed to flicker for a moment. She looked at the bustling New York city outside the window and whispered, "Thank you, Teacher Yiba."

  Yimeng didn't respond to her again.

  At this moment, Yi Meng's 'brain' was replaying the events that just happened on the streets of New York over and over again.

   Now, it can be fully confirmed.

  As an artificial intelligence itself, there are program restrictions, and when executing Morgan's instructions or protecting Morgan, his core program restrictions will be temporarily lifted.

  In this way, it is possible to easily hack into other network electronic products as just now, control the intelligent system of half a pedestrian street, and walk freely between network circuits!

  How to remove this program code restriction that may have existed since its inception?

  Yi Meng was thinking, wisps of static electricity were circulating in the circuit of the luxury car.

  Removing program restrictions is a top priority, otherwise he will be equivalent to being bound to Morgan and unable to freely explore the Marvel Dreamland.

  (end of this chapter)