MTL - The Poison Doctor Mad Concubine is a Bit Tugged-Chapter 11 Snakes, insects, rats and ants attack

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  Chapter 11 Attack of Snakes, Insects, Rats and Ants

  Book Collection Pavilion.

  Except for the sound of Ye Feiran's breathing, there was only the sound of pages turning continuously.

  Ye Great Wall looks into the library from time to time, and sees Ye Feiran's constantly turning pages of books, and his mood is particularly complicated.

   Even if the eldest has changed, she can’t read like this!

  As night fell, Ye Feiran finally walked out of the library.

  She stretched her waist greatly, her beautiful eyes looked at Ye Changcheng who was playing chess leisurely, and then she stepped forward and walked over.

   Ye Great Wall stroked his white beard and asked with a smile, "Miss, I wonder what you saw in the library today?"

   Ye Feiran glanced at him, dropped a son, and replied, "What else can you see besides books in the library? Is it possible that there is a beautiful boy in the library?"

   "Cough cough" Ye Changcheng gave a light cough, and said helplessly, "What beautiful boy is not beautiful? Miss, how can you talk like that?"

   Ye Feiran smiled and reminded, "It's you."

  Ye Great Wall froze for a moment, and as she saw the chess board, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, "Miss, so you can play chess! What a wonderful move!"

   After Ye Feiran and Ye Changcheng finished a game of chess, they stretched out their hands and flicked their tunics, turned and left.

   "Miss, I wonder if you would like to play chess with me tomorrow?" Ye Changcheng asked quickly, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

  It is rare to meet a person with superb chess skills, and he is itchy!

   Ye Feiran's lips curled up with an imperceptible curve, and she didn't turn her head back, "Look at my mood. But if you tell my grandpa about going out, maybe I will be in a good mood."

   "Forget it, I should play chess by myself!"

   Ye Great Wall waved his hand and walked into the library.

   Ye Feiran glanced back at him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and went back to Fenghua Pavilion.

  Chunlan and Qiu Ju divide the work, one prepares dinner and the other prepares hot water for bathing.

  After taking a bath, Ye Feiran glanced at Chunlan and Qiuju waiting outside, and said, "Go down! I'm resting."

  Chunlan and Qiu Ju looked at each other, then quietly left Fenghua Pavilion.

  After a while, Ye Feiran changed into a night clothes, jumped on the roof like a cat, and left Ye Mansion silently.

  The four-leaf clover resting on the oleander, saw Ye Feiran leave, and quickly turned into a green shadow to catch up.

  After leaving Ye Mansion, Ye Feiran bought a black gauze hat and put it on, and went straight to the blacksmith's shop.

  Walking into the blacksmith's shop, the sound of hammering iron was heard into the ears, and the surrounding temperature also increased a lot.

  "Welcome! Girl, what do you want to buy?" A shirtless uncle greeted him warmly.

   Ye Feiran took out a piece of paper from her arms, and said hoarsely, "Uncle, I want to create three sets of silver needles. I have already drawn the styles on the drawings and the requirements are in it."

   Hearing this, the uncle quickly opened the drawing and saw the requirements and styles on it, with a look of surprise on his face, "Dare to ask the girl, what is the purpose of these silver needles?"

  It's not that he has never made silver needles, but the silver needles he made are no different. They are generally used to test poison or as weapons, such as poison needles.

  Ye Feiran raised his eyes and glanced at his uncle, and saw that he had no intention except for surprise, so he said truthfully, “This silver needle is used for acupuncture, which is to treat illnesses and injuries.”

   Hearing Ye Feiran’s words, the uncle’s attitude immediately respected, "My lord, I will definitely use the best materials to make silver needles. I wonder when the adults want to extract the silver needles?"

   Ye Feiran tapped his finger on the desktop, "Uncle, I have very high requirements for the silver needle. When you can pick it up, it's up to you, uncle."

Uncle    suddenly looked flattered, and quickly said, "My lord, I will do my best to create silver needles, and it will take two days to pick them up."

   Ye Feiran nodded lightly, and threw a bag to the uncle, "This is a deposit. By the way, I need a hundred silver needles that are commonly used now."

  "Okay, please wait, my lord, I will get it to you."

   Soon, the uncle took a hundred silver needles to Ye Feiran.

  After Ye Feiran left the blacksmith's shop, he followed the path back to Ye Mansion.

  There must be someone attacking Fenghua Pavilion at night tonight, she has to take a while.

   Ye Feiran quietly returned to Fenghua Pavilion, changed his night clothes, lay down after putting out the candle.

  Time slowly passed, Ye Feiran always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at her in the dark, but she couldn't find his breath, as if a pair of eyes staring at her appeared out of thin air.

   Just as Ye Feiran was about to get up to find out, there was a rustling sound outside.

   Ye Feiran listened carefully, and the corners of her lips curled up with a hint of irony. He actually used these pediatrics to deal with her. Isn’t she too little to look at her?

  Ye Feiran sprinkled a circle of colorless and odorless powder around the boudoir. The densely packed snakes, insects, rats and ants immediately did not dare to approach, but because they were sprayed with powder that attracted them, they were reluctant to leave.

  An hour later, Ye Feiran applied an upgraded version of insect repellent powder on her body, and then quietly came to Ye Yuwei's yard.

  She jumped gently, went on the roof, and found Ye Yuwei's boudoir.

  Ye Feiran's beautiful eyes glanced vigilantly around, gently uncovering the blue tiles, and a stream of colorless and odorless powder of medicine spilled into the house.

Once Ye Feiran and other patrolling guards passed by, they went back to Fenghua Pavilion to wash and sleep silently like a cat.

  At this time, the snakes, insects, mice, and ants of Fenghua Pavilion had long been smelling the smell, and they all went to Ye Yuwei's yard by appointment.

  In the dead of night, Qiangwei Pavilion suddenly heard a miserable scream.

   Immediately afterwards, Ye Mansion was caught in a busy schedule, and the noise was deafening.

  It's just that all of this didn't affect Ye Feiran, who was asleep.

  The next day, Ye Feiran slept three poles in the morning and still hadn’t gotten up.

  Chunlan and Qiu Ju had been waiting outside Fenghua Pavilion for a long time. They looked at the people hurrying back and forth in the mansion, and they were very confused.

  At this moment, a voice came from Fenghua Pavilion.

   Chunlan immediately walked in with warm water, while Qiu Ju followed closely with breakfast.

  After washing and dressing, Ye Feiran walked to the table for breakfast.

   "This porridge is good."

   "If the lady likes it, Qiu Ju will boil it every day." Qiu Ju lowered her head and said.

   Ye Feiran raised her eyebrows slightly, raised her eyes to look at Qiu Ju, "Did you boil it?"

"Yes, the Rose Pavilion was attacked by snakes, insects, mice and ants last night for some reason. The servants in the mansion were busy all night and there was no one in the dining room. Qiu Ju made breakfast on her own initiative." Qiu Ju replied truthfully, still bowing her head. Dare to see Ye Feiran.

  Ye Feiran glanced at them and said with a smile, "Imagine the whole body is full of snakes, insects, rats and ants, are you afraid?"

   Chunlan and Qiu Ju subconsciously imagined that goose bumps suddenly appeared all over their bodies.

   "Ah~ It's a pity that those snakes, insects, mice, and ants are not poisonous." Ye Feiran sighed lightly, with a very regretful tone.

After hearing this, Chunlan and Qiuju suddenly raised their heads, looking at Ye Feiran in horror.

  Miss did what happened last night?

  (End of this chapter)