MTL - The Poison Doctor Mad Concubine is a Bit Tugged-Chapter 1788 automatically delivered to your door

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  Chapter 1788 automatically delivered to your door

  Ye Feiran naturally ignored his hesitation, raised his eyebrows and said, "Master Yun, let's go, the sooner the better,"

   Master Yun looked at the confident Ye Feiran, no longer entangled, and waved his big hand, "Let's go!"

  As soon as he entered the area of ​​the ancient forest, Ye Feiran said, "Master Yun, let the fastest person in your tribe lead the way, we are about to leave."

  Hearing this, Master Yun was also anxious, and quickly shouted, "Yunfeng, you go ahead and lead the way for your lord."


   While speaking, Yunfeng had already come to salute Ye Feiran.

"grown ups!"

  Ye Feiran nodded slightly, "Use the fastest speed in your life to lead the way."

  Yunfeng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heavily, "Yes!"

  The next moment, Yun Feng's figure moved, sweeping forward like a gust of wind.

  Ye Feiran put Huohunhu and Xuangui into the spirit animal bag, and the figure also moved, like an afterimage.

   Seeing this, Master Yun immediately urged, "Hurry up, let's try our best to catch up with them."

   Although Yunfeng's speed is not as fast as Ye Feiran's, Ye Feiran is satisfied.

   Therefore, the two of them soon came to the place where the ninth-level super beast Qingyunque haunted.

  Ye Feiran glanced around, then said to Yunfeng, "I'm hungry, you go hunt a spirit beast to roast."

   Yunfeng: "???"

  Barbecue? Shouldn't we be looking for a level nine super beast now?

  Ye Feiran didn't answer Yunfeng's doubts, but just looked at him quietly.

  Yunfeng swallowed nervously, suppressing doubts at the same time, "Yes!"

  Yunfeng went to capture the spirit beast, and the mutated Jiuye Hongzhi appeared in front of Ye Feiran.

   "Ranran, I'm going to look around."

  Ye Feiran reached out and flicked the mutated nine-leaf red branch lightly, and said with a smile, "Our little Mengzi is becoming more and more considerate."

   "That's it, don't look at whose branch I am." The proud expression on Nine Leaf Red Branch's face changed.

  When the mutated nine-leaf red branch turned into countless leaves and flew around, Ye Feiran also let the fire soul fox and black turtle out of the spirit beast bag.

"I gonna go see."

   After finishing speaking, the Fire Soul Fox turned into a red light and disappeared into the jungle.

  Xuan Gui didn't move, and stayed beside Ye Feiran silently.

  Ye Feiran took a look at it, and then took out the drop of skylark blood essence.

  The essence of the ancient skylark's essence and blood is absolutely full of fatal temptation to a ninth-level super divine beast Qingyunlark.

  So, she waited here for Qing Yunque to come to her door automatically.

   After a while, Yunfeng not only captured the spirit beast, but also picked up the firewood.

  He saw the drop of Skylark's essence blood at a glance, and instantly understood Ye Feiran's plan, and felt a little ashamed.

  Your Excellency is so smart and bold!

   If it was their Skylark Tribe, even if they thought of this method, they would not dare to do it, because it is very likely that the gain would outweigh the loss.

  However, after thinking about it, he boldly reminded, "My lord, that ninth-level super beast is not easy."

  Ye Feiran raised his eyes to look at Yunfeng, and smiled slightly, "I see, you just follow my orders when the time comes."

   "Yes!" Yun Feng responded, and then started to prepare the barbecue nimbly.

   On the other side, the members of the Skylark tribe finally caught up. Seeing the drop of Skylark's blood, everyone's expressions were a little complicated.

  Yunzhu also silently reminded, "My lord, we want to capture that ninth-level super beast that is stronger than the same level."

  Ye Feiran nodded lightly, "I know, Yunfeng reminded me just now."

  Hearing this, Lord Yun and the elders exchanged glances and decided to trust Ye Feiran.

   Otherwise, Ye Feiran was angered, and they didn't know what the consequences would be.

   Ye Feiran is also very satisfied with the Skylark Tribe's awareness of current affairs, and always pays attention to the movement around him.

   Soon, not only Fire Soul Fox came back, but also the mutated Nine Leaf Red Branch.

   "Ranran, there is indeed a trace of the blue skylark here, but I can't find it." The mutant Jiuye Hongzhi said.

   "This blue skylark is very good at hiding, and I can't find it." Fire Soul Fox said.

  Ye Feiran glanced at them and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's impossible for it not to be interested in the blood essence of Skylark, we just sit here and wait."

  If Qing Skylark still doesn't appear, then she can only let the ancient Mingfeng play the role.

  Thinking of this, Ye Feiran immediately communicated with Gu Mingfeng through his spiritual sense, "Mingfeng, I need your help at that time."

   "Huh!" The ancient Mingfeng hummed lightly to express his agreement, a drop of blood essence from the ancient skylark is really worth it to do it himself.

  Ye Feiran had a sly look in his eyes, and looked up at the mutant Jiuye Hongzhi, "Little Mengzi, do you want to exchange feelings with Mingfeng?"

  Hearing the words, the mutated Nine Leaf Hongzhi was slightly taken aback, then thought she understood what Ye Feiran meant, "Yes, yes!"

  The ancient Mingfeng: "..."

  Why is this female human being so funny?

  However, after making complaints about it, it was also happy in its heart. Since it has the opportunity, it naturally wants to cultivate a relationship with Xiao Jiujiu.

  Ahem... No matter what the relationship is, you must cultivate it well.

   Huosunhu and Xuangui stayed beside Ye Feiran, one on the left and the other on the right. The two beasts not only shrunk their stature, but also hid their aura.

  Time passed, Ye Feiran ate barbecue meat, drank spiritual wine, and began to feel a little drowsy, and there was still no sign of the ninth-level super divine beast Qingyunque.

  People in the Skylark Tribe are very anxious, but no one dares to say anything, they can only worry in their hearts.

  Ye Feiran suddenly stood up and took a look at the surrounding situation, then flew up to the tree with the drop of skylark's blood, then leaned on the trunk and closed his eyes to rest.

   Skylark Tribe: "!!"

  Are you really here to help them capture the ninth-level super beast?

  After a fierce inner struggle, the Skylark Tribe still chose to believe in Ye Feiran, so they also closed their eyes and rested their minds, while paying attention to the movement around them.

  In the middle of the night, Ye Feiran suddenly opened his eyes with his eyes closed, and then closed them again, quietly letting the mutant Jiuye Hongzhi come out to investigate the situation.

  Countless transparent leaves flew around and quickly locked on to the target.

  I saw Qingyunque transformed into a palm-sized bird, approaching Ye Feiran cautiously.

   Qingyunque is very cautious, and it only moves once when the wind blows around it. No one has this patience.

   Mutant Jiuye Hongzhi told Ye Feiran the situation, and Ye Feiran began to make preparations.

  She prepared a colorless and odorless poison herself, and at the same time let the fire soul fox lurk.

  Xuangui still stood by Ye Feiran's side, his two small eyes were very vigilant.

  At the same time, Ye Feiran did not forget to transmit the voice to Master Yun, "Master Yun, Qing Skylark is approaching, you play by ear, if my arrangement is broken, you will be responsible for the consequences."

   Master Yun's mood changed from excitement to nervousness, and then silently told his clansmen.

  Seeing this, Ye Feiran's eyes flashed a look of satisfaction. She was planning to hit it with one blow, so I hope that the people of the Skylark Tribe will not make extra troubles.

   Qing Yunque was really cautious and patient, so it took half an hour to arrive at a position only ten meters away from Ye Feiran.

   Lord Yun kept watch at night in person, but his back was facing Qingyunque, so now in Qingyunque's view, this group of human beings are sleeping or resting their eyes with their eyes closed.

   Immediately afterwards, its eyes fell on Ye Feiran, and then on the drop of Skylark's blood essence, its eyes were extremely hot.

  As long as it gets this drop of blood essence from the ancient skylark, even if it cannot evolve into a real skylark, its strength will increase dramatically.

  At this moment, another gust of night wind came out, and the blue skylark flew up against the wind, and landed gently on the tree where Ye Feiran was.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion