MTL - The Poison Doctor Mad Concubine is a Bit Tugged-Chapter 1790 rejuvenation grass

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  Chapter 1790 Resurrection Grass

   Just like that, a group of people walked quietly in the canyon for half an hour. When the canyon became obviously narrow, a touch of green finally caught Ye Feiran's eyes.

  Then the green is getting more and more, and there are all kinds of flowers and trees, and some of them are even old.

   Soon, Ye Feiran discovered that the elixir contained in it was available in hundred years, thousand years, and ten thousand years. The most important thing is that their quality is excellent at first glance.

  Now that you have met it, you can't miss it.

  So, Ye Feiran began to dig for the elixir.

  Although the elixir is tempting, the Taiping Tribe is only thinking about the Resurrection Grass at the moment, so when they saw Ye Feiran slowly digging for the elixir, they were very anxious, but they didn't dare to urge them.

  Ye Feiran acted as if he didn't know anything, and the hearts of the Taiping Tribe were really tormented.

  It was almost time before Ye Feiran said slowly, "If you are not interested in these elixirs, you can go to the Resurrection Grass first."

  Hearing these words, the eyes of the people from the Taiping Tribe lit up, and with Ye Feiran's back turned to them, they looked at each other excitedly.

   "My lord, is this not very good?" Master Ping said hypocritically.

  Ye Feiran stood up and clapped his hands, then turned to look at Lord Ping, "In that case, then help me dig out the elixir!"

  Taiping Tribe: “…”

  Why is this answer different from what they expected? They don't want to help Ye Feiran dig out the elixir.

  Pingzhu quickly squeezed out a smile on his face, "My lord, we are clumsy, and we are afraid that we will damage the elixir, so let's go find the rejuvenation grass first."

  Ye Feiran's mouth twitched slightly, did these people really think she didn't know what they were thinking? But it doesn't matter.


  After the people from the Taiping Tribe took the first step, Ye Feiran asked the mutant Jiuye Hongzhi to follow behind secretly.

  Next, she happily dug up the elixir. With a move of consciousness, the elixir plants were transplanted into the mysterious space, which was much easier than digging it out by herself.

  The most important thing is that the transplanted elixir can continue to grow.

  Of course, Ye Feiran didn't sweep away all the elixir in a frenzy. She didn't transplant the elixir with less than 100 years of age, otherwise she would cry if it became extinct one day.

  As time passed, the distance between Ye Feiran and the Taiping tribe got closer and closer, and there were more and more elixir around, and the spiritual power in the air became more and more intense.

  Ye Feiran stopped to absorb the spiritual power around her, raised her brows slightly, the spiritual power here is so pure, it's no wonder that the nearly extinct divine grass such as Resurrection Grass was bred.

  Variation Jiuye Hongzhi sensed Ye Feiran's arrival, so she didn't move over, but stared at the Taiping Tribe who was desperately looking for the Resurrection Grass, and a sarcasm gradually appeared in her eyes.

   In terms of luck, the Taiping Tribe can't catch up with Ranran, and the Resurrection Grass will definitely be found by Ranran, so the Taiping Tribe shouldn't be wishful thinking.

   On the other side, Ye Feiran didn't know that the mutant Jiuye Hongzhi affirmed his luck, and was pleasantly surprised to find a bone flower that was more than a thousand years old or more than ten thousand years old.

  Shengguhua is one of the essential elixir for refining Shengji Pill, she is about to develop.

  Ye Feiran glanced around, and then with a move of consciousness, a whole bone flower was transplanted into the mysterious space by her.

  During the period, she didn't notice that among the raw bone flowers, there was a green jade-like umbrella-shaped spirit grass that was eating the raw bone flowers with relish.

  The little umbrella-shaped spirit grass found something abnormal, subconsciously dropped the half-eaten raw bone flower, and turned into a green light to escape.

  However, no matter how it escapes now, it is still in Ye Feiran's mysterious space. At the same time, because of fear, it has not noticed that the spiritual power in the air has changed.

  The little umbrella-shaped spirit grass ran forward desperately, and accidentally bumped into the little kid who was basking in the sun.

   Feeling refreshed, the little boy immediately opened his eyes, seeing the little umbrella-shaped spiritual grass in his arms, his eyes widened instantly, filled with surprise and excitement.

  It reached out and grabbed the small umbrella-shaped spirit grass, and shouted excitedly, "Resurrection grass!"

  Hearing the word Resurrection Grass, Ye Feiran paused, glanced at no one around, and immediately entered the mysterious space.

  The next moment, a burst of crying sounded into Ye Feiran's ears.

  I saw the Resurrection Grass in the hands of the little kid constantly struggling and crying.

  Ye Feiran took a careful look at the Resurrection Grass, a small umbrella shape with a small human face on it, no matter how cute it looks, and of course its crying sound is so distressing.

  Ye Feiran couldn't help reaching out to caress it, and said softly, "Don't cry."

  However, Resurrection Grass saw a stranger again, and cried even more pitifully.


  Ye Feiran had a distressed face, and so did the little boy, but he did not forget to remind Ye Feiran.

   "Woman, according to the ancient records, the Resurrection Grass is timid and cries when scared, so let's not talk and wait for it to adapt slowly!

  However, woman, the tears of the Resurrection Grass are also the best elixir for calming the nerves and nourishing the soul. "

  Ye Feiran: "!!"

  As soon as he thought that the Resurrection Grass had shed a few tears on the ground, Ye Feiran gave the little boy a hard look, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

   As a result, the Resurrection Grass was frightened by these words, and cried even more pitifully.

  Ye Feiran's heart aches, and she has already brought a white jade bottle to hold the tears of the Resurrection Grass.

  The little kid gave Ye Feiran a contemptuous look, and thought to himself that she was a dignified woman.

  Ye Feiran met the little brat's eyes, with an unnatural expression, but said confidently, "You don't need to remind me."

   She wouldn't have done it if the kid hadn't warned her, so it's all because of the kid.

  Little Kid: "...Woman, you have no conscience!"

  As soon as the voice fell, the crying of the Hun Hun Cao suddenly became louder.

   Seeing this, both Ye Feiran and the little boy kept their mouths tightly shut, and stared at the Resurrection Grass intently.

   This is definitely a difficult little ancestor!

  Time passed, the tears from the Resurrection Grass filled half a white jade bottle, and finally stopped crying.

   Then, it was pleasantly surprised to find that the spiritual power around it had become stronger, and it could smell the fragrance of various elixir.

   So comfortable, I really want to eat!

  But it couldn't move now, so it timidly glanced at Little Kid and Ye Feiran.

  Ye Feiran curled his lips into a smile, and the Resurrection Grass was startled again, almost crying again.

   "Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you."

  Ye Feiran's voice was unprecedentedly gentle, which made the little boy feel chills, and looked at Ye Feiran as if he didn't know her.

  Ye Feiran glared at it, and continued to gently comfort the Resurrection Grass.

  In this gentle voice, the Resurrection Grass came from the little boy's hand to Ye Feiran's.

   "Don't be afraid, Xiaocao, and don't cry, sister will give you something delicious."

  The next moment, Ye Feiran had a round elixir in her hand, which was a elixir specially refined by her for spiritual pets, all of which were the essence of elixir.

  The small nose of the Resurrection Grass sniffed vigorously, then glanced at Ye Feiran, and opened his mouth to eat it.

  It smells so good!

  The eyes of the Resurrection Grass were all bright, and after eating one, he looked at Ye Feiran with burning eyes, as if he was urging Ye Feiran to continue feeding.

  Seeing this, the arc of Ye Feiran's lips continued to rise. It turned out that the temptation of the elixir to the Resurrection Grass was so great, so she was relieved.

  So, Ye Feiran gave it a bunch of elixir, and then told the little boy to watch it not to harm the elixir in the space, and then stepped out of the mysterious space.

  Although the Resurrection Grass has already been obtained, there are so many elixir here, you can't miss it!

   "Little Mengzi, lure the people from the Taiping tribe to other places, and don't interfere with my transplanting of the elixir."


  When the mutated nine-leaf red branch flew in front of the Taiping Tribe, it suddenly remembered how it would lure the people of the Taiping Tribe to other places in a transparent state.

  It didn't ask Ye Feiran for advice immediately, but turned around irritably.

   As a result, an exclamation was heard the next moment.

   "It's moving, it's moving, the Resurrection Grass appears!"

  (end of this chapter)