MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 12 What are you afraid of?

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  Chapter 12 What to be afraid of

   "How are the other brother departments? Are they in place?"

   At this time, Bureau Zhang was on his way in a hurry. Following his inquiries, the young policeman reported the movements of all departments in a series.

   "Back to Zhang Bureau, the Armed Police Force has dispatched all police forces, and they are already near Yida Square."

   "All members of the traffic police corps have been mobilized, and the streets within a five-kilometer radius of Yida Plaza have been intercepted and deployed."

   "In addition, the SWAT team has also dispatched a police force of 30 people, and the car is right behind us."

   "By the way, Bureau Zhang" At this point, the young police officer paused, feeling a little embarrassed to speak.

  Zhang Zhenghuai had a bad premonition, and urged: "Say, what time is it and you're still hesitating."

  The young police officer then continued: "Boss Zhang, it seems that the media has heard about the criminals in Yida Plaza, and the higher-ups just called the police station to inquire about the situation."

   "Okay, I see."

  Zhang Zhenghuai's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that things were getting serious.

  As soon as he turned off the walkie-talkie, his phone rang.

  Pick it up and take a look, as expected, say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

   "Hello, leader."

   Before Zhang Zhenghuai could finish speaking, there was a heavy voice of questioning on the phone.

   "Ju Zhang, I heard that there was a robbery in the gold store in Yida Plaza, where people were killed?"

  Zhang Zhenghuai paused and said, "Leader, our patrol police officers have arrived at the scene as soon as possible."

  At this moment, Zhang Zhenghuai can only hope that Zhou Xiaoxiao can properly appease the criminals, but don't make trouble.

   "Really? I'm already on the bus to Yida Plaza. I hope that when I arrive at the scene, you can give the citizens of Rongyang a perfect answer."

  The superior leader only spoke in a peaceful tone, but at this time Zhang Zhenghuai felt like a light on his back, and a few beads of sweat appeared on his forehead unconsciously.

   "Old Zhang, do you understand what I mean?"

  Zhang Zhenghuai swallowed his saliva, and said decisively: "Leader, please rest assured. I, Zhang Zhenghuai, have been in the police for so many years. I will not let Rongyang City be stained. I will definitely solve it properly."

  Hearing this, the leader on the phone chuckled and said, "That's good, see you at Yida Plaza later!"

   "Good leader, see you later."

  The last word of the superior leader has an accentuated ending, and the meaning is very obvious.

   Zhang Zhenghuai is required to solve the criminals and control this matter before the leaders and friends from the media are in place.

  After hanging up the phone, Zhang Zhenghuai wiped off the sweat stains on his forehead, and immediately made several more calls before he could catch his breath.

  He was under a lot of pressure, and the fact that the leader had to come to the scene in person was enough to show how much Rongyang City attached importance to this matter.

   "Hey, Vice Captain Chen, I order you to get your comrades ready for battle immediately."

   "Got it, Zhang Ju!"

   "Hey, Lao Zhou, this time the matter is a bit serious, let me save face, let you comrades in the criminal police team cheer up."

   "Don't worry, Lao Zhang, I've heard that the mayor has come here in person, and I've already given orders to go down."

   "Hey, Xie Chu, is there a sniper in the special police you dispatched this time? If necessary, you can kill criminals at that time."

   "Don't worry, Director Zhang. Although there are not many people here, they are all elites. I will arrange it now."

  Zhang Zhenghuai made several phone calls in a row, so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat.

  The police officer who was driving had never seen the chief with such an expression before, and the accelerator was directly stepped on to the limit of the convoy.

   Not long after, Yida Plaza appeared in front of us.

  Zhang Zhenghuai's eyes lit up, "It's finally here!"

   "Hurry up, go to the gold shop!"

   Just as Zhang Zhenghuai was giving instructions, the intercom on the car sent the news that various departments were in place.

   "Boss Zhang, colleagues from the police station have already dispersed the crowd, and everyone is on alert, waiting for your instructions!"

   "Report Bureau Zhang, a team of armed police has controlled all the exits of Gate No. 2. Do you want to break in to rescue the hostages?"

   "Report to the chief, the comrades of the criminal police corps have entered the Yida shopping mall through the side door, blocking the criminals' escape, please give further instructions!"

   "Report to the leader, the special police sniper has arrived at the commanding heights opposite the shopping mall, and no trace of criminals has been found so far, requesting the chief to instruct the next step!"


what happened?

  What about the criminals and Zhou Xiaoxiao?

  Hearing this, Zhang Zhenghuai frowned, and looked up at the gold shop across the road.

   Just when he was puzzled, the anxious voice of the left-behind police officer from the Headquarters rang through the intercom;

   "Zhang Bureau, the situation has changed!"

  Hearing these words, Zhang Zhenghuai was like a tall building stepping into the air, his heart was in his throat.

  The police officers on the walkie-talkie continued to report: "Boss Zhang, just now some people said that criminals hijacked a policewoman and three hostages three minutes ago and have gone to South Street in the direction of Gate 1."

   "What? Tell everyone to turn around and go to South Street!"


  Turn off the walkie-talkie, Zhang Zhenghuai is like an ant on a hot pot at the moment.

   I'm really afraid of something!

   "I hope Comrade Zhou Xiaoxiao can hold on!"

  Zhang Zhenghuai's palms were already sweating,

  The superior is already on his way here, and I'm afraid he will arrive at the scene soon.

   Now that the situation has changed suddenly, Zhang Zhenghuai is also a little anxious.

  But years of experience quickly calmed him down,

  The top priority is that every second counts, and we must quickly grasp the latest trends of criminals.

   "There are so many police forces here today, and old friends from various departments are here. If there is a fork, I will be ashamed as the chief of the bureau!"

   Fortunately, you only need to turn a corner to get to Gate No. 1.

  Zhang Zhenghuai wants to contact Zhou Xiaoxiao again to find out the situation so that he can handle it urgently.

   After another thought, if the sound of the walkie-talkie alarmed the criminals and made them feel threatened, it would be even more troublesome to run away.

   "Xiao Li, drive faster!"

  Zhang Zhenghuai had no choice but to continue to urge the police officer Xiao Li who was driving.

  Feeling the director's urgency from the words, Xiao Li drifted into Yida South Road without saying a word.

   Slamming on the accelerator, Zhang Zhenghuai was so jolted that he grabbed the handle tightly. Instead of blaming Xiao Li, he wished he could go faster.

   Not long after, the police convoy headed by Zhang Baotou came not far from Gate No. 1.

   "Zhang Ju, look, it's criminals and hostages!"

  (end of this chapter)