MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 191 The first batch of practitioners

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   After hearing this, the two looked at Su Yun with weird expressions. If it weren't for the fact that they all knew Su Yun's character, they probably thought he was joking.

  But when they saw Su Yun's very serious expression, the two probably guessed that this matter was probably true.

   But what is the meaning of it? No one can tell.

  A moment later, Yang Datou took the lead in mustering up the courage to look at Su Yun for the final verification:

   "Su Yun, I don't study much, so don't lie to me, you can also practice fishing?"

  Hearing this, Su Yun looked at Yang Datou, and said calmly:

   "Jiang Taigong was fishing in the Weishui River, and he caught the 800-year-old foundation of the Zhou Dynasty.

  You are sitting by this lake fishing now, and what you catch is no one with a high level of cultivation. "

  The simple words immediately dispelled the doubts in Yang Datou's heart.

  So he nodded quickly, and then walked unsteadily towards the lake.

  When Su Yun turned his head to look at Lin Xiao again, Lin Xiao finally came to his senses, and immediately went to the wooden stake and put on his horse stance without saying a word.

  Born in a family of martial arts, Lin Xiao is no stranger to the practice method of Cun Quan.

  He will start to try to use all the power in an instant burst to make the Inch Fist more powerful.

  However, the simple wooden pile waiting for Su Yun to make is too rough.

  Even Lin Xiao, who often practiced boxing, felt an almost unbearable pain after hitting the stake for the first time.

  The stakes have not been sanded at all, and the rough bark is still clearly visible.

  Every time you hit Lin Xiao's hand, you can't bear all the force, and some protrusions on the skin will cause a lot of impact on Lin Xiao's fist.

  So after Lin Xiao punched, he immediately shook his hands and grinned in pain.

  He looked back at Su Yun, a little unsure if this method is feasible?

  But at this moment, Su Yun sat down quietly cross-legged on a stone.

   This made Lin Xiao swallow the words, thinking that it would be better not to disturb Su Yun at such a time.

  Yang Datou on the other side is not much better. Although he likes fishing, the premise is that fishing itself will not attach any other meaning.

  When fishing and practice were involved, Yang Datou couldn't calm down.

   Don't look at him now that he has thrown the hook into the water, but his eyes are looking around on the water.

  He was in a state of confusion, constantly thinking about what Su Yun said just now, and thinking about his own behavior, what does it have to do with practice?

  Su Yun was naturally not surprised by the psychological activities of the two.

  For anyone, this kind of thing would probably be the reaction of the two of them.

  After all, practice is just a distant and vague concept in their hearts. Everyone can say a few words, but no one can practice it.

  Everyone has a tacit understanding of keeping practice out of real life. It is like a **** passed on by word of mouth. It has been talked about, but no one has ever seen it.

  But Su Yun is not anxious about this, at least for the current stage, Yang Datou and Lin Xiao don't need to be so depressed.

  Su Yun slowly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Xiao, who was grinning in front of the stake and still punching.

   Then he looked at Datou Yang who was sitting by the lake looking bored and puzzled.

   Within a few breaths, Su Yun quietly expanded his domain.

  The extraordinary domain began to spread rapidly invisibly, and the position Su Yun was sitting at was just enough to cover Yang Datou and Lin Xiao within the scope of the domain at the same time.

   This is also the reason why Su Yun called Yang Datou and Lin Xiao. The extraordinary aura spread in the domain, whether it can make others enter the Tao through skills, will be related to the next thing Su Yun will practice in the "dharma transmission".

  At present, Su Yun is still unable to summarize the clear outline of the realm of practice, and has not yet determined the next path of practice.

  Under the premise that it is impossible to systematically inductively practice, this method of advancing from skills to Taoism in the field has become a temporary starting point in Su Yun's view.

  Although it is only the starting point, once a practice method that everyone can try is summed up in the future, then entering the Tao through skills will be eliminated, but this starting point is a very important thing at present.

  After expanding the field, Su Yun has been observing Yang Datou and Lin Xiao calmly.

  Under the influence of his mental power, it seemed as if he could see the looming pale golden extraordinary aura gradually covering the two of them.

  However, Yang Datou and Lin Xiao seem to have not noticed it for the time being. The physical body is dull and not clear, which is considered normal.

  Su Yun was not in a hurry either, he just sat cross-legged quietly, without any distracting thoughts, quietly observing the changes of the two of them.

  However, it didn't take long for Su Yun to see the changes in Yang Datou and Lin Xiao.

  First of all, it was Yang Datou, the fishing rod in his hand suddenly began to shake, which made Yang Datou temporarily recover from distracting thoughts.

  He quickly started to take in the rod, and the whole set of movements was done in one go, and the last big fish was pulled out of the water in this way.

  When he put the fish into the bucket beside him, Yang Datou also had surprise in his eyes.

  Don't look at him being idle, he acts as an expert on the Internet and teaches others to fish.

  In fact, looking at his achievements all the time, he has never had such a great achievement as today.

   This kind of surprise made Yang Datou temporarily abandon other distracting thoughts. He quickly hooked up and threw the hook into the water again.

  However, it didn't take long for the fishing rod to respond again, and another big fish was caught by Yang Datou.

   Surprised by surprise, Yang Datou began to devote himself to it, and gradually he realized some strange changes in himself.

  Every time he throws the hook, Yang Datou always has a strange feeling, as if the hook extending to the water is also a part of his body.

  He had never felt this kind of feeling before, as if he could clearly feel the feeling of the fishhook floating gently with the current under the water.

  And every time he threw the hook, Yang Datou made the best choice under an instinctive reaction.

  It seems that for him, the water surface in front of him is not the same in essence, where there will be fish shoals and where the fish shoals will be scattered.

  Although there is no clear concept in Yang Datou's mind, he can always use his instinct to make himself very rewarding.

  Yang Datou's heart became more and more quiet. At this moment, it seemed that there was only the sound of rushing water in his ears.

  He devoted himself to fishing, as if everything outside had nothing to do with him.

   It looks like Yang Datou is still sitting by the lake, but his heart seems to be immersed in another world.

  Almost every time a fish is caught, Yang Datou's state of mind will change.

  He didn't feel abrupt about this change, on the contrary, he seemed to have found his true self.

  Su Yun has always seen this in his eyes, and he is very happy about it.

  In practice, Yang Datou's current state is called samadhi, which is the beginning of self-nature clarity.

   In fact, it was Su Yun's extraordinary state!

  Su Yun has entered this state in countless times of practice, and every time he enters this state, the skills Su Yun practiced can always have a breakthrough in a short period of time.

   This obviously means that Su Yun's previous idea is feasible. By spreading the extraordinary state along with the field, all people in the field can obtain the influence of the extraordinary state.

   It looks like Yang Datou is sitting there now, just like an ordinary fisherman.

  In fact, his current state is not waiting for the fish to bite the hook like ordinary anglers, but every time he drops the hook, he is actively looking for fish.

  Before Yang Datou fished 10 times, 7 times he would get an empty hook.

   But now it is possible to catch a fish almost every time.

   This made Yang Datou no longer obsessed with the experience of trying his luck when fishing, but in it, he became more calm and entered a special state.

   And when Su Yun looked at Lin Xiao, he soon saw the same change in Lin Xiao.

  At this moment, Lin Xiao's eyes showed unprecedented fighting intent, and the power of each punch became more and more powerful.

  Born in a family of Chinese martial arts. Almost as long as Lin Xiao can remember, the stake has been with him.

  The boring training day after day has long made Lin Xiao resistant to the stakes. When training in front of the stakes, Lin Xiao never had any determination in his eyes.

   But now it seems that Lin Xiao is not facing the stake, but the real enemy.

  His one-inch punches are getting faster and more violent, and more importantly, Lin Xiao can feel it himself. After practicing for so long today, he doesn't feel tired at all. Instead, every cell seems to be excited at the moment.

  With each punch, Lin Xiao's whole body's strength was mobilized accordingly, and when the inch punch was punched with the whole body's strength, it could always burst into bursts of sound after hitting the wooden stake.

  The sound was like thunder on the ground, and even more like the roar of a tiger in the forest.

   And Lin Xiao's body exudes a natural murderous aura, and Su Yun seems to see his former self from his body.

   This made Su Yun feel joyful, but he couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional. At the beginning, he could only keep trying, groping until he stepped into the demon, but no one could correct him.

  But now Lin Xiao will not follow his old path, and Su Yun will not bear to let Lin Xiao experience the pain of being haunted by demons.

  This may be the meaning of inheritance. If you have been exposed to the rain yourself, you will know how to hold an umbrella for others.

  This is also the meaning of teaching the Dharma!

  So looking back, everything I experienced in the past seems to have a reason and meaning, just like a reincarnation, there is a cause and effect, one drink and one peck.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun couldn't help but smile knowingly.

  Whether it is Yang Datou's fishing or Lin Xiao's inch fist, it is essentially a skill.

   Therefore, in Su Yun's field, both of them are constantly refining this skill, which is also the essence of entering Tao from skill.


   A moment later, with a crisp sound, the peace here was also broken.

  Su Yun immediately followed the sound, but saw that the wooden stake that was originally standing in front of Lin Xiao, which was as thick as a person, was broken by Lin Xiao's fist at the moment.

  Lin Xiao obviously didn't expect that he could hit such an attack with such intensity, so at this moment, he looked at the broken wooden stake and his fist, and couldn't recover for a long time.

  Looking at Datou Yang again, another big fish was dragged out of the water. With a flick of Yang Datou's wrist, the fish on the hook quickly slid out of a beautiful parabola, and then precisely fell into the bucket beside him.

  In a short period of time, there were already eight or nine fish in the bucket, and almost every time Yang Datou threw the hook, he could catch a big fish in a short period of time.

  The skills of both of them have been improved in Su Yun's field, but this change surprised them both.

   Seeing this scene in his eyes, Su Yun disappeared into the domain again without a trace.

  Almost at the same time, Yang Datou and Lin Xiao looked at Su Yun with some doubts.

  They seemed to have realized a strange force just now, and they disappeared in an instant.

  But in Su Yun's view, this feeling is the beginning of the two people's progress from skills to Taoism.

   When Su Yun dispersed the field at first, the two of them didn't notice it.

  But now when the domain is taken back, the two can have subtle feelings.

   This means that the two of them have formally stepped into the cultivation from skills to Taoism, and it also verified Su Yun's thoughts.

  In the field, everyone is a dragon!

   Just as Su Yun was thinking, Yang Datou and Lin Xiao ran over excitedly from two directions.

   "Uncle Su, did you see it just now? I broke the stake with one punch, as if there was a legendary true energy in my body, it's outrageous!

   You know, even my dad can't do this kind of stake, I don't know how to do it myself! "

  Yang Datou's voice came next:

   "Su Yun, today is really amazing, every time I throw the hook, there will be fish hooked.

  It feels as if they are waiting for my hook in the water.

  And just now I had a particularly wonderful feeling, as if a force had been filling my whole body.

  I even swelled up to the point that I could fish for the sun and the moon in the galaxy... Tsk tsk, that's too exaggerated. "

  Hearing these words, Lin Xiao suddenly looked at Yang Datou in surprise:

   "You feel the same way?"

  Yang Datou gave Lin Xiao a weird look:

   "What do you mean? You also experienced it?"

  Lin Xiao nodded, then looked down at his fist again:

   "I feel that power is constantly entering my body, and this feeling is especially obvious during the last punch.

   It's so amazing, I can't explain it clearly, but I always feel that this power is real. "

  The startled discussion between the two reached Su Yun's ears, and he soon showed a somewhat peaceful smile.

   "Both of you, congratulations on officially stepping into the practice of moving from skill to Tao."

  Su Yun's words caused surprise expressions on the faces of the two of them, and then they began to replay all the things that happened just now like a slide show in their minds.

   All of these seem to be directed at Su Yun, and Su Yun's unpredictable expression now makes the two of them feel that their thoughts are correct.

  All of this seems to be related to Su Yun, and they have indeed gained a lot now.

  How to put it, this made them feel very puzzled.

  Is this practice?

  But this kind of practice is completely different from what they imagined. There is no white clothes like snow, no swords like shuttles, and no flying with swords, Jindan Yuanying.

  They were just doing the most ordinary things in the past, but because of Su Yun, they had a different experience and harvest.

   "Big head..."

  Su Yun looked at Yang Datou and said slowly:

   "Fishing is also a skill in essence, compared to letting you practice fists, fishing is undoubtedly a good way.

  Lin Xiao, on the other hand, is better at this kind of boxing kung fu training. Compared with practicing the skills themselves, cultivating the mind is the key.

  As the saying goes, there is concentration after concentration, tranquility after concentration, tranquility after tranquility, worry after tranquility, and attainment after concern.

  This is the key to entering the Tao from skills, and the skill Mahayana is the beginning of formal entry into the Tao. "

  Su Yun's words made Yang Datou and Lin Xiao nodded with a half understanding.

  Although they still don't know exactly how Su Yun did it until now, the novel experience just now made them believe in what Su Yun said.

  At the same time, the two of them yearned for that wonderful experience even more.

  It was this kind of experience that allowed the two of them to no longer have a vague concept of cultivation, but instead had a clearer perception.

  Su Yun was also delighted. Yang Datou and Lin Xiao clearly confirmed to him the feasibility of this method.

   This made Su Yun quickly have an idea in his heart. Now that this method has been confirmed, it is time to officially start the road of preaching the Dharma.

  Although the current method of entering the Tao from skills is only a temporary method, it is also the best way for Su Yun who has not yet fully sorted out the framework of practice.

   Let’s first cultivate the first batch of ‘practicers’ by entering the Tao through skills, so as to lay the foundation for the popularization of future cultivation methods.

  So soon, Su Yun patted Yang Datou and Lin Xiao on the shoulders:

   "Get ready, go on a long trip with me tomorrow, you don't need to worry about the practice, take your time, you will master it sooner or later."

  Su Yun's words made the two nodded happily.

  They didn't even bother to ask Su Yun where he was going, they quickly discussed and walked towards home.

  Of course Datou Yang did not forget to carry the bucket full of harvested fish. If there is no accident tonight, the two will enjoy a whole fish feast.

   Sure enough, not long after, Yang Datou found Su Yun, stopped Su Yun's shoulder, and dragged him to the house without saying a word.

  Before entering the door, Su Yun smelled a strong smell of fish. After entering the room, he noticed that there were several plates of fish on the dining table.

   Braised fish, grilled fish, steamed fish...

  All kinds of ways to treat fish are revealed at this moment, and the table full of fish feast in front of you can be described as beautiful and delicious.

  Su Yun suddenly looked at Yang Datou with some doubts:

   "You two still have this skill?"

  Yang Datou immediately laughed, and at the same time glanced towards the door with a guilty conscience.

  At this moment, Lin Xiao is stuffing money into a villager's hand, and it is obvious that this aunt cooked all the meals on the table.

  However, this did not delay Lin Xiao and Yang Datou borrowing flowers to present Buddha, and Su Yun naturally did not expose it.

   This delicious and fresh whole fish feast made Lin Xiao and Yang Datou feast on it.

  During the meal, the two also kept expressing their gratitude to Su Yun. If it wasn't for Su Yun, they might never have such a special feeling.

  Thinking back now, the two realized that they were at that time, as if they were completely integrated with everything around them.

  The sound of the wind blowing and the leaves falling, and the turbulent airflow around them made them feel infinitely magnified several times for the first time, so clearly recognizable.

   This is like a dream, and now it's like a dream, but it's even more reluctant to part with it.

  If it is said that their yearning for practice was just following the trend, then now they really have a yearning for practice.

  The feeling of the previous training is still fresh in the memory of the two, and it also gave them a unique and wonderful experience.

  This kind of experience made them yearn for practice even more. Although Su Yun didn't say much about it, he secretly made a training plan for the two of them in his heart.

  In the early morning of the second day, Feiyun took Lin Xiao and Yang Datou to set off. The two were very puzzled by this, and they kept asking where Su Yun was going along the way.

  However, Su Yun simply answered three words.

   Qiantang River!


  Qiantang River is of special significance to Su Yun, where he gained a new life, and there he received his sword and became a mortal.

  So in Su Yun's opinion, it is the best choice to start a new one at Qiantang River.

  Sitting in the car, Su Yun handed Lin Xiao a note, and said to Lin Xiao at the same time:

   "After arriving in the urban area, you and Yang Datou will help me prepare these things first, and then bring them to Qiantang River."

  Su Yun's order, Lin Xiao naturally has no second choice.

  But after Lin Xiao glanced at the note, he looked at Su Yun with some doubts:

   "Uncle Su, I don't quite understand, what are we going to do with these things?"

   On the post-it note that Su Yun handed over, there are various weapons of swords, guns, swords and halberds listed.

  There are more than ten kinds of long weapons, and six or seven kinds of short weapons.

  Whoever sees such prepared items will probably have the same reaction as Lin Xiao.

  After Yang Datou heard this, he curiously snatched the note in Lin Xiao's hand, took a look at the note, then looked at Su Yun in feigned astonishment and said:

   "Su Yun, are you planning to occupy the Qiantang River?"

  Su Yun smiled and punched Yang Datou in the chest:

   "Don't talk nonsense, don't ask about anything else, you will know when the time comes."

   Saying that, Su Yun looked at Lin Xiao:

   "Lin Xiao, you are from the martial arts circle. It shouldn't be hard to find these training equipment, right?"

   Lin Xiao frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

   "That's right, I remember that my dad has a friend who is in the Kaiguo Museum in the urban area. I'll ask him to borrow it, and it will be no problem!"

   "That's okay, I'll go to Qiantang River first, and we will meet there then!"

  After getting off the bus, the three parted ways at the station.

  Su Yun went to the Qiantang River, while Yang Datou and Lin Xiao went to the urban martial arts museum together.

   But along the way, the two kept guessing what Su Yun was going to do with these things.

  Lin Xiao is more professional after all, so he also has a unique opinion on this:

   "These weapons are relatively routine practice equipment in our martial arts circle, but I don't understand why Uncle Su asked us to take these equipment to the Qiantang River.

   Could it be that Uncle Su wants to perform martial arts on the Qiantang River?

  That's not right. If you want to perform martial arts, at least you should bring more people. Just the three of us don't need so many weapons, right? "

  Looking at Lin Xiao with a puzzled face, Yang Datou suddenly showed a weary smile:

   "Nephew, that's why you don't know your Uncle Su.

  Everything he decides makes sense, don't ask anything, just do it.

  Who is your Uncle Su? "

  Hearing this, Lin Xiao also felt that it made sense, and quickly nodded in thought.

  But Lin Xiao came back to his senses in the next second, and he gave Yang Datou a contemptuous look:

   "Fatty man, you're taking advantage of me again. I don't know who was asking this and that in the car just now. Now run me and pretend to be a big-tailed wolf?"

  Yang Datou still put on the posture of not getting into it, looking out the window with his legs crossed, and humming happily.

   At the same time, Su Yun has come to the familiar Qiantang River again. The river is still turbulent. Although it is not as raging as that day, it is still magnificent.

  Walking here, many memories appeared in Su Yun's mind.

  The last time I came here was many years ago. At that time, Su Yun was still trapped by demons, and many major events happened during that time.

  Wen Taosheng had an epiphany, and killed the gene man casually. Everything that happened before is now like a slide show, constantly showing in Su Yun's mind.

  Now in Su Yun's body, with the passage of time, it really shows what is right and wrong.

  After going through so many things until now, when looking back, Su Yun still feels emotional.

  Unknowingly, Su Yun came to the bustling Qiantang River Square. At this time, Su Yun noticed that Qiantang River Square had added a new scenic spot.

  This attraction is not officially established, but tourists who come here often come to check in spontaneously.

  Because this Qiantang River Square used to be the place where Su Yun defeated Gene Man, and the arena at that time has been preserved to this day, and all the tourists are scrambling to check in and take pictures on the arena.

  Su Yun lowered the brim of his hat in the crowd, looking at this scene, he couldn't laugh or cry.

   But this place is indeed a place of great significance to the whole world. After all, Su Yun was the only person in the world who defeated the gene man at that time.

   At that time, the era had not officially entered the genetic century, let alone the post-modern human stage, so that battle can be called an epoch-making major battle.

   It was because of that battle that the arrival of post-modern humans and the genetic era was divided.

   Surrounded by noisy crowds lined up anxiously, the place is full of people almost every day.

  Everyone lined up for hours just to get a photo in the ring.

   But it still makes tourists who come from all directions enjoy it.

   It was also at this time that Su Yun learned that in addition to the Qiantang River Square, Guanjiang Estuary has also become a famous check-in place.

  Many people would imitate Su Yun at that time, sit cross-legged in Guanjiangkou, and ask friends around them to take pictures, which shows Su Yun's influence in Daxia now.

  Because Su Yun was dressed very low-key, and kept covering his face with the brim of his hat, and everyone around him was focused on the ring, so no one noticed that the hero they yearned for was by their side at this moment.

  Su Yun just stood quietly in the crowd and looked at this familiar place from the perspective of the audience.

  Su Yun felt a lot of emotion here, so Su Yun didn't notice the passage of time at all.

  The queue was constantly advancing, but Su Yun was brought back to reality from his memories by the sudden sound of a whistle.


  There is a special driveway in the Qiantang River Square, which is used to transport equipment when certain activities are held on the square.

  But on weekdays, this roadway will not be open to the public, so it will be crowded with people.

   But at this moment, there was a small truck honking its horn and slowly driving towards this side.

  The people standing in line on the roadway gave way to the side in dissatisfaction. At the same time, this small truck also attracted everyone's attention.

  The car stopped not far away, and then the cell phone in Su Yun's pocket rang.

  Looking at the caller ID, Su Yun found that the call was from Yang Datou, so he quickly connected it.

   "Su Yun, we have come back, the only square in the entire Qiantang River scenic area is where cars can enter.

   What do we do next? "

   Watching Yang Datou get off the car not far away, Su Yun quickly gave an order over the phone:

   "Move all the equipment to the ring, and then clean up the people on the ring..."

   "It's done!"

   But for such shameless things, Yang Datou can always take the lead.

He quickly conveyed Su Yun's thoughts to Lin Xiao, and Lin Xiao got busy immediately. At the same time, a few rough people got off the car, and they helped Lin Xiao, and put the equipment from the car. Moved out of the compartment.

   Even for this purpose, two weapon racks were prepared in advance to insert these weapons into them.

   "Come, come, let's make way, let's make way, everyone, don't take pictures here, now this place is expropriated by us!"

  Yang Datou began to evacuate the crowd in a decent manner, which made many people feel a little confused.

   "What's the matter? It's hard to wait until now, why is it suddenly not allowed to go up?"

   "What are you doing, what kind of event is going to be held?"

   "I'm really convinced, isn't the one-hour queue for nothing?"

  Between time and time, there were wailing voices among the crowd, but Yang Datou and the others didn't care about so much now, and quickly placed the weapons on both sides according to Su Yun's instructions.

  People's dissatisfaction was gradually replaced by curiosity. They stood under the ring one after another, looking suspiciously at the various weapons and weapons placed on both sides.

   "Could it be that the fighting is going to start here again? That's why we arranged all these equipment in advance."

   "I haven't heard of any recent war arrangements. Could it be that the wy international competition will start here?"

   "Don't talk nonsense, the last time the wy international competition was held in Yinfan country, because the matter of Hero Su Yun was stopped midway. Since then, no competition has been held."

   "Yes, the current international situation is very chaotic. Hero Su Yun almost overthrew the Yinfan Kingdom with his own efforts, and made other countries feel like they are sitting on pins and needles, entangled in genetic research."

   "That's useless, as long as our hero Su Yun is in Daxia for one day, those genetic people will never be able to get on the stage!"

  People gathered under the ring to discuss curiously, and at this time, Yang Datou and Lin Xiao had already arranged all the weapons.

   Seeing this scene in his eyes, Su Yun walked through the crowd unhurriedly and walked forward.

  When he passed through the crowd, someone accidentally saw his face, and then froze in place.

  Such a slightly thin figure walked through the human form one by one, and a startled voice came from behind soon.

   "Is that person just now Hero Su Yun?"

   At the moment when the sound came, almost everyone turned their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of the sound.

  At this moment, Su Yun's figure was also exposed in front of everyone's eyes.

   "I'm going, is it really Hero Su Yun?"

   "Impossible, maybe they just look too similar?"

   "Hurry up and look for the picture of Hero Su Yun on the Internet, why do you think it looks so familiar!"

   While discussing, everyone gave way one after another, while Su Yun walked straight towards the ring without looking sideways.

   Soon, more and more people found Su Yun's photos online for comparison.

   This made them all show surprise expressions very quickly.

  The hero of Great Xia, the only practitioner in the world, actually came to Qiantangjiang Square!

  (end of this chapter)