MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 194 Dojos are established everywhere in Daxia

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  Chapter 194 Dojos are established everywhere in Daxia

  【Ancestor Dao Appears, Great Xia Moves Up! 】

  In just 8 words, it seems to express the future of Daxia.

  Su Yun single-handedly opened the door to practice. Although there are very few people who can enter this door, it gave them hope.

  I believe that it won't be long before Su Yun will be able to open the door of convenience again, so that everyone will be able to enter it.

  The news of Qiantangjiang preaching spread quickly, and even the officials quickly paid attention to it.

  The military quickly held a meeting, and commanders from all parties rushed to participate in the meeting.

  For a while, martial law was completely imposed, and personnel from all provinces came from all directions. This kind of movement is not common, and it is only because of Su Yun that the official meeting will be held suddenly.

The military presides over the meeting is Zhao Guofeng, who is most familiar with Su Yun. At this moment, he has already prepared all kinds of information about Su Yun's preaching on the Qiantang River, and in fact based on the influence of this information, Zhao Guofeng hardly needs to distribute documents. Everyone already knew about it.

   "Everyone, today's meeting was held suddenly, but at the same time it was necessary.

  The long-awaited moment has finally arrived. Su Yun preached on the Qiantang River, which opened the beginning of Daxia's path of cultivation.

   But I believe everyone has also learned that when Su Yun preached on the Qiantang River, tens of thousands of people participated, but in the end only 4 people passed the test.

  This means that at least the door of practice that Su Yun opens for the public has a very high threshold, but even so, we must not let this opportunity pass by.

  So according to the discussion in the internal meeting, it is decided...

  Military forces in various places immediately carried out internal selection, and then conducted a unified assessment within each army.

  All outstanding soldiers who pass the assessment will go to the Suyun Dojo as representatives of the military this time to learn the methods of cultivation.

  If successful in the future, each army will also develop a curriculum system for spiritual practice. "

  The same order was also issued in various provincial and municipal meetings, and a large number of outstanding personnel and police officers will be selected from various regions. I hope to seize this opportunity and learn the method of practice from Sermon Su Yun.

  At the same time, every word Su Yun said when he preached on the Qiantang River was recorded one by one, and everyone can refer to it during the meeting.

   But there is no way, what Su Yun said is too obscure, even for many highly educated people, it is difficult to have a clear understanding of it.

   To comprehend Dharma, never rely on academic qualifications, but realm.

  If the realm is successful, even a reckless man who doesn't know a single word can understand the essence of the Dharma.

  If you have no realm, no matter how high your education is, you may only know the words but not the meaning.

   Even so, the officials of Daxia paid special attention to Su Yun's preaching on the Qiantang River. At the same time as the meeting, Zhao Guofeng was also learning about where Su Yun would go next through various channels.

   It didn't take long before news came, but Zhao Guofeng was a little surprised by the news.

  Su Yun did go to another place again, but that was his former alma mater—Rongyang City University.

   Not to mention that Zhao Guofeng was surprised, even Yang Datou and Lin Xiao were a little surprised when they learned that Su Yun's next destination was Rongyang City University.

  Fortunately, when they were not preaching, Su Yun and Ping An had no intentions and did not have that awesome sense of distance, which allowed them to express their doubts in their hearts.

   "Su Yun, are you sure you are right? Are we really going to preach at our alma mater?"

   Facing Yang Datou's astonished question, Su Yun nodded peacefully:

"Of course, the Qiantang River is just the beginning, and Rongyang City University is far from the end. The threshold for getting into the Tao through technology is very high, so more people should be given a chance. Even if only one of tens of thousands of people can enter Taoism, it is not a failure."

  Hearing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help expressing his worries:

   "But Uncle Su, those college students in Rongyang City University, what if they can't understand your good intentions? Then it will be a waste of time, and it will be a big trouble."

   Regarding this question, Su Yun did not answer. The places he chose to preach are all particular and reasons.

   Rongyang City University, after all, is the place where he summed up the four realms from technology to Taoism, and it should teach Taoism.

   And when the three of them actually appeared at Rongyang City University, Lin Xiao realized that his worries were completely unnecessary.

  Su Yun just stepped into Rongyang City University for less than a few minutes, and a large number of students began to appear around him.

  The school leaders were even more alarmed. Under the leadership of Principal Gao, they all came to greet Su Yun enthusiastically.

  Principal Gao was pleasantly surprised when he learned of Su Yun's purpose for coming to Rongyang City University.

  The matter that the Qiantang River was not available was fermented on the Internet, and Principal Gao knew about it a long time ago.

  Principal Gao even thought in his heart that it would be great if Su Yun could come to Rongyang City University sometime, but he didn't expect that Su Yun actually made a special trip on this day.

  Principal Gao invited the three of Su Yun to the office, treated them to tea, and quickly issued an order. The whole school began to prepare for this matter.

  The huge back playground is big enough to accommodate all the students. After learning about what happened during the Qiantang River preaching, Principal Gao ordered a platform to be built on the playground.

  A red carpet was spread on the table, and a futon specially prepared for Su Yun was placed in the center.

  The news that Su Yun was going to preach at Rongyang City University quickly spread throughout Rongyang City.

   And Su Yun also specifically stated that this sermon is not just for students of Rongyang City University, anyone who has the opportunity can come and try it.

  This made Rongyang City more lively than the New Year, and the traffic police department was dispatched quickly.

  In order to avoid the lessons learned by the Qiantang River, they quickly started to block the roads in front of several main roads of the school after getting the news, and diverted pedestrians and vehicles to ensure the smoothness of the roads.

  In the General Bureau of Rongyang City, Zhang Zhenghuai, Zhou Nanhai and others hurriedly dispatched the police while discussing this matter.

   "It is a rare opportunity for Su Yun to come to Rongyang City to preach.

  The province has just issued an order, let us also send some people to try, see if we can be lucky enough to learn from Su Yun..."

  Hearing what Zhang Zhenghuai said, Zhou Nanhai nodded quickly:

   "We really want to seize this opportunity. Judging from the current situation, Su Yun should go to various places to preach in the next time.

  We should also confirm with Su Yun where he is going next, so that at least the relevant cities can respond in time. "

  While talking, the two got into the car, and the police cars with their lights whistling, lined up one by one, and drove away from the police station one after another.

  The news that Su Yun preached at Rongyang City University was sent out, and in less than half an hour, it had already spread throughout Rongyang City, and even people in other cities began to want to rush over as soon as possible by expressway.

  However, in order not to cause chaos and changes, the highway leading to Rongyang City was immediately closed to the outside world.

   This inevitably made many people feel sorry, and they could only go to the live broadcast room that was erected on the playground of Rongyang City University and just opened to complain.

   "What are you doing, why is the highway blocked, we want to try it too."

   "I'm from 915 University, this is the first time I regret why I didn't go to Rongyangcheng University!"

   "When hero Su Yun can come to our city, give us a chance!"

   "I'm sore, I'm from the city next door, why don't you let us go!"

  From the words of these people, it is not difficult to see that they are also very yearning for Su Yun's preaching.

   But there is no way, Su Yun's influence is too great now, after the news has been sent out, tens of thousands of people have already started to rush towards Rongyang City University at the same time.

   You must know that the permanent population of Rongyang City is more than 7 million people. Even if there are more than 7 million people, the government will not let them all come together, and then there will be a big mess.

   Not to mention the opening of the expressway, so that people from other cities can also come.

   Therefore, there is no way to block the highway.

  Rongyang City University has once again become the most popular and well-known university in the whole summer.

   And almost every time it happened, it was because of Su Yun alone...

  At this moment, outside the gate of Rongyang City University, a large number of police forces have been deployed to block the surrounding roads.

   But even so, Rongyang City University is still overcrowded at the moment, gathering in the playground.

   After Zhang Zhenghuai and others arrived at the scene, they had to quickly enter the playground to manage all the people gathered here to avoid serious stampede accidents.

   After learning the news that Su Yun appeared on campus, all the students rushed back one after another, and all classes also stopped their original courses.

  The school leaders attach great importance to this, and the teaching staff are doing their best to maintain the order of the students, but because there are too many people outside the school, the playground is in a mess at the moment.

  This kind of people are very excited. They wait eagerly for Su Yun's appearance, and hope to be the one who passed the selection in this sermon.

   "Hero Su Yun is here!"

   I don't know how long it took, but with the sound of a voice, everyone was excited.

  They looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that Su Yun, surrounded by a group of police officers and school leaders, was pushing aside the crowd and walking towards this side.

  Everyone retreated one after another, making way for Su Yun. It was at this moment that the playground was in a mess. Everyone held their breath and focused all their attention on Su Yun.

   Zhou Xiaoxiao, who has been busy maintaining order, looked over there excitedly after hearing the news of Su Yun's appearance.

  Looking at Su Yun from a distance, no one knows what Zhou Xiaoxiao is thinking in her heart, but her eyes seem a little complicated.

  Recalling all the experiences in the past, Su Yun at that time did not bring such a sense of distance to Zhou Xiaoxiao as he does now.

   In Zhou Xiaoxiao's heart, she has always known that Su Yun is not something in the pond, but after this day comes, she will inevitably feel a little unconfident.

   It seemed that in an instant, he no longer had a reason to appear beside Su Yun.

  As it is now, Su Yun is surrounded by school leaders, as well as high-level officials of the city bureau like Zhang Zhenghuai and Zhou Nanhai.

  But Zhou Xiaoxiao was happy for Su Yun in his heart, perhaps it was the intertwining of different emotions that always made him feel very complicated.

  Yang Datou and Lin Xiao are still following Su Yun, and at this moment, they can clearly see the wonderful expressions on their faces.

  They can be regarded as having a great honor with Su Yun this time. Needless to say, just following Su Yun as they are now is enough to make many people envious.

  Under the eyes of everyone, Su Yun slowly walked up to the high platform, and sat cross-legged on the futon in the center.

  His eyes swept over everyone one by one peacefully. There were more than 50,000 people at the scene, but at this moment, the silence of needles could be heard.

  Everyone was very excited, and these people had watched Su Yun's live broadcast on the Qiantang River Trail long ago.

   It was finally their turn for this kind of thing today, which naturally made everyone happy.

At this moment, several school gates of Rongyang City University have been completely closed, and other people who cannot enter will undoubtedly mean that they have lost this opportunity. They gathered outside the school regretfully, and even the pedestrian bridge was full of people. people.

  Although they knew that they had missed the opportunity, they were not willing to leave just like that.

  In their opinion, it is a good thing to be able to see Su Yun from a distance even if they are just standing here.

  After having the experience last time, Yang Datou and Lin Xiaomao recommended themselves at this moment, and took the initiative to act as the guides for the next trail session.

  With Su Yun's acquiescence, Yang Datou and Lin Xiao stood on both sides of Su Yun, looked at the people in front of them, took the microphone from Principal Gao, and explained the rules.

  The selection method this time is still the same, as long as you can walk up to the high platform, you can follow Su Yun to practice.

  As early as the pictures of the Suyun Qiantang River Daoist Trail came out, many people have already started researching it.

  When they noticed that many people showed very painful expressions after walking up the steps, they began to guess.

  In addition, many eliminated from Qiantangjiang Square posted their personal experiences on the Internet, which made everyone understand the difficulty.

  Although the reason for this is unknown, at least one thing is certain is that after walking up the steps, they will bear great gravity. Under the action of this gravity, some people have a clear understanding and can barely bear it.

  Some people are stupid by nature, so they will naturally be eliminated.

   This also caused many people to start cramming and carry out various high-intensity physical training after that, just to give themselves a few more opportunities.

  Among the group of people on the playground, there are not a few people who have started physical training in advance, so at this moment they are all full of fighting spirit, thinking that it is finally their turn to show their strengths.

  Under the arrangement of Yang Datou and Lin Xiao, the team of tens of thousands of people was divided into two waves, still like the Qiantang River Square, trying to walk up to the high platform from the left and right.

  After explaining the rules, Yang Datou and Lin Xiao retreated behind Su Yun. At this moment, they are standing beside Su Yun, like guardian gods.

  Looking at the people in front of him, Su Yun spoke slowly. Although there is no microphone, the noise can still be transmitted to everyone's ears, as if the sound is not captured by the ears, but directly acts on their consciousness.

   "Everyone, this day Rong Daochang will spread the Dharma, open the door of convenience again, and seek the way of Dharma for all living beings.

  Before that, there is a mantra, which must be listened to carefully..."

  After hearing Su Yun's words, everyone subconsciously held their breath, even Zhang Zhenghuai and the others standing in the front couldn't help showing a bit of anticipation in their eyes.

  This time they are here to perform a mission, so naturally they cannot try like others.

   But Zhang Zhenghuai has also received the news in advance, and both the military and the municipal government are currently conducting meetings and discussions.

  I believe that it won't be long before the official departments will start arranging opportunities to try to enter the Tao.

   In this way, they will have more chances than others.

   After all, it must have benefited a lot from listening to Su Yun's teaching.

  Finally, Su Yun opened his mouth slowly, and the Dao sound was bursting, like the dawn and the first sun, which made everyone immersed in it.

   "Three steps may seem ordinary, but it is actually not easy.

  Keep in mind that the mind is tightly locked, the mind is tightly held, the three rebels are scattered and the spirit is at peace, and the six thieves are suppressed and the mind is determined.

  Slowly pump water and fire, and slightly adjust breath.

  Quiet and lonely but humble and humble, weak and mind-training.

   It is beneficial to be respectful to people, Banban can break this walking corpse, and things can stop walking bones..."

  As soon as everyone said these words, everyone present was at a loss.

   They clearly knew the meaning of every word in these words, but the more they thought about it together, the more confused they became.

   But after saying these words, Su Yun closed his eyes and did not give any detailed explanation of these words.

   This made everyone present a little impatient. Su Yun would say this before the start, and it was obvious that there was key information that could help them get through this difficult time.

   But they can't understand it at all, let alone teach it.

  People outside the school looked at the college students next to them, and the college students looked at the students majoring in ancient literature not far away.

   But in fact, for students majoring in ancient literature, Su Yun's words are really obscure.

   Fortunately, at this time, an emotional old man came here from a distance.

  The police officers who had formed a line of defense not far away quickly blocked it, but after seeing the approacher, Principal Gao seemed to see hope, and hurried forward to talk to the police officers.

   "This is our Professor Lu, let him in quickly!"

  After hearing this, the police officers looked at Zhou Nanhai not far away. Zhou Nanhai nodded slightly, and the police officers were relieved.

  Principal Gao walked towards Professor Lu and said in a low voice:

   "Professor Lu, did you hear what Su Yun said just now? What exactly did he mean?"

  Professor Lu excitedly looked at Su Yun who was sitting on the high platform not far away. He had heard Su Yun's words clearly just now on the way he came.

  So facing President Gao's question at this moment, Professor Lu nodded excitedly, and said in a trembling voice:

   "I have been studying ancient books on cultivation, and I have a little understanding of what Su Yun said just now..."

  Hearing this, Principal Gao quickly handed the microphone to Professor Lu:

   "Since the professor is like this, let's talk to everyone quickly, so that everyone won't be so confused.

  This opportunity is hard-won, and everyone should cherish it. "

  Almost all students know that Professor Lu is an expert in ancient literature.

  So seeing Professor Lu took over the microphone at this moment, they all pricked up their ears and looked at Professor Lu curiously.

Although the people outside the school don't know Professor Lu very well, they have no choice but to be doctors at the moment. After all, if they can't even understand what Su Yun said, they will be like headless chickens when they face the postgraduate entrance examination. .

  After taking the microphone, Professor Lu looked at the tens of thousands of people in front of him and said:

   "Everyone must firmly remember what Hero Su Yun said just now.

  In practice, the heart is usually compared to a beating ape, the mind is compared to a galloping horse, and the six thieves refer to the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.

  But what Hero Su Yun said just now is too profound, even I only have a half-knowledge.

  I hope that in the next attempts, you must remember to lock your mind and concentrate. This is the only advice I can give you. "

  Professor Lu explained to everyone what he could understand, but this made everyone even more confused after hearing the words.

  According to the information they have so far, when Su Yun was on the Qiantang River trail, when everyone tried it, they all felt great gravity after climbing the steps.

   And this kind of gravity, what does it have to do with whether they keep their minds?

  This matter sounds a little bit wrong.

   But as for the doubts in their hearts this time, there was no answer. After Zhang Zhenghuai and others signaled the police to make way, it meant that the attempt on them had finally begun.

  The two people in the front row went forward to try first. These two even did a special warm-up before going up, which shows that they have roughly learned the details of the test from the Internet.

  After the two of them made sufficient preparations, they stepped up the steps one after another, but what puzzled everyone was that the two of them froze in place after stepping up the steps.

  They just stood there straight, their eyes widened and stared ahead, but their eyes were dull.

   This scene made everyone feel puzzled. This matter was completely different from what they had imagined.

  These two didn't grit their teeth against the enormous gravity, and they didn't even lie down on the steps like the group in the live broadcast when Qiantangjiang preached.

  The two of them just stared blankly, and then a few seconds later, they fell down the steps as if they were in a dream.

   Until the two of them fell to the ground, they seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed.

  They looked around in astonishment, as if they had experienced some great fear in just a few seconds, and there was a deep sense of horror in their eyes.

The two police officers who had been prepared, quickly stepped forward to help them, and asked how they were feeling under the benefit of Zhang Zhenghuai, but the reaction of the two was very scientifically abnormal, they just retreated in a hurry without saying a word , panting heavily.

   It made many people who felt that they were well prepared feel at a loss.

  The reaction shown by these two people is completely different from the reaction of the crowd when Qiantangjiang preached before.

  What happened in those few seconds just now?

  Why are the reactions of these two people still so intense?

  These questions filled everyone's minds, making them even more uneasy.

  Second wave, third wave...

  More and more people are trying, but their reactions are almost exactly the same as the first two people.

   After stepping up the steps, they would stand there in a daze, and then when everyone couldn't react, they would come back to their senses in horror and fall to the ground.

  Professor Lu saw this in his eyes, and some cloudy eyes also began to reveal the meaning of thinking.

  He recalled what Su Yun said just now, and vaguely felt that he seemed to have touched something, but he couldn't think further.

  However, it can be clearly seen that the speed of this test will be faster than that of Qiantangjiang Square.

  Batch after batch of people tried, each person took almost a few seconds, but so far no one has been able to step up the steps.

  And those who have experienced it are all very flustered about what happened just now, and they don't even want to mention it.

   This also makes those who are waiting in line for the test more and more flustered, and they can probably see it at this moment.

  The previous preparations didn't seem to work at all, and the test method this time seems to be completely different from when Qiantangjiang preached.

   "Professor Lu, what do you think of this matter?"

At this moment, a cold woman's voice came from Professor Lu's ear, which caused Professor Lu to recover from his thoughts and look to the side, only to realize that Chen Jie had already stood beside him beside.

  Chen Jie looked curiously at Su Yun and batches of experimenters on the stage. Although she didn't know what happened, Chen Jie could clearly realize that the reactions of these experimenters were very strange.

   Facing Chen Jie's question, Professor Lu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then couldn't help but said with emotion:

   "Su Yun's realm is too high, and I can't fully understand what he said.

  I have been studying ancient books on spiritual practice during this time, and I remember that it was mentioned in "Illustrated Notes on the Jingjing Sutra".

  There are six sense organs in the human body, so there are six consciousnesses, and because there are six consciousnesses, there are six dusts.

  Because there are six dusts, there are six thieves, and because there are six thieves, there are six spirits. Because of the consumption of the six spirits, one will fall into the six realms.

   But you also know that for this kind of thing, I can only study theoretically at most, and I can't have any deeper understanding at all.

  But combined with what Su Yun just said, the only thing I can guess is that this test seems to be more about the spirit than the body. "

   Chen Jiewen listened to what Professor Lu said, nodded in thought, and then he seemed to have made a major decision in his heart, and said seriously:

   "Professor Lu, I want to try..."

  Professor Lu glanced at Chen Jie in surprise. In his impression, Chen Jie was gentle, dignified and virtuous, and seemed to be very ordinary about everything, always giving people a feeling of wanting nothing.

  But at this time, Chen Jie took the initiative to ask, wanting to try it under the gaze of thousands of people, which is not in line with Chen Jie's usual personality.

   But in fact, Chen Jie also had his own thoughts on this decision.

  She wants to cultivate, but the starting point of this kind of thinking is not like other people, it is usually the desire for power.

  She just wanted to use this to learn more about Su Yun.

  Chen Jie is very mature, and it is precisely because of her maturity that she understands that if she wants to understand Su Yun, she must first do what he has been doing.

  Cultivation, this concept is very strange to Chen Jie, but this is the only way she can understand Su Yun.

   Now that the opportunity is in front of him, Chen Jie doesn't want to give up.

  Seeing Chen Jie's resolute expression, Professor Lu said something, but didn't say much.

   After a while, Professor Lu nodded lightly, and then said word by word:

   "It's time to give it a try. I saw that the first person on the stage in Qiantangjiang Square was an old man, so he was at least ten years older than me.

  During the live broadcast, I clearly remembered what Su Yun said.

  So I should try it, let alone you..."

   While Professor Lu and Chen Jie were talking, the scene was also in a state of anxiety.

   So far, more than a hundred people have tried it, but none of them succeeded. This also makes latecomers even dare not go forward to try it, fearing that they will miss the only opportunity in such a daze.

  It has been about 5 minutes since just now, and no one has come forward to try it. They all want to figure out what happened.

   Seeing this in their eyes, Chen Jie and Professor Lu, without further ado, discussed left and right and walked forward.

  These two are very well-known teachers in the school, and naturally they have become role models for many students at this moment.

  As for those outsiders outside the school, it is not difficult to hear this from the discussions among the students, so everyone pays special attention to the next performance of the two, which is related to whether they still have the courage to go forward and give it a try.

  Chen Jie stood silently on the steps on the right, while Professor Lu stood on the left.

  The two of them took a deep breath, and then stepped on the steps at the same time.

  In an instant, before the eyes of the two, earth-shaking changes took place.

  The familiar campus playground is gone, even the steps in front of their eyes are gone, and what they see is a world of nothingness.

   Right in front of them was a dense forest. In the forest where you can't see your fingers, there are only gusts of wind.

  Chen Jie was very surprised by this. At this moment, he finally understood why the people who tried it before showed such strange expressions.

   "This illusion..."

  Chen Jie obviously had an idea in her mind, but at this moment, it seemed like someone was really talking, and it turned into a voice and appeared in her ears.

   This feeling is like Chen Jie is in her own spiritual world, which makes her feel strange, but also has an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

   Gathering up her courage, Chen Jie stepped into the forest, and quickly lost her sense of direction in this dark place.

  Chen Jie tried hard to control herself to stay calm. She went deeper into the forest step by step, and soon after, she heard the sound of gurgling water.

   This is the only sound Chen Jie has heard so far, so she can't help walking in the direction of the sound.

   After she walked out of the forest, her eyes suddenly became clear, but Chen Jie herself froze in place.

   This is a place she is all too familiar with, and it is a scene that she would dream of countless times.

   What she saw before her eyes turned out to be the underground forest where she and Su Yun were trapped at the same time.

  That memory was the most unforgettable for Chen Jie, and she would even wake up from this dream countless times.

   That was also the closest time she was to Su Yun. Since she left there, she and Su Yun seemed to be gradually drifting away.

  Chen Jie's mood at the moment was very complicated, and she probably guessed that everything she saw in front of her eyes was an illusion.

   I just don't know why Su Yun can make the deepest obsession in their hearts resurface in the form of hallucinations.

  Chen Jie also finally understood why no one has succeeded so far.

  Everyone has their own obsession, and when this obsession is infinitely magnified, who can easily see through it?

  Facts are indeed as Chen Jie thought, what Professor Lu saw on the other side was not this forest, but his own office.

  Professor Lu spent most of his life in this office, but what really made him obsessed with it was the concept of cultivation brought by Su Yun.

For Professor Lu, the word practice is like opening the door to a new world, but he clearly holds the key in his hand, but he can only linger at the door forever, unable to open it no matter what, that is the most important thing Door.

  Professor Lu couldn't let go of this, so it became an obsession in his heart.

  After gradually figuring out his current situation, Professor Lu finally understood why Su Yun said those words in the first place.

  The heart and ape are locked tightly, the mind and horse are tightly held, the three rebels are scattered and the spirit is at peace, and the six thieves are suppressed and the mind is determined.

  If you can really comprehend these words, everything in front of you will not become an obstacle.

  What Su Yun wants to test everyone this time is their understanding of Taoism.

   Sure enough, when Professor Lu realized this, everything in front of him disappeared.

   It's still the familiar playground, it's still the steps in front of you, one is Su Yun sitting on the high platform not far away.

  Professor Lu took a step forward and stepped up to the second step. It was this move that immediately ushered in bursts of exclamations from the audience.

   "Professor Lu is the only person who has stepped onto the second step so far!"

   "Look, he didn't stop there, but kept going up."

   "Someone actually succeeded, this finally gave us a little hope!"

   Soon, Professor Lu stood on the high platform, looked at Su Yun, and bowed to Su Yun from the bottom of his heart.

  This test is even more a reminder for Professor Lu. He has always been obsessed with the word practice, but never thought that obsession itself violates the way of practice.

   Now it seems that Professor Lu has just stepped on the steps, but in fact he has broken through the fog in his heart.

  Su Yun slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Professor Lu peacefully, as if he was not puzzled by his arrival:

   "Professor Lu, do you have a clear understanding along the way?"

  Professor Lu looked at Su Yun gratefully and nodded:

   "Su Yun, I understand..."

  Su Yun's expression didn't change at all, he just looked at Professor Lu and said word by word:

  “In the past, those who got the one, the sky was green when it was one, the earth was peaceful when it was one, the spirit was spiritual when it was one, the life was alive when the valley was one, and the world was right when it was one.

   Dao, no need to search deliberately. Dao, take it easy..."

  Su Yun's words made Professor Lu feel as if he had just woken up from a dream. The previous confusion in his mind about the practice suddenly came to light at this moment.

  Professor Lu's successful climb to the top gave everyone hope, but at this moment, Chen Jie, who had been inactive all this time, took another step.

   It's just that everyone has noticed that Chen Jie's expression is a bit complicated, and there is even a bit of reluctance in her eyes.

  It feels like Chen Jie had a big dream just now, and now he wakes up from the dream, but he is obsessed with the things in the dream.

  Finally, Chen Jie also came in front of Su Yun. She looked at Su Yun, but suppressed all her emotions in her heart.

  Looking at Chen Jie in front of him, for the first time, a gentle smile appeared on Su Yun's face.

  He just nodded slightly, but Chen Jie seemed to understand everything, revealing a bright smile, eyes full of nostalgia.

  The success of the two people once again aroused the enthusiasm in the hearts of the people. They began to step forward to try one after another, and the emotions of the waiting people became higher and higher.

   Both Chen Jie and Professor Lu spontaneously sat down cross-legged behind Su Yun. This was also the new realization Su Yun had on his way to Rongcheng University.

  In Su Yun’s view, there are four levels of enlightenment: seeing and hearing the Tao at the first time, knowing the Tao next, seeing the Tao again, and finally attaining the Tao.

  The four Taoists who were preaching on the Qiantang River before belonged to the stage of hearing the Tao.

  But Professor Lu and Chen Jie are now in the realm of knowing.

   This state is not the state of practice, but the state of mind.

  Just like for an expert with an extremely high state of mind, even if he has not entered the practice, he can still see the world like a distant mountain.

  They know that they don't have to go up to the distant mountains to see the distant mountains, and they don't have to go down to the deep valleys to see the deep valleys.

  Because you go to the distant mountains, you can only see the distant mountains and the deep valleys.

  It's like going into the forest, you can see the trees, but you can't see the forest.

   If you want to see Lin Mang, you can only see clearly if you stand here and look down with your eyes.

  Professor Lu and Chen Jie's state of mind is higher than that of most people. It is not difficult to see that they were able to pass Su Yun's test first.

   This time Su Yun did not apply gravity to grind his bones like he did when Qiantang River preached.

  He spread the extraordinary domain, and this mental power will work for everyone in the domain.

Under the guidance of spiritual power, these people will step into a scene similar to their fantasy, but in fact Su Yun does not have such a great ability to customize any illusion out of thin air, it is just a development formed in their minds The most obsessed picture from the bottom of my heart.

   This is also a very important thing. If you can't break your obsession, you will inevitably go crazy even if you start from skills, just like what Su Yun experienced back then.

  So at this moment, Professor Lu and Chen Jie sat cross-legged one on the left and the other on the right, and they were actually still in the stage of advancing from skills to Taoism.

  It's just the skills of the two, not dancing knives and guns, but literary skills.

  Professor Lu studied ancient books hard, sitting in Su Yun's domain at the moment, everything that he didn't understand before now gradually became clear.

  It seemed that the fog surrounding these matters dissipated layer by layer, so that Professor Lu could no longer see the leopard in his hands.

  The same is true for Chen Jie, her skill is her experience and knowledge in archaeology.

  The previously lifeless text appeared in her mind as if it came alive.

  Martial arts can become skills, and writing can also become skills.

   As long as it is within the scope of Su Yun's domain, all civil and military skills can be successful...

   During Su Yun's preaching at Rongda University, after several hours of trying by tens of thousands of people, there were only six people who succeeded in the end.

  Among the 6 people, apart from Professor Lu and Chen Jie, the other 4 people also chose their favorite weapons just like the sermon on the Qiantang River.

   From this, it is not difficult to see that the threshold of literary skills is much higher than that of weapons. If it is not for experts in their respective fields like Professor Lu and Chen Jie, others will hardly be able to achieve it.

  Cultivation itself is not an easy task, even if you enter the Tao through skills, not everyone can succeed.

  Among tens of thousands of people, only 6 people came out, and even among these tens of thousands, Principal Gao and others couldn't help but stepped forward to try it.

   These six people have undoubtedly surpassed these tens of thousands of people, so that the losers who have been eliminated are all depressed.

  Of course, Su Yun also gave these people a Dharma statement as he did last time. While telling them that there is still a chance in the future, he also left the seeds of Dharma in their hearts.

  “The way of heaven is the way of nature, which is also the principle of the birth, restraint and change of all things in the universe.

  The holy way is the way of the world, that is, the principle of peace and stability, and the principle of great harmony in the world.

  Humanity is the way of life, that is, the principle of living and working in peace and contentment, and being a human being.

  These three paths complement each other, and if one is lost, the other is separated.

  The way of heaven is far away, and the holy way is difficult. Far from the holy way, the human way is difficult, far from the human way, the heavenly way is even more impossible. "

  Su Yun's words reached everyone's ears, causing them to ponder for a long time.

  The end of this sermon, because of Su Yun's words, rekindled hope for the tens of thousands of people who were eliminated.

And after Su Yun left, the preaching field of Rongyang City University, like the previous Qiantang River Square, was specially set up as a dojo, permanently preserved, and repaired to make it look like a real dojo. Looking forward to Su Yun I'll talk about it next time.

  This dojo is named: Rongyang Dojo!

  (end of this chapter)

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