MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 203 ten years!

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  Chapter 203 Ten years!

   Soon, Su Yun flew to the mountain and came to his body again.

  Just a thought came up, and Su Yun returned to his body again, appearing in the spiritual world.

  For Suning, this experience only lasted a few minutes, but it really opened a new door for Su Yun.

  When the yin and yang gods merge, the complete soul form can be released.

   Under the soul form, all the laws of physics in the world don't seem to constitute any constraints at all.

  Time and space are just a concept. Su Yun, who is in the state of soul, can completely override these states.

  This brief experience gave Su Yun a different understanding.

  He quickly sat cross-legged in the spiritual world, slowly digesting these insights one by one in his heart.

  At this moment, Su Yun seems to have completely forgotten the concept of time. He can't even remember how long he has been in seclusion.

   Little do they know that everything in the outside world is changing, and before they know it, three years have passed.

  In the past three years, various countries have vigorously developed preventive measures to deal with alien civilizations.

   Three months ago, the most important space station of the Nantianmen project was officially completed in space. The completion of the space station means that the Luanniao platform will soon stand in space, forming the most important key stage of the Nantianmen project.

  Thousands of scientific research scholars in the five major bases are working hard day and night for a common goal. It is also with this kind of effort that the Nantianmen Project can be quickly formed and bear fruit in a short period of time.

  The Garden of Eden project led by the Atlantean country, and the Yanus defense system led by the Ice Bear country have also made significant progress in the past two years since the plan was proposed.

  At the same time, in the past two years, the remains of the Lunar No. 1 civilization were opened to the public for the first time, and various countries sent pioneer teams to the moon to carry out resource exploration of the No. 1 civilization relics.

  Facts are just as Zhao Guofeng expected at the beginning. After the teams from various countries entered the No. 1 civilization relic, many small-scale conflicts broke out first.

  Many small western countries that have always been hostile due to historical issues have taken advantage of this opportunity to make big moves in the relics.

   It was also in such a chaotic situation that the representative teams sent by some small countries were wiped out in less than a few hours.

  This No. 1 civilization relic is not just as simple as having a lot of resources for each country.

  The agreement signed by all countries has also made the moon the main battlefield where various countries can unscrupulously launch wars.

   Daxia sent a total of 39 representatives this time, which is not a large number for Western powers.

  But 39 of them were wearing the latest armor developed by Daxia, and there were more than a dozen pioneers in the practice world among these people.

   This allowed the team to resist the friction of other countries many times after entering the No. 1 civilization relic.

   And successfully brought back a lot of resources two days later, as well as the research on the No. 1 civilization relic.

   It wasn't until Zhao Guofeng saw the action report written by the team members that he realized how dangerous this No. 1 civilization relic was.

  First of all, all representative team members have to face hostility from other countries. In their concept, the faster they can solve other competing teams, the more resources they can control.

   Therefore, in the few hours after entering the No. 1 civilization relic, almost no one from every country went deep, but took the lead in launching the battle without any reason.

  Big Xia was naturally involved, and because of its high technological development in recent years, it once became the target of tacit hostility by many Western countries.

   Therefore, in just a few hours, the Daxia team suffered no less than a dozen surprise attacks.

Fortunately, all the members of the Daxia representative team are wearing the most advanced technological armor, and all the members who have passed the selection to become the representative team are either martial arts practitioners or pioneers who followed Su Yun into the Tao, so they have participated in these more than a dozen times. During the attack, the integrity of the team was still preserved to the greatest extent.

   But this is only the beginning after all. The first opening of the No. 1 civilization relic is actually just a test for various countries.

   After this first exploration, some countries returned with a full load, while some countries were completely wiped out.

   Today is only the first exploration, and it quickly widened the distance between various countries, and also quickly disintegrated some countries that had formed fragile alliances, and the world structure once again underwent a major reshuffle.

  The second search for the ruins was scheduled three months later. After a year of preparations, almost all countries were already preparing for battle, so three months was not a rush for them.

  Through the attitude of this first exploration, various countries have also thought more in their hearts.

  According to the statistics among various countries, the first expedition resulted in the largest amount of supplies obtained by the Daxia team for a single country.

  Although because of the Eden Project and the Janus defense system, various countries have reached a certain alliance.

  In contrast, the big countries such as Atlantis and Ice Bear finally obtained more resources than Great Xia.

  But the strength demonstrated by the Daxia team is still there, making other countries feel the danger.

   Therefore, in the upcoming second exploration, the Daxia team seemed to be the first target of various countries.

  For Daxia, this is naturally more of a crisis...

  But the team members are aware of this, but they are still all fighting spirit.

  In their view, although the second exploration is facing more dangers, it also means that Daxia may obtain more resources.

  After the first exploration of civilization relics, the Daxia officials once again put all their attention on the Nantianmen project.

  The completion of the space station has prompted the aerospace department to enter the final launch time of the Luanniao platform.

   On this day, the Luanniao platform also appeared in front of everyone for the first time in the first launch site of the China Aerospace Administration.

  Because the Nantianmen plan had been circulated on the Internet long before, the Daxia officials did not have the slightest intention to hide it from the citizens.

  Many media reporters were invited to come for this launch, and they will broadcast this epoch-making scene live to the people of the whole country.

  The Luanniao platform slowly lifted into the sky, and this behemoth will soon become the first and tight line of defense for Daxia to deal with the external civilization forces.

  A large number of netizens in the live broadcast room entered it, just to witness the shocking and spectacular scene with their own eyes.

  Everyone knows that as long as the Luanniao platform can appear near the space station according to the original plan, then the remaining weapon systems will also be quickly improved.

  Although this is only the prototype of the basic framework of the Nantianmen plan, at least it has laid the foundation for the next rapid development of the Nantianmen plan.

  Big Xia has officially entered the interstellar heights, and the current Nantianmen plan is far ahead of the two protection plans jointly formulated by many other countries.

   Soon after, the specially equipped playback system on the Luanniao platform played the national anthem on the space station.

  When everyone heard the sound of the national anthem, deafening cheers soon came from the silent commander.

  The Nantianmen Project is officially launched!


  Luanniao platform, like a loyal guard, surrounds the earth and protects everyone's safety at all times.

   As the most important and fundamental part of the Nantianmen Project, the successful launch of this platform is tantamount to boosting the morale of the entire army and making everyone look forward to the perfect implementation of the Nantianmen Project.

  In the lonely and mysterious space, the luanniao platform, which is painted with the national flag of Daxia, is in the established orbit at the moment, quietly waiting for Daxia.

  The technical department is now rapidly monitoring various data to ensure that all problems can be stifled in the cradle and locked within a controllable range.

  The core system of Luanniao platform is still equipped with Huaxia's unique Tiannao intelligence.

  So for other countries, it may take several hours for data collection to complete the values ​​in the computer system in less than a few seconds.

   "The detection is successful, and all the data are basically normal..."

  When the unique mechanical female voice of Zhinao came from the command room, many scientists who worked around the clock cheered.

   Zhao Guofeng and others who stood at the front looked at the luanniao platform on the track, and soon showed a knowing smile.

   This means that Daxia has taken the most critical step towards the perfect implementation of the Nantianmen plan.

  Luanniao Platform will serve as the city gate of the Nantianmen project, and the next thing to do is to equip the city gate with powerful "keepers".

  Although this matter is urgent, Zhao Guofeng does not want to affect the happy mood of the scientists at the moment.

  This achievement is the result of their joint efforts, and at this moment they are more entitled to enjoy this sense of joy than anyone else.

   It wasn't until a moment later that the commander slowly calmed down.

  Zhang Keqi looked at the scientists behind him and said excitedly:

   "Everyone, with our joint efforts, the Nantianmen Project can be officially launched.

  The Tianmen has arrived, and the next step is to send our door gods for this Tianmen.

  All of you here are from the five major bases of Daxia, and you also shoulder different responsibilities.

How about it? Do you have confidence that within the next three months, the Nantianmen plan will officially land. "

   "Reporting to the director, the mission received by the first base is to develop the Xuanniao fighter, and a major breakthrough has been made so far.

  The first base is confident that it will be able to mass-produce Xuanniao fighters in three months, forming an effective blocking fleet! "

   "Reporting to the director, the second base has received the task of developing the Xuanwu fighter, and all the data have passed the final test.

   Three months later, the second base will definitely give the country a satisfactory answer! "

   "Report to the director, the space monitoring system of the third base is fine..."

   "Reporting to the director, the development and manufacturing progress of the new concept weapon of the 4th base is progressing steadily."

   "Report to Director, Fifth Base..."

  The leaders of the five major bases have vowed to issue military orders at this moment. Three months will be a very important watershed for Great Xia.

  With the day and night efforts of artificial intelligence and many scientific researchers, the Nantianmen Project has made such progress after two years. Zhao Guofeng is very satisfied with this.

  As the head of the military alone, Zhao Guofeng still does not take the next situation lightly.

  In his opinion, if the Nantianmen plan is not implemented, Daxia may face threats from alien civilizations.

  The same is true for other countries. In the past two years, the Eden Project and the Janus defense system have been advancing at the fastest speed.

  Although other countries do not have such advanced technology as Daxia.

  But with the joint cooperation of several Western powers, its background cannot be underestimated.

   Most of the heavy work in Daxia can be done by robots controlled by the Tiannao system.

   Western countries naturally have genes that people can call.

  At least on the issue of internal construction, there is only one technical issue between Western countries and Daxia, so the speed of development is extremely fast.

  If you stand on the moon and look back at the earth at this moment, you can already clearly see three large space stations and three basic platforms guarding the earth in different directions.

  However, in terms of technological content alone, Daxia's luanniao platform is enough to get rid of the Eden platform and the Janus defense system platform.

   Even in the ruins of the first civilization that were opened before, these western powers have more or less obtained some alien technology.

  But they don't have as much development time as Huaxia, so it's difficult to fully digest it for a while.

  But as a leader, Zhao Guofeng is very forward-looking.

  The current situation is constantly reminding Zhao Guofeng that Great Xia must move forward step by step, otherwise it may be caught by those Western countries.

   Therefore, after only a short period of joy, the scientists took their positions again and returned to their posts.

  The secret research and development of the five major bases is still in full swing, and the space agency is rapidly and continuously improving the space station.

   After all, for a protection system in the true sense, apart from powerful offensive and defensive weapons, the most important thing is monitoring.

   Smothering all dangers beyond the scope of the earth is a key step in Daxia's defense measures against alien civilizations.

   The Tiannain satellite, which had been hovering in the sky for 5 years, was suddenly recalled shortly afterwards.

  But when other countries were still wondering what Daxia wanted to do, a new type of satellite was launched again, and the Tiannao system once again completed a qualitative leap.

  According to the plan first formulated by Zhao Guofeng and others, the Tiannao system plays a very important role of eyes in the Nantianmen project.

  The most important thing about the launch of this new type of satellite is that the satellite is equipped with Daxia's latest technology, with more than 16 unit monitors, which is enough for the Tiannao satellite to detect potential crises in advance.

  At the same time, the scientists officially connected the computer system to the Luanniao platform. Once the Tiannao satellite detects, the signal will quickly form a feedback through the Luanniao platform when it is in danger.

  At that time, all the weapon systems on the Luanniao platform will be activated simultaneously, some will be controlled by intelligence, and some will be controlled by the armored team stationed in Nantianmen.

   So as to achieve all-round, the most stringent protection measures.

  That's right, the Nantianmen Project is not just a microcosm of highly developed technology, it also means that the military's power has been greatly reduced, and it has taken a big step forward.

  The successful development of the door **** series armor also allowed the first batch of 200 soldiers to successfully board the Luanniao platform.

   This is the first time in the history of the earth that a country has stationed its troops in the universe.

   It also officially means that the earth technology is ready to meet the cosmic crisis...


   Soon after, on the Luanniao platform against the background of dark space, the black and gold armor made it difficult to distinguish between reality and science fiction.

  The door **** series armor is specially developed for this Nantianmen project.

   200 soldiers are wearing the Menshen series of armor. This set not only allows them to stabilize their actions in space, but even other weapon systems equipped on the armor are also specially equipped to be more suitable for space operations.

  However, compared with the offensive and defensive capabilities, the main function of the door **** series armor generation is to facilitate the soldiers wearing this armor, to inspect the Luanniao platform more easily, and even deal with various repairs.

  After all, the Nantianmen project is just on the right track. Before all the equipment is completed, there are still many problems that must be repaired manually.

   Therefore, among the 200 soldiers, there are many engineers assigned by the military. They will serve as the first batch of pioneers to integrate all the data of the Luanniao platform and repair the places that may have potential problems.

  With the self-gravity adjustment system on the Luanniao platform activated, a translucent barrier is formed above the Luanniao platform visible to the naked eye.

   Within this barrier, the gravity on the Luanniao platform has been adjusted to be consistent with that of the earth, which makes it easier for the team to move.

  Following the Luanniao platform into the air, there are also two engineering aircraft, which are also specially developed for the construction of the Luanniao platform.

  The two planes don’t have any weapons and equipment. They are more used to assist the Luanniao platform to take off smoothly, and cooperate with engineers to complete various tests between the Luanniao platform and the space station.

  In the silent space, the Nantianmen project can be said to be in full swing.

  Through the pictures continuously sent back by the Tiannao satellite, Zhao Guofeng and others in the command room can also clearly see the smooth implementation of each step of the plan.

  The 200 soldiers on the platform, under the leadership of the engineer, are constructing the various facilities on the platform in an orderly manner. After all, when it first started to lift off, the Luanniao platform could not carry outdoor construction.

   Inside the huge platform, most of them are divided into some more critical work areas, weapon areas, and administrative command areas.

  According to the final report of the Nantianmen Project, after the official completion of the Luanniao Platform, a large number of soldiers will be stationed.

  They will be equipped with the most advanced technological weapons and become the first line of defense to protect Great Xia.

  And if the outdoor facilities were first built on the Luanniao platform and then launched, no one can guarantee whether there will be any unforeseen accidents when passing through the atmosphere.

   Such an accident is likely to lead to the failure of the efforts of the past two years. Therefore, for the sake of insurance, the headquarters finally decided that the outdoor facilities on the platform will not be deployed and constructed until the Luanniao platform reaches the established orbit.

   This is also thanks to the latest door **** series armor developed by the technology research and development department. Wearing such crops, everyone can move freely within the barrier range.

  The built-in miniature oxygen storage device not only abandons the previous bulky appearance, but adopts a smaller technological concentration, and even the oxygen storage capacity in it has also been considerably improved.

   An oxygen supplementation station has been specially set up inside the Luanniao platform. A large oxygen supplementation station can sustain 200 soldiers for more than two months.

   Therefore, this also means that Daxia must establish a transmission channel between the earth and the Nantianmen as soon as possible. After all, the oxygen used only needs to be replenished on the earth and sent to the replenishment station.

  The high-definition satellite images sent back made Zhao Guofeng and others feel as if they were in space at the moment.

   Looking at the scenes in front of them, several people couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

  Government representative Wu Tianshuo stood in front of many screens with his hands behind his back, and took a deep breath:

  “Who would have thought that the pictures that could only be seen in sci-fi movies have now become reality, right in front of our eyes.”

  Space Bureau Director Zhang Keqi nodded with a smile:

  “In recent years, the world has changed faster and faster, and sometimes I even wonder if I am dreaming.

   Aliens, super-age technology, artificial intelligence, and even spiritual practice.

  These nouns, which didn't exist in real life at all, appeared one by one, and got together in just a few years.

   Sometimes I really feel that I am old, and it is always difficult to accept these things. "

  The oldest of the three is Zhao Guofeng, so after hearing this, he immediately pretended to be dissatisfied and said:

   "If you all say that you are old, wouldn't I feel ashamed?"

  The two of them laughed after hearing this, and Zhao Guofeng also nodded with some emotion:

   "The Nantianmen Project... I never thought that I would be able to personally direct such a grand plan in my lifetime.

  The earth has begun to connect with the mysterious universe. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, there is still no clear conclusion.

  But the only thing that is certain is that our development is no longer limited to the earth, and other countries have also begun to focus their attention on the cosmic level.

   The first opening of the Lunar 1 Civilization Ruins, to put it bluntly, is a mutual test among various countries.

  After that time, I believe that the interest relationship that has been formed between various countries, whether it is an enemy or a friend, has also been officially clarified in this contact.

   It is helpless to say that the rapid development of Daxia is a potential threat to any other country.

   So this also means that our building does not have any allies on a cosmic level.

  Seeing that the second exploration of civilization relics is about to start, this time the lunar battlefield is the real core.

  I think compared to this time, the opening for the first time can only be regarded as a trivial matter.

  For the Daxia team, the real test is actually in this second exploration of civilization relics. "

  Hearing this, the government representative Wu Tianshuo patted Zhao Guofeng on the shoulder, and then said:

   "There is no need to worry too much about this matter. As the saying goes, soldiers come to cover up water, not to mention our killers are cultivators.

   Those pioneers who followed Taoist ancestors into practice have improved their strength beyond our imagination.

  In these short few years, in terms of practice, their realm has really improved a lot.

   From this perspective, both their strength and the technological content of their armor are far superior to other countries.

  Even if it is an alien battlefield, this second official confrontation, it is still uncertain who will win and who will win. "

   Speaking of this, Zhang Keqi seemed to suddenly think of something, and looked at Zhao Guofeng curiously and asked:

   "Speaking of Daozu, why hasn't there been any news about Daozu in recent years?

  When the Dao group started preaching, I really thought that Daxia was about to start the path of national practice.

   But then Daozu suddenly announced that he was retreating, and then there was no news after that, which is really confusing. "

   Zhao Guofeng's eyes quickly flashed with a thoughtful light, and then he nodded slightly.

  In fact, Zhao Guofeng has always been thinking about Su Yun in his heart. Even in the past few years, he couldn't help but want to see Su Yun's current situation many times.

  But thinking about this moment, Su Yun is likely to be at a critical stage, if he goes rashly, if he disturbs him, he will become a sinner through the ages.

  That's why Zhao Guofeng kept this thought in his heart, and rarely mentioned Su Yun's affairs on weekdays.

  But now that Zhang Keqi mentioned Su Yun, Zhao Guofeng's conversation started:

   "You also know that he is the ancestor of Taoism, and his ideological realm must be higher than ours.

  I believe him, he has always known the responsibility he bears and has never lived up to it.

   Daxia's development takes time, and he also needs time.

   Being able to bring you the first batch of pioneers in the practice world is already his outstanding contribution to Daxia.

  After this group of pioneers in the practice world, the number of practitioners in Daxia has never increased.

  Although all the pioneers, including the military region, are constantly trying to lead new practitioners, none of them have succeeded.

   This also made the high-level officials realize that only Su Yun, who is the ancestor of Taoism, can carry out evangelism and pass on the Dharma!

  Therefore, only Su Yun can establish the future of Daxia's practice.

  Su Yun has created an era, but the development of this era will take time, just like the Nantianmen plan we are currently implementing.

  The launch of the Luanniao platform does not mean the completion of the Nantianmen project, on the contrary, it is just a beginning.

  We still have a lot of problems to deal with, including many technical difficulties to be overcome. I think Su Yun's current state is the same.

  Give him some more time, he is still so young, he has already shouldered such a heavy responsibility.

  If you switch to someone else, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it at all.

   But to tell you the truth, I've always had a hunch.

  When Su Yun leaves the customs again, the whole world will probably change because of him..."

  Zhao Guofeng made no secret of his expectations for Su Yun, which made the two people beside him think and nodded.

  In fact, not only Zhang Keqi and the others are full of curiosity about Su Yun, but also netizens have a lot of doubts in recent years.

   So far, the most popular platform on the Internet is the forum called Xiuxiuba.

  This forum is specially established by netizens for Su Yun, and the discussions here are all about Su Yun or cultivation topics.

   Entering this forum, you can see that the activity of this forum is amazing.

  Even specifically for this forum, the company behind it has to open up several high-speed channels for this forum to use, so that this forum will not collapse due to the influx of too many people during certain peak periods.

  In this forum, the topics discussed by netizens in recent years have always been about Su Yun's retreat.

  After a few years, Su Yun's disappearance also made netizens feel more and more restless.

   "It should have been almost 4 years since Daozu declared his retreat last time, right?

   Up to now, there is no news about Daozu. Aren't you worried? "

   "What's the use of worrying, I made a special trip to Shengu Village to visit Divine Doctor Lu.

  The current Shengu Village is too lively, especially outside the door of Divine Doctor Lu, there is a long queue almost every day.

  In fact, everyone is more or less inquiring about Daozu, but Divine Doctor Lu never mentions it. "

   "The time Daozu retreated this time is a bit too long. Could it be that he can really retreat for ten or eight years like in the fairy tale novels, and the sea will change."

   "Don't make wild guesses, I heard that Tao Zu has actually left the customs, but he has no intention of asking about the affairs of the world and has faded out of the world of mortals."

   "Lord, you don't care about this matter, the upstairs is spreading rumors!"

  Looking around, the entire post bar is in chaos at the moment. There are endless speculations about Su Yun, but no one has an accurate answer.

   "This group of people are really full and full, and it hurts to be idle..."

  Yang Datou looked at the comments in the forum speechlessly, and then turned off the phone angrily.

   Obviously, Yang Datou and Lin Xiao are both posting here, but they have been diving all the time and have never expressed any opinions.

  But as Su Yun's time in seclusion became longer and longer, netizens became more and more uneasy, which caused rumors to spread and various versions of guesses about Su Yun.

  Lin Xiao sat on the rock opposite Yang Datou, holding a can of Coke in his hand.

  The two of them obviously had just finished training, and they were all sweating profusely at the moment.

  Hearing what Yang Datou said, Lin Xiao looked worriedly at the direction of Shengu Mountain in the distance:

   "Speaking of which, it's been almost 4 years.

  When Uncle Su was in retreat four years ago, the Nantianmen Project and the Moon Battlefield hadn’t even appeared yet.

   But now the second exploration of the lunar battlefield is about to start, and the initial construction of the Nantianmen project has also been completed.

  Everything is developing too fast, but Uncle Su seems to be forgotten by time. "

  The lunar battlefield that Lin Xiao mentioned is actually what most Chinese netizens call it.

  Although the official name is always No. 1 civilization relic, in fact, anyone can see that all countries are using the gimmick of civilization relics to wage wars on the lunar battlefield.

   Anyway, according to the constraints of the rules, their enmity cannot be brought back to Earth, so there is no need to consider any consequences.

  Whether it is a big country or a small country, when it comes to the moon battlefield, if it is not bright, it will come, and if it is dark, it will come.

  In short, there will not be any national team that can go to the moon and return with a full load of resources.

   After all, even though the No. 1 civilization relic is huge, its resources are limited.

  Everyone is innocent and guilty, how can other representative teams tolerate any country gaining more than themselves?

  So for the name of the No. 1 civilization relic, everyone is used to calling it the battlefield.

  Through this point, it is enough to see that the development of civilization relics is very dangerous.

  Before there was a potential weapon defense system in the ruins that was still active, and then it was eyeing from other countries.

  This is not only a battlefield, but also a place that is a hundred times more dangerous than ordinary battlefields.

  Hearing what Lin Xiao said, Yang Datou couldn't sit still.

  He stood up quickly, looked at Lin Xiao eagerly and said:

   "Why don't we go up and have a look, try to call Su Yun, I'm worried that something will happen to him?"

  The reason why he thinks this way is because Yang Datou cares about Su Yun very much.

  Su Yun's retreat this time has lasted for 4 years, which made Yang Datou feel confused, and he was a little worried about Su Yun's state at the moment.

   Fortunately, Lin Xiao is quite rational. After thinking for a while, he raised his head to look at Datou Yang, and shook his head:

   "Don't, it's not that you don't know what Uncle Su means to Huaxia. His affairs are not trivial.

   Right now, all we can do is wait. Before that, we must not disturb, whether it is us or anyone else. "

  Yang Datou sighed deeply after being stunned for a moment:

   "Well, I hope you're right, but it's been a month since we last went up the mountain.

   It's time to go up the mountain and help Su Yun clean up the surrounding environment, otherwise I'm afraid he will have grown together with weeds when he leaves the customs. "

   While talking, Yang Datou casually picked up the tools that were put aside.

  Lin Xiao did not refuse this. For so many years, they would go up the mountain almost every month, and they got used to it over time.

  At this time, Su Yun didn't know that he was just sitting there for 4 years.

  Times have changed, and now Su Yun has entered the 30-year-old mark. Four years have left some traces of time on Su Yun's face.

From his senior year, before he graduated, Su Yun began to live broadcast, wanting to make a living, but unexpectedly comprehended the unique skill of flying cards, and since then embarked on the road of practice, and ten years have passed time!

  There have been too many ups and downs in the past ten years. From the old age to the genetic age, to the current technological explosion, human beings have begun to enter space.

   Today's world has entered 2049,

  (end of this chapter)

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