MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 205 Attention from all countries, the mystery of Taoist ancestors

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  Chapter 205 The attention of various countries, the mystery of Taoist ancestors

  As the ancestor of Dao, how could he easily become immortal?

  So he is more willing to accept that this is just a normal phenomenon of suspended animation during retreat.

   "Immediately block the news, the people in Daxia are unknown, so it is likely to cause some commotion because of this news.

  Send someone to protect Su Yun's body, and I will rush over as soon as the matter here is over..."

  Until now, Zhao Guofeng's order still shows that he does not believe the fact of Su Yun's death.

   But what he didn't expect was that the urgent voice of the soldier came from the phone:

   "Chief, it's too late. In the process of reporting to higher levels, this matter has already spread on the Internet."


   Zhao Guofeng's voice became cold, and even the air pressure in the whole room dropped a lot:

   "What the **** did you do? How did the news get out?"

   "Boss, there are many outsiders coming to Shengu Village every day because of Su Yun Daozu.

  The person who discovered Su Yun Daozu's death was not ours.

  So when we learned of this news, related remarks had already spread on the Internet, and we couldn't suppress it at all. "

  In fact, as the soldier said, during the process of reporting to the military department, the news on the Internet has long since spread like wildfire.

  A large number of people followed Miracle Doctor Lu and Yang Datou to the mountain. Miracle Doctor Lu also took Su Yun's pulse in detail and checked all of Su Yun's signs.

  But the final result has not changed at all. Su Yunna's body without vital signs is undoubtedly showing the fact of death to everyone.

  Many people posted this incident on the Internet, and even included a picture of Su Yunjing sitting there with no blood on his face.

   Originally there was news about Su Yun, but after a few years of indulging in it, many netizens have started to speculate.

  Once the relevant news was sent out, it could not be received at all.

  Zhao Guofeng quickly took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet, glanced at it casually, and found news about Su Yunzaohua within his reach.

   Judging from the current influence, it is obviously impossible to block the news again.

   This also made Zhao Guofeng feel a little worried. Will it bring about some bad influence?

  However, when Zhao Guofeng went to read the relevant news and the comments below, he was secretly relieved.

  Although the people in Daxia don't know the truth, at least they still have great trust in Su Yun's strength.

   "Su Yun Taoist sitting down? Impossible!"

   "Agreed, I never believe that Su Yun Daozu left us just like that."

   "Is there any knowledgeable person who can check? Will this kind of state similar to suspended animation appear during retreat?"

   "Su Yun Daozu's realm is beyond our comprehension, so no one is qualified to judge that Su Yun Daozu's current state is death!"

   "Agreed! Everyone, stop spreading rumors and believe in Daozu!"

  Obviously, most of the netizens had blind faith in Su Yun, and they didn't believe that Su Yun was really dead, which made Zhao Guofeng a little relieved.

  At least this means that Su Yun's news will not cause any riots, and most people still trust Su Yun very much.

  After hanging up the phone, Zhao Guofeng kept frowning. Although he didn't believe it, the news came too suddenly.

  However, right now he has to deal with the Nantianmen project first, so even if he wants to rush over to see what is going on with Su Yun, it is mainly because he has no way to turn around.


  At this time on the top of Shengu Mountain, Divine Doctor Lu was still spared no effort in doing various detailed examinations for Su Yun.

   Without exception, Su Yun did not give him any feedback from the beginning to the end, and his vital signs were gone.

  Not far away are the villagers gathered here and many outsiders. They all looked at Su Yun worriedly, not knowing what to do.

  Lin Xiao quickly brought Su Guowei and Yang Shan to the mountain. Su Guowei's expression was very serious. He stood not far away and looked at Su Yun, but he still dared not approach.

  Yang Shan's eyes were full of urgent hope, he looked at Miracle Doctor Lu and asked constantly:

   "Su Yun, what's the matter..."

  Although Miracle Doctor Lu couldn't bear it, he still had to tell her the truth.

  After seeing Miracle Doctor Lu shaking his head solemnly, Yang Shan covered her mouth, and tears flowed down her face.

   "Su Yun didn't have any trauma on his body, nor did he show any signs of poisoning.

  But no matter how I check, he just doesn’t have any vital signs, this is the first time I have encountered such a strange thing..."

   Miracle Doctor Lu looked at Su Yun and muttered to himself with a puzzled face:

   "How could Su Yun die suddenly, it's impossible..."

   At this moment, Su Guowei, who had been silent all this time, spoke:

   "Don't cry, our son will never just leave like that."

  Su Guowei's words were for Yang Shan, and even more so for everyone present.

  He knew exactly what Su Yun meant to the entire Great Xia people.

  He is more aware that Su Yun is the figure of the Taoist ancestor. After several years of retreat, he will never give such an explanation to the people of Daxia.

   Soon, Xu Jiajia and Xu Kui also rushed to the scene.

  Xu Jiajia squeezed into the crowd, and soon came to Su Yun, reached out and gently touched Su Yun's face.

  Her eye sockets were red, obviously she had been crying all the way, but when she came to Su Yun, Xu Jiajia didn't shed a single tear under the gaze of everyone.

  If she cries again, the scene will definitely be chaotic, and people will disperse when the scene is chaotic.

  No matter what Su Yun's situation is now, if people's hearts are scattered, there will probably be rumors on the Internet, and everyone will be uneasy.

   Therefore, Xu Jiajia suppressed her sadness. She looked at Su Yun, wishing that Su Yun could suddenly open his eyes and surprise everyone.

  Su Yun's expression was so serene from the beginning to the end. If it weren't for the lack of vital signs and his skin as cold as ice, no matter who looked at him, Su Yun would seem to be just sitting here quietly meditating.

   "Protect Su Yun's body immediately, we can't judge the fact that Su Yun is dead just because there are no vital signs!"

  Xu Kui looked at the crowd and said righteously:

   "He is the ancestor of Taoism, the master of all laws. The factors that define the life and death of ordinary people cannot be used to define him."

   "Yes, agree!"

   "I still have an empty yard in the village, let Daozu settle down immediately, we believe Daozu will wake up soon."

  The surrounding crowd agreed with Xu Kui's words very much. Su Yun is the future hope of Great Xia.

  No one would accept that Su Yun passed away in retreat, a generation of Taoist ancestors, just left them.

  The Fancheng government and military soon learned of the news, and sent people here one after another.

  Because I was worried that if I moved Su Yun's body casually, it might bring some unexpected effects.

  Therefore, after everyone's unanimous discussion, it was decided to keep Su Yun's body intact on the top of Shengu Mountain, and someone would take care of it all the time.

  There has been a lot of noise on the Internet about the news about Su Yun.

   It is obviously impossible to suppress the news, so officials from all over the country have issued documents one after another, giving all the people in Daxia a reassurance.

   Fancheng official:

  【Please don’t speculate, this is disrespect to Daxia Daozu.

  The realm of Su Yun Daozu is not something ordinary people like us can understand, so the conventional definition of life and death cannot be placed on Daozu! 】

  Rongyang City official:

  【Daozu has experienced life and death many times, and he can always come back to us again safe and sound. I believe it will be the same this time.

   Please give the government some time, and Su Yun Daozu some time.

  Let us wait quietly, this time the Su Yundao group will definitely give us a surprise. 】

  Official Lincheng:

  【We never believe that Su Yun Daozu left us, we are more willing to accept that Su Yun Daozu's realm has broken through the conventional definition of life and death.

  He may still be working hard for the Great Xia, just to bring the practice method into the world, so that the people of the Great Xia can all practice the Dao of Aspirations. 】

  Spontaneous speeches made by officials from various places quickly ignited the hearts of all netizens.

  Everyone began to support Su Yun in various places, and believed that Su Yun would reappear by their side in an unexpected way.

   The movement here is getting louder and louder, and the news about Su Yun naturally spread like wildfire internationally.

  But in the international public opinion situation, the attitudes of various countries are exactly the opposite of those of Daxia.

  In the White Castle where Atlantis passed, the top leaders quickly held an emergency meeting.

  The rather nervous leader of Atlanta did not hide his joy at this moment, and on the big screen behind him, there was news about Su Yun's death from around the world.

   "Thank God, this Su Yun is finally dead.

  Those people in Daxia seemed to be possessed by evil spirits. They obviously didn't have any vital signs, but they still firmly believed that Su Yun was still alive. "

  The director of the Military Aircraft Department heard the words, and immediately responded:

   "Daxia has always been so ignorant, I don't believe this Su Yun, is it really the incarnation of God?

   Want to engage in a set of precious blood to save lives? "

  Su Yun is tantamount to a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh for each country. The attitude shown by the country of Atlanta at this moment is also being staged in other countries.

  Su Yun has indeed threatened the existence of various countries with his own power.

  Especially the strength shown by Su Yun in the first battle of the India-Vatican Kingdom, made all the countries aware of the potential dangers that existed under the Daxia.

  To this day, the gene-human series has developed to the 8th generation, but even the strongest 8th-generation gene-human is still unable to compare with the strength demonstrated by Su Yun in Yinfan Kingdom at that time.

   Various Western countries have held countless meetings, just to find a way to target Su Yun.

  But now that Su Yun died so easily, even though there were some doubts in it, the joy of threatening and sweeping away quickly dazzled the minds of all countries.

  On the public opinion on the international network, netizens from various countries can also be seen everywhere, ridiculing Da Xia.

   "Big Xia people, are you crazy? If you die, you are dead. How can you come back from the dead?"

   "Oumaika, you have all been brainwashed by Su Yun. There is only one God, and that is my Lord. Except for my Lord, no one will be able to bring the dead back to life."

   "Haven't you guys always practiced something? That Su Yun is still hailed by you as the Taoist ancestor. Now is the time to prove yourself. I would like to see how your practice can revive the Taoist ancestor?"

  Many Daxia netizens commented below in outrage, but they couldn't make any sense with these people.

  So that in the end, all the Daxia netizens who went to refute were sullen, but they had nothing to do with each other.

  In the domestic network environment, everyone is sincerely waiting for Su Yunxin's news, and most people don't believe that Su Yun is really dead.

  But in the foreign network environment, netizens from various countries are mixed together, but they are all beaming.

  Su Yun's death means that other countries don't need to be as afraid of Great Xia as they used to be, especially the Yinfan country, where the high-level people only need to decorate and hold a big banquet.

  However, the attitude of Yinfan Kingdom is understandable. After all, Su Yun single-handedly slapped their "military power" in the face.

  The temple was destroyed, the prestige of the elders plummeted, and Yinfan was once placed on the pillar of shame in the world, so all countries poked their backs with smiles.

  The fighter planes and tanks were dispatched at the same time, but they couldn't stop Su Yun.

  Yin Fanguo has held back his breath for many years, and today he finally feels elated.

  Although this news came too suddenly, it happened to meet the long-awaited hopes of various countries.

  They are more willing to believe that all this is true, because as long as Su Yun dies, Daxia's position in the new world structure that has just been established will be shaken again.

  So, in addition to Daxia, the network form of each country is very good.

  Everyone rushed to tell each other and cheered, clearly gloating.

  However, regarding this matter, Daxia has not made any speeches internationally from the beginning to the end.

   This is the contempt for the clown as a big country, and this kind of non-response is itself the attitude shown by Da Xia.

  Shengu Mountain was soon blocked by the army, and no one was allowed to go up the mountain casually.

  Su Yun's body is still the same as before, sitting quietly on the top of Shengu Mountain, and no one is allowed to disturb him.

  In the hearts of most people, the appearance of Su Yun's Taoist ancestor is no different from the living **** in their hearts.

  In their hearts, the news of anyone's death can be quickly accepted, but Su Yun can't.

  That is the ancestor of Taoism, the highest state that ordinary people can't understand at all.

  In this realm, ordinary death does not constitute any definition at all.

  After all, the Taoist ancestor created the way of practice out of nothing, so how can life and death be the final conclusion?

  Many pioneers in the cultivation world who followed Su Yun into the Tao, after hearing the news, posted on the Internet one after another, expressing their attitudes.

  Although their writing styles are different, they express the same point of view.

  Practice and enter the Tao, ordinary life and death are like the moon in the water, and the flowers in the mirror.

   Daozu will not leave here, and we will definitely wait until Daozu returns!

  Professor Lu, who has been studying the ancient books on practice, even posted the definition of death in the ancient books on practice.

  The physical body is bound by the heaven and the earth, but there is a **** in the body, which is called the soul by the people.

  The Taoist ancestor's soul is immortal, even if there is no sign in the body, it is not death!

  Lu Hongya, Gu Ye and others also expressed their views on the Internet one after another. As pioneers, they naturally have great convincing power among the masses.

   This also made the remaining small group of people begin to believe that Su Yun Daozu will definitely surprise everyone again on a certain day.

   This day will definitely not be too far away.


  Su Yun, who was wandering at the moment, never thought that such a big oolong would happen to him not long after he left.

   Su Yun in the out-of-body state has become extremely delicate in his perception of everything in the world, which makes Su Yun also immersed in it, looking for the way from the world.

  The extraordinary aura that originally had no form seemed to have become a real object in Su Yun's state, which Su Yun could clearly see.

  They are so quietly in the world, with their own rules.

Su Yun wandered aimlessly among the mountains and rivers, and occasionally he could see a few practitioners who he had taught before sitting on the top of the mountain and meditating. .

  It is actually difficult for Su Yun to describe his current feelings.

  One cannot experience this mysterious sense of freedom without leaving the physical body.

  With a clear state of mind and a well-connected five senses, as long as Su Yun is willing, he can even see small ants crawling on the ground in the mountains and forests in the sky.

  There is a world in the flowers, and the universe lives in the leaves...

  Thoughts that were only concepts to Su Yun in the past, now appeared in front of Su Yun one by one in shock.

  The human world is not a pure land, but Bodhi is hidden everywhere!

  (end of this chapter)

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