MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 207 Taoist ancestors climbed to the sky and soared to nine days

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  Chapter 207 The Taoist Ancestor Steps on the Clouds and Soars to Nine Heavens

  At this moment, Wolf Warrior has become the focus of everyone's eyes.

  The Xuanwu fighter he is flying is the only hope in this crisis.

  But in fact, as the driver, Zhan Lang's palms were already sweating, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

  The meteorite group in front of him is denser than he imagined. These meteorites of different sizes and irregular distribution make it difficult for the Xuanwu fighter to pass through.

  Even though the defense ability of the Xuanwu fighter plane is already at the top of today's earth technology, it is completely impossible to forcibly pass through the meteorite group and let the meteorite hit the body.

The seemingly peaceful meteorite swarm is actually very susceptible to influence, and when the meteorite swarm becomes active again, it will hit the Xuanwu fighter plane like a bomb, pushing the Xuanwu fighter plane away from the established orbit, which is even more terrifying The most important thing is that once the equipment in the body is damaged, it will face the possibility of failure.

   Zhao Guofeng, who was in the command room on the ground, also kept his hands behind his back and said nothing.

  Wolf Warrior is a capable general brought out by him personally, so Zhao Guofeng is not surprised that Wolf Warrior can step forward at this moment.

  Crisis always needs to be solved by someone, but the danger is still difficult to ignore.

   This made Zhao Guofeng feel a little more worried, and he also secretly prayed in his heart that there should be no more accidents in the future.

  Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Xuanwu fighter plane approached the meteorite group. As the Xuanwu fighter plane advanced, the meteorite group became more restless.

  At this moment, through the screen sent back by the Xuanwu fighter, the ground command can see more clearly that it is in the meteorite group, and the damaged space station that is still spraying refrigerant outward at this moment.

  Due to the loss of refrigerant, the temperature in the space station has been stable at 50 degrees above zero for a long time. This not only caused a large number of equipment to fail, but even the lives of the three astronauts in the space station were threatened.

  The three of them also noticed at this moment that the Xuanwu fighter plane heading this way naturally knew that this was their only hope.

  If in the next three minutes, they can't get out of here, or the space station gets repaired and the temperature cools down.

   Then they will first enter a coma due to the high temperature.

   Once unconscious in this environment, no one can guarantee that he will wake up again.

  Wolf Warrior has undoubtedly become the hope in everyone's eyes, and after Wolf Warrior approached the meteorite group, he quickly pushed the booster of the Xuanwu fighter without any hesitation.

  The moment the Xuanwu fighter entered the range of the meteorite group, all the meteorites, which seemed to be calm, soon moved one after another, and kept approaching the direction of the Xuanwu fighter.

  These meteorites have never been calm, but their small movements seem to be still when viewed from a distance.

   Gritting his teeth, Zhan Lang kept manipulating the Xuanwu fighter, avoiding the surrounding meteorites.

   Although such an operation will slow down the speed of travel, at least it will not end up in a plane crash.

   "The Xuanwu fighter is still 340 meters away from the space station!"

   "There are 320 meters left!"

   "300 meters!"

  In the command room on the ground, all the technicians watched excitedly as the Xuanwu fighter plane approached the space station on the big screen.

  War Wolf's driving skills are indeed very good, otherwise it would be impossible to approach the space station as it is now in such a dense group of meteorites.

  Under normal circumstances, any flight trajectory will adjust the direction as quickly as possible after detecting the meteorite group.

  In the space environment, although the absolute number of meteorites is large, they do not have a particularly frequent impact on interstellar operations.

  Thus, throughout history, Wolf Warrior should be the only one who knew that there was a meteorite swarm in front of him, but still followed the original flight trajectory, risking his life and death, and wanted to cross through the meteorite swarm.

  Because the wolf warriors at this moment are really unavoidable, if they want to reach the space station, they must pass through this group of meteorites.

   While everyone is holding their breath at this moment, the driver, Zhan Lang, seems to be a bit more open.

  His attention was all on the monitoring screen in front of him. Whenever the meteorite was too close, the alarm in the cab would be particularly harsh.

   But at this time, the war wolf simply turned off the alarm system directly, and he precisely controlled the flight trajectory of the Xuanwu fighter, which was mainly due to the assisted driving of the Xuanwu fighter's control system by the Tiannao satellite.

   Therefore, Wolf Warrior can always drive the Xuanwu fighter at critical moments to avoid fatal dangers.

   "Report! The Xuanwu fighter has officially arrived at the space station, and is currently trying to repair the space station!"

  Following the report of the technicians in the ground command room, Zhao Guofeng and others gathered in front of the big screen again, looking at the Xuanwu fighter that had been quietly floating in front of the space station at this moment.

  War Wolf was quickly pressed the start button, and the small nano-robots carried on the spaceship quickly acted on the gap in the space station in the form of spray.

   "Beep beep..."

  However, at this time, the harsh siren sounded again in the space station, and the three astronauts quickly went to the nearest instrument to check.

  However, the results of the investigation made everyone's hearts cold. Since most of the instruments had failed in the leak just now, the pressure in the space station is getting higher and higher at this moment.

  Even though the three astronauts have received systematic and professional brutal training, the excessive pressure at this moment still made them feel physically uncomfortable very quickly.

  The only female astronaut among the three astronauts has already had a nosebleed due to the pressure.

   And because of the failure of the gravity system, this nosebleed just floated in the air.

  Although it is just a drop of liquid, the threat it can bring in this environment is enormous.

  Resisting the discomfort in her body, the female astronaut quickly inhaled the drop of nosebleed into her mouth again with a straw, and quickly spit it out into a sealed bag.

  The rest of the two felt more and more uncomfortable physically, they quickly passed the news through the headsets, and the Wolf Warrior who was closest to the three naturally learned of the situation in the space station at the first time.

  The cryogen leaked now has been repaired with the help of nanobots.

  But if the pressure in the space station is not resolved in time, the three astronauts may not survive to be rescued at all.

   But in this situation, Wolf Warrior had to face an anxious choice.

  If the space station is depressurized in normal times, it will be the safest way to deal with it.

   But now there are meteorites floating all around. Once the blood pressure is measured, it will definitely cause the meteorite group that has tended to be stable to swim uncontrollably again.

  At this moment, the Xuanwu fighter, which is in the meteorite group, may become the first sacrificed object in the meteorite group.

  Wolf Warrior took a deep breath, and soon connected to the space station system to call out the physical conditions of the three astronauts at the moment.

   Being in such a high-pressure environment, the body detection systems of the three astronauts have already started flashing red lights, issuing a warning.

  The red blood cells and hemoglobin in their bodies had begun to decrease rapidly, which became more and more obvious as the air pressure became higher and the three people were exposed, and the longer they were exposed.

  At the same time, the heart rate of the three of them has slowed down to an extremely dangerous range. If this situation continues, it will be enough for the three of them to face a great threat to their lives within a few minutes.

If according to the original plan, after the Xuanwu fighters repaired the loopholes, the Luanniao platform would send a new engineering plane to deal with the meteorite swarm, and then clear a safe route, and evacuate the three astronauts, then the three astronauts would be regarded as Being able to last until that time will definitely leave indelible damage to their bodies.

   So at this point, Wolf Warrior had to start thinking about what to do next.

   "Comrade Wolf Warrior, the five engineering aircraft are fully on standby.

   Whether the vulnerability of the space station is fixed, the engineering fleet will be ready to take off at any time! "

  The voice of chief engineer Feng Qisi came intermittently from Zhanlang's headset.

   At this time, Feng Qisi did not understand the new problems facing the space station, so he was still preparing to send an engineering plane according to the original plan.

But after Feng Qisi finished speaking, there was a few seconds of silence in his headset. No one knew what Zhan Lang was thinking during these few seconds. Only a few seconds later, Zhan Lang The voice of the wolf came a little dignified:

   "Engineer Feng, now we are facing new problems, and the original plan must be adjusted.

  Don’t send any more engineering machines, I’ll do the next thing independently…”

  The voice of the war wolf was also transmitted to the ground command room at this moment, which made several leaders show puzzled expressions.

   "Chief Zhao, what's going on, why did Wolf Warrior terminate the original plan?"

  Zhang Keqi looked at Zhao Guofeng with some doubts, and took the lead in asking the doubts in his heart on behalf of everyone.

  Looking at the resolute expression of the war wolf in the cockpit on the big screen at this moment, Zhao Guofeng said with some seriousness:

   "I brought this kid out with my own hands. I know his character. I think next, he is going to fight for his life..."

  Among the shocked eyes of everyone, the voice of Wolf Warrior talking to the three astronauts on the space station was heard:

   "Three comrades in the space station, please remain calm, I will do my best to ensure your safety.

  Now the space station's loopholes have been repaired, but the pressure inside the space station is still rising.

   Next, I need you to stay as far away from the entrance and exit as possible, and put on your armor. The oxygen and protection provided in the armor can ensure that you can survive for ten minutes in a vacuum environment.

  Please listen to my plan carefully, and cooperate with me in time after that. "

  The voice of the war wolf made everyone subconsciously quiet down. At this moment, they were very puzzled, what exactly does the war wolf want to do at this time?

   "I will forcibly open the main entrance of the space station to help depressurize the environment inside the space station.

  During this period, I need you to try to activate the equipment in the space station again, and quickly activate the auxiliary emergency blockade procedure after the pressure drops to a normal level.

   In this way, the pressure in the space station can be quickly relieved. If most of the equipment can still function normally, you will be able to wait until the arrival of the rescue force. "

  These words spread to Zhang Keqi's No. 2 Middle School, and he immediately frowned. As the director of the space agency, how could he not know the danger in it.

   "Comrade Wolf Warrior's decision is too risky. Once the pressure in the space station is suddenly leaked, a large number of meteorites will start to wreak havoc as if they have been pushed.

   But don’t forget that the Xuanwu fighter piloted by Comrade Zhanlang is still in the meteorite group. Once the meteorite loses its stability, the Xuanwu fighter will hardly not be affected.

  This is too dangerous! "

  Hearing Zhang Keqi's words, Zhao Guofeng's face did not show the slightest emotional change, as if he had already thought of this point.

   Zhao Guofeng knew very well about Wolf Warriors, so he made such a decision at this moment, which still didn't surprise Zhao Guofeng at all.

   This is the junior he admires the most, even Zhao Guofeng has been cultivating Wolf Warrior as his successor.

  Big Xia needs a future, and in this future, the younger generations must be the pillars.

  They will eventually withdraw from the stage of history, and Zhao Guofeng has always been strict with the wolf warriors, just wanting to leave a pillar of talent for Daxia.

   Therefore, in Zhao Guofeng's heart, he was not surprised that Zhan Lang made such a decision, but it was hard to avoid heartache.

  Although what Zhang Keqi said just now was cryptic, it is actually very clear to the insiders.

  Wolf Warrior is now betting on his own life, in exchange for a chance of life for the three astronauts whose lives are hanging by a thread in the space station.

   And the price is very obvious, that is, the war wolf must put his own life aside.

  So after a while, Zhao Guofeng asked Zhan Lang through the headset heavily:

   "Wolf Warrior, are you sure you've thought it through..."

  Hearing Zhao Guofeng's voice, Zhan Lang suddenly felt very cordial.

  This person he has always been in awe of, now makes Wolf Warrior feel a little calm.

   "Chief, there is no other choice in this situation, please allow me to carry out the task!"

   The voice of the war wolf is full of calm, as if in the few seconds of silence just now, the war wolf has completely let go of it.

   Everyone looked at Zhao Guofeng at this moment, because no one was willing to issue such an order, but Zhao Guofeng had no way to retreat.

   "Agreed to carry out, but you boy, please remember, you must come back alive, this is my order for you!"

  Wolf Warrior smiled. In the beautiful scene full of dangers, but with a unique beauty, Zhan Lang’s smile seemed to be frozen outside of this moment and time.

  He no longer hesitated, quickly adjusted the direction of the Xuanwu fighter, and then pressed the button on the console.

  The tractor was launched quickly, and was firmly attached to the hatch of the space station.

  At this moment, the three astronauts in the space station, also relying on the willpower that is better than ordinary people, resisted the physical discomfort, and quickly stood in front of various instruments, preparing to fully try to activate the necessary equipment in the space station after the pressure was released.

   "Link succeeded!"

  Looking at the words displayed on the big screen, Zhan Lang gently put his hand on the booster, then gritted his teeth, and quickly pushed the booster to the maximum power.


  The Xuanwu fighter broke out at a very high speed and flew backward quickly. At this time, the wolf warrior could no longer care about whether it would hit the meteorite.

  The Xuanwu fighter jet flying at high speed flew straight back. Under such a great force, the hatch of the space station seemed to be torn open by an invisible big hand.

  At the same time, the masks of the three astronauts activated one after another, and they were able to remain basically stable even when they were exposed to a vacuum environment while wearing armor.

  The space station, which has been accumulated for a long time, suddenly found a pressure relief point, and the pressure was quickly released virtually.

  Under the operation of the three astronauts, and in the expectant eyes, the equipment that had been shut down for a long time was restarted one after another.

  As a male astronaut pressed the start button, the space station's backup auxiliary emergency blockade procedure was activated immediately.

  After the pressure in the space dropped to a normal level, a door blocked the entrance and exit of the space station again.

  Most of the equipment has been reactivated. This move of Wolf Warrior bought nearly 30 minutes for the three astronauts, enough for them to wait for the rescue.

   On the other hand, the Wolf Warriors were not so optimistic. A large number of meteorites hit the Xuanwu fighter planes one after another. Even the Xuanwu fighter planes with extremely strong defense capabilities could not withstand such an attack.

   "Beep beep..."

   "Beep beep..."

  The ear-piercing voice kept ringing in the ears of the war wolf. A gap had already appeared on the Xuanwu fighter plane, and this gap would be fatal to the war wolf.

  The Xuanwu fighter can no longer be manually controlled by the war wolf, and even the auxiliary operating system of the Tiannao satellite, it is difficult to reverse the situation at this moment.

  A large number of meteorites came raging, and the Xuanwu fighter was like a flat boat in the wind and waves, constantly deviated from the established orbit during the impact, and even left the monitoring range of the Tiannao satellite.

   "Wolf Warrior! Wolf Warrior!"

  Zhao Guofeng eagerly tried to get a response from Wolf Warrior through the headset, but Wolf Warrior's voice didn't come from the headset for a long time.

  The Xuanwu fighter jets dealt with the monitoring range of the Tiannao satellite, which made it impossible for them to intuitively understand the situation encountered by the wolf warriors through the satellite images.

  Only through the data showing the vital signs of the war wolf on the big screen is continuously declining, it is probably known that the life of the war wolf is already hanging by a thread.

  The engineering plane was dispatched quickly. Not only did they want to rush to the space station to rescue the three astronauts, but they also wanted to ensure the safety of the Wolf Warriors as much as possible.


  However, at this moment, the Xuanwu fighter, which had already left the monitoring range, reappeared in the sight of everyone, which also caused a burst of exclamation in the entire command room.

  Zhao Guofeng quickly jumped up from the chair, walked quickly to the big screen, and looked nervously at the Xuanwu fighter that was already emitting bursts of black smoke.

   At the rear of the fighter plane, there are a large number of meteorites, which are constantly chasing the Xuanwu fighter plane with traction.

   "The auxiliary traction system has been activated, and the target fighter is being towed..."

   "Failed to pull...failed to pull...

  As the mechanical sound sounded, it was obvious that the Xuanwu fighter was fully controlled by the Tiannao system at this time.

   and several notifications of traction failures came, which meant that even the last protection procedure was useless.

  In the cabin, Zhan Lang was dying at this moment, and a large amount of blood oozed from the wound, which had stained his face red.

   Until this time, the only remaining will of the war wolf is still driving him, hoping to control the Xuanwu fighter.

  But for Wolf Warrior in its current state, even raising his hand is very laborious, let alone any operation.

  On the Luanniao platform, several engineering planes were undergoing the final inspection before taking off. Before they started to take off through the orbit, they saw a black shadow that was getting closer and closer in the distance, emitting shocking black smoke.

   "That's... the Xuanwu fighter piloted by the head of the war wolf?"

   Soon someone recognized it, and the reappearance of the war wolf naturally made everyone overjoyed.

  But after a few seconds, Chief Engineer Feng Qisi realized that something was wrong.

  After observing carefully, he suddenly said in astonishment:

   "No, the fighter plane didn't slow down, Comrade Zhanlang didn't control the Xuanwu fighter plane!"

  The news spread to everyone's ears, and shock flashed in everyone's eyes.

  This means that Wolf Warrior is likely to have fallen into a coma at this moment, and the more difficult problem is...

  The backup propulsion of the Xuanwu fighter is still activated, which means that the Xuanwu fighter will always approach this side at the current speed before the end of the propulsion, and even eventually hit the Luanniao platform.

  The current Luanniao platform can only be regarded as a preliminary improvement of the infrastructure, and it will take some time to complete the finalization of the Nantianmen plan.

  But if at this moment, the Xuanwu fighter plane hits the Luanniao platform, it will greatly delay the implementation of the Nantianmen plan.

  At least, the Luanniao platform will not be able to play any role during the upcoming opening of the lunar battlefield.

  In the past few years, all the sincere efforts of various departments that have secretly joined the Nantianmen project will be drained because of this collision.

  The entire Nantianmen plan will be delayed. Although it is not a devastating blow, it will cause Great Xia to suffer great losses.

   "It's over! All staff are on standby, and the red alert is activated!"

   Following Feng Qisi's order, the highest level of red warning that has never been activated since its establishment has been fully activated on the Luanniao platform.

  Whether they were soldiers or engineers, they came to the Luanniao platform in armor.

   Judging from the current form, the falling Xuanwu fighter is extremely fast, and there is no time to start the blocking plan.

   What's more, the life and death of the war wolf in the cockpit is uncertain. Although Feng Zisi tried to contact the war wolf many times, he never got any response from the war wolf in the headset.

In the command room on the ground, a new crisis appeared, which made Zhao Guofeng and others feel a little bit overwhelmed. On the one hand, they were worried about the safety of the Wolf Warriors at the moment, and on the other hand, they were also worried that if the Xuanwu fighter still hit the Luanniao platform at this speed, trouble But it's big.

  The red warning is activated, and the defense measures on the Luanniao platform have been fully activated.

  But because the Luanniao platform is not comprehensive, the current defense measures are not enough to deal with this level of violent impact.

   Although Feng Qisi said nothing, the current situation is enough to make him feel desperate.

   There will be a few more seconds at most, and the impact will inevitably happen.

  By then, it will be really powerless.


   At the same time, Su Yun was constantly rising into the sky, and the surrounding scene gradually turned into a vast expanse of whiteness.

  In the end, Bai Yun was trampled by Su Yun, and there were fewer and fewer things around him.

  In such a state, Su Yun couldn't feel any resistance, and he didn't even need to breathe at all.

  The only thing holding Su Yun back is that his time is running out.

  As the body becomes more transparent, the connection between Su Yun and the physical body is also decreasing.

  Su Yun has always had a warning line in his heart. Once he gets close to the warning line, he has no choice but to return to his physical body.

  As the scene in front of Su Yun continued to change, everything around him seemed to have stepped into a still nothingness in an instant.

  Su Yun looked down at his body, a blue planet was quietly hanging in the void universe.

   And directly above him is a platform that looks very grand.

   "Then... is the Nantianmen Project?"

  There was light in Su Yun's eyes, but before he could appreciate it, his eyes were quickly attracted by a dazzling light.

  The light was flying towards the platform rapidly, falling to be precise.

   And behind it, there are a large number of black meteorites, followed by a faint purple light.

   "Something is wrong, this is not normal..."

  Su Yun frowned, and then disappeared in place!

  (end of this chapter)

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