MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 217 Daozu supernatural powers

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  Chapter 217 Taoist Supernatural Powers

  The energy data detected in the masks of everyone present is rising rapidly, and this rising speed even exceeds the energy critical point they have mastered before.

   And in this process, the originally dark black iron coffin began to be filled with light blue light again.

  The light gradually formed lines on the coffin, and finally converged from all directions.

  The sirens in their ears became more and more piercing, and everyone stared at the energy data on the masks with wide eyes.

  Now this energy is approaching a critical point, and judging from the current situation, if this energy is still not contained, then the final energy explosion will bring unimaginable destructive power.

   But it seems that Su Yun has no intention of stopping. He has been immersed in the state of refining weapons, consciously pouring all the extraordinary breath into the coffin.

  From Su Yun's obvious resistance at the very beginning, to the smooth flow of this extraordinary breath into the coffin, it reminded Su Yun that now it's the last and most critical time.

  Everyone could even see the light blue light emanating from the coffin, gradually enveloping Su Yun in it.

   That kind of illusory and real feeling made everyone present couldn't leave their eyes.

   "Beep beep..."

   Another burst of more urgent sirens came from inside the armor.

  The entire mask that detects energy and displays energy data has begun to flash red light at this moment.

   "The energy is still rising and has reached a dangerous value!"

  Chen Ye shouted loudly to remind other people around him, and at the same time quickly activated the nano-shield to deal with the worst situation.

  The rest of the people are like this. The translucent nano-shield does not seem to have a strong defensive ability, but in fact, even if several tanks fire at the same time, it will not hurt the people protected by the nano-shield.

   "Beep beep..."

  As the value rises, the alarm sound becomes more and more urgent.

  Seeing that the energy value has exceeded the set value range, everyone gritted their teeth and clenched the nano-shields in their hands tightly, making preparations for the explosion.

  However, at this moment, the piercing sirens in everyone's ears stopped abruptly.

   Everyone watched intently, only to find that the value that had already exceeded the critical point was dropping rapidly.

  With doubts, they all looked in the direction of Su Yun, only to see that Su Yun had slowly retracted his hands at this moment, and the black iron coffin was still full of lines of light blue light at this moment.

  These lines seem to constitute complex and obscure ancient characters, and no one knows the meaning of these characters.

   But fortunately, the explosion that everyone imagined in their hearts did not appear in the end, which made them secretly relieved, and at the same time put away their nano-shields.

   Not long after, Su Yun finally opened his eyes.

  He looked at the coffin with light blue light shining in front of him with satisfaction, and could even sense the extraordinary aura constantly emanating from the coffin.

  The magic weapon was finally activated, and the world's first magic weapon was finally officially born in Su Yun's hands at this moment.

  Just a little bit of perception, Su Yun was able to understand the mystery of this magic weapon.

  Although the appearance is somewhat unsatisfactory, at least the function meets Su Yun's initial expectations.

   Lying in this coffin, he can better enter the state of suspended animation, thus greatly prolonging the time of fugue, without worrying that the physical body will rot if it loses the spiritual body for too long.

  At the same time, this magic weapon can also increase the chance of Su Yun's imaginary travel, making Su Yun more confident to gradually master the special state that could be encountered but not sought after.

  After refining the magic weapon, Su Yun didn't stop for almost a moment, and began to look around in private, as if he was looking for something.

   Soon, his sight fell on the wall of the ancient ruins not far away.

  This wall is completely cast from an unknown metal element, and two iron chains as thick as arms are embedded in it.

   These two iron chains were originally connected to the indoor mechanism, but after Su Yun came, he quickly destroyed the two iron chains, and naturally lost its effect.

  So he quickly came to the two iron chains, reached out and grabbed the exposed end, and then suddenly exerted force with his arm and pulled it back.


   There was a loud noise, and Gu Ye and the others who were standing in the distance could even clearly feel the ground under their feet vibrate.

  The wall made of hard metal, in front of Su Yun, looks like paper.

  The two iron chains were violently pulled out of the wall by Su Yun. Just the sound of the iron chains falling to the ground made it clear to everyone that the weight of these two iron chains was heavier than they imagined.

  But at this time, Su Yun's eyes were calm, and his face did not change.

  The two iron chains seemed to be weightless in his hands, and he quickly erected them on the coffin, carrying them behind his back.

   This is also Su Yun's helpless move. After all, he never thought that the magic weapon created by himself would be a coffin.

   But still the same sentence, although the appearance is a bit deviated, Su Yun is very satisfied with the function.

  Seeing Su Yun walking out step by step with the coffin on his back, Gu Ye and the others just came back like a dream, and hurried forward.

   "Taozu, what kind of treasure is this coffin? Why can we detect a very powerful energy on it?"

  Facing Gu Ye's question, Su Yun didn't hide anything:

   "This is a magic weapon that I created with my own hands, and it is also the first magic weapon in this world. But I didn't expect you to find it while I was experiencing it."

  When everyone heard this, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared in their eyes.

   The concept of a magic weapon is not unfamiliar to Daxia people. It is unexpected that one day it will become a reality from fiction!

  But they were also very honored to be able to witness Daozu forging the world's first magic weapon.

  When they heard Su Yun's last words, everyone looked at each other and smiled wryly.

   "Taozu, when you forged the magic weapon, you formed a very powerful energy fluctuation.

   There is also the sound of metal striking iron that we heard before, it should be produced when you forged the magic weapon.

   This is exactly the case, so we discovered this third relic in such a short period of time.

  I thought there was some treasure, but I never thought of digging you out..."

  Everyone is very respectful towards Su Yun. In their hearts, Su Yun is the well-deserved ancestor of all ways.

  And most of these people are pioneers who have followed Su Yun to enter Taoism. Although a few people have never entered Taoism, they have heard of Su Yun's deeds and have long admired them in their hearts.

  Su Yun looked at Gu Ye, Zhou Xiaoxiao, Lu Hongya and the others in the team, and felt as if he had passed away.

   These old friends have not seen each other for many years, and each of them has different changes when they meet.

  Lv Hongya, who used to have a hot personality, has matured a lot now. Although he has been paying attention to Su Yun in the team, he no longer laughs wantonly like before.

   Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at Su Yun with complicated eyes, and the feelings that had been buried in his heart for many years quietly occupied Zhou Xiaoxiao's heart again.

  However, due to various reasons, he had never expressed his heart to Su Yun before, and naturally he would not now.

   This is the ancestor of all ways, and the undeniable future of Great Xia.

   In Zhou Xiaoxiao's heart, she knew very well that the distance between Su Yun and Su Yun seemed to be getting farther and farther.

   Seeing old friends whom he hadn't seen for many years, Su Yun also wanted to be able to talk to them.

  But Naisu Yun can move on this moon, relying on the barrier formed by the extraordinary breath.

   But just now Su Yun activated the magic weapon, consuming too much extraordinary aura, and the protection formed by the remaining extraordinary aura cannot last for too long.

  Although there are supernatural auras in this universe and on the moon, compared to the purer supernatural aura on the earth, the supernatural aura in the universe is more chaotic, irritable, and turbid, and it is not as easy to absorb as it is on the earth.

  Su Yun's current state is not enough to absorb the extraordinary aura in the universe, let alone take it for his own use.

  So Su Yun had to return to Earth as soon as possible, so naturally he couldn't waste too much time here.

   "I'm going back as soon as possible, we will meet more often in the future..."

  After leaving these words, Su Yun took the coffin and strode out of the ruins.

  Everyone didn't react for a while, but after seeing Su Yun's figure getting farther and farther away, everyone quickly followed Su Yun's pace.

   "Taozu, the entrance has been opened by us, where is your armor?

   After leaving the entrance, you will be exposed to a vacuum, so you must wear armor in advance. "

  Chen Ye walked beside Su Yun and said with concern, but what he didn't expect was that Su Yun shook his head peacefully:

   "No, I don't need armor."

   These words spread to everyone's ears, which made everyone feel a little confused. Zhou Xiaoxiao, who had been following the words, couldn't help but feel worried:

   "Dao... Dao ancestor, if exposed to a vacuum state, it will be extremely harmful.

  I could dispatch a suit of armor right away, but I'd rather not take the risk. "

  Su Yun looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao and smiled. He could feel that Zhou Xiaoxiao didn't seem to be particularly used to the name Daozu.

   During the time of speaking, a group of people had already arrived at the previously opened entrance.

  In the worried eyes of everyone, Su Yun tightened the iron chain on his body again, and then said:

   "The mission you want to perform on the moon base is very dangerous, and the armor on your body can play a greater role.

   Work hard, you are also the hope of Daxia's development. "

   When the voice fell, Su Yun stepped forward and was exposed to the vacuum environment.

  However, immediately afterward, everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Su Yun in disbelief.

  Su Yun didn't seem to be affected in any way. Even in the vacuum environment, he still walked steadily towards the moon base step by step.

   " is this possible?"

   "Ancestor Dao is not affected by gravity, vacuum, and radiation?"

  The body can move freely in a vacuum environment. Even if this kind of thing is seen with their own eyes, it will still make everyone feel a little unbelievable.

   "As expected of Dao Patriarch, this realm is simply incomprehensible!"

   "I'm starting to wonder how Daozu came to the moon..."

  They talked a lot, quickly activated their masks, and followed behind Su Yun.

  With the consternation in their hearts, Chen Ye and others followed Su Yun, and soon walked into the moon base.

  However, just as Su Yun was about to pass through the moon base and return to Earth as soon as possible, a pair of heavily armed Gene Man quickly surrounded him.

  Chen Ye and others following behind immediately recognized this team:

   "It's the Malay team! Also, other small countries?"

  A small country like the Malay Kingdom knows that it is not an opponent of other big countries, so it did not follow them to the No. 3 ruins.

  Everyone knows that with so many national teams heading to the No. 3 ruins one after another, conflicts are likely to break out.

  And a small country like the Malay State, once caught in such a large-scale conflict, is likely to die without a place to die.

  So they chose to stay on the moon base, while uniting several other small countries.

  According to their plan, this road is the only way to the Great Xia gathering place.

  Although the major powers have never admitted it, no one knows that Great Xia has always been the target of the major powers restricting their development.

  Therefore, there is no need to think about it. Daxia in Ruins No. 3 will definitely be besieged, and there will definitely be a lot of losses at that time.

  Even if it is the Daxia representative team, under such consumption, it is impossible to have such a strong combat effectiveness.

   In this way, one has ebbed and flowed, and several small countries have united and waited here, so they can reap the benefits of the fisherman.

   And blocking the Daxia team, in the eyes of other big countries, they will definitely support it acquiescently.

  At that time, all the resources they snatched from the Daxia team can be taken as their own.

   After all, for a small country, it would be a great benefit to get some resources left over from the alien civilization.

   Therefore, the small country alliance team headed by the Malay state has been ambushing here for a long time.

  When they saw the figure of the Daxia representative team, greedy expressions appeared on the faces of these people.

  Especially the mouth on the back of the person walking in the front is shining with light blue light, it looks like an extraordinary baby.

  The small country united team naturally felt that this was the treasure found by the Great Xia Kingdom.

  Chen Ye and others quickly blocked the front, and Zhou Xiaoxiao even showed his gun directly:

   "Stand back, don't think about us, it won't do you any good."

  The Malay delegation who had been staying at the moon base did not know that Su Yun was found in the third relic.

  Their initial plan was to hide in the dark and prepare to plunder at any time.

  So the captain of the Malay country looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao and others, and licked his lips provocatively:

   "We are all seven-generation genetic people, even if you are wearing armor, you shouldn't say such big words.

  Leave the treasure you found from the third ruins, and I agree with you to pass here. "

  Chen Ye and others showed their weapons one after another, and it was obvious that there was no room for negotiation based on the attitude of the other party.

  Since this is the case, there is only one battle!

  However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly came:

"Step aside…"

   Those two simple words carried bursts of coercion.

  Accompanied by the voice, was Su Yun's slightly thin figure.

  Su Yun slowly walked out of the team, but the captain of the Malay country did not recognize it.

  He was quickly attracted by the coffin on Su Yun's back, and then suddenly broke out his unique genetic ability, extreme speed!


  Before everyone could react, the captain of the Malay country appeared beside Su Yun in an instant, and stretched out his hand to grab the coffin.

  He is very confident in his ability. At least so far, he has not met anyone who can react when it explodes at extreme speed.

   But what he didn't expect was that Su Yun turned his head peacefully at this time, and looked at him expressionlessly.

   This made the Malay captain's eyes widen, and his heart was shocked.

How can it be?

  Can he see my movements?

  Before the captain of the Malay country figured it out, Su Yun slowly stretched out his left hand.

  Although everyone couldn't see the actions of the Malay captain, they could indeed see a special handprint gradually forming on Su Yun's left hand.

  At this moment, the extraordinary aura around Su Yun began to fluctuate like a tide, and quickly gathered between Su Yun's handprints.


   A soft drink came from Su Yun's mouth, and suddenly, a lingering force formed by the continuous condensing of extraordinary aura hit the heart of the Malay captain in an instant.


  The seventh-generation genetic man flew out in a flash, fell heavily to the ground and became silent.

   This scene shocked everyone, so that the surroundings fell into a dead silence.

   What kind of magical means is this?

  Can you still fight like this?

  Until a few seconds later, a trembling voice yelled with fear:

   "He...he is Daxia Daozu, Su Yun!"

  (end of this chapter)

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