MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 220 The second preaching, the whole country becomes immortal!

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  Chapter 220 The second sermon, the whole country becomes immortal!

  When Su Yun passed through the atmosphere at high speed, the surrounding temperature suddenly rose. Thanks to the extraordinary breath that isolated the heat, Su Yun was not affected in any way.

  After returning to Earth, Su Yun directly set his destination on Shengu Mountain.

  Due to the obvious increase in speed after returning to the earth, the time consumed during this period is also rapidly shortening.

  In the city, some white-collar workers working in high-rise buildings accidentally saw Su Yun's figure through the window.

   It's just that the outside of Su Yun is surrounded by flames, so he can't see clearly at all, and everyone just regards it as a meteorite.

   "Look, there are shooting stars during the day!"

   "Wow, snap a picture, I'm going to post it online!"

   "What else are you shooting, hurry up and make a wish, making a wish under the shooting stars is the most effective!"

  More and more people came to the window and looked at the "shooting star" curiously until it gradually disappeared out of sight.

  No one thought that it was not a shooting star at all, but Su Yun, the Dao ancestor of Daxia!

  As Su Yun got closer to Shengu Mountain, he immediately noticed the people standing on the top of the mountain.

   At this time, everyone is looking at this side, and their eyes are full of doubts.

  The police officers and soldiers who were searching the mountain also noticed the strange phenomenon in the sky above their heads at this moment. They stopped their search and looked at the mysterious flying object falling from the sky strangely.

  However, soon, as Su Yun's altitude became lower and lower, the line of sight of the military and police teams was gradually blocked by trees.

   They all looked at each other, obviously feeling confused about this.

   After a quick discussion, the police officers and soldiers who led the team decided to rush over to have a look.

  At the same time, Su Yun had already reached the ground, Su Guowei and others subconsciously took a step back, looking at the thing surrounded by flames in astonishment.

  Following Su Yun's thoughts, the extraordinary aura lingering around him gradually dissipated, and as the extraordinary aura dissipated, the burning flames also disappeared.

   "Su... Su Yun?"

  Su Guowei couldn't even react for a while, he looked at the figure in front of him in surprise, and couldn't believe his eyes.

  Xu Kui and others are also like this. After all, Su Yun's appearance is a bit too shocking.

  Yang Datou rubbed his eyes, and tentatively took a few steps ahead:

   "Su...Su Yun, is it really you?"

  Seeing Yang Datou's funny reaction, Su Yun smiled and nodded:

   "Of course, it's true!"


   Just as Su Yun's words fell, the stunned white monkey suddenly rushed over joyfully, and threw itself into Su Yun's arms.

  It licked and smelled Su Yun's face, and rubbed its head from time to time, as if to check whether Su Yun was injured, and kept expressing his longing for Su Yun.

  White Monkey's actions gradually brought everyone back to reality from shock.

  Everyone gathered around one after another, with astonishment on their faces.

   "Brother Su Yun, what is going on, why did you come down from the sky?"

  Lin Guodong pointed to the sky in astonishment, and still felt that the scene he saw just now was too unreal.

   "Yes, Su Yun, you really worry us.

  Before we found out that you were dead, we didn’t even believe that you just sat down like this.

  So we sealed off this mountain, protecting your physical body.

  But your physical body suddenly disappeared strangely, what is going on? "

  Xu Kui frowned and looked at Su Yun and asked. He was full of doubts and hoped to get answers from Su Yun.

  The people in front of them are all Su Yun's closest friends and family members, so Su Yun has no intention of hiding anything from them.

  He simply told everyone what happened during this period of time, but unexpectedly, the expressions on everyone's faces became more and more strange as they listened.

   "Uncle Su, are you really going out of your body? I thought it didn't exist at all!"

   Lin Xiao stared at Su Yun in astonishment and asked.

  Su Yun smiled and nodded:

   "That's right, when your cultivation reaches a certain level, you will understand.

  At that time, it was because I was wandering in the mind that my physical body lost its vitality.

   Fortunately, you have protected your physical body, otherwise it would be really troublesome. "

   "Su Yun, what does it feel like to fly to the moon? When can I learn to fly?"

  Yang Datou moved closer to Su Yun, looked at Su Yun expectantly and said.

   To this, Su Yun also answered seriously:

   "I have almost sorted out the cultivation method, and it will be popularized soon.

  When the time comes, everyone will have a chance…”

  Su Yun's tone was very peaceful. When he was talking about the things he experienced, it was as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

  But the astonishment in the hearts of the people did not decrease because of this. They were amazed by Su Yun's fugue, and even more shocked by the experience of Su Yun's physical body flying out of the earth.

  After finally learning the ins and outs of these things, everyone's attention finally focused on the coffin with a special shape and a very special material that Su Yun carried on his back.

   "Su Yun, what's going on with this coffin?"

  Su Guowei looked at Su Yun and asked in a deep voice, fathers are always like this, and rarely express their worries in front of their children.

  In the past, Su Guowei was most anxious to find Su Yun, but now after seeing Su Yun, he hid all his emotions in his heart.

   "Dad, this is the magic weapon I created. Although the shape is a bit unsatisfactory, the effect is very good..."

   Just as everyone surrounded Su Yun asking this and that, a large number of soldiers and police officers in the forest ran out one after another.

  They came chasing the previous flying object, but unexpectedly they saw Su Yun instead of the flying object.

   "Ancestor Dao! We have found Ancestor Dao!"

   Everyone was very excited when they saw Su Yun.

  They have been searching day and night for a long time in order to find Su Yun.

  Now Su Yun suddenly appeared. Although they didn't know the reason, the result was what the people wanted.

  The news of Su Yun was quickly conveyed to all the police stations and military areas that jointly searched for Su Yun. The mayor of Fancheng even came here in person after receiving the news, and he was relieved only after making sure that Su Yun was safe.

  Su Yun's disappearance is inexplicable, and his appearance is also surprising.

   But no matter what, this result made everyone happy, and the news about Su Yun naturally appeared on the Internet soon.

   "Ancestor Dao appears! Blessing of the Great Xia, Ancestor Dao is safe and sound!"

   "The Taoist ancestor returned from his travels, and the rumors are self-defeating!"

  Related titles quickly rushed to the hot searches, and Daxia seemed to have stepped into a national carnival.

  All the people were delighted by this, and the previous haze was swept away by the appearance of these news.

   "I just said, Daozu will not give up on us!"

   "By the way, who knows where Daozu traveled?"

   "There are rumors that Taoist ancestors descended from the sky, do you have any photos or something?"

  People on the Internet are curiously discussing where Su Yun traveled.

  However, there are not many insiders about this matter, and naturally they will not announce it.

  Shengu Village has returned to its former bustle. Almost every day, a large number of people from other places come here, just to witness the Taoist Xianzi with their own eyes.

  Su Yun lived in the back mountain temporarily, the back mountain was quiet, and Xu Kui had already greeted the local security area, a group of soldiers blocked the mountain road, otherwise outsiders could enter the back mountain.

   Only Su Yun's family and friends can enter and leave the back mountain.

  In the back mountain, Xu Jiajia accompanied Su Yun, listening to him talk about what happened during this period.

   This gave Xu Jiajia, who had no personal experience, an empathetic experience.

  She was curious about the wonderful state of fugue that Su Yun said, and even yearned for the unreachable lunar battlefield.

  Although the lunar battlefield has been made public now, if Xu Jiajia is willing, she can also become a member of the representative team.

  But she didn't want Su Yun to take risks because of herself. In other words, she didn't want Su Yun to be implicated again because of herself.

  Now Xu Jiajia is no longer as adventurous as before, and everything Su Yun has done for her has been remembered in her heart.

  Of course, Su Yun seldom gets along with Xu Jiajia alone. Yang Datou and Lin Xiao are like two followers, as if they are afraid that Su Yun will disappear again.

   In the next few days, Su Yun also returned to peace.

  What Su Yun needs to do has been completed, and the next step is to make the final perfection of the cultivation method and start preaching in the Great Xia.

  But what Su Yun didn't know was that the turmoil he caused didn't subside.


  Representative teams from various countries reported to the command room on the ground that Su Yun had been dug up in the third relic of the moon.

   This made many countries that originally thought that Su Yun had died a long time ago, all shocked.

   "What? The Taoist ancestor of Daxia was dug out in the third relic of the moon? Are you kidding me?"

  In the command room on the ground of the Atlantean Kingdom, the commander-in-chief looked at the returned news with a puzzled expression and frowned.

   "Fuck! This Su Yun, does he have three heads and six arms, so he can't die?"

  The bearded commander of Ice Bear Kingdom slapped the table angrily, with hatred in his eyes.

   "What? Daozu Daxia is not dead, so will we be retaliated against for our many actions against Daxia?"

  Different from big countries like Atlanta, small countries like Malay State are now uneasy.

  Before they believed that Su Yun was dead, so they dared to unscrupulously make trouble on the moon battlefield.

  But now it is said that Daxia Daozu is not dead, which makes it difficult for many small countries to ride a tiger inside and out.

   "From now on, you are not allowed to trouble Da Xia again, let's see the situation!"

  Each country issued such orders to their respective teams. The Daxia team, which was originally full of enemies, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

   During the in-depth excavation of the third relic, no other country came to plunder the resources of Daxia.

  Even if they meet each other on a narrow road, the other party will quickly evacuate without saying a word.

   Such a change made the Daxia team a little dumbfounded. This was the first time for them to experience this kind of experience.

   "What happened to these people recently? They all hid away. We found so many resources, and no one came to **** them."

  Master Gu muttered in bewilderment, but Zhou Xiaoxiao at the side smiled knowingly:

   "It must be because of Su Yun, the reason why they dared to be so presumptuous before was because they thought Su Yun was dead.

  But now, they have to be afraid, especially after learning about Su Yun's strength! "

  Facts are indeed as Zhou Xiaoxiao said, all countries have already learned that Su Yun can move freely in a vacuum environment without any protective measures.

   And he shot at will, easily defeating the seven-generation gene man with extreme speed.

  This made each country feel even more uncertain, and began to frantically collect information everywhere, trying to figure out what kind of strength Su Yun has now.

   Daxia is full of joy in the country, but everyone in Daxia is in danger abroad.

   All this is because of Su Yun, but Su Yun is completely out of it at the moment.

  On this day, Su Yun sat quietly in the back mountain as usual, Xu Jiajia quietly accompanied Su Yun, Yang Datou and Lin Xiao sat cross-legged on the left and right like Su Yun's Dharma protectors.

  But at this moment, a helicopter slowly landed from the sky, and it was Zhao Guofeng who got off the helicopter.

  Su Yun opened his eyes, he was not puzzled by Zhao Guofeng's arrival.

   "Old Zhao, I know you will come, you have a lot of doubts, just ask, I will answer them one by one."

  Hearing what Su Yun said, Zhao Guofeng sat cross-legged in front of Su Yun without any airs:

   "Brother, I have figured out all the other issues, but there is only one thing that I need to confirm with your own words.

   Nantianmen encountered a meteorite crisis before, and an unknown energy appeared, which reversed the situation.

  I want to know if this matter has anything to do with you.

   Or, could that unknown energy be you? "

   Regarding this, Su Yun smiled peacefully and nodded:

   "That's right, it's just a coincidence, my first official fugue tour, I wanted to visit Nantianmen.

   I happened to encounter a crisis, so I helped to solve it, which is not worth mentioning. "

  Su Yun said it very calmly, but for Zhao Guofeng who had already guessed in his heart, this still made him feel very shocked.

   "Brother, the fugue you mentioned is the kind of soul out of body that I understand?"

   "Almost, but not quite. It's hard to explain. Only after you have enough cultivation, can you understand what is Yin God and Yang God."

  Zhao Guofeng nodded thoughtfully. The purpose of his visit this time was to answer the doubts in his heart.

  Secondly, it is to ask about things that have been shelved for a long time and are related to the future of Great Xia.

   "Brother, the first batch of pioneers in cultivation, played an extremely important role in various positions.

   But no matter what we try, the pioneers have no way to lead others to practice.

  Only you can do it. On behalf of all the people of Great Xia, I want to ask.

   When will all the people be able to cultivate? "

  Zhao Guofeng's eyes were full of anticipation, but after Su Yun heard this, he smiled and thought for a moment before he said:

   "You came at the right time. I have finished the final perfection of the cultivation method. Therefore, starting tomorrow, I can start a new round of evangelism and popularize the whole people.

   This time, everyone in Daxia is like a dragon, everyone can practice, and the whole country will become immortal! "

  (end of this chapter)

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