MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 222 The new realm is open, and the whole people are sensational

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  Chapter 222 The new realm is released, causing a sensation among the people

  In the next few days, the pioneers left one after another after gaining some insight into this practice.

  They will take on the heavy responsibility of preaching, but before that, they still need to return to the Asking Bureau. The specific who will preach in which dojo needs to be arranged by the Asking Bureau.

  The people in Daxia are looking forward to the day of May 27th, and the official level has even issued notices on the basis of each province.

  Starting from May 27th, during the seven-day evangelism for the whole people, except for important units, all other work will be suspended.

   All the staff asked, stepping into practice, the personnel of important units will arrange time alone to learn and practice.

  On the other hand, the official personnel who had recorded Su Yun's sermons one by one in Shengu Mountain also began to step up their efforts to sort out these documents, archive them quickly, and circulate them internally.

  But if you want to say that the busiest official department is the Asking Bureau.

  The department itself was born to manage practitioners. This time, Su Yun's second sermon is naturally very important to the Wendao Bureau.

  In the Wendao Bureau, there is a special education office. All the knowledge and concepts of practice that are currently included in the teaching scope come from the Education Office of the Wendao Bureau.

  What Su Yun said during his second sermon was recorded one by one and sorted out in this education office.

  Director He Zimu has been very busy these two days, but he also enjoyed it.

  He knew very well what Su Yun's second sermon meant to Daxia.

   For this reason, he is very fortunate, and he can still hope to see the day when Daxia develops rapidly on the road of cultivation in his lifetime.

  In order to keep up with the pace of the technological age, Mr. He Zimu followed the trend very closely and asked people to register for the official account of the Asking Bureau.

  In this official account, He Zimu's foundation of ancient culture research can also be well utilized.

  During the sermon, what Su Yun said was obscure and difficult to understand. If the original words were spoken, few people would be able to understand them.

   Therefore, He Zimu always undertakes the translation work himself, explaining Su Yun's obscure words in vernacular, and posting them on the official website for everyone to learn.

   "Tao produces all things, how does it produce Tao? Desire is also the one that changes. Seek the unchanging Tao in the change, and seek the order in the desire."

   Translation: Rule everything, how to rule, one word is clear.

  Everything has a heart, and the heart produces all desires. Desires are moments, and moments are for one's own use...

   In order to avoid that everyone would not understand, He Zimu used what Su Yun said as a basis to explain Su Yun's Tao in as much detail as possible.

  This made those who were at a loss find the direction of learning one after another.

   The official website of the Wendao Bureau became more and more popular, and it was once on the top of the hot search.

  This is exactly what the national level wants to see, and the Asking Bureau has fully played its due responsibility and responsibility at this moment.

  Hundreds of pioneers returned to the inquiry bureau one after another at this moment, and joined in the finishing work together.

  The key points mentioned by Su Yun in his second sermon were recorded one by one, and after annotations were made, they were quickly posted on the official website.

  However, when a new article was published on the official website, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

  In less than five minutes after the article was published, the number of hits has already exceeded the 100,000 mark, approaching one million.

  The appearance of this article is like a blockbuster dropped into the water.

   When it detonated, a stormy sea was set off.

   "Daozu's second sermon, indicating the division of realms of practice, the details are as follows, the practitioners encourage themselves..."

  The title of this article makes more and more people click to view it.

  Everyone is very clear that it is very important for all those who are about to enter the practice to clarify the division of the realm of practice.

  In this article, every word has been compared one by one by the pioneers to ensure that each realm is what Su Yun said, without any personal ideas mixed in it.

   Not long after this article was published, the mainstream media of all parties quickly followed up, and the leading domestic self-media short video platform followed closely behind.

  The content of the article has entered the eyes of everyone overwhelmingly in various forms.

  The division of realms of practice has become the hottest topic at the moment, and everyone is talking about it.

   "Great Xia Wendao Bureau's practice system stage division."

  1) The Taoist ancestor expressly stated that those who enter the Tao need to practice diligently and constantly break through to a higher level of practice.

  This way is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. All cultivators must listen carefully. "

  2) Practitioners must meet the requirements of practice according to the method passed down by the Taoist ancestors before they can hit a higher stage of practice.

  Don’t be impatient, lest you go mad…”

   3) Daozu personally said that there are six realms of practice for practitioners from low to high.

  Respectively, they are Yuji, Asking Questions, Seeing the Truth, Traveling in the Mind, Heaven and Earth, and Ying Jie.

  Different realms are subdivided as follows:

  First Realm: Yuji

   Interpretation: Introduce a ray of qi, master your own means.

   It's like the pioneers who entered the Tao through technology, that's the reason.

  Second realm: asking questions

   Interpretation: The cultivator can perceive the extraordinary breath, and then step into this realm.

  Third Realm: Seeing the Truth

   Interpretation: Eliminate the six thieves, cut off the demons of the heart, understand the mind and see the nature, and understand the truth.

  Fourth Realm: Imaginative Tour

  Interpretation: As the name suggests, gods can leave the body and travel around the world.

  Fifth Realm: Heaven and Earth

  Interpretation: Both the physical body and the spiritual consciousness are free from the shackles of the heaven and the earth, words and deeds are in line with the Tao, and the practice of the law is done.

  Sixth Realm: Ying Jie

   Interpretation: In this realm, one will inevitably experience internal or external catastrophe, which is a catastrophe! "

  These six realms are the way of cultivation that Su Yun sorted out.

  At the same time, Su Yun is also very clear that there must be a higher realm above this sixth realm.

   It's just that Su Yun, who is currently in the fifth realm, can't comprehend this point for the time being, so he naturally doesn't know what the next realm will be.

  But for the present, when all the people of Great Xia cultivate, the current six realms are enough.

  The full disclosure of the realm of practice has aroused heated discussions among the people, not to mention, it has also led to many other reforms.

  In the newly published educational textbooks, the divisions that clearly define the realm are incorporated into the new teaching plan.

  And under the leadership of the Wendao Bureau, the compulsory education of the practice system is gradually taking shape in the meetings and discussions one after another.

  Children in the future will gradually understand and step into practice while they are in school.

  The pioneers re-created inter-class exercises for various schools, integrating basic practice and action skills into it, and even sitting cross-legged has systematic teaching and standards.

  At the same time, the country is also adjusting the laws of taboos, which will adapt to the new social form that will emerge after the whole people enter the cultivation in the future.

  The national evangelism has not yet officially started, but the Great Xia Kingdom is already fully prepared.


  Just as the attention of the whole people was on the newly divided realm of practice, there were more than a hundred pioneers gathered in the Hall of Asking Questions at this moment.

  At this moment, they were standing solemnly in the hall, wearing the same white robes.

  Today is May 26th, which means that tomorrow will be an unprecedented day for all people to practice Taoism.

  One day in advance, He Zimu specially issued a summoning order, and all the pioneers rushed here.

   "Everyone, tomorrow is a grand day for Great Xia, and it is even more important for the pioneers of cultivation.

   Daozu preached for the second time, teaching everyone the cultivation method, so that Daxia has the way to enter and the method to practice.

   Therefore, convening everyone is to respond to the words of Daozu's sermon.

  Cultivators need to follow the way of heaven, respect the way of heaven, the law must have its foundation, and the way must have its source.

   Fellow cultivators, you don’t need me to say much about the source of Dao, right? "

  Following He Zimu's voice, all the hundred pioneers said in unison:

   "A dangerous mountain top, an extraordinary ancestral home!"

  He Zimu nodded approvingly:

   "That's right, so before tomorrow's national evangelism, all cultivators are invited to go to Tianxian Mountain to pay homage to the extraordinary ancestors.

   Please bear the testimony of the sages and tell the world that my Great Xia has officially entered the era of practice! "

   Everyone naturally had no objection to this, so they set off from the capital and rushed to Tianxian Mountain soon.

   Today's Tianxian Mountain has been developed on a large scale because of the extraordinary ancestral home, forming the Tianxian Mountain Scenic Area.

  However, any tourist can only watch from a distance, and cannot enter the ancestral courtyard.

   But even so, there are still many people who come here every day, worshiping in the direction of the ancestral court, praying for safety.

  When hundreds of pioneers felt the foot of Tianxian Mountain, the management department of the scenic spot quickly dispatched, suspended all play equipment and evacuated tourists, and made way for a road to the top of the mountain.

  All the tourists stood in the distance and looked towards this side enviously, watching the pioneers walk up the mountain road, getting closer and closer to the extraordinary ancestral home.

  Following the sound of the ritual instruments in the ancestral court, three pillars of high incense were inserted into the censer, and hundreds of pioneers bowed and bowed in front of the Taoist monument.

  The tourists at the foot of the mountain, when they heard the sound of the magic weapon, spontaneously folded their hands and knelt down, facing the Chaofan ancestral court, chanting the name of the Taoist ancestor in their hearts, and worshiped devoutly.

  In their hearts, Su Yun is a more supreme existence than gods.

  He opened up a new future for Daxia and brought a brand new path of practice for everyone.

  The name of Taoist ancestor has such a full weight in the heart of everyone in Daxia.

   Even though Su Yun is not here at the moment, there are still tens of thousands of people bowing down and praising the name of Dao Patriarch.

  In the extraordinary ancestral court, three pillars of high incense and green smoke curled up. After paying homage to the Taoist ancestral stele, He Zimu lit the yellow watch paper full of words with high incense.

   "May 26, 2065 in the Western calendar, the sixth day of April in the Yiyou year of the Great Xia calendar.

  The pioneers of practice worship their ancestors, and then they will follow the order of the Taoist ancestors and create the road of Daxia practice.

  Hereby today, burn the watch to sacrifice to heaven, and call the world..."

   "Following the order of the Taoist ancestor, create the road of Daxia practice. Burn the watch to sacrifice to the sky, and call the world!"

   Hundreds of cultivators said in unison, the voice was deafening, as if blowing into the sky with the wind.

  A ray of sunlight shines through the clouds, like the current summer, seeing the sun through the mist...

  The entire ceremony lasted a full four hours. After that, it also meant that the pioneers had to embark on different paths.

  Currently, there are eight dojos across the country, and these are the places where Su Yun once preached.

  There are ten pioneers going to each ashram. You don’t need to think about it. The preaching place will be overcrowded by then, so a group of ten people is also to better stabilize the order of the scene.

  The remaining 20 people were sent to various important units.

  Education Bureau, Law Enforcement Office, General Affairs Office, etc...

  They will assist the country to quickly improve everything related to the era of practice, including the education system, including the impact of practice on the current legal system, and even on contemporary science.

  Although these twenty pioneers will not directly participate in evangelism, they will still shine in places that are invisible to everyone.

  They are Su Yun's spokespersons, and all changes are based on Su Yun's philosophy when he preached.

  In order to ensure the day of evangelism for the whole people, Daxia suspended all international exchanges.

  During the preaching period, people from China could not go out, and people from abroad could not come in.

  At the same time, the security department also quickly launched an internal investigation process to remove all minions planted by other countries.

  The Tiannao satellite activated a nationwide shielding system. During the evangelization period, no satellite from any other country was able to monitor the ground influence of Daxia, let alone gain insight into the evangelism.

  The current Great Xia has become a solid plate, and the large-scale use of the Robo-Cop has made it possible to see the staged inspections of the Robo-Cop almost everywhere in the past few days.

  With such unprecedented strength, the mission day came as scheduled.

  Early this morning, the noisy cities seemed to be empty in an instant.

  Rongyang City Dojo was established in the university, but now it is overcrowded.

   Zhou Xiaoxiao and others were assigned to this dojo, and they were going to preach here.

   Fortunately, there are ten people in a group, so Rongyang City Dojo can be used as the main dojo, and small sub-dojos can be set up separately to disperse the pressure of the main dojo.

  People from the surrounding cities came here one after another, all the public transport vehicles were almost full, and private cars were directly parked in all the surrounding parking lots.

  A large number of Robocops are conducting ground security. Zhang Zhenghuai and others even cooperate with police forces from other cities who came to support them to maintain order on the scene.

  In the sky, the helicopters of both the military and the police are constantly circling. Among them are reporters from the mainstream media, who are recording news on the helicopters.

   This happens in other dojos too, and only more so.

   Guanchaojiang Dojo is crowded with people. Since the establishment of Guanchaojiang Scenic Area, there have never been so many people.

   With Guanchao River as the main dojo, there are nine sub-dojos, all of which are overcrowded.

   But don't look at the crowds, but there is no crowding or commotion.

  Everyone looked devoutly at the pioneers in the cultivation world on the lecture platform. According to what the pioneers said, they all sat cross-legged in place. What a spectacular scene.


   At the same time, the sacred land of Shengu Mountain, the foot of the mountain was completely blocked, and Zhao Guofeng stood by Su Yun's side.

  Following Su Yun, who was sitting cross-legged quietly, slowly opened his eyes, Zhao Guofeng also looked over curiously.

  Su Yun slowly raised his head to look at the sky, then murmured lightly:

   "It's almost time, it's about time... I preach to the world today, and I will bring peace to the practice of the world! From now on, everyone will be able to realize the extraordinary!"

   Before Zhao Guofeng could react, he saw Su Yun jumping up, his figure frozen in midair, with a dignified expression!

  (end of this chapter)

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