MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 234 The sixth realm? !

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  Chapter 234 The sixth realm? !

  At this moment, Su Yun is still within the scope of the solar system, and in this state of fugue, it can clearly see the big fireball that illuminates many planets without being affected in the slightest.

  Different from what most people think, this solar system is not a regular sphere, but more like a durian with an indeterminate shape.

  Multiple planets are in the solar system, which makes the solar system like the human stomach.

   There are countless stars in it, and it would take Su Yun quite a bit of time to travel through the solar system.

  However, since Su Yun at this time does not belong to the conventional physical form, the speed is naturally not affected by the physical conclusion.

  The universe is always expanding, and the expansion speed exceeds the speed of light.

  According to the physical theories known to the earth, the speed limit is the speed of light, so it seems that someone artificially created a barrier, so that human beings can never reach the edge of the universe and see the truth they want to hide.

  But in Su Yun's fugue state, the speed he can explode easily exceeds the speed of light.

  So the edge of the solar system is getting closer and closer, leaving the solar system, Su Yun has to break through the Milky Way, which has a diameter of 100,000 light years.

  The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy with an elliptical disk shape and a huge disk structure.

  In the depths of the ellipse, the stars that were only the size of sesame seeds when viewed from the earth looked up, but at this moment, all of them showed the true side of behemoths.

   At this time, the temperature of Su Yun's environment has reached 273.15°C, which is also called absolute zero.

   It is precisely because of the complexity of the cosmic environment that it is difficult to reach the point of interstellar travel no matter how the earth's technology develops.

  If you want to rely on technology to travel through galaxies, you must break through the existing physical limits and reach an absolute speed that exceeds the speed of light.

  Secondly, it is also necessary to ensure that all equipment and instruments can still operate normally in an absolute zero environment. The difficulty of this can be imagined.

  The most appropriate adjective for human beings to the universe is the word vast.

  But after actually being in it, everyone realized that the word vast is still somewhat one-sided in describing its universe.

  When Su Yun passed through the solar system and entered the Milky Way, all he could see were stars and a large number of star clusters and nebulae.

  This shocking scene made Su Yun's thoughts fluctuate. Since ancient times, only Su Yun, a human being, has seen the whole picture of the Milky Way intuitively from this perspective.

  The mass of the entire Milky Way is 1.5 trillion times that of the sun, which makes Su Yun as small as a speck of dust.

  The galaxy in the sky is dotted with different lights in the dark universe. The poet calls this romance, and Su Yun calls it Lixin.

  At this time, Su Yun just realized that his vision and mind are too small compared to the vast universe.

   Now he is called Daozu on the earth, but in this galaxy, what is he?

  Human science and technology cannot see through the truth of the universe. There are 4,000 stars in the vast Milky Way, and no one knows what is hidden in it.

  When Su Yun broke through the solar system, he sensed a sharp increase in the concentration of extraordinary aura around him.

  The extraordinary aura here is even more massive than the extraordinary aura in the solar system.

  This made Su Yun quickly realize that in different environments, seemingly the same energy actually has an absolute difference in quality.

  This means that maybe in other galaxies, on a planet that is similar to the earth, because of the difference in mass, the creatures that exist on that planet are inherently stronger than the people on earth.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun became more eager to explore the universe. He quickly accelerated his speed and gradually merged into the vast galaxy.

   Even if you are not a professional photographer here, you can still leave a shocking picture with a random shot.

  As a person on earth, Su Yun has imagined the appearance of the Milky Way many times, but this bright and dazzling intuitive feeling can only be experienced when he comes here.

  Although compared to the photos circulating on the Internet, the actual Milky Way is not so colorful.

  It is in a light white form, embedded high in the night, and it was surrounded by twinkling stars, but at this moment it has become a huge star body.

  In the long river of time, what human beings can see is only one billionth of the universe.

  The moment the Milky Way is captured by the naked eye, it can only be a corner of the bright stars.

   Only when you are really in it can you clearly realize that it has color, it will flicker, and at the same time it is more ancient and unchanged.

  Of course, in addition to this suffocating beauty, there is always a death-like ethereal feeling throughout the galaxy.

  Su Yun shuttled between various stars in a fugue attitude.

  He clearly exists, but it seems that he never existed.

  Like Schrödinger's cat in a box, no one can make any conclusions before opening it.

  At this time, Su Yun was also immersed in a special and wonderful experience. He seemed to be integrated with the stars in the sky that he could only look up to from afar, and turned into a floating dust in this ethereal.

   This naturally caused a great shock to Su Yun's state of mind, so he felt that there was something more in his mind, but he couldn't spy on it.

   Just when Su Yun was completely immersed in this experience, a special feeling came suddenly.

  For some reason, Su Yun felt an extremely powerful attraction, which could even distort the invisible matter around him.

  A sense of crisis welled up in Su Yun's heart, and he immediately diffused his extraordinary aura, but what he didn't expect was...

   Even the extraordinary breath was sucked away uncontrollably in one direction within a few seconds after it was released.

  Su Yun stopped immediately, stood in this empty galaxy, and looked in the direction where the extraordinary aura dissipated just now.

  There was nothing there, but the surrounding space seemed to be distorted, gradually forming a vortex.

  In that direction, there is no bright galaxy, no vast stars, only boundless darkness and the fear hidden in the darkness, which is constantly deepening in people's hearts.

   "Is that... a black hole?"

  In Su Yun's mind, a startling thought suddenly appeared.

  Everyone knows that black holes exist in space, and all the photos and descriptions of black holes circulating on the Internet are in a whirlpool state.

   But in fact, black holes are invisible at all, because the density of black holes is that not even light can escape.

  Many people on Earth used to think that if a super huge searchlight was pointed at a black hole, it would make the black hole appear.

   But in reality, all light will be absorbed by the black hole, and nothing will be seen.

  This is why, human beings' understanding of black holes is still limited to simulation and imagination, and no one has ever really seen how a black hole exists.

  At this moment, Su Yun could clearly perceive that his soul was being quickly attracted in one direction by an invisible energy.

  Even though Su Yun tried his best to control himself, he still couldn't escape this attraction.

  The black hole itself is a special celestial body of the general theory of relativity, and its basic feature is a closed boundary called the event horizon of the black hole.

  Outside matter and radiation will be sucked into the event horizon by gravity, but things inside the event horizon cannot escape to the outside.


   This made Su Yun realize his current situation very quickly, because even his soul was being affected by the gravitational force of the black hole at this moment, approaching the black hole completely uncontrollably, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

  Su Yun used his extraordinary aura to the limit, and he could only perceive a chaotic point in this distorted space, but he couldn't see the whole picture at all.

  So once Su Yun is sucked into the world by the black hole, even Su Yun, who is in the state of fugue, will not be able to escape from this place.

   This made Su Yun explode in an instant. He continuously compressed all the extraordinary aura in his soul to improve the quality of his soul.

  But if he wants to surpass the black hole in the quality of his soul, in the current state of absorbing the extraordinary breath, Su Yun will spend at least 30 years without eating or drinking.

  So Su Yun could only use this to delay the time when he was sucked into the black hole, and at the same time racked his brains to think about what to do.

  Unless, its own speed can exceed the absolute speed of light...

  Su Yun's expression became more and more dignified, and he never thought that in this vast universe, there is actually such a stumbling block.

  Earth scientists have made a conceptual assessment before. If a spacecraft wants to escape the earth’s gravity and enter the planetary system, the space speed must reach at least 11.2 kilometers per second, otherwise it will never escape the control of the earth’s gravity.

  The speed of 11.2 kilometers per second is the minimum speed required for any object to escape from the gravitational field of the earth, so it is also called the escape speed of the earth.

   At the moment Su Yun's spirit left the earth, the maximum speed had reached 40 kilometers per second, so he could easily leave the earth and enter the vast universe.

  The gravitational force of the sun is much greater than that of the earth, so the escape velocity of the sun is 618 kilometers per second.

  Going one step further on this basis, if the escape velocity of a celestial body exceeds the speed of light, then even light cannot escape from it, and black holes exist like this.

   This quickly formed a bold idea in Su Yun's mind.

  Currently in the scientific theory of the earth, no matter can escape from the black hole.

  Because light is the fastest thing in the universe, so if even light cannot escape from a black hole, then other things cannot escape either.

  But this concept is obviously not valid in Su Yun's state of mind, and since the alien spacecraft can come to the earth, it means that they already have the technology that exceeds the speed of light.

  The top concept of the speed of light is only limited to earth science, so if you want to escape from a black hole, you can only go faster than light.

  The speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second, and this speed is also the limit of Su Yun's spiritual state.

   But if he wants to escape from the shackles of the black hole, Su Yun can only try his best.

  As a large amount of extraordinary aura is not only compressed in Su Yun's soul, Su Yun's own quality is also constantly rising.

  At this moment, Su Yun's soul has begun to shake unsteadily. This is the first time Su Yun has tried to break through the absolute limit in this state, so the pain he is suffering at this moment can be imagined.

  Su Yun is now like an inflated balloon, the extraordinary aura is getting more and more compressed, and its total mass has far exceeded his own tolerance.

   But even so, Su Yun still gritted his teeth, frantically absorbing the extraordinary aura around him.

  Now he has no time to filter the impurities in the extraordinary breath, he can only reduce the influence of the black hole through this continuous compression.

  Of course, this kind of effort is really insignificant in the face of a huge black hole.

  But what Su Yun wanted to do was not like that. As his hands gradually gathered in front of his chest, he made a handprint.

   Immediately after he opened his eyes, the extraordinary aura that he had compressed to the limit suddenly spread towards the surroundings.


   This scene is like a huge mushroom cloud created by an atomic bomb thrown into the universe, and the air waves around Su Yun suddenly exploded.

   At the moment when the air waves spread, Su Yun could clearly see that due to the influence of the black hole's gravity, all the air waves quickly formed a vortex around his body, and the surrounding space seemed to be following this vortex, constantly distorting.


  But Su Yun didn't hesitate at all, he took advantage of this powerful burst of power to maximize his speed.

   An afterimage remained in place, and then disappeared in an instant.

  Su Yun frantically flew towards the opposite direction of the black hole's gravitational force. He could feel the gravitational force formed by the black hole, like an invisible barrier, dragging him tightly, preventing him from escaping.

  But Su Yun obviously didn't want to accept his fate. He clenched his right fist tightly, and a huge extraordinary aura gathered on his right fist, and even gradually revealed its shape.

   That was golden rays of light, converging on Su Yun's right fist, still superimposing continuously.

  Su Yun's body was filled with a sea-like extraordinary aura. This was a risky move he had never tried before.

  But in this situation, Su Yun has nothing else to do.

  So at this moment, even his eyes were shining with golden light, just like a true **** in the world.

  As Su Yun sensed the extraordinary breath in his body, he was once again on the verge of the limit of the state of mind and soul.

   This made Su Yun grit his teeth fiercely, his eyes glowed fiercely.

   "Break it!"

  Su Yun punched towards the void in front of him, and the golden light flew out ferociously like a dragon.

   This punch acted on the invisible barrier formed by the gravity of the black hole. Su Yun continued to exert strength on his right fist, and this punch almost exhausted all his energy.

   At this moment, Su Yun, including everything around him, seemed to have stepped into a frozen state of nothingness.

  At this moment, Su Yun couldn't even perceive the gravity of the black hole that seemed to be everywhere.

  Clear mind and see nature...

  In front of Su Yun's eyes, the vast Milky Way seemed to turn into a leaf on the tree in an instant, and standing in front of the leaf, he could even clearly see every inch of veins on the leaf.

  Although this scene only lasted for a moment, in the depths of Su Yun's consciousness, it seemed that a shackle was loosened.

  The sixth realm?

  Su Yun's eyes lit up, and he seemed to feel an unprecedented power hidden in his body.

  Just like this galaxy, vast and boundless...

  (end of this chapter)

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