MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 254 The catastrophe of Taoist ancestors, the great tear of the universe

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  Chapter 254 The catastrophe of Taoist ancestors, the universe is torn apart

   If it's just a meteorite, the alien warship doesn't even need to move. Even though it will be hit by the meteorite, these impacts will not have any impact on the ship itself.

  But the reason why the commander-in-chief reacted so strongly was a brilliant light blue light in the vast universe behind Su Yun.

  This light seems to be alive, and it has been blooming in a specific way like a flower.

   Every time it blooms, the area covered by the light blue light will double, and the speed is extremely fast.

  Because of the appearance of this light blue light, the space agency quickly issued the highest level of alarm.

  The voice of Zhang Keqi sounded on 13 battlefields, and people all over the world could hear his voice:

   "The earth is about to usher in a brief flash, no one should look up at the sky, everyone must stay in the protective cover!"

  The protective cover that Zhang Keqi said is actually the extraordinary barrier formed by the practitioners.

  Although people were puzzled, they followed suit immediately.

   In the short period of time Zhang Keqi gave the warning, the area covered by the light blue light expanded several times again, and it was rushing towards Su Yun at this moment.

   "That's, it's Y-rays!"

  All the aliens are panicking at this moment, because the gamma rays are a strong energy that will be produced after a star explodes.

  They scatters across the universe at the speed of light, and travels through time and space to launch into different galaxies, which is a disaster for all living beings.

  The alarm issued by Zhang Keqi is also for this reason, because if the external rays reach the earth, the brightness of the sky is enough to blind people instantly. If compared with the brightness of the sun, the difference between it and the sun is equivalent to the difference between the sun and a candle.

  The sudden appearance of this energy made all the scientists fearful. They were not sure whether the y-rays would come to the earth, but they had to warn in advance.

  If a huge amount of Y-rays is flashed, it is equivalent to a simultaneous explosion of 100 times the earth's nuclear bombs. At the moment before the body organs are boiled by the strong rays, there may not even be time to speak.

  Assuming that even if you can get away with not being hit by the rays, the terrible death radiation will slowly erode the entire earth.

  Water will flow from the faucet, the ozone layer will disappear randomly, and all ecosystems will be destroyed in an instant.

  The wonderful light blue light finally covered Su Yun in it after a while. The commander of the alien fleet saw this and frantically issued an evacuation order.

  At this time, Su Yun had no choice but to retreat, because he knew very well that this was the catastrophe that came when the universe rejected him after he left the earth!

  On Earth, it is called Thunder Tribulation, but in the universe, it can be called Heaven Tribulation.

  But no matter what kind of catastrophe it is, it is just a name. In fact, it is the entire universe’s rejection of existence beyond the conservation of energy!

   In other words, this is the universe erasing this out-of-bounds energy object!

  Even if Su Yun has been on the earth to cross the catastrophe, after passing through the rejection of the earth, it will also attract the rejection of the universe, and then the earth will be implicated instead.

  Therefore, Su Yun came directly to outer space after the completion of the earth's robbing, intending to end the robbing here.

  As long as he successfully survives the catastrophe of repulsion in the universe, then Su Yun can continue to practice, at least within a few realms, will not exceed the scope of cosmic energy, and will no longer face difficulties.

  Unless Su Yun reaches a new dimension of power, he will face the repulsion of cosmic energy here and bring disaster!

  How terrifying is the energy contained in this ray, once he leaves from here, the ray is likely to spread to the earth.

   Below are the three platforms, and below the three platforms is the blue planet.

  Su Yun didn't want his Transcendence Tribulation to bring such a disaster to the earth, so he immediately mobilized the extraordinary aura around him, forming an energy composed of golden light.

   This time Su Yun no longer passively endured, but took the initiative to attack.


   The collision of the two absolute forces suddenly triggered a burst of energy.

  The alien battleship covered by energy instantly began to shake violently, and even some aliens on the deck had no time to escape and hide, their hard metal bodies were directly pierced by the rays, and they fell to the ground and died.

   But after that, the alien battleship quickly formed a barrier made of pure energy, which barely blocked the Y-rays.

  But the commander-in-chief is really at a loss at this moment. First came the meteorite, then the y-ray. The originally peaceful universe suddenly became dangerous because of the appearance of this person covered with golden light.

   "What the **** is he? Since he is an Earthling, how could he have power far beyond Earth's technology?"


   Just when the commander-in-chief was astonished, he suddenly noticed red lightning flashing across the sky.

  Lightning is naturally impossible in this universe, so the commander-in-chief pointed to the red lightning on the screen, and shouted in an extremely weird voice:

   " that the big rip?"

   "Master, a large amount of dark energy has been detected, and we are now within the range of the Great Rip!"

  The commander-in-chief took a few steps back, watching this scene in astonishment.

  y-rays are already regarded as extremely destructive and very rare existences in cosmic disasters.

  But what he didn't expect was that today, the y-rays and the big tear actually appeared at the same time.

  There is always a mysterious energy called dark energy in the universe. Astronomers on earth have never figured out what this dark energy is.

  But if this energy is too large, it can even cause space-time splitting, and according to scientists' speculation, dark energy may be the cause of the birth of the universe after the Big Bang, in other words, they created the universe.

   Their power can randomly scatter any principle in the world. Once they encounter such a big tearing disaster, it is like turning off all the lights. This is the end of time and the end of the entire universe.

   When you haven't been able to figure out the situation, you have lived up to your existence.

  The sky was filled with dark red lightning, enveloping Su Yun and the battleship. Every lightning flashed, and a gap could be seen being torn open in the dark universe.

   This tyrannical force hit Su Yun's body. While Su Yun had to contend with the Y-rays, he also had to deal with the tearing dark energy all over the sky, and soon showed signs of decline.

   In a moment of trance, Su Yun was struck by a dark energy body. In an instant, a deep scar appeared on Su Yun's body.

   What's even more frightening is that the scar is constantly spreading, as if it is going to swallow the whole person instead.

  In desperation, Su Yun could only force the soul out of the body, and controlled the extraordinary aura through the soul to protect his body.

  y-ray is the absolute destruction of the body, and dark energy is the fatal damage to the soul.

  Therefore, after Su Yun repaired the physical wounds, he quickly let his soul return to his body.

  Otherwise, once the soul is hit by dark energy, I am afraid it will dissipate into nothingness in an instant.

  Even Su Yun was in such a mess, not to mention the alien main battleship. The huge battleship was like a striking target, and was soon surrounded by powerful dark energy.

   Corrosion-like gaps appeared on the hull of the main battleship soon, and the gap was still expanding. All the aliens who wanted to come to the gap to repair it had completely evaporated before they got close.

   "It's impossible, it's impossible!"

   These were the last words spoken by the commander-in-chief of the alien warship. He was torn into powder by the dark energy before he even had time to report back the news.

  Watching the huge space battleship turn into ashes, Su Yun couldn't breathe a sigh of relief at this moment.

   Next, he will survive in this quiet and lonely universe until the end of the catastrophe.

  Everyone on the three major platforms raised their heads and stared at Su Yun's figure. Meteorites, Y-rays, and even big tearing disasters all gathered around Su Yun.

  In order to prevent the three major platforms and the earth from being affected, Su Yun specially mobilized the extraordinary aura to form a barrier to protect human beings.

  In the satellite images, the leaders of various countries sweated for Su Yun one after another, and at the same time prayed for Su Yun secretly in their hearts.

  Staying under such a disaster, everyone knows that the chance of Su Yun surviving is very slim.

  All practitioners on the battlefield can witness the scene of Su Yun crossing the catastrophe through the military channel.

  The power of repulsion is directly proportional to the energy of the person who overcomes the catastrophe. It does not mean that after reaching this state, he will experience the same disaster.

  Based on the different strengths of practitioners, the rejection they will receive after reaching this level will also be different.

  There will never be a second cultivator in the world who will endure the self-destructive rejection of the earth and the universe like Su Yun.

  At this time, Su Yun, in the golden light, could only grit his teeth and hold on.

  No matter where he escapes, as long as he has not been recognized by the universe, he will always invite such a disaster.

  Once you start to choose to overcome the catastrophe head-on, you will have no way out, either you will survive until the catastrophe is over, or you will be buried in the catastrophe.

   The crooked rays lingering around Su Yun's body are very gorgeous, and people who don't know the truth may even think that this may be a fairyland.

  But only Su Yun, who has experienced it himself, knows that this is hell.

  Because the y-rays are eroding the protective barrier all the time, Su Yun's physical body is also being torn and repaired one after another.

  The dark matter lingering in the sky at the same time is a great threat to Su Yun's soul.

  Even the extraordinary aura mobilized by Su Yun can disappear suddenly amidst the flickering of dark matter.

   This is a more terrifying existence than a black hole, it can crush any kind of energy.

  The absolute matter that constitutes the universe can also destroy the entire universe.

  Su Yun didn't know how long he lasted, until his consciousness became more and more blurred, and there were countless wounds all over his body, and at the same time, his bones could be seen deeply due to continuous corrosion.

   Could it be that this is the only way...

  Su Yun asked himself over and over again in his heart, but as his consciousness became more and more vague about this question, he seemed to have an answer.

  Looking at the quiet universe for the last time, all the alien battleships have been destroyed, and Su Yun's heart became a little quieter.

  He bought more time for mankind. Although he may have no future to speak of, human beings still retain the spark of hope after all.

  However, at this moment, everyone was keenly aware that the gamma rays were no longer raging as before, and the dark matter also began to shrink sharply.

  Su Yunqiang supported his only consciousness to spread his own perception, only to find that the y-rays were gradually dissipating, and the dark matter disappeared in an instant.

   "Success? Success!"

  In just a few seconds, the surrounding area returned to normal again.

  All meteorites have been crushed by dark matter and disappeared into this endless space.

  Su Yun could feel that his body was filled with a powerful force that he had never experienced before. After this catastrophe, he finally got the temporary approval of the cosmic energy and successfully entered the sixth realm.

   But at this time, Su Yun had also lost his last strength. Before he finally lost consciousness, he stretched out his hand and pushed forward.

  The extraordinary power quickly formed a driving force, pushing Su Yun towards the earth.

   At this moment, people all over the world are cheering for this. Su Yun has been affirmed by the universe and survived the catastrophe.

  Now everyone in the world realizes how important the existence of Taoist ancestors is to the earth. Therefore, regardless of skin color or race, everyone sincerely hopes that Su Yun will be safe and sound.

  Su Yun fell into the atmosphere very quickly. Zhao Guofeng looked at the figure gradually falling from the sky with joy, but his smile soon froze in place.

   "No, he didn't slow down, Daozu is not flying, but falling!"

   Zhao Guofeng's words reached the ears of the soldiers, and suddenly fighter jets and helicopters were dispatched one after another.

   It's just that Su Yun's falling speed is too fast, the helicopter has just taken off, and Su Yun has already fallen.


  Su Yun's figure turned into an arc and fell on the mountain.

  The powerful impact caused the top of the mountain to crack, and the sound of the explosion was deafening.

  Everyone was full of worry, until the smoke cleared, Su Yun's figure appeared in front of everyone.

  Just behind him, there is a long trail of dragging, which shows how much impact Su Yun suffered when he fell, but he himself didn't seem to suffer any damage. The strength of his body is astonishing.

  The top of the mountain was knocked down by Su Yun, huge boulders rolled down, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

  Zhao Guofeng and others came to Feng Yun worriedly, and Chen Jie even pushed aside the crowd and ran over.

  She gently put Su Yun's head in her arms, until now Su Yun's body is still full of visible bone scars.

   This made Chen Jie feel a twinge of pain in her heart. She gently wiped Su Yun's cheeks, and her eyes were already wet.

  The medical team at the foot of the mountain quickly went up the mountain after receiving the order. After checking Su Yun, all the doctors were surprised.

   "Taozu has suffered too much radiation, but these radiations are being ablated by the power in his body.

   Moreover, Daozu's wounds are healing, and the damage caused by the impact is minimal!

  It is a miracle to survive such a level of cosmic disaster! "

  The doctor's words reassured everyone present.

  For fear of disturbing Su Yun, Zhao Guofeng did not order Su Yun to be transferred, but let him rest beside the Heavenly Cauldron.

   This is a very correct decision. Tianding can be said to be the place with the most extraordinary aura on the earth. At this moment, a large amount of extraordinary aura enters Su Yun's body autonomously, repairing Su Yun's body full of holes.

  While being recognized by the universe, Su Yun was also recognized by the earth, so the cloudy sky dissipated, replaced by a clear sky and bright sun.

  If it weren't for the ugly cracks on the ground, I'm afraid everyone would feel that everything they experienced just now was just a vain dream.

   Except for Tianding, everyone reveled in the Twelve Battlefields, and people from all over the world paraded in the streets to celebrate.

   Daozu won the future for the earth by himself.

   It was supposed to be a catastrophe, but because of Daozu, everyone was spared.

  The heads of state were also very excited at this moment. They expressed their gratitude to Feng Jiwen excitedly, and hoped that Feng Jiwen could convey this gratitude to Daoist Su Yun.

   At this moment, everyone on the planet can breathe a sigh of relief.

  Looking back, the past 5 years are like a haze, and everyone seems to have not seen the sun for a long time.

  The breeze blows through the mountains and forests, bringing the fragrance of flowers.

  A trickle of water flows through the mountains. Although there are twists and turns, it finally falls into the sea.

  People enjoyed the hard-won sunshine, and everyone stood quietly, lamenting the difficulty of victory.

  The armies of various countries have already begun to carry out the aftermath work, and the heads of state have also temporarily withdrawn from the joint command room to deal with the affairs of various countries.

   But this does not mean that the union between countries has collapsed, on the contrary, this is a better start.

  Earth, all mankind has reached a republic!

  (end of this chapter)