MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 257 The beauty arrives as scheduled, the world of mortals and confidantes

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  Chapter 257 The beauty arrives as scheduled, the red dust and the red face

  Snowball's growth surprised Su Yun, but it also made him see more possibilities of the earth.

  So when Xueqiu threw himself into Su Yun's arms again, Su Yun gently touched Xueqiu's head and said:

  "Snowball, good job, do what you should do, I support you..."

  Snowball looked at Su Yun, and immediately nodded.

  If this happened to an ordinary monkey, it would definitely be very surprising.

  But Su Yun and Xu Jiajia were calm and smiling.

  They all knew that Snowball could no longer be classified as an ordinary animal.

   This is the only one in the world, the supreme demon ancestor!

  Staying by Su Yun's side for a while, Xueqiu sat on the rock again and began to practice with the beasts in the mountains.

  Su Yun and Xu Jiajia quietly left here in a tacit understanding.

  There is no distinction between high and low in the way of practice. Animals who have the heart to practice and get in the door are also a great fortune.

  In the next few days, Su Yun has been preaching to all practitioners all over the world.

  Among Su Yun's bursts of Dharma words, many practitioners suddenly became enlightened, broke the shackles that had been fettered for a long time, and jumped into a higher realm.

  Combined with the current full activation of Tianding, the extraordinary aura on the earth is several times stronger than before.

  This makes it much easier for practitioners to perceive the extraordinary breath, and when using the extraordinary breath, they can also exert more powerful power.

  However, when Su Yun put all his experience into the mission, he didn't notice that Feng Jiwen had been discussing something with Zhao Guofeng in the military tent on the other side of the mountain.

   "Chief, let me tell you, can this work?"

   Zhao Guofeng rarely had such an embarrassing expression on his face, but at this time Feng Jiwen patted Zhao Guofeng on the shoulder and said with a serious face:

   "This matter is no small matter, it is related to the future of the earth, and I can rest assured only if I entrust it to you.

  Talk to them carefully and clarify the stakes. I think they should also put the overall situation first. "

   After struggling for a moment, Zhao Guofeng nodded with difficulty:

   "Okay, I'll try my best, but if it doesn't work..."

   Before Zhao Guofeng finished speaking, Feng Jiwen interrupted:

   "It can't be done, it must be done!"

  Zhao Guofeng looked at Feng Jiwen complicatedly, nodded, and watched Feng Jiwen leave the tent.

   Immediately afterwards, he put away the documents on the table, and then left the tent.

  After walking out of the tent, Zhao Guofeng looked towards the place where Su Yun was preaching in the distance, with a somewhat strange expression on his face.

  Xu Jiajia and others have been sitting opposite Su Yun, listening carefully to Su Yun's explanation of practice.

  The whole process lasted for several hours, but for everyone, it seemed like a blink of an eye.

   After Su Yun finished today's sermon, he returned to the resting tent alone.

  The rest of the practitioners either stayed in place to appreciate Su Yun's words, or they also went to the rest area to rest.

  However, on the way Xu Jiajia returned to the tent, she suddenly saw a familiar figure standing at the intersection.

   "Chief Zhao?"

  Zhao Guofeng looked at Xu Jiajia, then smiled and waved his hands:

   "Xiao Xu, how about you, can you have a higher understanding in practice?"

  Xu Jiajia nodded with some doubts. She wondered why Zhao Guofeng suddenly found her?

   And Zhao Guofeng is obviously not a person who is good at beating around the bush. Even though he deliberately conceals it, he still rushes into the topic while talking.

   "Xiao Xu, to tell you the truth, I came to you specially this time because I want to talk to you about something."

  Xu Jiajia nodded immediately, and asked curiously:

   "Chief Zhao, what's the matter? Do you want to tell me in person?"

"Come with me."

  Zhao Guofeng walked to the front to lead the way while talking, but Xu Jiajia could only follow with doubts in his mind.

   Soon the two came to the command tent. After Zhao Guofeng invited Xu Jiajia to take a seat, he sat opposite Xu Jiajia:

   "Xiao Xu, this matter is indeed a bit abrupt, but you also know that there is not much time left for us now, and we have to plan for the future of the earth as soon as possible.

  The main reason I came to you is to get to know you about the matter between you and Daozu. "

  Hearing this, Xu Jiajia was even more puzzled. Before Su Yun became a Taoist ancestor, they had always been boyfriend and girlfriend.

  Although they didn't talk about marriage, their relationship has always been very good.

   It's just that after frequent crises, Su Yun and her went to different paths.

   But the goal of this road is the same, they are all doing their best for the earth.

  What puzzled Xu Jiajia was that at this moment, Zhao Guofeng suddenly found himself talking about this matter, and it really seemed a bit out of date.

   "Xiao Xu, have you ever considered the lifelong event with Daozu?"

  Xu Jiajia looked up at Zhao Guofeng, and said with a puzzled face:

   "Chief Zhao, I don't quite understand. What do you mean by asking?"

  Zhao Guofeng smiled awkwardly, and then said again:

   "Xiao Xu, this is the end of the matter, and I won't hide it from you.

   Daxia's most elite scientific team conducted a detailed analysis of Daozu's genetic data.

  In the words of science, the process of practice is actually the process of changing the original gene sequence.

  Every time Daozu's realm is improved, the gene sequence in his body will undergo great changes.

  This kind of change is not a gene that can be achieved through ordinary genetic medicine. The medicine can only strengthen the original gene sequence, but cannot make a fundamental change.

  So strictly speaking, Daozu's current state, his genes have far exceeded the boundaries of human beings.

  So you should also know that genes are hereditary.

   That is to say, the descendants of Taoist ancestors are likely to be existences far above the realm of ordinary practitioners from the bottom up.

  So, this is a very important matter, which concerns the future of all mankind.

   This is for all humanity, for the future we are all striving for. "

  Speaking of this, Zhao Guofeng paused, and then he looked at Xu Jiajia solemnly, and said word by word:

   "So Xiao Xu, are you willing to pass on this gene with Daozu.

  According to all the current information and data, the descendants of Taoist ancestors are likely to be stronger existences.

  The earth has passively entered into the interstellar war, so the descendants of Taoist ancestors will also become the most important hope of the earth in the future. "

  Zhao Guofeng said these words in one go, and Xu Jiajia was completely stunned.

  Looking at Xu Jiajia who has not responded for a long time, Zhao Guofeng looks a little embarrassed:

   "Xiao Xu, I know this is a bit sudden, and I can give you a few days to think about it, but..."

  However, what Zhao Guofeng didn't expect was that before he finished speaking, Xu Jiajia spoke first:

   "Chief Zhao, you misunderstood.

  I am very fond of Su Yun and have been in love for many years. In fact, if there is no sudden crisis, maybe we would have already married.

  So, I have no opinion..."

  Xu Jiajia's words made Zhao Guofeng's eyes light up, and after he realized it, he nodded repeatedly:

   "That's good, Xiao Xu, I feel at ease with your words."

   This kind of conversation didn't just happen to Xu Jiajia. Zhao Guofeng and Feng Jiwen had been talking about it at that time.

  Feng Jiwen entrusted this task to Zhao Guofeng and asked him to lobby, which made Zhao Guofeng very difficult.

  After much deliberation, Zhao Guofeng still decided to start with Xu Jiajia, and this decision has indeed laid a good start.

  After receiving Xu Jiajia's response, Zhao Guofeng went to find Zhou Xiaoxiao, Chen Jie and Lu Hongya.

  The list of these people was given to her by Feng Jiwen himself. Obviously, Feng Jiwen had already gone through a detailed investigation before coming here.

  Since everyone felt a little puzzled by Zhao Guofeng's sudden arrival, and when he learned the purpose of coming from Zhao Guofeng's mouth, it was almost the same expression of surprise.

   But for Zhao Guofeng, the smooth progress of the matter was beyond his expectations.

   Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others agreed without even waiting for him to finish those righteous words.

  Conversation with such content is a bit embarrassing after all, so the reactions of several people are the same, and they hurriedly left the tent after agreeing.

   Zhao Guofeng breathed a sigh of relief until he finished talking with the last Lv Hongya and got Lv Hongya's consent.

  In his opinion, this conversation is even more tiring than fighting a battle.

   After everyone finished talking, Zhao Guofeng sat alone in the command tent for a long time.

  However, before he could catch his breath, Su Yun's voice came from outside the tent:

   "Old Zhao, Lao Zhao?"

  Hearing Su Yun's voice, Zhao Guofeng immediately stood up with some guilt.

  Conversations with several people, neither Zhao Guofeng nor Feng Jiwen talked to Su Yun, it was all done in private.

  According to the plan agreed upon by Feng Jiwen and Zhao Guofeng, as long as a few people agree, the next step is to find an opportunity to match them as much as possible.

  So just after talking with a few people on the front foot, Su Yun's voice came from the back foot. No matter how strong Zhao Guofeng's psychological quality is, he will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable.


   Zhao Guofeng was about to go to the door when he saw Su Yun walking in.

  Seeing Zhao Guofeng's strange expression, Su Yun was still a little puzzled:

   "Old Zhao, are you okay, why do you look so bad?"

"it's okay no problem."

  Zhao Guofeng hurriedly asked:

   "Taozu, what do you want me to do?"

   "Old Zhao, after tomorrow's sermon ends, I will be away for a while.

  Cultivation is important in cultivating the mind, so I also need to enter the world for a period of time. "

  Hearing these words, Zhao Guofeng's eyes brightened obviously, this is a suitable timing.

  However, Zhao Guofeng didn't reveal anything on the surface, he just nodded and agreed quickly.

  Not long after Su Yun left the command tent, Zhao Guofeng also left in a hurry. After a while, Chen Jie's figure appeared outside the tent where Su Yun lived.

   "Su Yun, are you there?"

  Hearing the voice from outside the door, Su Yun didn't think too much, and quickly agreed.

  Chen Jie walked in wearing a white dress. The elegant atmosphere, matched with this white dress, was a bit dusty.

   "Su Yun, I heard that you plan to join the WTO for a while?"

  Su Yun nodded, and then felt a little puzzled:

   "Old Zhao told you?"

  Chen Jie nodded, and then said somewhat cautiously:

   "It happens that I also want to go to Cangluan Mountain, I wonder if you would like to go together.

  I have been practicing meditation during this time, and I also want to go out for a walk. After thinking about it, only Cangluan Mountain has enough deep memories for me. "

  The memory Chen Jie mentioned is naturally the time spent with Su Yun.

  Everything Zhao Guofeng said when he came to talk to her made Chen Jie's heart skip a beat.

  In her heart, she has always hidden her feelings for Su Yun. In the past, she hid it because of Xu Jiajia, and then hid it because Su Yun became the Taoist ancestor.

   Zhao Guofeng's words about the country's righteousness are actually just giving Chen Jie the courage to face it.

  That's why she appeared here at this moment and offered to invite Su Yun.

  Looking at Chen Jie in front of him, Su Yun thought for a moment, then nodded, only after receiving Su Yun's response, Chen Jie was secretly relieved.

  In the few seconds just now, she was really worried that Su Yun would refuse.

   "Then let's set off tomorrow morning. Revisiting the old place is also a kind of precipitation for the state of mind."

  Chen Jie nodded, and then left.

  That night, Chen Jie tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

   On the other hand, Su Yun was sitting quietly on the bed as usual, and just opened his eyes as the sky was bright.

  Nowadays, Su Yun no longer needs sleep, so every night, he always used to sit quietly and meditate.

  Or in an independent spiritual world, constantly trying to open up new power.

  As the sky brightened, Su Yun got up and walked out of the tent, and soon saw Chen Jie walking over in a casual outfit not far away.

  The two walked down the mountain together, and Zhao Guofeng had already prepared the helicopter the night before.

  At this moment, he is standing on the top of the mountain, watching the figures of Su Yun and Chen Jie fading away...

  When he came to the foot of the mountain, Su Yun saw the prepared helicopter, but he did not agree to take the helicopter.

  Since she is entering the world, she needs to go deep into the world. Chen Jie also meant exactly this. She is not as profound as Su Yun thought. She just thinks that if she slowly reaches Cangluan Mountain, she can stay by Su Yun's side for a while.

  The helicopter pilot quickly informed Zhao Guofeng of the news, and Zhao Guofeng quickly adjusted the plan and asked people to prepare a car.

  When the soldiers asked if they wanted a driver, Zhao Guofeng immediately stopped him severely:

   "Prepare any driver, give Daozu a little more space, and let them go by themselves."

   Just like that, Su Yun and Chen Jie got into the car, looking at Su Yun who was driving, Chen Jie said with a smile:

   "I didn't expect that one day Daozu could be a driver..."

  Su Yun shrugged with a smile, and drove towards the city.

  This action made Chen Jie feel very familiar, as if he saw the high-spirited boy again.

  Su Yun is still the same Su Yun, and has not changed in any way because of his identity as Dao Patriarch...

  (end of this chapter)