MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 261 The division of new realms, new roads

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  At dawn, Zhou Xiaoxiao made a breakfast for Su Yun. Perhaps she also knew that this might be the last time the two of them had such a comfortable breakfast together in Xiaojia, so they both ate very slowly.

   This period of time is not worth cherishing for Su Yun. He can temporarily put aside the responsibilities of his identity as the ancestor of Taoism, just like an ordinary person, without having to think about what will happen tomorrow.

   But for Su Yun, it is a luxury after all. The crisis of the earth has not been resolved, so everyone should not take it lightly, let alone him.

  The two of them prepared to return to Tianding Mountain after breakfast. The name of this mountain was changed to remember the day after Su Yun helped the earth survive the first crisis.

  Because the most important Tianding was set up on the top of the mountain, this mountain was also named Tianding Mountain.

  Su Yun drove the car and took Zhou Xiaoxiao back to Tianding Mountain. The two of them were still talking and laughing along the way, and they fell silent until they approached Tianding Mountain.

  Because the two of them knew very well that when they got out of the car again, one was a Taoist ancestor and the other was a monk. Both of them had their own responsibilities and missions, and they would work hard for the common goal.

  So on the last three kilometers into Tianding, Su Yun slowed down the speed of the car, which made Zhou Xiaoxiao feel warm in his heart.

   This means that Su Yun also cares about her and wants to stay with her for a longer period of time.

  Before getting off the car, Zhou Xiaoxiao and Su Yun kissed goodbye. The two went in different directions. Although the destination was the same, they were destined to take different paths.

  When Su Yun returned to the tent on the top of the mountain, he realized that everything was still the same as when he left.

   Obviously, this tent will be cleaned every day by a special person. Even though it has been empty for a long time, there is no dust.

  Soon Zhao Guofeng came to Su Yun's tent after inquiring, and reported to Su Yun the status of his practice during this period:

   "Daozu, during the time you went down the mountain, thirty-two cultivators from the Tianding Mountain Dojo stepped into the third realm.

  The twelve people began to attack the fourth realm in the third realm, and overall everything was developing steadily.

  This is only the data of Tianding Dojo, and the data of other dojos will be sorted out and sent by the Wendao Bureau in a few days.

  But I believe that practitioners in every dojo will definitely work hard for it. "

  Su Yun heard this and nodded:

   "This is the best way, the improvement of the practitioners' realm is also a guarantee for the earth.

  The crisis will come at any time, and all we can do is to do our best to be fully prepared before then. "

   "Taozu, you know now, when will the large army of alien civilization arrive?

  Not long ago, I just had a phone call with Commander Zhang Keqi. At present, the aviation bureaus of various countries are closely monitoring the universe, but until now, they have not found any signs of trouble. "

   Facing Zhao Guofeng's question, Feng Yun shook his head lightly:

   "It's hard for me to say, but what is certain is that the alien civilization will not let it go.

   Attacking the earth is inevitable, it is only a matter of time.

  The country’s monitoring of cosmic dynamics is only one of them. The more important thing is to scan the earth in all directions as soon as possible.

   It is determined that there will be no more wormholes left on the earth, so as to prevent the previous disaster in Shenzhao Kingdom from happening again. "

  Zhao Guofeng nodded immediately, Feng Jiwen gave the order early in the morning without Su Yun's reminder.

  Daxia's scientific research department has been updating technology day and night, and the new radar has finally taken shape.

  When Su Yun destroyed the wormhole, the powerful energy surge was detected by the Tiannao satellite.

   Therefore, it is only necessary to enter the previous energy data into this new radar, and the radar can respond after detecting the corresponding energy.

  A new batch of new radars were transferred to various countries immediately after production, and were equipped on the most advanced reconnaissance aircraft in each country.

   Subsequently, various countries excluded reconnaissance planes and conducted radar monitoring at different locations to search for possible hidden wormholes.

   Even if the wormholes are not activated, there will be energy diffusion processing, and in front of this specially made radar, these wormholes will not be able to hide.

   However, after several days of investigation, the new radar found no signs of other wormholes.

   This has just made the leaders of various countries breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that the former aliens only left a wormhole on the earth.

  The news from various countries was quickly fed back to Feng Jiwen. Looking at these documents, Feng Jiwen was finally able to relax a little bit.

  But in the afternoon of that day, Feng Jiwen drove to the largest science and technology research and development center in the capital. Every laboratory here was filled with alien technology and the destruction of aliens.

   "Professor Cai, how are you doing? Did you gain anything?"

  Feng Jiwen approached Cai Kang, the person in charge of the experimental center, but Cai Kang was a little disappointed in this inquiry:

   "Chief, with our current technology, it is difficult to effectively analyze these wreckages.

  Even the Tiannao Satellite cannot calculate such huge and complex data.

  So we can only carry out the research and development of technical programs first, so that we can hope to analyze these wreckages in detail. "

   While talking, Cai Kang dug out a document, then looked at it and said:

   "At present, we can be sure that the aliens have mastered a certain way to ensure their survival after abandoning their physical bodies.

   This alone is enough to overthrow our materialism.

  At least this shows the existence of spirit bodies. Aliens abandoned their physical bodies and transferred their spirit bodies or spirits to artificial bodies.

  These wreckages do not have any biological characteristics, they are completely mechanical bodies, which means that the aliens already have the technology to allow people to live in a special state of existence.

  Human spirit, mechanical body, it's unbelievable.

  Moreover, we have never heard of the substances that make up the mechanical body, and there is no perfect data, so it takes a long time to calculate.

   Therefore, we can only try to update the technology in order to hope to find clues that are beneficial to us from these wreckages. "

   Knowing all this, Feng Jiwen also attached great importance to it and held a joint meeting of various countries soon after.

  In the meeting, Feng Jiwen made it clear that elite scientists from various countries should be transferred to Daxia to form a scientific research team to overcome technical problems as soon as possible.

  Heads of state naturally strongly supported this, and they sent top scientists from various countries to see the capital overnight. Under the leadership of Cai Kang, they formed a scientific research team and began to overcome technical problems day and night.

  In Feng Jiwen's view, this is very necessary.

  Big Xia’s national practice is to ensure that the earth has the power to fight back when encountering enemies.

  But promoting the development of science and technology is for the future of the earth.

   If you fall behind, you will be beaten, which is also applicable in the complex cosmic environment.

   Therefore, in order to be able to know ourselves and the enemy, in Feng Jiwen's view, no matter how hard we work, it is worthwhile.


   Today's Great Xia, Yanran is divided into two parts.

  One part is a technical training team formed by practitioners from various dojos, and the other is a scientific research team formed by scientists from various countries.

  Both sides are working hard for the future of the whole planet from two directions, which makes everyone feel the sense of mission they are carrying.

  Su Yun announced that he would retreat again the next morning after returning to Tianding.

   Firstly, Su Yun needs to stabilize his new realm, as well as his travel comprehension during this period.

   Coming here, Su Yun also plans to start sorting out the division of new realms after the sixth realm.

  Practitioners are cultivating faster and faster, and now they are all working towards the fourth realm.

   But this power is not enough to deal with the offensive of alien civilizations, so the current division of the six realms is not enough.

  So early this morning, Su Yun walked into the forest alone.

   On the way, Su Yun also saw Snowball, surrounded by beasts in the forest, sitting on a boulder to practice.

  Just looking at the extraordinary aura lingering around Xueqiu, Su Yun knew that Xueqiu had made a big breakthrough again during this period of time.

  In terms of cultivation, Xueqiu's understanding is extremely high, and it is opening up an unprecedented path to become a demon.

   Su Yun saw this and felt very relieved.

   Seemingly sensing Su Yun's aura, Xueqiu quickly opened his eyes, and was ready to pounce.

  But at this time Su Yun shook his head at Snowball, then smiled and walked towards the nearby forest.

   Xueqiu saw this and soon understood what Su Yun meant.

  It seemed to know that Su Yun was about to go into seclusion again, so it didn't bother him any more.

  When Snowball closed its eyes again, golden light lingered around its body again.

  The beasts in the forest lowered their bodies in front of Xueqiu one after another, as if Xueqiu was the king of beasts.

  In this dojo, ferocious beasts and small animals can live in harmony, it seems that they have been able to consciously control their bloodthirsty instinctive desires.

  This kind of change is completely different from genetic modification.

  Although genetic modification can greatly improve the ability of animals in a very short period of time, the instinct of animals will not be dissipated, but will be amplified instead.

  So all genetic animals are very ferocious, bloodthirsty, and only have killing in their eyes.

  But these beasts who are following Xueqiu to practice seriously, although they will not see results in a short period of time like genetic modification, this is a longer-term change for them.

  Original desires are suppressed, which means that they have the opportunity to awaken their minds.

   Genetic animals are nothing more than weapons made by humans, capable of nothing but killing.

  But these animals are completely different. Under the leadership of Xueqiu, they will gradually move towards the road of becoming demons.

   That is a brand new existence, and it is no longer in the same rank as genetic animals.

  They will detach from the realm of beasts, but step into the new realm of demons created by Xueqiu.

   Knowing this, Su Yun never blocked Xueqiu, but always provided necessary support.

  At this moment, he gradually moved away from the dojo where Xueqiu was, and sat cross-legged in a cave.

  When Su Yun's body was surrounded by golden light again, some birds in the sky landed one after another, like a hundred birds facing the phoenix, and stopped for a long time on the surrounding tree branches.

   Thinking of it, Su Yun once again entered the familiar spiritual world.

  Under Su Yun's control, a quaint dojo stood up in the spiritual world.

  Su Yun sat quietly in the dojo in the form of a spirit body, accumulating the power of a new realm, and at the same time accumulating the perception of traveling.

  Su Yun has already begun to prepare for the subsequent division of realms. This is not an easy task, but Su Yun has a lot of patience.

  Because he is very clear, only in this way can practitioners be clear about the path they are taking.

   Clear goals can ensure that their path of practice will not go astray.

  Otherwise, the slightest loss will make a huge difference, which is a taboo in practice.

  In the spiritual world, some golden handwriting soon appeared on Su Yun's body.

  Here Su Yun is like a god. He can present the thoughts in his heart in the form of words, which is convenient for summarizing.

  From the perspective of the outside world, the breath of Su Yun sitting in the cave at this moment has been so weak that he can turn a blind eye.

  He seems to be integrated with the surrounding environment, and he doesn't know when he will leave the level again after sitting.

  But Su Yun is not worried about the outside world. Today's Great Xia has tended to be stable, and all dojos have perfect management methods.

  All practitioners only need to practice step by step, and other things are helped by volunteer teams sent from various countries.

  Of course, Xu Jiajia, Chen Jie, Lu Hongya, and Zhou Xiaoxiao, who have entered the practice again at the Tianding Dojo, added one more thing after completing the practice task every day.

  Zhao Guofeng will always arrange good people to take Xu Jiajia and others to the built medical center for examination.

  Although it is not yet clear whether she is pregnant or not, all the medical staff are still cautious to ensure the physical condition of Xu Jiajia and the others.

   Even the daily meals are specially prepared by a nutritionist. Zhao Guofeng even equipped several people with female soldiers to ensure their safety 24 hours a day.

  Xu Jiajia and the others felt quite helpless about this, but they could also understand why Zhao Guofeng and others attached so much importance to it.

   In their spare time, they would get together, because of Su Yun, the relationship between them not only didn't get worse, but got better and better.

   Don't look at the few people who are helpless with Zhao Guofeng's arrangement, but in their hearts, they are also looking forward to that day.

  The sun and the moon shuttle back and forth, and the day and night change. The practitioners in various dojos in Daxia continue to practice step by step as before.

  They all took Su Yun as an example, and wanted to be able to follow Su Yun all the time.

   But first of all, they need to have enough strength, otherwise, like the last crisis, they can only watch Su Yun face it alone, and they are not even qualified to help.

   The alien attack is a good thing for the earth.

  At least, this makes the practitioners more clearly aware of their own strength, so that they can devote themselves wholeheartedly to it, and make complete preparations for the next bigger crisis on the earth.

  The silent summer is actually accumulating strength.

  Until that day comes, this power will become the only hope for the whole earth... (End of this chapter)

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