MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 3 Orphan copy, buy medicine

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For three days in a row, Qi Ze practiced meditation hard, and his energy increased more and more. Besides sitting in meditation, he diligently practiced various methods of guiding and entraining qi known in his previous life. . The excruciating pain that used to occur almost every day has subsided for three days.

During the three days, Xiaohe did not come, Qi Ze was busy practicing kung fu and did not go out, thinking that there is not much food, meat and vegetables hidden in the house, he should buy some, but there are only a few coins, and the silver was spent on the mountain ginseng, he couldn't help but Smiling wryly, he sighed, "I'm still in the world of mortals, but I can't live without Brother Kong Fang!"

Just about to open the study to do some business, he suddenly heard the sound of "Duo, Duo" knocking on the door. When Qi Ze opened the door to meet him, he was a short man. Brother, I haven't seen you for a few days, but your eyes are bright, so you really bought the right mountain ginseng?"

That man is Qi Yun, from whom Qi Ze bought the ginseng in his previous life. Qi Ze's heart skipped a beat, pretending to be very grateful, he cupped his hands and said, "Thanks to Brother Qi's generous help, that mountain ginseng fruit has miraculous effects!"

Qi Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "That's good! That's good!" Qi Ze said with a smile: "I don't know if Brother Qi, who has only one origin, is still satisfied?" Said: "Of course I am satisfied!" After exchanging a few pleasantries, he left in a hurry.

Qi Yun left Qi's house, walked two small roads, and saw a tall and handsome young man, asked coldly: "What's the matter?" Qi Yun smiled wryly: "He is still alive!"

That young man was Qi Cheng, the youngest of the Qi family, and he frowned and said, "He didn't eat the hundred-year-old mountain ginseng? Or is that mountain ginseng a fake?" Qi Yun said with a wry smile, "The mountain ginseng is from old doctor Hua. I bought it and spent a full three hundred taels of silver, there is absolutely no fake. The servant asked Qi Ze just now, and he only said that he ate it, but for some reason he failed to kill that fellow!"

Qi Cheng frowned and said, "Trash! You can't do this little thing well!" Qi Yun said, "Maybe it's Qi Ze who understands some medicine and knows that the tiger and wolf medicine doesn't dare to take too much, but the mountain ginseng is so powerful that he A waste with closed channels, even if you take it carefully, under the accumulation of medicine and poison, you will definitely die. Please wait patiently for a few more days, young master."

Qi Cheng sneered and said, "My young master will give you another seven days of kung fu. If that Qi Ze is still alive, watch out for your head!" Qi Yun shrank his neck, Qi Cheng sneered, turned and left. Qi Yun waited for him to go far, spit bitterly, and said to himself: "You are a waste of power! If you don't rely on your uncle, what are you!"

Qi Ze dismissed Qi Yun, opened the study for business, and took a look at the old books in Qi's study. The Qi family has been in decline for many years, how can there be any valuable ancient books? But in Qi Ze's eyes, these ancient books can increase knowledge and understand the outline of this world, so he read it very carefully.

One day passed, and there was not a single guest in the study, so there was no income. Seeing the sunset, Qi Ze cleaned up the study, took the only money he had, and went to the street to buy some rice and noodles.

Qi Ze turned around a few small streets, bought some catties of rice noodles, and saw a pharmacy head-on, from which he bought medicinal herbs and soups since he was a child, and was very familiar with the clerks. Qi Ze was delighted to see Lie Xin, and wanted to see how the herbs grown in this world were different from those in his previous life, so he couldn't help but stroll in.

There were three clerks in the pharmacy who were grinding and brewing medicine by themselves. Seeing Qi Ze come in, one of them said happily: "It turns out that Brother Ze has arrived! But do you want to buy some more medicines to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality?" At this time, an old man came from the back hall Turning out, the three guys said in unison: "Master!"

The old man was the old doctor Hua, he nodded lightly, glanced at Qi Ze, a look of suspicion flashed in his eyes, and said: "Brother Qi is going to buy a medicinal soup that nourishes qi and blood? Excuse me, I'll watch you Qi and blood are strong, but they are blocked in the meridians, and if you want to supplement it, you are afraid that the deficiency will not be supplemented, and it will hurt the body instead."

Qi Ze also knew that old doctor Hua's words were to the point, nodded and said, "Thank you, old doctor Hua for reminding me, I understand." He looked at the many herbs on the shelves. Doctor Hua caressed Xu and said, "Since when did the little brother of the Qi family become interested in the way of herbal medicine?"

Qi Ze said with a smile: "Being a doctor after a long illness, I have taken too many medicinal soups, and I feel that I have some experience." The old doctor Hua said with a smile: "You can choose whatever medicine you want!" Shaking his head, he turned around and left . Who doesn't earn money after decades of immersion in the path of medicine? With Qi Ze being a sick child, after taking the decoction for a few years, he felt that he had entered the room, it was a joke. Old doctor Hua was too lazy to waste his time talking, even the three apprentices looked at Qi Ze with a bit of disdain.

Qi Ze didn't take it seriously, and swept from the rows of medicine racks, suddenly his eyes lit up, pointing to a cluster of bright flowers on the rack, he said: "What's the price of this flower?" The clerk was startled, and blurted out: "This is a mandala Flowers, the price is a bit expensive, three cents for every penny!"

Qi Ze said: "Come with me for three yuan!" The guy opened his mouth, and still paid three yuan for mandala flowers as he said. Qi Ze kept clicking his fingers, and ordered five kinds of medicinal materials, including Shengcaowu and Xiangbaizhi, UU reading www.uukanshu. com waited for the clerk to finish the report, and took out the banknotes.

The guy calculated the total of two taels of silver, and couldn't help but said: "These medicines are not for the medicinal soups you usually take. What do you buy them for?" The ancient prescription, I want to try to see if it can cure my chronic illness." Without further words, I took the medicine bag and left.

The clerk muttered a few words, and soon after, Imperial Physician Hua turned out from the back hall again. Seeing the clerk with a strange expression on his face, he asked, "What medicinal materials did Qi Ze buy?" "I see!" He walked away slowly with his hands behind his back.

With empty sleeves, Qi Ze picked up five packs of medicinal materials, hurried back to the study, closed the door tightly, and almost bolted the door again, so he was relieved, and said to himself: "I never imagined that in this world, there can be a complete recipe for Mabosan." !"

He specialized in traditional Chinese medicine in his previous life, although he was only half a bucket of water, in order to prepare for the exam, he has memorized many ancient and modern prescriptions. That Mafeisan is a famous prescription in ancient times, but unfortunately it has been lost for a long time, but in modern times, it has already been restored and compiled into teaching materials.

Qi Ze accidentally discovered that there were all the medicinal materials needed for Mafeisan in the pharmacy, so he bought them back immediately. In fact, I should have bought a few more medicinal materials to mix with food and audio-visuals, but I was short of cash, so I had to buy them according to my needs. Even if the old doctor Hua recognized the prescription, I couldn't care less.

Qi Ze opened the medicine bag, and according to the memory of his previous life, mixed several medicinal materials in proportion. He deliberately asked the pharmacy to prepare the medicinal materials in advance, saving a lot of effort. After working for half an hour, I finally made two doses of Mafeisan.

Qi Ze hid it in his sleeve, ate it hastily, then sat in meditation and left. In the evening of the next day, there was a knock on the door, and Qi Ze's heart skipped a beat. Now that his skills are still inexperienced, he dare not enter meditation in the daytime, just to prevent such sudden people from knocking on the door from disturbing his energy and concentration, and causing him to lose his temper. Obsessed.