MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 391 Capture the princess!

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Qi Ze regained his spirits, the abnormal state of the Zhenbei Princess is undoubtedly a member of the Demonic Way! It is really like the Buddha's nature secretly warning, and the Buddha's fire is stimulated more urgently. After realizing the six senses, Qi Ze can use the ancient lamp to have greater supernatural powers. Burn the princess!

Qi Ze glared and shouted: "Monster, you haven't shown your form yet!" In the blink of an immeasurable Buddha fire net, the body of Princess Zhenbei was tightly trapped, and when it was retracted again, the net was about to be captured. , Who would have thought that in a blink of an eye, the fire net was empty, and the inside was already empty!

Qi Ze didn't panic, carried the Buddha fire, first protected his body, then turned over and looked, and sure enough, a slim figure appeared above the bedroom, if it's not Zhenbei Princess, who is it?

The concubine still had a delicate and weak demeanor, and she said slowly and methodically: "The concubine treats each other with courtesy, why did Daoist Qi get into trouble?"

Qi Ze secretly awe-inspiring, this witch is not afraid of the Buddha's fire, and can cleverly avoid it, the supernatural power is no small thing, with a clang, the Han Chi sword turned into a sword light and flew up, saying: "You don't have to quibble, demon girl. Under the Buddha lamp, the cultivation of the demon way has already been revealed. After all, what sect do you come from, and the King of Zhenbei died in your hands?"

Princess Zhenbei showed a sad look on her face, and said: "The concubine and the prince are deeply in love with each other. This is known all over the world. Why did Qi Zhenren say such a thing?"

Qi Ze shouted: "You witch..." Suddenly he snorted and couldn't help shaking his whole body. It turned out that just as he opened his mouth, a wave of potential came, dark and ruthless, pointing directly at the center of his eyebrows! Fortunately, Zhenru Buddha's nature made a secret move, and a great vajra divine palm flew up, dissipating the potential, otherwise this incarnation of the golden core would be enraged on the spot!

The latent energy fruit was issued by the princess of Zhenbei, seeing that the supernatural power was dispelled by Qi Ze's understatement, she said with a light smile: "Sure enough, there are masters protecting the law for you!"

Seeing that he had been exposed, Qi Ze didn't bother to answer at all. He patted the Buddha lamp, and Jiao Kui appeared in the body of a fire dragon, raised his head and flew out with a roar, and a real fire spewed out from his pocket! The fire dragon was tempered day and night by the golden flames of the Buddha fire, and it almost had the appearance of a Buddhist "divine beast".

This real fire spewed out, pointing directly at Princess Zhenbei above her head, the fire was condensed and did not disperse, and the heat wave was scorching, but it did not hurt anything in the palace. Only the exquisite supernatural power of controlling fire with this hand is far superior to other Nascent Souls. above!

Princess Zhenbei's face changed slightly when she saw Huo Jiao, she chuckled lightly, raised her plain hand, and a pink aura flew up, fighting with that Jiao Huo.

Qi Ze turned on the Buddha lamp, and saw that the pink air mechanism was also inherited from the Demon Sect, but it seemed to be mixed with other sources of mana. The mana was very pure and mysterious, and he was very familiar with it. , is exactly the willingness of the people!

This was the real deal, Qi Ze shouted: "Sure enough, you were greedy for the power of the people, killed King Zhenbei, and took away the luck of the dynasty from him!"

Princess Zhenbei was overwhelmed by what she had done and her purpose, her complexion changed, she sneered and said, "I can't tell you are so young, but you still know the power of ten thousand people's wishes!"

Qi Ze also sneered at himself, and said, "Why, don't you pretend to be so delicate and weak? Poor King Zhenbei loved you deeply, but in the end he died at your hands! You covet the will of the people, but you will kill the people of Youzhou." The local people are all trapped in water and fire!"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

The princess of Zhenbei showed her face, and she regained her slender and weak state, and said softly: "It is true that the concubine and the king of Zhenbei are in love with each other. Wish power, as for the life and death of the people in Youzhou, what has it to do with me?"

Qi Ze just cursed: "Poison woman! Disgusting!" Dharma body still didn't show up, but used all his strength to slap out a big vajra divine palm, Dharma body gave up other magical powers, and only used this palm exclusively, pouring 90% of its mana into it, With a flick of the Vajra Divine Palm, the magic of sealing the void came into being. With the vertical palm of the Divine Palm, it was pushed horizontally. Wherever it passed, the void was frozen, so that the Zhenbei Princess had no room to maneuver, so she had to forcefully block it. .

The concubine's face was still timid, but she didn't waver in her determination, she just smiled and said: "The Buddha's Vajra Palm is really powerful!" The pink true energy also merged into one palm, and it was fierce with the Great Vajra Palm After a fight, her delicate body trembled, but she acted as if nothing had happened.

The counter-shock force of that palm was fully borne by Zhenru's Buddha nature, Qi Ze's dharma body sat between the eyebrows of the incarnation, and he was also shocked, thinking: "What a supernatural power! That guy is also a Nascent Soul grade!"

Qi Ze turned his body and mind to know everything, spread out the Han Chi sword, and used the five-element sword array. Five invisible swords flew up, arranged in five directions, and suppressed the five elements. Do your best, otherwise there is no chance of winning.

Jiao Kui is also cunning, in the midst of blazing flames, the dragon's claws transformed into layers of phantoms, with unparalleled vigor, and his moves could not leave the princess' vital points. At the top, with all the strength, a luxurious bedroom was shaken to pieces!

Zhenbei Wangfei has a profound knowledge and experience in fighting skills. With the mysterious and inexplicable luck of the pink true energy, the supernatural powers can be swayed and changed at will, resisting the siege of Qi Ze's Dharma Body, Incarnation and Jiao Kui, thinking to herself: "This person came prepared, and there is a Buddhist bald donkey to help in secret, why not go!"

Qi Ze had expected that the princess would escape, so both the dharma body and the incarnation used their magical powers to the extreme to prevent her from escaping. With Jiao Kui's support from the side, the place where the princess of Zhenbei moved was gradually sealed off. The more you die, the sooner you see, the sooner you die.

Suddenly, Princess Zhenbei let out a whistling sound, the sound was like a phoenix, she suddenly shook her body, unexpectedly one transformed into three, three transformed into nine, a total of nine incarnations escaped, the aura was unexpectedly the same, it was impossible to tell which one was The deity, which one is the phantom body.

Qi Ze was startled, really like the Buddha-nature Dharma Body hurriedly glanced through his eyes, and only glanced at the real body, but the next moment the real body smiled, and took advantage of this moment to escape without a trace!

But there was a cold reprimand, and it was Kang Yuanqin who made the move, shouting: "Where is the witch running away!" With a loud noise, Qi Ze and Jiao Kui chased after him, only to see Kang Yuanqin's hands trembling slightly, with pain on his face, The princess has disappeared.

Jiao Kui wanted to chase him down, but was stopped by Qi Ze. After a while, Kang Yuanqin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What a powerful witch!" It turned out that she was guarding the mansion, and when she saw that the witch was about to escape, she immediately gave a blow to Tiangang. The demon-slaying sword was broken by the witch's magical power, and it almost hurt himself.

Jiao Kuiqi said: "I didn't see that guy has such supernatural powers when I just started!"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Qi Ze said: "It's because of Luo Hai's presence that the witch didn't dare to act presumptuously!" Luo Hai was still comprehending the "Lengyan Curse" in the Buddha lamp, the witch must have a way to perceive its aura, so she deliberately restrained her supernatural powers and showed the enemy It's weak, but Qi Ze's dharma body also has a subtle sense, if Luo Hai is summoned, he may not be able to capture him, and there will be unexpected disasters!

Kang Yuanqin said angrily: "It turns out that Princess Zhenbei is really a witch. How could there be two witches lurking in the small Youzhou City? Could it be that Zhao Linghan couldn't do it!"

Qi Ze shook his head and said: "It's not Zhao Linghan, the number of demon goddesses pretending to be princesses is completely different from that of the Demon Refining Sect, and she is by no means a member of the Demon Sect! How many ways?"

Kang Yuanqin is a strange woman, and said with emotion: "I don't have much experience, so I can't recognize the magical powers that guy uses."

Qi Ze said: "The king of Zhenbei really died at the hands of the witch. The witch was greedy for the luck of the Yu Dynasty on the king of Zhenbei. After killing the king of Zhenbei, she took the opportunity to refine the will power of all people and strengthen her way. Then there is the meaning of the blessings of all peoples!"

Kang Yuanqin said: "So that's the case! It's just that she has a lot of ideas about marrying King Zhenbei, and she has many opportunities to do it. Why did she choose to do it at this point?"

Qi Ze said: "According to Qi's speculation, I am afraid that the king of Zhenbei has made great contributions to governing Youzhou. At least the people will not have to suffer from the disaster of war. Therefore, the people's hearts are attached, and the power of luck has risen to the peak. This is what attracted the witch!"

Kang Yuanqin sighed: "That's it! It's a pity that King Zhenbei thought that Kang Li was deeply affectionate, but he didn't know that the person who harmed others was his pillow! So what's the good of those worldly love? It's better to practice Qi and Taoism. A long-term vision!"

Qi Ze said: "In the eyes of the world, there are only four words: wine, sex, wealth and energy. If there is no mysterious opportunity, how can they escape from the great sea of ​​suffering in this world? Throughout the ages, how many people can see through it? If it is greed, we are struggling to live forever, why not? covet?"

Kang Yuanqin said with a smile: "It's still a disciple of the Five Elements Sect who can speak, so I can't speak such elegant words!"

Qi Ze said: "Now that the two groups of rebels are besieging the city, the top priority is to repel the rebels. Otherwise, once Youzhou City falls, the whole Youzhou will be corrupted, and then there will be real chaos in the world!"

Kang Yuanqin said: "My headmaster of the Great Tiangang Sect has already set the rules of the sect, and the disciples of the disciples are not allowed to participate in the battles of the change of luck in the secular dynasty. That's a demon of the Heavenly Dao!"

Qi Ze said: "It's okay to talk about Ping Tian Dao, but I don't know what kind of experts the Notre Dame Church has sent here."

Kang Yuanqin said: "I don't know anything about military affairs, the affairs of Youzhou City should be decided by Qi Zhenren!"

Qi Ze also knew that this was an extraordinary time, so he had no choice but to do his part and said: "Please, senior, call Brother Murong here!" Then he called Jiao Kui, and said: "Brother Jiao, go find that Liu Guanbai, pass on my order, order He is here immediately!"

Not long after, Liu Guanbai and Brother Murong arrived one by one. When Liu Guanbai saw Qi Ze, he knelt down on the ground and burst into tears again. Qi Ze knew his change of mind like the back of his hand, and thought: "This kind of indifferent person is not destined to be a great treasure! It's just that there is still a I need to borrow his strength." Said: "I know everything about nephew Gongshi, he died for you, you should also inherit his last wish and avenge him!"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Liu Guanbai gritted his teeth and said: "Even if this disciple goes through fire and water, he must avenge Senior Brother Gong!"

Qi Ze said: "Okay! The King of Zhenbei is dead, and you are the only one in Youzhou City who has the blood of the imperial dynasty, so you will come forward and summon the generals in the city to prepare for the defense of the city. The Murong family will assist you. If you don't follow, you will be punished." Kill! At this time, we can only take extraordinary measures!"

Murong Xuan failed in cultivation, but he is good at military affairs and political affairs, so he immediately said: "What Qi Zhenren said is true! Heretic sect rebels are suppressing the city, and there will inevitably be those who betray their masters and seek glory. They must be screened out one by one, suppressed as soon as possible, and come to appease them. People's hearts, secondly, to scare Xiaoxiao! My Murong family is willing to help the Eighteenth Prince!"

Qi Ze said: "Okay, Senior Kang and I are sitting in the city. If there are cultivators who make trouble, we will take action. It's not too late, you wait and act quickly!"

As soon as Liu Guanbai was in power, he was extremely excited, immediately recruited the generals in the palace, and then issued an edict, ordering all the old troops of the North King in Chengzhong Town to vote, otherwise they will be killed.

Liu Guanbai was the eighteenth prince, and once the King of Zhenbei died, he would eventually occupy the name of righteousness. After half a day, nearly half of the former King of Zhenbei had come to seek refuge. Murongxuan drew up another list, on which were all the people who were corrupt and perverted the law and framed their colleagues. Liu Guanbai didn't include Hu, so he immediately sent troops to arrest him and his family and put them in prison. The atmosphere is clear.

Not to mention Liu Guanbai and the Murong family's purge of political affairs and arranging military battles to defend the city, Qi Ze and Kang Yuanqin sit in the palace, and Kang Yuanqin only takes action to kill demons and kill people, and finds a quiet room to sit quietly, and really doesn't care about foreign affairs at all.

Qi Ze sat down in Zhenbei Wang's study, thinking about suppressing the rebels. The most fundamental vital points of the two rebels are only those few monks. As long as they are killed, the rebels will naturally be resolved. With the help of Luo Hai, Dharmakaya and Jiao Kui, if there are no new celestial masters in Pingtian Dao, Naturally carefree, but with the addition of Notre Dame Church, it is powerless.

I'm afraid that Ping Tian Dao and the Church of the Holy Mother will secretly form an alliance and become a trend of mutual assistance. UU Reading will not be easy. What's more, Pingtian Dao has dispatched celestial masters of the Dharma level, and there are also masters from the Church of the Holy Mother. Under the all-out fighting method, I am afraid it will be a **** battle.

Qi Ze thought for a while, it's better to find out the details of the Notre Dame Cult, so as not to be at a loss when fighting, he took out the ancient lamp, patted it lightly, and after a while, Monk Luo Hai appeared, and said: " Why is Master Qi calling his disciples?"

Qi Zedao: "Right now, the Notre Dame Cult and Pingtian Dao are encircling Youzhou City. I already know the reality of Pingtian Dao. Only the Notre Dame Cult still needs to inquire. After much deliberation, I can only ask you to go through it."

Luo Haidao: "It's easy, Master Qi will wait for a while, and the disciples will come back as soon as they go!" Turning into the light of Buddha, he fled out of the city.

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Qi Ze sent Luo Hai out, called Jiao Kui, and said, "Brother Jiao, I passed on your volume of the Diamond Sutra, how is your comprehension?"

Jiao Kui was loyal to follow him, not to mention asking him to "send his death". Qi Ze had already passed on the "Diamond Sutra" to him, hoping that he could understand the principles of Buddhism from it and break through to a higher level.

Jiao Kui said: "I trained my body by the Buddha's fire, and then comprehended the Diamond Sutra. I gained a lot, but it just haunted my heart. It seems that I have to get it, and I don't know the reason for it!"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Qi Ze said: "Then there is something to be gained, but the opportunity has not come, and it can't be shown in front of you. For example, Taoism regards not knowing as gaining the way, but knowing is losing the way. This is the reason! What is there in the scriptures that you don't understand , let me explain to you."

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