MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 400 Monk

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

The four of them entered the flock like wolves, showing off their prestige, and destroyed thousands of zombies in a short time. Kang Yuanqin and Qin Kuo were merciless in their attacks, they only wanted to destroy the zombies physically and mentally, which was totally a tough style.

Once the bone devouring formation is deployed, the zombies will be covered by a thousand-mile cloud of corpses, blocking the sunlight and providing shelter for the zombies' day and night tours, and the zombies can also feed back the formation, refine mana, and help the formation run while breathing out their corpses. It can be said that cooperation benefits both.

Strictly speaking, the zombies in the formation can be regarded as the eyes of the formation sacrificed by the Bone Devouring Heavenly Formation. Each zombie's cultivation level is not high, but if they gather sand and form a tower, the combined efforts of tens of thousands of zombies is already impressive.

The four of Qi Ze stirred up wind and rain in the formation, killing recklessly, and in an instant, more than a thousand zombies were either rescued or killed. Qi Ze's dharma body can now clearly sense that every time a zombie is rescued, there will be a trace of merit The power falls.

He is not greedy, he only puts all the power of merit into the nine-storey pagoda. The power of merit is infinitely useful, it can improve the understanding of Taoism, and it can also be turned into magic power to sacrifice magic weapons. Since the dharma body can't achieve nothingness based on this, it simply completes the nine-storey pagoda, but we have to see what kind of shape this treasure sacrifice can be made.

The power of merit accumulated by Qi Ze for many years has been consumed by the nine-story pagoda, and the newly obtained power of merit is refined into the pagoda, and the Buddha's light on the nine-story pagoda becomes more and more radiant, as if sitting on it with Buddha nature. As soon as the Buddha's light shines, I feel that the six dusts are extinguished, and all distracting thoughts are completely extinguished. The place where the Buddha is refined to the deepest, the more magical effects it has.

Jade Corpse was under the enemy's back again, and even the people in the battle were taken out of his house, and his heart was extremely depressed. Tong Shaoyang's fighting skills are just hard work, Datiangang Liuyang's hands are slapping around, the palm is more than a thousand jun, and the jade corpse's four bone arms are also sore from the shock.

In comparison, Monk Luo Hai's mana was softer, but the vajra face glared, the orb shone brightly, the demon-subduing sword was sharpened, and his moves were directed at the vital point, without any sign of relaxation.

The Jade Corpse Aspect is the body of the original body, which is extremely strong, and there is a piece of unmelted bone in his hand, which can draw inspiration from time to time. This is the most durable battle, but the Buddha's Light and Tiangang's magic power are both the nemesis of the Heavenly Corpse Dao, and they are closely related. Forced, the jade corpse couldn't take it anymore. It had already eaten a big Tiangang Liuyang hand, and was swept twice by the Buddha's light, almost cutting off a bone arm!

The jade corpse wanted to cry without tears, and thought: "Could it be that the master was not successful, and he only captured the first line, and he will be forced back by life? How should the Wancheng Dragon Lord explain it!" Still wanting to fight to the end, Tong Shaoyang again With a slap of the palm, there is a sound of Kacha, and finally it will be a slap!

The jade corpse secretly shouted: "That's all! That's all!" With one move, the body's aura of thousands of miles gathered together, wanting to repeat the same trick and run for his life again.

Qi Ze Dharma Body still wanted to stop him, but the non-melting bone was really powerful. After all, it was the remains of a ten-thousand-year-old zombie, and it was a series of immortality. It was impossible for everyone to resist, so they had to shout: "Let's go out first!"

Kang Yuanqin immediately grabbed Qin Kuo and sent Tiangang Demon Slaying Sword to fly up first. Jiao Kui let out a low growl, the jiao's body flew up first, Qi Ze's dharma body landed on top of it, emitting immeasurable Buddha light, and in the Buddha light was blessed by a Buddha lamp, which illuminated the infinite corpse energy, and he was about to break out.

The jade corpse said angrily: "Want to escape? How can it be so easy!" A corpse aura appeared from the bones, and it was shot in the air!

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Qi Ze's dharma body manipulated the ancient lamp, and a net of Buddha fire flew towards it. When it touched the corpse's aura, although the corpse's aura was blown away, the Buddha fire net also collapsed. Qi Ze received the counter-shock force, Jiao Kui and his foot gave a muffled roar, and fell into the corpse aura.

It was Luo Hai who had quick eyesight and quick hands, splitting out a beam of Buddha's light, probing into the corpse aura, and picking up Qi Ze and Jiao Kui together. As soon as Qi Ze escaped to the sky, the corpse aura cover closed abruptly, and the endless corpse aura was absorbed into the bones.

Tong Shaoyang shouted: "Cut the weeds and get rid of the roots!" Qi Ze and Jiao Kui fell on top of Monk Luo Hai, and Kang Yuanqin and Qin Kuo were also accepted by Tong Shaoyang. The two Dharma figures had no worries, and immediately attacked and killed them with all their strength.

Jade Corpse received the Bone Devouring Heaven Formation, turned around and left, but the two Dharma figures behind him pursued closely. The three escaped lights left Youzhou City in an instant, and flew towards the first line.

The jade corpse was driven to the sky and had no way to enter the earth, so he had to flee back to Beimang Mountain, thinking: "It's only been a few days since I came out of the mountain? Could it be that I was so sad that I was beaten back again?" It has only been a few days before Wan Chenglong Lord knows that it is so useless, he may kill it with a single palm!

The jade corpse was also forced to do nothing, if he didn't get it back to Beiman Mountain, he would lose his life now. The three dharma figures escaped and chased twice, passed the first pass, and flew to the extreme north, and they were about to reach the boundary of Beiman Mountain.

The jade corpse finally flew over the mountain boundary of Beimang Mountain, and was overjoyed immediately, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe, and thought: "Since you have fled back to Beimang Mountain, why don't you go and ask for help? Otherwise, those two thieves, Shi Niao, will be guarding you." Outside the mountain, it is also abominable! I remember that the main altar of the Yinshan School is not far from here, and with the backing of Wan Chenglong Lord, Tu Quantian will definitely help! Let's go!" The corpse turned around and threw it at the Yinshan School.

Luo Hai and Tong Shaoyang stopped Dunguang at the same time, just in front of the mountain boundary of Beimang Mountain, Tong Shaoyang said: "That guy fled back to Beimang Mountain, don't chase after him, otherwise he will disturb the old corpse of the longevity series, and he will lose his life! "

Monk Luo Hai groaned silently, the Buddha's light flashed, Qi Ze and others flew out, Luo Hai asked: "What should I do, please give me some instructions!"

Qi Ze dharma body pondered: "I have something to do. I planned to visit Beiman Mountain. Now that I am here, it is also due to chance. I want to go to the mountain to have a look!"

Tong Shaoyang said: "There are many zombies in Beiman Mountain, even ten-thousand-year-old zombies. The master wants to go deep into it, I'm afraid there will be more disasters than good luck! From Tong's point of view, it is better to go back to the Great Bodhi Temple and gather more experts to come and make plans. !"

Qi Ze Fashen smiled and said nothing, but the avatar jumped out again and said, "Young Daoist, Brother Qin, Brother Kang, let's leave now!"

Qin Kuo showed his body and said, "Brother, we haven't seen each other for many years. I don't know when we will see each other again!"

The incarnation smiled and said: "People who cultivate the Tao, why do you have to sigh like this? When you and I realize the longevity, wouldn't it be pleasant to regard three thousand years as spring, three thousand years as autumn, and one hundred years as one day and night!"

Qin Kuo stared at this remark, his eyes lit up. Tong Shaoyang exclaimed: "What a boldness! What a boldness! You are worthy of being the closed disciple of the Five Elements School!" Seeing that Qi Ze's dharma body was determined, he stopped persuading him, and the two groups parted ways in front of Beimang Mountain as they bid farewell.

Just after Tong Shaoyang walked away, Jiao Kui complained: "Beimang Mountain is a large cemetery for corpses, why do you have to throw yourself into a dead end?"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Qi Ze turned into an avatar and scolded: "If you hadn't been unable to see the flying sword left by Tian Hongzi's ancestor, and Qi Wuhui took that flying sword away, why should I go to Beimang Mountain to inquire about it?"

Jiao Kui remained silent, Luo Hai said: "Master Qi, Beiman Mountain is too dangerous, why don't we make another plan?"

Qi Ze Fashen said: "I also know that Beiman Mountain is dangerous, but since we are here, how can we not be willing to go inside? What's more, what should I do if the jade corpse jumps out again after I leave? I have made up my mind. Say no more!"

Luo Haidao: "The disciple is naturally serving Master Qi!"

Qi Ze Fashen said: "Thank you very much! Thanks to you for taking care of me along the way, otherwise I would have been in trouble!"

Jiao Kui didn't want to go, but he couldn't resist. If he broke up at this time, he would have no place to stand in the Five Elements School, so he could only follow in dejection.

Qi Ze Fashen laughed and scolded: "Don't be afraid, you just stay in the ancient lamp holder!" Jiao Kui was overjoyed, he responded, and hurriedly transformed into a small dragon, disappeared into the ancient lamp holder.

The incarnation also jumped into the Buddha's light behind Dharmakaya's head, and Dharmakaya said: "Luo Hai, I still need your power to travel Beiman Mountain! Let's go!"

Luo Hai took the lead, turned into a faint ray of light, and penetrated into Beiman Mountain.

Since Qi Ze was born in the Five Elements Sect, he passed by Beiman Mountain when he traveled down the mountain, but his cultivation level was too low at that time, so he didn't dare to go deep into it. Now that he came again, he wanted to inquire about Qi Wuhui's whereabouts. Even his own cultivation base was too high, so it was different.

Beiman Mountain is too huge. Countless zombies have breathed out corpse gas for tens of thousands of years, forming a thick cloud of corpses. Even in daytime, the real fire of the day is also isolated. There are countless poisonous miasmas and plagues rampant in the mountain. As a result, all living things disappeared, only countless walking corpses wandering back and forth endlessly.

Qi Ze pursued the whereabouts of the jade corpse. After he was defeated, he would definitely go to Lord Wanchenglong to complain for help. Lord Wanchenglong is too difficult to provoke, unless Tianjizi is invited, the other way is to find Qi Wuhui's whereabouts and find a way To get back the flying sword passed down by his master, Qi Wuhui is a disciple of the Yinshan School, and he should go to find the old nest of the Yinshan School.

Qi Ze thought for a while, and decided to look for Qi Wuhui's whereabouts first. The Yinshan School has two immortals, Tu Biantian and Tumenjue, but one of them was severely injured by the Buddha's fire, and he may not recover completely. It is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

When Qi Ze entered the mountain, he was completely blind. Luckily, Luo Hai still had some knowledge. When he heard that Qi Ze wanted to find the Yinshan School's lair, he immediately said, "The disciples of the Yinshan School's main altar know about it."

Qi Ze was overjoyed and said: "Let's go and talk!"

Luo Hai took the order, and hurried on his way quietly while the Buddha's light flashed. There are countless zombies around Beiman Mountain, and they wandered away one after another. Unfortunately, they were all unprofessional people, who couldn't sense the aura of Buddhism at all, and were easily shuttled away by Luo Hai.

After a few days, I have come to a big river called Peiran. The big river is unknown how long and tens of feet wide, like a vast ocean. There is another Juefeng standing above the riverside, outside the Juefeng is full of Yin Qi, and there are wild corpses howling.

Facing each other across the river, Luo Hai said: "This is where the main altar of the Yinshan Sect is located!"

Qi Ze glanced around slightly, and said: "The Yinshan faction has Tu Biantian and Tumenjue two immortals sitting in the fortress, don't get too close, so as not to alarm them, I'll just wait outside and inquire!"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Luo Hai had nothing to do and said, "Just follow Master Qi's words!"

Qi Ze flew out, said: "I'll go and find out first!" and flew around the big river. The big river is boundless, and it feels like the Liusha River described in the novels of the previous life. It is the number one source of water in Beimang Mountain. However, being polluted by yin and corpse qi all the year round, it is absolutely difficult for living people to gain a foothold.

Qi Zefa supported the ancient lantern with skill, released a lantern flower to cover his body, and walked slowly along the river. Although the Yinshan faction is a vassal of Beiman Mountain, but there are two immortals sitting in the town, there must be many disciples, there is no shortage of handymen in the service, as long as you find them, you can get some news.

Luo Hai was worried that Qi Ze would go alone, and in a blink of an eye, he had already plunged into the Buddha's heart lamp. Qi Ze smiled, this cheap disciple was very caring, and he did pass on a volume of the "Diamond Sutra" to him, then carefully restrained his mind, and flew away slowly.

It's a pity that he never realized a Buddhist secret method of concealing breath, which can be used at this time. Going up the big river, along the way, I saw many walking corpses wandering around, even in the river there were countless water corpses floating and sinking without stopping.

The dark wind was turbulent above the peak, and there was an endless cloud of corpses gathering, one could tell at a glance that there was an old corpse with a deep fire breathing out the vitality, and it was unknown which one it was Tu Biantian or Tumen Jue.

Qi Ze became more and more cautious, restraining his aura, and suddenly saw several corpse auras flying down from Juefeng Peak, and landed on the bank of the river. Among the corpse auras were several monks of the Yinshan sect. The Taoism of the Yinshan School is also interesting. Although they major in corpse energy, their disciples are not zombies, but mostly strangers, such as Qi Wuhui.

Those monks also looked like strangers, there were actually two golden elixirs and two nascent souls, and one of the golden elixirs said: "The head teacher wants to entertain the ancestor of the demon monk, why did he send us to pick Yin Corpse Flowers? A lot of Yin corpse wine has been brewed, isn’t it the main ingredient made of Yin corpse flowers? Why bother to look far away?”

A Nascent Soul cultivator shouted: "You can also know the mystery?" The Jindan Daoist hurriedly smiled and said: "I am just a small character, UU Reading or the two senior brothers who are well-informed and follow along all the year round. Serving as the head teacher, I can hear a lot of important things! Please also ask the two senior brothers to teach me!"

The two Daoist Nascent Souls looked at each other, and one of them smiled and said, "Okay, for the sake of your understanding, let me tell you a little about it! Do you know that the deputy head teacher, Tu Menjue, was seriously injured in the Great Bodhi Temple?"

The Jindan real person said: "I heard some rumors, saying that the deputy head teacher was burned by the Buddha's fire, and he wailed in pain every day, it was unspeakable!"

Yuanying Daoist said: "The Buddha fire was transformed by an arhat's life-long kungfu when he was sitting and transforming. How powerful is it? The head teacher rescued the deputy head teacher. I wanted to ask Wan Chenglong Lord to take action, but it's a pity that Wan Chenglong Lord No, I have no other choice, so I have no choice but to pin my idea on the demon monk!"

Another Nascent Soul interjected, "Do you know where the demon monk came from?"

Daoist Jindan said in a daze, "I don't know!"

The real Nascent Soul said: "It is said that the demon monk was an arhat who attained enlightenment before he was alive! Somehow, he died in Beiman Mountain, and his body turned into a demon head. Not to mention, even the supernatural powers of the Buddha Dharma cultivated in the previous life have awakened a lot, so through the joint practice of Buddha and demon, it will return to the position of longevity in a hundred years!"

The Jindan Daoist said frightened: "That demon monk is so powerful?"

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Another Daoist Yuanying interjected: "The deputy head teacher was burned by the Buddha's fire. The demon monk is the most proficient in Buddhist supernatural powers in Beiman Mountain. If we want to drive them away completely, we must invite him to come out!"

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