MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 402 Fearless!

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Poor Monk Cultivates a Taoist Chapter 402 Silence and Fearlessness!

I only heard Qi Ze ask: "I just ask you one thing, if you answer carefully, I will spare your dog's life, if you cheat, I will kill you immediately!"

The Nascent Soul Daoist didn't expect that there were still experts lurking beside him, he had no room to resist when he was in a sudden attack, his heart was full of fear, and he hurriedly shouted: "Just ask me! The little one knows everything! Knows everything! "

Qi Ze said: "There is Qi Wuhui in the Yinshan School, do you know where he is now? Where is the cave where he cultivated?"

Daoist Nascent Soul secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "This is easy! It's easy! That Qi Wuhui has grown into a baby, and after thinking about it, he set off for the outside world half a year ago to condense the essence of Xuanying!"

Qi Ze's heart skipped a beat, he was immediately disappointed, and shouted: "Are you serious about what you said?"

The Nascent Soul Daoist hurriedly shouted: "How dare you lie to the Shangxian! If the Shangxian doesn't believe it, you can go to the Yinshan sect to inquire. It is absolutely true that Qi Wuhui went to the outside world, and no one deceives you!" Get your life, already incoherent.

Qi Ze slandered: "If I dare to go to the Yinshan sect to inquire casually, why bother to capture you? But what this person said is probably true!" The Dharma body is proficient in the way of six senses, and his mind changes for the real Nascent Soul It was very clear that this person had nothing but anxiety and fear in his heart, and he had absolutely no energy left to make up lies again.

Seeing Qi Ze groaning slightly, Nascent Soul Daoist said that he didn't believe his own words, it was a matter of life, so there was no hurry, he was about to tell, but he heard Qi Ze say: "Abolish his magic skills, save his life!"

The real Nascent Soul was terrified, and he was about to resist immediately, only to feel a flood of unstoppable Buddha light slanting down, wandering between the Nascent Soul and the Nascent Soul, and in an instant, he had been practicing hard for many years. All the true energy of the Yin Mountain is gone!

The Nascent Soul Daoist was so angry that he passed out immediately and became unconscious.

Luo Hai made a move, crippling that person's skill, Jiao Kui clicked his tongue and said, "It will be easier for him to end up like this!"

Qi Ze said: "Don't worry about it! Since Qi Wuhui has gone outside the territory, I can only go outside the territory to intercept him. No matter what, I must take back Master Tianhongzi's flying sword!"

Luo Haidao: "The void outside the territory is full of dangers, especially there are countless extraterritorial demons gathered outside this realm. If you go to the outside world at this time, you are afraid of dying."

Qi Ze smiled and said: "Qi Wuhui dared to go outside the territory, so why wouldn't I? But..." After a pause, he said: "You don't need to absorb the essence of Xuanying in the practice of Xiaowuxiang Zen, but it's my incarnation practice. Swordsmanship requires the essence of mysteries to condense the Nascent Soul Dharma Body, but it is a pity that the time for me to become a golden core is still short, and I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to cultivate into a baby."

Dharma practice is very different from Taoism, especially the method of the nine senses, it is based on the law, and does not pretend to seek it from the outside. The method of nine senses does not need to go outside to refine the essence of mystery, but the incarnation adheres to the cultivation base of Xuanyin sword art, as long as it is a baby, it is bound to go to the outside world, imitating Xiao Shao's past, and tempering his cultivation.

Qi Ze thought for a moment, then said: "Let's ignore him, the outside world is dangerous, and Qi Wuhui is not an expert, so he has to walk on thin ice. There will always be a few years for me to prepare! Now that you know Qi Wuhui's whereabouts, let's leave here..."

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Before he finished speaking, his complexion changed drastically, and he felt a deep magic power suddenly pouring down from the peak of Juefeng, sweeping across the four figures in an instant, it was Tu Biantian who discovered their traces and warned with his magic power!

Jiao Kui screamed, and the body of the fire dragon turned over in the Buddha fire, and shouted: "I'm dead! I'm dead! I'm going to send you to Yinshan to send me to die, and finally I showed my traces, waiting to be wiped on my neck." stop!"

Luo Hai ignored him, and asked Qi Ze, "What is Master Qi's plan?"

Qi Zefa scratched the back of his head, and said, "Don't panic, Tu Biantian only sent down a warning from his magic thoughts. One is that he thinks too highly of himself, and I'm sure I won't be able to escape from his grasp. The other is to heal Tumenjue's wounded body." When it's critical, I can't separate my strength. I'll just run away!"

Jiao Kui turned over and shouted, "This is a **** way!"

Monk Luo Hai had no choice but to turn himself into Buddha's light and try his best to shoot away from the Yinshan sect, trying to get as far as he could before Tu Biantian attacked!

In the Buddha's light, Qi Ze's incarnation suddenly jumped out, smiled at the dharma body, and stretched out his hand to touch the back of his head, showing a helpless expression.

On the Juefeng, Tu Biantian's hand in the Yinshan Tomb has an endless source of demon light from the corpse energy, rushing into the Qianshan Jue Dharma, and working together with the demon monk to consume the Buddha fire left by the nameless old monk.

The demon monk was already looking crazy, sometimes laughing wildly, sometimes screaming, only a dark golden brilliance continued to output from beginning to end, in terms of skill, it was by no means inferior to Tu Quantian.

Tu Biantian secretly said: "Ashamed!" Not only are there many mountains, rivers and terrains he invested in this Yinshan Tomb, but there are also many ghost kings and ghost soldiers who bless him with mana. I'm about to show my timidity, now it seems that in terms of real cultivation, the demon monk is indeed above Tu Quantian.

Tu Biantian suddenly snorted coldly, it turned out that Luo Hai took action to suppress the real Nascent Soul, showing traces, and was finally noticed by him. After all, it is a longevity series, and there is still some supernatural powers. The head teacher of the Yinshan Sect sneered secretly, and thought: "The Yinshan Sect has had thousands of years and no one has dared to come to provoke you. These juniors are so courageous! There is a demon monk here, so you have to bear it for a while, so as not to be seen as a joke by him. , spread it everywhere in the future, forgive them for not escaping from my grasp!"

Qi Ze was only half right in determining the reason for Tu Biantian's reluctance to take action immediately, but it didn't hurt much.

Tu Biantian only scanned it with his magic thoughts, and then concentrated on outputting mana. After all, removing the Buddha's flame for Tumenjue was the most important thing.

With his help, the demon monk saves a lot of effort. Suddenly he yelled and shouted: "What nonsense Buddha fire, put it out!" Seeing the dark golden brilliance flourishing, the power soared by 30%, and the Buddha in Qianshan's unique dharma was extinguished. The fire was too heavy to lift his head.

Tu Mantian was overjoyed, and hurriedly increased his kung fu output. As for Tumenjue, he suffered from the three-strand mana counterattack, crying even worse, so what does it matter to me?

Tu Biantian already had a premonition that in a short while, that Buddha fire would be completely refined away!

At this moment, a sudden change occurred! Only one sound of the Buddha's chant resounded inside and outside Juefeng, "Nanwu Dingjue Tathagata!" A ray of Buddha's light appeared from the top of the peak, and the entire Juefeng was completely sealed inside in an instant!

The Buddha's light is as soft as water, but extremely pure. Once it covers the Juefeng, it seems to drag it into another world and separate it from Beiman Mountain.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Together with the Buddhist supernatural powers, Tu Bian Tianli felt it, and shouted: "Who is it!"

I saw three rays of light rising at the same time, and the figures of three old monks appeared. One is tall, one is fat, and the other is thin. The tall monk is holding a magic treasure in the shape of a Buddhist scripture. Immeasurable Buddha's light is shooting into the sky from the two pages of the book. It is this treasure that separates the entire Yinshan sect.

The other fat old monk was very fair, with a pleasant smile and an innocent look, but he struck out with an extremely fierce golden fist. The fist flew up, as if there was a sound of Zen singing, calling Said: "Maha! Maha! Maha!" Maha is a Buddhist word, which means immeasurable, and it is used to describe the infinite power of this fist!

Tu Quantian's complexion changed again, and he shouted: "Maha Quan? You are the bald donkeys of Zhuanlun Temple!" That Maha Quan is one of the eighteen great magical powers of Buddhism, which requires more than ten small magical powers Combined to form several supernatural powers, and then use several supernatural powers to combine to form, known as the most powerful boxing, in terms of fists and feet, it is not far behind the dragon and elephant's supernatural powers!

The fat monk punched out a Maha fist, the fist aimed directly at Tu Bantian Yuanshen, Tu Bantian had no choice but to cut off his mana, and received the punch forcefully with Yinshan Tomb. Throwing the Yinshan tomb lightly, the Baoshan tomb immediately swelled in the wind, and it became the size of a hundred acres in the blink of an eye. Among them, Beimang was towering, and the Yinhe River was winding. There were countless tombs on both sides, and the largest tomb was full. Occupying a mountain top, it suddenly exploded with the sound of thunder!

When the tomb exploded, a ghost suddenly flew out. The monster gave birth to a ghost head, ferocious and ferocious. The whole body was made of white bones without a trace of flesh. With four fierce eyes, filled with blood-red light, shining on the void from above, and gloomy with candles below, wandering around the void between vibrations, it's nothing to worry about!

The longevity ghost king raised by Tu Biantian is actually a heavenly ghost! But its proof is longevity, and its supernatural powers are immeasurable! Tu Biantian shouted: "Please help fellow Taoists!"

The blood light flickered in the four fierce eyes of the Longevity Heavenly Ghost, and with a shake of its bones and wings, there was no trace of it! The next moment there was a loud noise, the ghost of that day also turned into a height of ten feet, and the ghost claws grabbed and killed the fat old monk!

The fat old monk shouted: "Good time!" Luck made the Maha boxing supernatural powers, punching out one after another, every move was blessed by the mighty power of Buddhism, the power is really the extreme of Maha, the ghost screamed and roared endlessly.

Maha boxing is worthy of being one of the great supernatural powers of Buddhism. The meaning of Maha not only refers to the domineering power of the fist, but especially between the changes in the boxing method, the power of the fist can be superimposed on each other, and even infinity. This is the original meaning of Maha.

The fat old monk is majestic and majestic, just like King Kong descending into the world and the king of Ming entrusting his life, he only concentrates on using boxing techniques. After more than ten punches, between the immeasurable boxing power superimposed and blessed, the void is like a piece of iron. Extremely stagnant.

Although Mahaquan is simple and submerged, it is precisely the nemesis of ghosts like sky ghosts that can travel through the void.

Tu Biantian snorted coldly, there was powerful mana in the Yinshan Tomb to bless the heavenly ghost, and his own family also went into battle in person, with a wave of his hand, immeasurable corpse energy condensed like a knife and sliced ​​away.

That fat monk was so brave that he fought alone against the two great immortals, Tiangui and Tu Biantian, and the one who was still able to suppress Tiangui screamed and screamed endlessly.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Another skinny old monk manifested the immeasurable light of Buddha, and he recited the secret mantra. With the sound of the mantra, he only pointed with his hand. The demon monk let out a muffled groan, and the dark golden brilliance was interrupted!

Tu Biantian was even more frightened and angry, and shouted: "Dingjue Breaking the Demon God Curse? You are Ji Wuwei, the abbot of Zhuanlun Temple!" In an instant, he had the intention to quit! Zhuanlun Temple is located in the Great Snow Mountain, not in the same land as Zhongtu, but Tu Biantian, as the ancestor of longevity, has also heard of the masters among them.

Naji Wuwei is the abbot of the contemporary Zhuanlun Temple. There is also a magical mantra in Zhuanlun Temple called Dingjue Breaking Demon God Mantra. According to legend, this mantra was handed down by Dingjue Tathagata. This curse will destroy all the heavenly demons and heretics who will commit crimes in the future, thus establishing the supreme Buddhist kingdom and passing down the Buddhist legal system!

The regulations of Zhuanlun Temple are strict, and only the abbot of this magical mantra has the qualifications to practice it. Therefore, the person who can cast this mantra must be the abbot of Zhuanlun Temple! Tu Biantian doesn't know which is higher or lower compared to fearlessness and voyeurism, but it is definitely not something he can resist, even if he abandons Tu Menjue, he must run for his life first!

The thin old monk said with a smile: "The old monk is Ji Wudao! Unexpectedly, Master Tu also knows my Dharma name!" As he spoke, the sound of the mantra didn't stop for a moment, and he realized that the magic-breaking mantra was recorded and recited in the unique language of Buddhism. , the pronunciation of tongue and tongue has subtlety, which is similar to the voice of demons from outside the territory. If there is no teaching, it is absolutely difficult to imitate.

As soon as the demon-breaking spell came out, the demon monk had a look of pain on his face, the dark golden brilliance outside his body flickered from time to time, obviously he was in a state of restlessness, and two zhang-long magic lights shot out from the two eye sockets of the skull, finally Unable to bear the sound of the mantra filling his ears, he shouted: "Die!"

With a flick of the dark golden brilliance, it swept towards Ji Wuwei like a raging tide! At the same time, when he clapped both hands, two palm prints flew up, Great Vajra Palm! The demon monk is also proficient in this small Buddhist supernatural power, and under its use, the power of this small supernatural power is no less than the power of Maha Boxing!

This great vajra palm is also realized by the demon monk by collecting his memories during his lifetime. Although UU Reading is a Buddhist supernatural power, its essence is activated by dark golden true energy, which is neither fish nor fowl.

Ji Wuwei shook his head and sighed: "Since I have mastered the supernatural powers of Buddhism, it is a pity that I have never repented, and I am still willing to degenerate. It is a pity!" With a finger pointing, under the blessing of the mantra sound, the great Vajra palm collapsed, It became a little bit of dark golden infuriating energy.

Firstly, the demon monk was in a state of confusion tormented by the Dingjue demon-breaking curse, and secondly, he drank the Yin Corpse wine and was already insane in his words and deeds. It's a fit and pounce, wanting to die with Ji Wuwei!

Ji Wuwei said: "I'm here for you, how can I be unprepared?" He took out something from his sleeve and stretched it against the wind, but it was a golden banner with numbers written in Buddhist script, and threw it into the air , it has landed on the eyebrows of the demon monk, firmly imprinted on it!

As soon as Tu Bantian saw the demon monk's insane state, he knew something was wrong, and secretly regretted: "I knew there was a bald donkey attacking, so I wouldn't give it so much wine!"

The demon monk has a habit. After binge drinking Yin corpse wine, he will definitely die drunk for several days. Now he is half drunk and half awake, and when he meets Ji Wuwei, an old bald man with infinite supernatural powers, how can he catch him without a fight?

The golden banner is also a rare treasure in the Zhuanlun Temple, it can nail the devil's head soul, it is extremely sharp, the demon monk was imprisoned by it, and his whole body was shocked immediately, as quiet as a dead body, standing stiffly.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

To be honest, recently I have been using reading to follow up, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

Seeing the demon monk being captured, Tu Biantian was in despair, and shouted: "How dare you break into Beiman Mountain, Lord Wanchenglong will definitely make a move!"

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