MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 404 Master help!

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

The poor monk repaired a Taoist chapter 404, master help!

Lord Wan Chenglong shouted: "They can't escape very far! Chase!"

At this time, three or four streams of supreme corpse aura and magic power rose up from the depths of Beimang Mountain, each one was not weaker than Wan Cheng Long Lord, and they were rapidly waking up. Zombies and the like hate Buddhism the most, and when they were attacked by Zhuanlun Temple, several old zombies who had been sleeping for many years were immediately mobilized to attack!

Jiao Kui didn't dare to turn his head back, and he could feel the immeasurable corpse's aura gushing above his head. He fought fiercely with the Buddhists, and couldn't help fighting a few cold wars, shouting: "Run away! Run away!"

Needless to say, Monk Luo Hai has already tried his best to escape, but this escape has attracted another person's attention.

The three old monks of Zhuanlun Temple fought and left with Lord Wanchenglong. In an instant, they were far away from the peak of the Yinshan School. The ghosts and ghost kings were all blown up, and at least five of their lives and mana were burned out. It was too miserable, and they didn't dare to chase after them to watch the excitement.

Tu Biantian's heart twitched, he had already sensed the fluctuation of Qi Ze and others' escape, and he was furious immediately, thinking: "I can't help but kill those three bald donkeys, can't I kill a few little bugs? Just use them to vent my anger!" He still has scruples about his status, and he won't easily bully the little with the big, but now that he is angry, how can he care about that?

Tu Biantian's mind moved like a thunder, even if his vitality was seriously injured, Qi Ze and others could not resist it, and in an instant, he was already blocked on the way!

Jiao Kui yelled in fright, Monk Luo Hai's face darkened, ready to fight to the death. Only Qi Ze remained undisturbed, and his avatar suddenly jumped out.

Tu Biantian still wanted to taunt a few words, and then slowly cooked up these little bugs, when he suddenly saw that golden core "trash" stretch out his hand and slap the back of the head, and shouted: "Master, help!" Without even thinking about it, he hit with a magical power, and took the life of that golden core "trash" first, and it must not be activated!

It's a pity that it was one step too late, Qi Ze's incarnation had already prepared in secret, and when he slapped the back of his head, a clear light flew up into the sky, it was the life-saving supernatural power left by Tian Jizi!

Qi Ze doesn't know what kind of magical power this supernatural power has. He only knows that this thing will definitely protect his life. There is nothing he can do about it. He trusts Tianjizi so much!

Together with Qing Guang, with a slight rotation, Tu Biantian's magic power has been lightly dissipated, and then a figure slowly walked out from it, with his sleeves fluttering, who is it?

Tianjizi's face was reflected in Tubian's Tianmu, without even thinking about it, he turned around and left! Isn't that fellow the Five Elements Sect's head teacher, Tianjizi? He has come here by the method of avatar and shadow, so what's the point if he doesn't leave!

Tianjizi's avatar rolled his eyes, saw Tu Biantian fleeing in a panic, and said with a smile: "I'm used to causing trouble! Huh?" Turning his head slightly, he said: "There is a bald donkey from Zhuanlun Temple who shot, and even Wan Chenglong You didn't get any benefits? Interesting!"

Both Qi Ze's dharma body and incarnation paid homage, and said in unison: "The disciple kowtows to see the teacher!"

Monk Luo Hai also bowed down deeply, Jiao Kui was extremely surprised, he rushed out, and shouted: "Which **** descended in my way? It made the evil spirits retreat..." Before the flattery was finished, it was a trick of the sky. With a finger pointing, the tongue has been sealed, and he can't speak.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Tianjizi smiled and said, "Bullying my apprentice? Tu Bantian is using me as a **** for the group of Dabodhi Temple!" Pointing his hand, a ray of clear light burst out from the fingertips, soft and bright like water, like a ray of frenzied tide, sweeping away out!

Tu Biantian had just figured out how proud Qi Ze was, but how embarrassed he is now! The ray of clear light came very fast, and it was approaching the front door in a flash. Tu Quantian yelled in horror: "Tianjizi! This is Beiman Mountain, you dare to kill..." Before he finished speaking, the ray of clear light passed from his demon body Cut it over!

That Qing Guang didn't know how to condense his mana, but he was so sharp that he refused to give up, and divided the Yinshan Tomb into two parts! Yinshan Tsukamoto was pierced by the Maha fist, and after receiving this blow again, the internal restraint finally collapsed, and with a bang, it exploded completely!

Those who exploded at the same time as the Yinshan Tomb also let out a shrill scream! It turned out that Tu Biantian collected the remnant soul of the hapless ghost Tumenjue into the Yinshan Tomb. He had good intentions, but Tumenjue also had a fateful life. !

The Yinshan tomb exploded, and Tumenjue's remnant spirit disappeared in smoke! Tumenjue never dreamed that he had run amok in the world for many years, because he was captured in Fulong Mountain and suppressed in Dabodhi Temple, and then his fortune declined all the way, and finally he died without knowing why, his soul was shattered into pieces, and he couldn't recover even if he tried again have to!

Tu Biantian's body was chopped off, and with a shake, they fit together again, but there was a thin cut mark in the middle, which couldn't be worn away no matter what. Without saying a word, Tu Biantian turned into a beam of magic light and plunged into the depths of Beiman Mountain without even daring to say a harsh word.

Tian Jizi cut him, although he survived by luck, but he has already been cut off from the realm of immortality, at this moment, even a level waiting to be ordered can take his life, how dare he stay? I just want a place to live and lick my wounds as soon as possible!

Tianjizi didn't bother to pay attention to Tu Biantian's escape, he closed his eyes and stood still for a while, suddenly a clear light flew over and hung behind his head, then he opened his eyes and said with a smile: "I give you a clone, just to protect you Your life is not meant to cause trouble for you!"

Qi Ze was about to distinguish, Tianjizi said again: "But that's good, we can do something! Why doesn't the master of peeping **** show up?"

Everyone froze for a moment, and saw an old monk walking out of the Buddha's light behind Luo Hai's head. If it's not the abbot of the Great Bodhi Temple, who is it? The old monk clasped his palms together and said: "I'm only worried about Qi Ze, and I don't want to be seen through by fellow Taoists. Shame! Shame!"

Tianjizi smiled and said, "It's my disciple's luck that the master is willing to take care of you! Since you and I are both in Beiman Mountain, why don't we join hands to make a meritorious deed!"

Master Jianxing also came here with his avatar, his eyes flickered, and he said: "There are still fellow practitioners from Zhuanlun Temple here, and this old man is about to meet with him!" In the hinterland of Middle-earth, there is no communication at all. This opportunity is rare, how can we let it go?

Tianjizi smiled and said: "The battle for legal order is **** and fatal! There are already many swords and swords in the Taoist sect because of different opinions, and the old Taoists are no exception in Buddhist sects!"

Master Peeping Sex shook his head and said, "No way! No way!"

Tianjizi pointed with his finger, and the four of them fell into his sleeves involuntarily, and said with a smile: "Come along with me to watch the fun!" Together with Master Peeping Xing, they made two beams of light and flew away through the air.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Lord Wanchenglong was chasing and killing the three old monks of Zhuanlun Temple, and along the way, two more tyrannical corpse auras burst out of the ground, turning into two magic lights and flying towards them. .

Suddenly someone laughed and said: "It's so lively! It's so lively! How about letting the old man join in the fun?"

Wan Cheng Long Lord sensed the demonic thoughts, gritted his teeth angrily, and shouted: "Tianjizi! How dare you be alone...huh?" Another extremely tyrannical Buddha's light flew parallel with Tianjizi, and he couldn't help being frightened and angry , Shouted: "Okay! It turns out that the Zhuanlun Temple and the Great Bodhi Temple have joined forces secretly!"

What Wanchenglong Lord fears the most is still Tianjizi, the old bull-nosed man. The Five Elements Sect is located in the extreme north. With the strength of a family, it rejects the Xuanguang Realm in the north and resists Beimang Mountain in the south. , the situation is incompatible, Tian Jizi is a kind-hearted person with a kind face, since he appears here, maybe the bald donkeys on both sides of the Zhuanlun Temple and the Great Bodhi Temple were designed by him.

The appearance of Tianjizi and Peeping Xing immediately attracted the attention of the two newly unearthed old zombies. The two magic lights deflected and were thrown towards it. He was sent flying out!

The round of clear light behind Tianjizi's head is uncertain, and the Buddha's light outside Peeping Xing's body is also blooming like a lotus flower. It is obvious that the two of them have shot with all their strength just now, without reservation!

Wan Xing shouted: "Old Monk Wan Xing, I am the abbot of Zhongtu Great Bodhi Temple, please stay with the three senior brothers of Zhuanlun Temple!" As soon as he said this, the Buddha's light in front of his head stopped immediately.

Lord Wanchenglong was both happy and surprised. He was happy that the three bald donkeys in Zhuanlun Temple would no longer run away, but he was surprised that once the two bald donkeys joined forces, it would be even more difficult to control!

The vitality of the immortal old zombies whose two ends were blown away was not hurt, and they flew back again, but they were even more angry. At first, one head was in the shape of a human being, three feet tall, wearing black armor, with three heads and six arms. This demon was called the Golden Armored Ancestor. It is the color of pure gold, which has been dyed for countless years, poured with the blood of his own corpse and the blood of all spirits, and finally dyed completely black!

The other corpse ancestor was only one zhang tall, and it was a monster in the shape of a simian. The scorpion was shaped like an ape, but it was a hundred times more ferocious, and it ate apes, especially the brains of apes. This creature was already extremely ferocious in life, but after death it turned into a zombie, and it became even worse, and even the offspring of zombies in Beimang Mountain were devoured!

The name of this thing is 猱魃, which is a genus of Han魃, with a layer of sky-burning demonic flames around its body, scorching and burning, and its potential energy burns through the sky and the earth. Wherever it passed, the flood stopped and the earth cracked. It was really a catastrophe!

Lord Wan Chenglong frowned when he saw the two corpse ancestors, the golden-armored ancestor was fine, but that scorpion had always been at odds with him, and the scorpion was too arrogant, trying to devour his corpse several times, To strengthen oneself, the two have fought openly and secretly for thousands of years, and both ended in a draw. Today, Beiman Mountain was under his command, and was killed by a Buddhist bald donkey. I'm afraid some of them would ridicule him!

The Golden Armored Ancestor and Xiao Chi have sealed themselves in the coffin all year round, nourishing their bodies with the earth's energy, and they can't easily walk outside. Beiman Mountain has a very peculiar system. Although it is a sect, it is loosely organized. It is run by a few elders with profound Taoism.

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Those long-lived old zombies made a plan, for thousands of years, only one old zombie guarded Beiman Mountain, and the rest fell into a deep sleep, refining the boundless earth energy in the mountain, and if there was an enemy attacking, they would all respond together.

During this millennium, Lord Wanchenglong should be on duty, and he is the head teacher of Beiman Mountain. He was at peace with each other, but three waves of people came to kill him.

Together with Tianjizi and Jianxing, the old monk held a jeweled lantern, which turned out to be a jeweled lotus lantern. The flame in the lantern was pure white, and occasionally a lantern flower burst.

The Buddha Guangfu of the three old monks of Zhuanlun Temple turned back again, and there were three bodies. Just now, Lord Wanchenglong yelled and intercepted and killed him in all directions, just because he had helpers. The Golden Armored Ancestor's two heads were stiff, and he couldn't shake immediately, so he could only fly over after him.

In the Buddha's light, Ji Maha shouted: "Senior brother is the peeping sex? I have admired your name for a long time, and I am Ji Maha! These two are my junior brothers!"

Ji Wuwei said calmly: "Old Na Ji Wuwei!"

Jituo folded his hands together and said, "Old Na Jituo!"

Peeping Xing returned the salute, and said: "This fellow Taoist is the real person who teaches Tianjizi of the Five Elements School!"

As soon as Tianjizi's name came out, the three old monks were really moved, and saluted together: "It turns out that the head teacher of Tianjizi is face to face, old monk, please be polite!"

Tianjizi was very happy, and said with a smile: "Why are the three arhats so polite? Can't you imagine that a mountain person like Pindao has a bad reputation in the Zhuanlun Temple?"

Ji Maha said: "This is natural! Who doesn't know that You Nai is the number one master of Taoism in this world?"

Tian Jizi couldn't close his mouth when he laughed, and said, "It's easy to say! Easy to say!"

At this time, the three-headed Changsheng Laozhuo had also joined the teacher, and Xiao Chi sneered and said: "Okay, I only slept for a few years, then I cannibalized people and broke into my house, and I don't know when my head will be decapitated! Wan Cheng, you really did a great job on this millennium rotation!"

Lord Wan Chenglong was not to be outdone, and sneered, "Even if your head is taken off, you won't be able to come back alive!"

Xiao Chi was furious, so he wanted to fight Wan Chenglong Lord, UU reading www.uukanshu. The Golden Armored Ancestor at the side said calmly: "The enemy is approaching!" His corpse aura rolled up like a tide, forming a gray-white wave around him, and the corpse aura was dotted with zombies as small as fireflies!

There are endless zombies in the corpse aura, although most of them are golden corpses, silver corpses and bronze armored corpses, but there are too many of them, and when breathing corpse aura, it is also of great benefit to the golden armored ancestor. This is a set of golden-armored holy weapons mastered by the golden-armored ancestor after he became a corpse demon. It can melt countless zombies, incorporate them into their own corpses, and benefit each other. When confronting the enemy, they can release a wave of soldiers.

When the Golden Armored Ancestor spoke, Lord Wanchenglong and Xiaoxi immediately stopped talking and just glared at each other.

Tianjizi laughed, concentrated slightly, and said: "It's rare for all of you to come to Beimang Mountain today. It's a fate. If you are so poor, you have the courage to ask for your help to suppress countless zombies here. It is also an immeasurable merit!" Apart from the three old corpses of Lord Wanchenglong, there are still several long-lived zombies who have awakened, but they never showed up.

Tianjizi is also helpless, Beiman Mountain has a loose system, and there are too many immortality series in the middle school. If it is not for them, they will either fall asleep or fight among themselves. Half of the world will be under the jurisdiction of Beiman Mountain. It is rare that four arhats came all at once. , I have to take advantage of it before leaving!

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【The poor monk cultivates a way】【】

Being able to kill Tu Menjue and severely injure Tu Biantian is already a joy. If the operation is good today, it will be enough to make Beiman Mountain not dare to act recklessly for decades! Jian Xing first said: "Subduing demons and subduing demons is the duty of our Buddhist disciples, and we must accomplish this merit!"

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