MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 419 Qi Ze Yuanying! (Happy New Years Eve! See you in 2023...

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Kui Qi was also helpless, the Huojiao blinked to achieve the Dharma, and it was too late to stop him, so he lost the opportunity to fight, so he had to turn around and fight again. But this time he couldn't be suppressed to death, the two sides were evenly matched, the Huojiao cultivated the Dharma in a blink of an eye, without the slightest hint of stagnation, he used it very skillfully, as if he had cultivated to this state for decades. Jiao Kui didn't know why he was able to achieve it overnight, and he was full of joy. He also learned from Na Kui Qi, combining the dharma with the original body, shaking his spirits, and using his body to the limit. With a **** courage, he actually suppressed Kui Qi at a disadvantage. [In other words, currently the best app for reading and listening to books, change the source app, and install the latest version of .huanyuan app. 】Qi Ze saw a pillar of fire soaring into the sky, a dragon and a snake biting and fighting on the icy ocean, it didn't look like two Dharma phases, but like a beast fighting for its life with its claws and claws relying only on instinct. Jiao Kui suddenly achieved the Dharma, Qi Ze also felt a little strange, he couldn't help but glanced at the extreme sky, he could see clearly the little spiritual light flying from the sky just now. Above the extreme sky, there is a Taoist standing with his hands behind his back. He is actually the head teacher of the Five Elements Sect, Tianjizi, but it is not known whether it is the real body or the shadow of the primordial spirit. He had just casually flashed that bit of inspiration just now, and seeing Jiao Kui's supernatural power, he said with a smile, "That guy is a bit worthy of training!" Suddenly, a shadow of a knife flew out from his sleeve, turning into the shadow of a female crown , and said: "You said Xuanguang Realm wanted to arrest Qi Ze, lead you out of Wufeng Mountain, and ask me to accompany you in acting, why didn't your apprentice cooperate?" Tianjizi laughed and said: "My disciple is too capable, and I didn't Way, who made the juniors in the Xuanguang Realm so useless that the two Nascent Souls can't take down Qi Ze?" The words were quite self-satisfied. The shadow of the female crown is Chang Shuanggu, the head teacher of the Taiyin Sect, and said with a frown, "You have taken in a good apprentice! It is already a great feat to be able to carry the Nascent Soul with the Jindan series!" Tianjizi smiled. He said: "What is this? When I was in Jindan, I was able to kill two Nascent Soul monsters in a row!" Chang Shuanggu said with a smile: "As expected of the head teacher of the Five Elements Sect, the ability to brag is beyond the reach of poor people! But you That precious apprentice is too slow in cultivation, my disciple Xia Qingyan was out of her body the day before yesterday, and she is planning to go outside the territory to cultivate the elites of mystery!" Tian Jizi frowned and said: "Nowadays outside the territory are full of demons, and there are dangers everywhere. It is no different from sending her to death, so Xia Qingyan should be the next generation headmaster of the Taiyin Sect, are you willing?" Chang Shuanggu said indifferently: "How can you achieve great things without being baptized by the devil? If Qingyan dies outside the territory, it is also Her destiny is to kill a few more demon lords to avenge her!" Tianjizi said: "Fellow Daoist, you can think about it!" Chang Shuanggu said: "The old man Wen Koojian likes to be lively, such a big scene Why hasn't he come yet?" Tianjizi said, "I heard that you are busy with secular affairs, so I'm afraid I can't come in person." Aunt Chang sneered slightly, and said, "Who doesn't know that old man usually only cares about his own practice, and treats the vulgar in the door?" If you want to lie to me, you should make up a good reason!" Tianjizi smiled, and Aunt Chang Shuang said: "I still want to sit in the gate, when will you do it?" Ji Zi smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist is still hot-tempered, so why not wait a little longer? My disciple is too promising, those wastes in the Xuanguang Realm will definitely not be able to sit still, and we can only wait for them to take the initiative, and then make plans!" Aunt Chang Shuang Said: "That disciple of yours is really powerful. Under the cultivation of both Buddhism and Taoism, he has achieved great achievements, but that's all!" Tian Jizi's heart suddenly moved, and he clapped his hands and smiled: "Fellow Daoist said it too early. Maybe my apprentice can go out of the territory with your precious disciple!" Chang Shuanggu was also moved, looked down, and murmured: "How is this possible?" Tian Jizi said: "My apprentice said With a firm heart, it took three years to sharpen myself with the demonic nature of the Heavenly Demon Lord, and to perfect the golden core and alchemy. Now there is only one chance before the baby can come out of the body and penetrate the entrance! I thought it would take a few more years, but I didn’t want to A few useless **** have forced out his potential! Haha!" Just as Tianjizi laughed, Qi Ze's incarnation suddenly sighed, and said leisurely: "I wanted to polish it for a few more years, but I don't want to be so diligent. It seems that it is God's will, no matter what!" The alchemy in his body suddenly expanded and contracted rapidly, like the tide shaking, the strength is uncertain. This is not a sign of true qi going out. On the contrary, when He Manqing and Kui Jiu saw each other, they were shocked and shouted: "He wants the baby out of his body! Damn it!" Xiang naturally understands that Qi Ze also imitated that Huo Jiao and made a breakthrough! Seeing it from a distance, Yuan Li's expression changed drastically, and his hands tightened. If Qi Ze succeeded in breaking through, it would be even more difficult to fight. He should attack at this time and interrupt his promotion, but he has already spoken out and will not participate in this battle. He fell into a battle between heaven and man. Qi Ze's incarnation spent three years polishing the Dao foundation, and the alchemy in his body is already unrivaled and pure. When it gathers and disperses, it becomes qi, and when it gathers, it becomes elixir. I don't know why, is it because he is very good at swordsmanship naturally, or is Tianjizi doing something secretly, I thought that the practice of Buddhism is already scary, but now it seems that the practice of Daoist Kung Fu is not too much. Pill Qi fluctuates, which is the harbinger of a baby. A whole body of alchemy is tempered into Yuandan, and combined with Yuanshen, it is like a baby in the mother's womb, gaining innate essence, once the period expires, it will croak to the ground! Taoism believes that there are three dantians in the human body, and the lower dantian is located at the three-inch Qihai point in the lower abdomen, which is where the vitality of the whole body belongs to and dominates. Zhongdantian is located at Tanzhong acupoint in the chest, which is where the essence of the past and present comes from, and controls the essence and energy. Shangdantian is located in Tianling Zifu, which is the home of Yuanshen, the main god. The upper, middle, and lower dantians are in charge of the human body's energy, energy, and spirit. To make a baby from the golden elixir, one must follow the order of the lower, middle, and upper to condense the entire body's energy, energy, and spirit. Qi Ze originally wanted to polish it for a few more years, but when he didn't want to fight, his innate inspiration suddenly appeared, so he had to break through! The way of practice is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat. If you suppress it by force, it is not a good thing, it is better to let nature take its course. According to the sword formula, Qi Ze began to condense the vital energy of the alchemy, and started the journey of transforming into a baby. In a short while, the alchemy of a body of hard work had already condensed into a primordial pill in the lower dantian, which was round and bright, like a A little sun, emitting infinite light and heat. The incarnation of Qi Ze had already sat cross-legged, posing in a Taoist posture with five hearts facing the sky, with the curtains closed and his eyes closed, concentrating on exercises. Once the Zhongyuan Dan in the lower dantian is completed, it moves upwards, towards Tanzhong acupoint in the middle dantian. From the bottom to the top, reverse the Guanmai, which is in line with the so-called Daoist theory of "going along with the adult and going against it to become the immortal". Qi Ze's incarnation was busy with practicing, so naturally he couldn't fight anymore. He Manqing shouted: "Take his life while he is sick! Otherwise, we will die without a place to bury him when his Nascent Soul comes out of his body!" When Qi Ze Jindan was at the time, they killed them very hard. If they were babies, where would they still be? way of life? Kui Jiu exclaimed: "That's right!" Regardless of the fangs of Yuan's body being cut off, the internal organs being injured, and the snake's kiss opening wide, he wanted to swallow Qi Zesheng into his stomach. Suddenly a ray of Buddha's light rose, and a golden monk stepped out from the back of Qi Ze's head, shouting: "Amitabha!" With a finger pointing, a great vajra palm flew up, and suddenly it turned into a fist, Punch into the snake's kiss! Arhat Fist! Qi Ze turned into a body to practice the method, and the Dharma body had no choice but to show up to protect the Dharma. An Arhat struck with his fists, hammered the big snake somersault, and rolled away, crushing countless ice peaks. He Manqing shouted: "Okay! You bald donkey finally dare to show up! This is a matter between my Xuanguang Realm and the Five Elements School. What do you, a Buddhist monk, get mixed up with? If you are sensible, you should retreat quickly, and I will not wait." I will take your life!" Qi Ze's dharma body is still the appearance of Yuanxin monk, and his body is full of Buddha's light like a tide. He put his palms together and said: "Amitabha! Collect people's money and eliminate disasters with people. Why should the two benefactors use swords and weapons recklessly, why don't you just retreat. Wouldn't it be better if the two didn't hurt each other?" Kui Jiu shouted: "This bald donkey is farting! Since he is stubborn, let's beat him to death together!" Yuanying rose against the wind, and also punched him! Qi Ze's dharma body smiled and said: "Your original body can't be helped by poor monks, let alone the original infant?" A small layer of non-phase Zen light flew up outside the body, and the sound of Vajra Chan singing resounded through the sky in the Zen light, and the chanting was Buddhist scriptures, the way to save people to be good. Kui Jiuyuanying was rushed by the Buddha's light, and felt a demonic aura all over his body. He was so restrained by Buddhism, he couldn't help being shocked, and shouted: "This bald donkey is so powerful!" He Manqing shouted: "Stand shoulder to shoulder , kill this guy!" He shouted again: "Yuan Li! You still want to stand by and watch? If you delay, that guy will become a baby, and I will hardly survive!" Kui Jiu was also cunning, and also shouted: "That's right! You don't I would like to bully the few with more, so come to block this bald donkey for me, and I will kill the junior of the Five Elements Sect!" Yuan Li was still hesitating with his rattan stick. He Manqing already shouted: "If you don't make a move, go back to the Xuanguang Realm, and the Crane and Viper will attack your Apes!" Yuan Li's eyes flashed fiercely, and he shouted: "I will do it! There is so much nonsense!" Leaping like flying, as soon as he jumped, the rattan stick smashed on the head, and fell on the top of Qi Zefa's head, shouting: "I have no choice but to do so. You have arrived in the Nine Nether World, so don't blame me!" Qi Zefa shook his head. He laughed and said: "The poor monk wants to fly to the Buddha's kingdom and enjoy the purity forever. What is he doing in the Nine Nether World? Unless he wants to learn from that great Bodhisattva, the **** is not empty, so he vowed not to become a Buddha!" ​​Tian Jizi and Chang Shuanggu were watching the excitement in the sky , Qi Ze Fashen uttered the last eight words, and both of them felt a sense in their primordial spirits, and there seemed to be infinite thunder roaring in their ears, Tian Jizi's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted: "What kind of great wish is this? What a great cause and effect! "Chang Shuanggu was also a little lost. She was shocked by the words that could make even the headmaster of the Five Elements Sect lose their composure. What kind of cultivation should it be?" Tianjizi sighed, and said quietly: "I'm afraid it's not the same level!" Aunt Chang Shuang said: "Your disciple is really weird! I have never heard of the Buddha's name that I recited, and I accidentally revealed it. With such a great wish, you are not afraid that he was born by some impermanent demon lord who robbed the sky?" Tian Jizi smiled and said: "Which demon wants to practice Buddhism after taking away his home? Has his brain been burned by the fire of primordial beginning? Besides, I If this disciple invaded the Buddhist gate from heretics, would he still be able to practice so diligently? Even the old bald who peeked at the nature is full of praise. Do you think that the Tathagata Dingjue will not be a vegetarian, but eat meat instead? There may not be only one Tathagata Dingjue Tathagata among the Buddhas of the ten directions and the Three Tathagatas He's not angry at all, and you're so suspicious!" Chang Shuanggu nodded and said, "That's reasonable! Hmph!" Qi Ze's achievements in dual methods seem to be better than Xia Qingyan's, but she herself I won't admit it. In the Nine Nether Worlds, Qi Ze's dharma body exited with the horoscope, and there were countless thunderbolts gathered above the ghost world, and then they crashed down. The ghost kings in all directions were startled. I don't know why there is such a vision. In the ghost city of King Yaocha Ghost, countless thunderbolts fell, stirring up thousands of Yin Qi. Fortunately, the thunderbolt did not hurt the ghosts. It's a situation where souls are scattered. Yaocha Ghost King manifested the immeasurable ghost body dharma body, sat on the dharma seat, and thought to himself: "Yin and yang are in harmony, this must be someone who has done something in the yang world, or made a wish, so the avenue of the underworld has a response , UU Reading But it can make the whole Nine Nether World turbulent, what a great wish? Why is my Dao Heart beating endlessly? It is really hard to understand!" The Nine Nether World is constantly changing, and the four The ghost kings all expected that something happened in the yang world that caused the turmoil in the avenue of the underworld, but it was difficult to trace the root cause. Tian Jizi raised his brows suddenly, and said with a smile: "I just thought it was a big monster coming from the Xuanguang Realm, but who knows that it was that guy who was provoked by someone. Forget it, she wants to seek revenge on me, so I will end this karma!" Although there is a smile on his face, the smile is full of coldness. Chang Shuanggu also changed her expression, and said: "You murdered your offspring, and you don't allow others to seek revenge? When the female dragon comes, there must be a big monster watching from behind, depending on you, I'm afraid I can't take them down, why don't you let Xiao Tianhuan also come to help " Tianjizi said calmly: "My senior sister and I are not of the same mind, this is my last test for her, but we have to see if she puts the most emphasis on selfishness, or on the inheritance of her sect's orthodoxy!" Often Shuanggu heard the meaning of iron and blood from his words, and couldn't help but remain silent. The competition for the seat of the various factions is the most severe. Don't look at Tianjizi as the leader of one party, who is extremely dignified, but if Xiao Tianhuan has a different heart and plans for the succession of the sect, he will definitely kill him. Don't say that he is just a mere senior sister. Even the biological children are no problem. Chang Shuanggu thought to herself that if it were her, she would make the same choice, so she kept her mouth shut and waited for her opponent to show up. Yuan Li pointed straight at the rattan stick, the stick pressed the sky, and the strength on the stick was enough to lift a mountain, especially the shadows of the sticks, making it hard to tell which one was the main body, and a row of shadows of the sticks covered Qi Ze's dharma body. In terms of stick technique alone, this little ape is indeed far superior to He Manqing and Kui Jiu. When He Manqing saw Yuan Li's stick technique, he was startled and jealous, and thought: "My grandfather often said that my talent is not as good as this guy, but I still don't accept it. It turns out that this guy has tempered the baby and the original body so perfectly. Sure enough, it is far above me!" Burning with jealousy, but helpless.