MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 434 demonstration

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The eternal opportunity is today! Xiao Tianhuan was already terrified to the extreme. Since the beginning of Tianjizi, the two have known each other for hundreds of years. This supreme teacher is holding the wisdom pearl all the time, and his Taoist heart is firm and resolute. Xiao Tianhuan's eyes turned, and immediately landed on Qi Ze, only to see that his aura was faint, faint, indistinct, seeming to exist, to be alive, to be dead, with heaven in his mouth, expounding the Dao. Xiao Tianhuan's heart trembled when he heard Dao Lun's voice, and after listening for a long while, he suddenly knelt down on the ground! Qi Ze had completely forgotten himself, and only recited the five thousand words of morality silently, branding each word on the clay plate. From the beginning to the end, the clay plate trembled endlessly, and it was about to split open. Fortunately, a new primordial spirit seemed to grow inside, and naturally controlled the clay plate's aura. risk. Qi Ze couldn't read fast, and after half a day, he finally finished reading all five thousand words, and suddenly his eyes rolled white, and he fainted to the ground! Xiao Tianhuan and Baihe Tongzi were immersed in the sound of the Dao, and ignored the outside world, but Tianjizi's eyes flashed, and he released a flash of spiritual light to catch Qi Ze. Although the five thousand words of morality have been recited, the sound of the Tao is deeply imprinted in the void above Xuanyue Peak, and the ringing is endless. Tianjizi let out a long sigh, and said: "As soon as this sutra comes out, all sutras will bow their heads, and I will be the king of Taoist sutras!" The aura of his body changed, became illusory, and returned to his unshakable state. The head teacher stretched his sleeves and shouted: "Senior Sister!" Xiao Tianhuan was startled, and woke up from the state of enlightenment, seeing Tianjizi's expression was calm, and then looked at the scripture rubbings on the clay plate, He murmured: "Unrivaled romance! Unrivaled romance! Master! Where did this scripture come from, and why did Qi Ze recite it?" Tianjizi's eyes flickered, and he said: "This scripture is said by a **** and man in Qi Ze's dream. Teach it." Xiao Tianhuan said: "Since it was taught by a **** and man, why did you recite it now? If you knew this sutra earlier..." Tianjizi said: "The law should not be passed on lightly. This sutra explains the secrets of good fortune. It is the first sutra in my Taoist sect. King, timing, predestination, and cultivation are all indispensable. Today is the opportunity, and I will use the mouth of Qi Ze to proclaim this sutra! We heard it, and it is also a great opportunity. Sister, don’t take it lightly, be kind and keep it, Don't lose, don't forget!" Xiao Tianhuan was a little lost, trying to identify the scripture rubbings on the clay plate, but unfortunately the script was definitely not any kind she knew, so she had to give up this way, but fortunately, the sound of the way was still there. Since it lingers in my ears, I can continue to comprehend it. Tianjizi said: "When Qi Ze wakes up, I will order him to write down this sutra in this world's language, and then publish it into a book and spread it around the world!" Xiao Tianhuan said in shock: "This is absolutely impossible! This sutra leaks the secret of heaven, If it is obtained by other sects, I don’t know how many masters will be born, and the teacher’s move is not asking for trouble!” [The problem of slow update of the new chapter, finally has a solution on the app that can change the source, download the huanyuanapp to change the source here app to view the latest chapters of this book on multiple sites at the same time. Tianjizi shook his head and said: "Sister, you must not be like this. This sutra was passed down by a sage. The sage's mind is so broad. It is only to save the world and save people. We disciples should not cherish our brooms. We must try our best to spread this sutra to the world. It is the main purpose of my Taoism to make everyone follow the Tao!" Xiao Tianhuan sighed, and said, "Forget it!" He took a deep look at the clay plate, and it turned into a sword light and flew away. She heard that the sound of the Dao was incomplete, but she also realized something in her heart, and she was eager to go back to Taichong Peak to learn about it, so she left as soon as she said it. Just as Jian Guang flew out of Xuanyue Peak, he suddenly felt something was wrong, he felt something in his heart, looked up, and couldn't help screaming! It turned out that Qi Ze had finished reciting the scriptures, but he didn't know that the vision of thunder on Wufeng Mountain had completely subsided, and what was replaced was a majestic and boundless purple aura spanning three thousand miles! Three thousand miles of purple air! Such a vision can only be achieved when a saint is born, or promulgates teachings to educate the world, and has great merit to the heavens! Xiao Tianhuan has been accustomed to seeing the world since he grew up, but he has never seen such a grand event and scene. This scene is only mentioned occasionally in the Taoism, because he couldn't help but scream out! Tianjizi also looked up at the sky with an inexplicable expression, then lowered his head to look at Qi Ze, and thought secretly: "If you pass on this sutra to the world, you will be able to turn the world around and turn the tide! It can be said to be an immeasurable merit!" Qi Ze chanted At the time of the scriptures, the vision of Wufeng Mountain was astonishing, which disturbed the inspiration of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. From the extreme north, but I don't know what happened. In Xuanguang Realm, Kui Yiyuan and He Lao had been discussing for days, but they couldn't come up with a charter. Yuan Batian went out of Huomulin, and then retreated without seeing outsiders. Gui Gui, the leader of the Turtle Department, was always lazy, he didn't care about world affairs, he turned a blind eye to the invitation of the two, and ignored it. The two long-lived monsters also lost their minds. It seemed that the death of Aunt Luan would provoke Luanying to make a move. Unexpectedly, that fellow also became a turtle with a shrunken head. Only because of the two of them, they didn't dare to stroke the beard of the Tiger of the Five Elements Sect lightly, so they ignored it. Suddenly, the vision of Wufeng Mountain came, which alarmed the two of them immediately. He Lao shouted: "What is that?" Kui Yiyuan first saw the vitality funnel connecting the sky and the earth, and shouted: "Could it be that someone in the Five Elements School who proved Taoism and longevity will attract doom? That's not right!" He Lao said: "Then It's just that the vitality of the world is disordered, it's not doom!" The two big demons discussed for a while, and each dispatched experts from their ministries to investigate in the Five Elements School in disguise. After half a day, all the inspirations in the sky were collected and dissipated, but there was a purple energy of three thousand miles above the Five Elements Sect, and the two big monsters looked at each other in shock and fear. He Lao tremblingly said: "Three thousand miles of purple energy? This is the birth of a sage! This, this..." Kui Yiyuan said angrily: "If there is a sage in the Five Elements School, why not take it out to deal with us long ago? In my opinion It's definitely not a saint, it must be some secret treasure that was born, attracting the vision of heaven and earth!" In Beiman Mountain, the Wancheng Dragon Lord suddenly raised his head, let out a dragon chant full of fright and anger, flew out of the cave, and died. Staring at the three-thousand-mile purple air, two cold corpse fires spewed out from his eyes, and shouted: "What kind of tricks is Tianjizi playing?" The two ancestors and Xiaoqian asked, "Wancheng! What happened to the big commotion in the Five Elements School!" Wancheng Longjun sneered, "How do I know!" You have been on duty for a thousand years, and you don’t even know the movements of the Five Elements Sect, so what use are you for!” Wan Chenglong was furious, the corpse outside his body turned into the shape of a real dragon, opened his mouth and let out a roar, and shouted: “ You are looking for death!" Seeing that the two dead ancestors were about to start fighting, the golden armored ancestor shouted: "Stop! There is internal strife in my family, do you want other sects to watch jokes!" glare. Jinjia Shengzu said: "There was a disturbance in Tianjizi, Zhuanlun Temple and Daboti Temple, and I can't sleep peacefully with Yiqi. Wancheng, you go out of the mountain to find out the changes of the Five Elements Sect. I heard that Xuanguangjing and the Five Elements Sect are hard Bang, Tianjizi beheaded a big demon, if he can unite with the Xuanguang Realm to attack the Five Elements Sect, Tianjizi will definitely die!" Yao Chi sneered and said, "Tianjizi is too demented, with the power of one sect, he can fight against the two holy lands , It’s a self-defeating end!" Wan Chenglong said in a deep voice: "Okay! I will go out of the mountain myself to find out the changes of the Five Elements Sect, and by the way, connect with the Xuanguang Realm, and join hands to deal with the Five Elements Sect! Absolutely, completely destroy the orthodoxy!" At this moment, Xiao Chi and the Golden Armored Ancestor suddenly raised their heads, and simultaneously let out surprise sounds from their mouths. Lord Wanchenglong also felt something, and looked towards the extreme north with some trepidation. But I saw that boundless purple air across the sky, I don't know when, it actually became active, rushed up, and washed away to the outside world! It is unknown why the purple qi has moved for three thousand miles, and it has attracted prying eyes from various forces, but there must be a reason for the supreme auspicious movement. On Xuanyue Peak, Tianjizi stood in front of the peak, and saw that long river of purple air flying into the void, going out of the domain in the vastness of the soup! The old Taoist in Tsing Yi had a solemn face, and he folded his palms in worship, saying: "It is the way of a true sage to exterminate demons for the creatures of heaven and earth!" Just as the long river of Ziqi was activated on its own, in Fulong Mountain hundreds of thousands of miles away, the earth fire Before the magic palace, Tianganzi sat in the ground fire to refine his mana. Although he was dispatched here by Tianjizi, he had infinite earth fire for refining, which was of great benefit to his practice. After proving the Dao of longevity, most of the time is busy refining the primordial spirit, realizing the operation of the Dao, and polishing the mana is a little bit worse, but with the infinite fire as the food, it makes Tianganzi quite happy to think about it. The Taoist was practicing, when suddenly his heart moved, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the eyes shot out the meaning of great terror and horror. With the thought together, there was a layer of fire light on his body, which was divided into five colors, which was the result of years of hard work Wuhuo Shenyan! At the same time, a cry came out from the group of monks, and the arhat monks such as Zhengchi, Guchan, Guming, and Guhe also mobilized with all their strength, and saw the light of Dao, Dao, and Buddha rise up and turned into a banner of light, covering the crowd. The disciples are protecting them. There is another phantom of a big Buddha above the Buddha's light. The Buddha sits on the lotus platform, his face is like a lake, but he has the meaning of being separated from all appearances and holding Maha Prajna. A Dingjue Tathagata incarnate! Just as the incarnation of the great Buddha came out, there was a trace of strange energy coming out of the Earth Fire Demon Palace, and an invisible wave of magic thoughts suddenly came out from within the Demon Palace, but it did not radiate in all directions, but went straight into the sky of clouds, showing A sky-reaching magic light! The Beginless Demon Master Demon Mind! Everyone guarding here is to prevent the evil thoughts from being activated, but the power of the Beginless Demon Lord is so great that even if there is only a trace, it cannot be matched by a group of longevity ranks. At that time, just stop it a little, so as not to save lives. Tianganzi and a group of monks from the Great Bodhi Temple waited in full force, but unexpectedly, the magic light emitted by the magic thought went straight to the outside world, separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, facing the purple energy, it seemed like a demonstration! Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, if the power of the demonic thoughts strikes, they are really not sure that they can resist it, if they are infected by the demonic master's demonic thoughts, they will be lost forever. It's rare that the magic thought ignores others and takes care of itself. Immediately, Tianganzi flew out of the earth fire space and came to Fulong Mountain. He wanted to see why the demonic thoughts were agitated. When he saw a long river of purple qi winding like a dragon in the far north, crashing into the outside world, he couldn't help but grow up. mouth, murmured: "What happened to this sect?" In the Earth Fire Demon Palace, the Demon Palace where the magic thoughts are stored is still silent, only surrounded by nine supernatural powers of the immortality series, and a faint aura appears in the Demon Palace. The ghost murmured, "Why is there sudden restlessness in the magic thoughts?" The words were like ice, and slowly dissipated. There was a silence in the magic palace again. The three-thousand-mile purple air is a sign of auspiciousness, and the five-thousand words of morality appeared in the world, and then rushed out of the realm, which surprised countless monks in this realm. Above the Chunyang Sword Sect, in the ninth layer of heaven, Zhang Shouzhen was holding on to the absolute domain, suddenly there was a flash of sword light, flying into the extreme sky, and hurriedly bowed: "Master!" He turned his head and looked towards the extreme north. Zhang Shouzhen didn't know why, so she followed suit, and after a while, he saw the spectacle of three thousand miles of purple air rushing through the void, and he opened his mouth wide in shock, unable to close it. Wen Koujian said calmly: "The purple energy is three thousand miles away, with immeasurable merit! Hmph, that fellow Tianjizi has made a big battle!" Zhang Shouzhen was stunned, and asked: "This boundless purple energy is actually Tianjizi! Evolved?" Wen Koujian said with a sneer: "That guy's swordsmanship is inferior to mine, how could he have the ability to make such a battle? It must be something important happened in the Five Elements Sect!" Zhang Shouzhen said: "Such purple energy, UU Reading is indeed a grand event for my Taoist school, why did it suddenly spread outside the region?" Wen Koujian sneered and said, "This purple air is transformed by the power of human merit and virtue, and it is the birth of a sage who educates all living beings, so there is such a vision Since it is a virtue of humanity, I must subdue demons and plead for the lives of all beings! Just watch, the demons from outside the territory are in trouble!" Zhang Shouzhen suddenly said in surprise: "Look, Master!" Wen Koujian turned his head and looked in the direction of Fulong Mountain. A sky-reaching demon light rose, his face trembled, and he said: "This is the beginningless demon master demonstrating! It seems that the humane merit is so great that even that one can't sit still! Weird, among the Daoist sects There is no record of saints and ancestors, and who was born to enlighten the fans?" In the starry sky outside the territory, the voices of demons chirped, and there were countless demons gathering, enclosing this world with water. The demon was layered on top of each other, and the boundless cold magic went straight to the outside of the domain, almost freezing the void. The magic is connected into a network, and I don't know how many demons are attached to it, communicating with each other from time to time. The beginningless demon master's demon thoughts are so tempting to the sky demon that it almost attracts all the demon heads from half of the galaxy. The demon lord at the level of the final law master has not yet appeared, but the demon lord at the level of impermanence has occasionally appeared. Suddenly, an unknown number of heavenly demon kingdoms came into being, or migrated from the starry sky outside the territory. There are especially many demon heads in the sky above the Xuanguang Realm, all of them are blazing with demonic thoughts, staring at each other, but none of them take any action. While all the demons were watching, a ray of spiritual light suddenly came from the deep space of the star field. The speed of the light escaped, almost at the speed of four or five tones, especially when there was no interference in the void, the speed was increased by 40 to 50%. The light came out of this world, as if he did not expect so many heavenly demons to gather, and immediately paused, inside was an old Taoist, wearing a blue Taoist robe, with white beard and hair, an old face, and the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, Shows its arrogance.

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