MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 478 Fight Shangguan Zhan!

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These days, Qi Ze has been devoting himself to figuring out the great wish practice method passed down by the surname. This method is a secret method of Buddhism, and its root lies in the four words of "borrowing and repaying". farm

Great wishes are not made casually, they must be consistent with one's own realm of cultivation and the direction of the future path, let alone be too ambitious, such as opening one's mouth and saying "I want to become a Buddha", but there is no foundation for practice, and there is no practice for many eons Relying on his boundless mana, not only will there be no induction, but it will be backlashed by the power of the great way.

After Qi Ze devoted himself to comprehension, he already had some experience. The oath he made to Nie Jing at this moment is like a small wish, it just depends on whether Nie Jing is willing to accept it or not.

Nie Jing reflects and manifests the power of reincarnation, and Qi Ze always believes that it has its own spirituality and can perceive his ambition. After making the wish, he stared at the evil mirror intently, hoping for a response.

The brilliance above the evil mirror is endlessly flowing, and the scriptures of the "Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha Fundamental Vows Sutra" are also flashing indefinitely. About a few breaths of time passed, when even Qi Ze thought that this vow had no effect at all, suddenly there was something on the evil mirror. A radiant brilliance is condensed and born!

Qi Ze lifted his spirits, bowed to Nie Jing, and said, "Please show me, baby!"

The brilliance circled around for a while, and suddenly flew away from the mirror!

The three long-lived old demons stumbling each other all the way, fighting endlessly, suddenly there was a thunder, and a mirror light flew out from the stone hall, and fell in the air! farm

The mirror light pointed directly at Gou Shushu, the elder of Jiuyou Ghost Sect yelled, a dark river appeared above his head, circling and tumbling, he wanted to repeat the same trick to get rid of the mirror light, but the mirror light was extremely thick, Gou Shushu used his supernatural power again, and with one swipe, he was sent away!

Both the demon monk and A Tuo were shocked, not knowing what happened. It is well known that Niejing guards Niejing Hell and has nothing to do with the longevity series, but Gou Shushu was taken away, which was unexpected by the two of them.

The demon monk and A Tuo stood in a daze, but two rays of light flew from the stone hall. A Tuo was furious, and a **** lotus blossomed on his head, which was the size of an acre, and there were countless blood rains, flying beads splashing jade. between.

The mirror light was like a knife through water, passing through the **** lotus and the blood rain, and sent it away with a single swipe.

The remaining one, the only remaining demon monk, used the supernatural powers of zombies, but he was no match for the mirror light, and he walked away cleanly.

In a blink of an eye, the three long-lived old demons were all gone, and they were moved to no one knows where, only Shangguan Zhan and Baluo were left looking at each other in dismay!

Qi Ze saw three mirror lights flying above the Nie Jing, and then the three longevity breaths disappeared, he was slightly happy, and bowed to the Nie Mirror again. Only then did he sit in lotus position again, carefully feeling the transformation of the Celestial Eye. farm

According to Buddhism, there are five eyes, which are the physical eye, the heavenly eye, the wisdom eye, the Dharma eye, and the Buddha eye, and the wisdom eye is above the heavenly eye. The eye of wisdom is higher than the eye of the sky. It can see through the emptiness and emptiness, not be confused by the image, see the end of all living beings, destroy a different appearance, abandon all attachments, not accept all dharmas, and wisdom is self-destructed inside. But the wisdom eye is indiscriminate and cannot save sentient beings.

It stands to reason that Qi Ze should be able to realize the wisdom eye after he has exhausted his magical powers as an arhat, but with the blessing of merit, he has realized the mysterious meaning of this eye in advance.

Qi Ze sat upright for a while, tried out the intelligent eyesight in Dingzhong, got a little bit of success, got up and walked out of the stone hall.

Bala was originally a ferocious person, and the three long-lived old demons were brushed away by the mirror light. Not only was he not afraid, but he laughed wildly, and shouted: "Boys! This is God helping me! Kill!" Chariots, more than ten thousand ghost soldiers, rushed into the group of stone palaces in a menacing manner!

Shangguan Zhan himself refused to leave empty-handed, he also flew towards the stone hall, deliberately lagging behind Baluo, with the idea of ​​the oriole catching cicadas and mantises behind.

Ba Luo knew it himself, he didn't bother to pay any attention to it, as long as he caught the bald donkey first, the little **** from the Nine Nether Ghost Sect would be the same.

Just as they were about to rush in, a young monk suddenly appeared in the sky above the stone hall, with the seven Buddha lights spinning endlessly behind his head, he folded his palms together and said with a smile: "The poor monk has just realized supernatural powers, and he is confirming with Xunren, you are just in time to come!"

Bala gathered his forces at once, and looked around with his magic eyes, and saw that the monk was only a series of dharma, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "A mere bald donkey dares to speak loudly!" The formation, under the combined force, does not even pay attention to the escape series.

With a wave of Ba Luo's hand, hundreds of chariots rushed on top of each other, screaming blood on every chariot, surrounding Qi Ze in the core. Besides the chariot, there are more than ten thousand ghost soldiers wielding spears and swords, and they also set up a blood pool formation.

The four ghost kings command the four hells, and their subordinates fight endlessly all the year round, causing the hells to be in chaos. These ghost soldiers are all ghosts who did evil before they were alive. They were moved into the blood pool by the evil mirror and transformed into ghost soldiers by the power of the blood pool.

Baluo was good at fighting in battle formations, this set of formations was set up with great momentum, the power of blood light from the blood pool rose into the air, and then fell down again. The water in the blood pond is extremely filthy, it can remove the magic power of the righteous way, and it can also bless the cultivation of ghost soldiers and ghost generals, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Shangguan Zhan was alone, when he saw such a formation, he also secretly thought that if his family fell into the formation, he might die too!

Qi Ze stood alone, surrounded by endless howling blood, and the water in the pool of blood poured down, but was resisted by the golden flames of the Buddha's fire. It seemed that there was only a thin layer of golden flames in the swaying of the Buddha's fire, but it was extremely difficult breach.

A strange light radiated from Qi Ze's eyes, falling on Bala's face, Bala's heart felt cold, as if all the foundations of his family had been seen through by that bald donkey, and he couldn't help being startled and frightened. farm

Qi Ze pulled out his finger and said: "You are ghosts and gods, you should protect reincarnation, reward the good and punish the evil, but you become a ghost and help the evil! This is the karma created by the four ghost kings, and it is also your karma. !Today I will observe righteousness and exorcise evil spirits, and protect reincarnation!"

Baluo said angrily: "Those who dare to fight against the ghost king are just a bunch of dead bones! Kill!" After receiving the order, all the ghost soldiers immediately mobilized their chariots and headed towards the center to kill them!

Qi Ze shook his head and said: "I am in reincarnation, so I have to fight bravely. There are countless assignments, and there is no time to find out! Poor!" Under the eyes of wisdom, people can see the end of their lives and not be fascinated by delusions, let alone mere ghost formations?

While the chariot was roaring, there was a boundless wave of blood rolling down first, trying to knock out the golden flame of the Buddha fire. Qi Ze pointed with his finger, and more than a hundred rays of brilliance shot out from the golden flame of the Buddha's fire, as fast as a sharp sword, piercing through the boundless blood waves, hitting the ghosts driving every chariot!

That ghost driving a car has a golden elixir level, and the aura of a ghost elixir is surging all over his body, but he still resists, and when the golden flame of eating Buddha fire burns, he screams incessantly! Although the ghost soldiers have the golden core cultivation, but the ghosts and ghosts are the most restrained by the Buddha fire. When they are burned, they are like the torture of the eighteen hells. The car is sideways.

All of a sudden, the chariot formation, which should have been extremely smooth, was in chaos!

Qi Ze awakened to Mana Consciousness, cut off attachments and desires, his nature is pure, his prajna is immeasurable, he naturally knows how to defend against the enemy, taking advantage of the chaos in the chariot formation, he suddenly bowed to the Stone Palace and shouted: "Please Baby shows up!" Fan

In the stone hall, above the evil mirror, the brilliance suddenly exploded, and a large piece of dazzling brilliance shot out! Since Qi Ze was able to control Nie Jing for a short period of time, he had already drawn up this tactic in order to maximize its effect.

Under the blessing of the "Ksitigarbha Fundamental Vow Merit and Virtue Sutra", Nie Jingjing can even move him away, let alone a mere ghost soldier? Under the effect of one mirror after another, the ghost generals and more than ten thousand ghost soldiers on the hundreds of chariots disappeared in a moment, and they were moved to which hell!

Baro was not spared either, he was hit by the thickest beam of mirror light, and he disappeared without a trace even before he could issue a magic spell.

Qi Ze once again used the power of evil mirror to kill all the people from Blood Pool Hell. This time, he paid attention to the whereabouts of the ghost soldiers and generals, and saw that they were moved to several places. In hell.

Some of those layers of hells were bone-chillingly cold, some gave birth to countless iron trees, and some set up oil pans to boil boiling oil, which corresponded one by one to the appearance of the eighteen hells in the legends of previous lives.

Shangguan Zhan was already cold all over, seeing a large formation of ten thousand ghosts disappearing in an instant, life or death was unknown, it was more shocking than that monk killing one by one in front of his eyes, but seeing the monk smiling all over his face and flying in the air, he couldn't help but gasp The meaning of vigilance.

When Qi Ze saw Shangguan Zhan, he felt quite nostalgic, and said together: "Brother Shangguan, don't come here unharmed! Back then when the Chunyang Sword Sect parted, Qi only said that you should be robbed here, but unexpectedly, we can meet again here. What a blessing!" Fan

Shangguan Zhan was puzzled, and shouted: "Who are you? How have I ever met you?"

With a thought in Qi Ze's mind, his face returned to his original appearance, and he said with a smile, "Qi Ze of the Five Elements School, I have met Brother Shangguan!" .

Shangguan Zhan was suspicious at first, and then furious. His body was beheaded by this person, even if he was turned into ashes, he would recognize him! Gritting his teeth, he said, "So it's you! Good! I still want to go to Yangjian to seek revenge on you. It's an eye-opener. You're here!"

Qi Ze said: "Qi also misses Brother Shangguan very much! Today we meet again, we may have to divide life and death again!"

Shangguan Zhan was both surprised and delighted, and said: "You are mere judgement, you dare to fight me?" Thinking of the method that this guy used the evil mirror to move the longevity old demon, he couldn't help hesitating.

Qi Ze said with a smile: "Brother Shangguan, don't worry. Although Qi is only interested in the law, he wants to compete with Brother Shangguan. He will never use the supernatural power of evil mirror, so don't worry!"

Shangguan Zhan couldn't help being ecstatic, and shouted: "This is your own death!" When he opened his mouth, a cold wind blew away! farm

The cold wind is a ghostly ghostly wind, freezing to the bone marrow, and even the original body can be frozen. In the endless ghostly wind, there is a little green ghost fire rising in the wind. , If you don't descend, your soul will be burned to ashes, and you will never give up.

After Shangguan Zhan survived the thunder catastrophe, his magic power and Taoism jumped to one level, and the power of supernatural powers also increased greatly. The condensed law of the great way of heaven and earth is more stable and more in line with the heaven and the earth. Every gesture of the hand is accompanied by the mighty power of the heaven and the earth, and it can crush everything by itself!

As long as Qi Ze doesn't use that extremely weird Nie Jing magical power, Shangguan Zhan is sure to kill him with one move! Thinking of being able to avenge the murder of his predecessor, Shangguan Zhan's Dao heart became hot!

Qi Ze didn't use Nie Jing's supernatural powers, it wasn't a lie, but he borrowed the power of his vows to forcibly activate Nie Jing, first sent away the three long-lived old demons, and then expelled Ba Luo and his subordinate ghost soldiers. He had a premonition in the dark, and if he tried to forcefully use the power of evil mirror, he was afraid that something unexpected would happen.

It just so happened that he had awakened Manas consciousness and cultivated wisdom eye, and was about to find an opponent to be a whetstone to measure how well his supernatural powers had advanced. Even with the power of seven senses against Shangguan Zhan, who has escaped from the catastrophe, he is full of confidence.

After all, fighting with supernatural powers not only depends on the realm of the two sides, but also considers the magic weapons held by both sides, whether the supernatural powers are mutually restraining, etc. Qi Ze's seven senses have just reached the realm, and he is about to use Shangguan Zhan to forge an invincible heart. If there is no heart of invincibility and transcendence, how can we liberate all sentient beings and go to the other shore?

The ghostly ghost wind and the green phosphorous ghost fire struck, and the fire took advantage of the wind, and the wind assisted the fire to dye the land with a radius of hundreds of meters into a miserable green color! The two supernatural powers are intertwined, especially after being trained by Lei Jie, they are even more pure, and there is still a trace of the power of the Dao. farm

When Qi Ze was blown by the ghostly ghostly wind, he really felt the slightest chill coming in, and he couldn't help shivering, and another ghostly fire came, igniting the surrounding hellish ghostly atmosphere, and the raging ghostly fire surrounded him tightly.

In the end, the supernatural power increased by a few points in the series of escapes. Qi Ze also felt that it was very difficult when the ghostly fire came, and even the golden flame of the Buddha fire above his head was suppressed by a few points. However, he also had his own way to deal with it. Immediately he recited the "Ksitigarbha Original Vow Merit Sutra", and the power of the scriptures turned into golden light, which was blessed on the ancient lampshade!

He found that this Ksitigarbha classic has a particularly deep response in hell. UU Reading can draw the power of reincarnation. This should be the boundless power of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, even if it is separated from each other.

As soon as the blessing power of the scripture came out, and under the blessing of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s vow, the golden flame of the Buddha’s fire exploded immediately, turning into a pillar of fire, sweeping away, and all the ghosts and ghosts were wiped out wherever it passed. !

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva vows to save all ghosts, and he can also subdue the ghosts and gods of the heavens, even the mere ghost wind and green phosphorus ghost fire.

Shangguan Zhanwan didn't expect that he was actually blocked by that guy after he was attacking with all his strength, especially that enemy really didn't use the power of evil mirror, it was a shame and a shame! Immediately added twelve points of mana, opened his mouth to spit out, and another big water flew up!

The color of the big water is dim yellow, there seem to be countless bubbles in it, and there are countless scenes flashing in each bubble, which is the experience of a ghost, this water is the real water of Huangquan! farm

Shangguan Wudi used the real water of Huangquan to help Shangguan Zhan reshape his Dharma body. With this, Shangguan Zhan could control the real water of Huangquan. Miserable. Together with the real water from the Yellow Spring, it turned into a giant faint yellow snake, opened its ferocious mouth, and swallowed it in one bite!

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