MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 480 ghost king teamed up

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After a long time, Jiuyou Ghost Emperor's real body let out another low shout, and suddenly withdrew his palm, with a ghostly aura, and spread his big hand, but saw Gou Shushu standing in the palm, feeling a little lost!

Gou Shushu shook her head, only then realized that she had returned to the main altar, hurriedly flew down, and said: "Master!"

Shangguan Wudi said: "Thank you for your hard work!"

Gou Shushu said angrily: "There is a bald donkey in Niejing Hell, who can actually drive the power of Niejing, and exile me, A Tuo, and the demon monk to a hell! Eh?" Under the sense of cruelty, his complexion changed greatly, and he shouted : "How come there are so many Buddhist breaths in hell!"

Shangguan Wudi said: "There is a great Buddhist Bodhisattva in hell, with boundless mana and immeasurable supernatural powers, hey!" His tone was full of awe.

Gou Shushu was startled and said: "Didn't it mean that Dingjue Tathagata was fighting with the Beginless Demon Lord in the infinite void, and the Buddhist sect was unable to send a great Bodhisattva to guard the hell? How could there be one more suddenly?"

Shangguan Wudi said: "Although that person is in the realm of a Bodhisattva, his mana and supernatural powers are probably on the level of the Buddha, not weaker than the Tathagata Concentration! This is the most difficult part!"

Gou Shushu said: "This is really unreasonable! The most important step in Buddhist practice, is there anyone who can cultivate the Buddha's magic power but not the Buddha's fruit?"

Shangguan Wudi sneered and said: "No matter where the great Bodhisattva came from, it is always right to belong to Buddhism. The four ghost kings will only be more anxious than us. You should keep an eye on the movements of the four ghost kings. I expect they will react!"

Gou Shushu's eyes lit up, and he said: "That's right! A big Bodhisattva enters the hell, which means that Buddhism has finally extended its hand into hell. The four ghost kings have managed for countless years, and they are definitely not willing to be taken away by Buddhism! But the four ghost kings kill each other It's been a long time, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to join forces to deal with Buddhism."

Shangguan Wudi said: "The trend of the times, we can't tolerate them not working together to deal with Buddhism!"

Gou Shushu happily said: "As long as the four ghost kings join forces, even Tathagata will be very afraid. Good! I will immediately follow the four ghost kings!" He flew away excitedly.

Shangguan Wudi saw that Shangguan Zhan was in a state of despair, and said, "What? Didn't avenge his death, didn't he have a clear mind?"

Shangguan Zhan said: "It's so easy for my child to cultivate the dharma body of Huangquan's true water and survive the catastrophe. Who knows, I still have nothing to do with that Qi Ze. I really don't want to be reconciled!" However, that guy actually borrowed the power of the Great Bodhisattva to escape from a difficult situation, he was really not reconciled.

Shangguan Wudi said indifferently: "It's always a good thing to have an opponent on the road of cultivation. It's an oddity that Qi Ze can practice both Buddhism and Taoism. Your predecessor died at his hands, and you have to avenge your revenge. Only then can you develop your Taoism."

Shangguan Zhan said: "Father said yes! It's just that now that fellow is backed by a big Bodhisattva, even the four ghost kings are afraid of three points, so how can a child be an opponent? I'm afraid this revenge will not be avenged!"

Shangguan Wudi said: "That great bodhisattva is not here in real body, but a trace of spiritual consciousness came from a scripture. The real body is infinitely far away from the Nine Nether World. Even if Qi Ze can borrow the power of Bodhisattva, The income is also limited. Your morals are much higher than his, as long as you concentrate on cultivation, survive the remaining two calamities, and then wait for a good opportunity, killing him is not difficult!"

Shangguan Zhan's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "That's right! Father is right, it's my boy's lake that's covered in mud! Now, my boy, go to strengthen your morality and strive to overcome the catastrophe as soon as possible!"

Shangguan Wudi said: "It's good to strive for strength, but it must be done in moderation, or you will be harmed by it!"

Shangguan Zhan bowed and left.

Shangguan Wudi thought for a moment, then smiled coldly, called another elder, and ordered: "Order, stop fighting the blood pool **** from now on, and all disciples and elders will return to the sect!"

The elder was surprised and said: "Our sect has been fighting against the tormenting ghost king for a long time, and it's easy to gain something. If we stop fighting now, I'm afraid it will hurt people's hearts."

Shangguan Wudi sneered and said: "Nowadays, with the intervention of Buddhism, not only the four hells can't take care of themselves, but our sect also needs to shrink its power, and make it unanimous to the outside world. It's the same meaning to come to poison the ghost king!"

The elder said: "So that's how it is! I'll go and give orders immediately!" He flew away quickly.

Shangguan Wudi slapped the door, and a stream of real water from the underworld rushed out, crashing into the void and disappearing.

Blood pool hell, in the boundless filthy blood, the tormenting ghost king is furious, and he has just captured A Tuo from an unknown **** with his power

That ghost king was born in the Taiyi series, he was born to rule all ghosts, and he was yelling at A Tuo for being useless, not only failed to kill the bald donkey, but also buried all the ghost soldiers in the chariot, instead, he lured wolves into the house and attracted a more evil Big trouble comes in.

The tormenting ghost king was scolding vigorously, but suddenly felt something in his heart, and shouted: "Shangguan Wudi, why do you have the time to come to my place!"

A stream of real water from the Yellow Spring came through the sky, condensed into a Dharma body of Shangguan Wudi, and said: "A major event has happened in hell, I have to come to discuss with the ghost king! I have ordered all the elders and disciples of the Jiuyou Ghost Sect to retreat to the gate and not to have any contact with the blood pond." Fighting in **** is my sincerity!"

The tormenting ghost king said: "You want to end the war and make peace?"

Shangguan Wudi said: "That's right! There are bodhisattvas in the Buddhist sect who are stationed in **** to suppress reincarnation. If we don't join hands again, how can we survive? The benefits and disadvantages, I hope the ghost king thinks twice!"

The tormenting ghost king laughed wildly, and said: "You are good at scheming, use that Bodhisattva as a shield, so that this ghost king will not destroy your Nine Nether Ghosts! You can't tell when you are this ghost king? That Bodhisattva is just a clone, how tall can you be?" Mana? What's more, Buddhism is fighting endlessly with the Beginless Demon Lord, so it must be impossible to clone, so how long will the next clone last!"

Shangguan Wudi said: "Although the bodhisattva came here as a clone, his dharma power is like an ocean, unfathomable. I am afraid that if he already has the power to prove the Buddhahood, even a clone can survive for a long time. What's more, if he has faith and wishes to nourish , so what?"

The tormenting ghost king thought for a while, and said: "I never thought you would have such attainments in Buddhist practice! No wonder you were able to cultivate the "Nine Nether Underworld Emperor True Law" and condense the underworld emperor's real body! Well, if you want to stop the war and make peace, then It's easy too! As long as you hand over the method of refining the real water of the underworld, not only will this ghost king not fight with you at the Nine Nether Ghost Sect, but he will also cede a part of the blood pool **** space to you, how about it?"

Shangguan Wudi said decisively: "Concentrating the secret method of Huangquan is the foundation of our sect, and we will never hand it over to the ghost king!"

The tormenting ghost king suddenly became furious again, and shouted: "If that's the case, then get out!" The true water of Huangquan is the most fundamental power in hell. Afraid, only the Nine Nether Ghost Sect came up with the method of condensing the underworld. The tormenting ghost king coveted it for thousands of years, but it was a pity that he still couldn't get it.

Shangguan Wudi sneered, and said: "I will take my leave first. If the tormenting ghost king changes his mind, you can go to the Nine Nether Ghost Gates to find me!"

A Tuo cautiously said: "King of Ghosts, what Shangguan Wudi said has some truths. Buddhism intervenes, and we will join forces first to expel the clone of the great Bodhisattva, so that we can occupy hell. Otherwise, we will be defeated one by one, and sooner or later it will be over!" "

The Toxic Ghost King sneered and said, "Even if we want to join forces, we still have to find those three wastes! Shangguan Wudi is like a jackal, you can't be with him!"

A Tuoqi said: "Can the other three-headed ghost kings be trusted?"

The tormenting ghost king said: "Those three have their own schemes, but they were born from the same source as me, they are innate ghosts and gods, and they are different from Shangguan Wudi, who are born with spiritual enlightenment. The three guys, Yaocha, Zaotian and Shenmiao, will never Let that Bodhisattva invade hell, and he will definitely do something!"

A Tuo said: "That Bodhisattva seems to have great supernatural powers, only the four ghost kings can deal with it together! I'm afraid the other three ghost kings don't want to think so!"

The Toxic Ghost King sneered, and suddenly the void shook, a stream of deep magic power blasted into the Blood Pool Hell, and after a short while another yin fire appeared, the two supernatural powers were both vast and boundless, crushing A Tuo and other ghosts in the Blood Pool Hell Everyone bows their heads!

The tormented ghost king saw two streams of mana flying towards him, and shouted, "Zaotian! Wonderful! How dare you enter my pool of blood?"

The first magic power is issued by the mysterious ghost king, who is in charge of Avici Hell. The second yin fire was sent by the ghost king Zaotian. This ghost king controls the yin fire hell. Shangguan left without invincibility. The two ghost kings have already arrived!

With a flash of Yin fire, Zaotian Ghost King shouted: "Toxic, there is a great Bodhisattva in hell, can you still sit still!"

The tormenting ghost king said: "Why can't I sit still! Although I have done evil, it is not as serious as the two of you. The Bodhisattva will seek your bad luck first!"

The Shenmiao Ghost King's voice was erratic, if one only listened to his voice, one would never have guessed that it was the Taiyi Ghost King occupying a hell. He said: "I have discussed with Zaotian, and I want you to join hands to deal with that Buddhist Bodhisattva. Toxic, what do you think?"

Zaotian Ghost King shouted: "That's right! You only need one word to say yes or no!"

The poisonous ghost king sneered: "Shen Miao, haven't you always wanted to merge Avici Hell with the world of the sun all these years? How can you take the time to deal with Buddhist Bodhisattvas!"

Shenmiao Ghost King said: "I sent an envoy to Yangjian, but he was besieged and killed. When he fled back to Hell, he brought a young monk into the Nine Nether World by the way."

Needless to say the rest of the words, the tormenting ghost king immediately became furious, the anger was invisible, stirring up boundless waves of blood, and shouted: "So you attracted that bald donkey, if there is no such servant, you will not attract that great Bodhisattva!"

The Ghost King Shenmiao said coldly: "Who knew that little bald donkey could attract a big Bodhisattva? I have severely punished my subordinates for this!"

Zaotian Ghost King said: "This is the end of the matter, it's useless to talk too much! The Bodhisattva's magic power is so powerful that only the four of us can deal with it! Dudu, you are always unpredictable, this time you have to take action!"

The tormenting ghost king said: "Just now Shangguan Wudi came to ask me to join hands, but I never agreed!"

Zaotian Ghost King said: "That fellow has arrived at Yinhuo Hell at this moment, talk to my deity! How can living people be allowed in and out of hell? The Nine Nether Ghost Sect should not exist in the Nine Nether World, how can we join hands with it!"

Shen Miao Ghost King also said: "Zao Tian's words are good!"

The tormenting ghost king said: "How about the medicine fork?"

Zaotian Ghost King said: "That guy has always been timid, as long as the three of us come to the door and ask him, he will naturally soften, what can we say!"

Just as the tormenting ghost king was about to speak, the three ghost kings had all sensed it, and looked towards the evil mirror **** at the same time.

Zaotian Ghost King was extremely furious, and shouted: "How dare a bald donkey do this!" It turned out that there were many more Buddha lights in Niejing Hell at some time, and those ghosts were illuminated by Buddha lights. The punishment of pain even goes straight into reincarnation.

The four ghost kings joined forces to control reincarnation, forcibly arresting ghosts and throwing them into hell, so that ghost soldiers and ghost generals were born endlessly. The intervention of the Buddhist sect has cut off the source of soldiers from the source. If things go on like this, the four great hells will probably be empty. The two ghost kings, Shen Miao and Zao Tian, ​​came forward to find the tormenting ghost king for this reason.

The tormenting ghost king also knew the advantages and disadvantages of it, and said: "Go, go find that fellow Yaocha!"

In the evil mirror hell, Qi Ze's dharma body blooms with Buddha's light, and the "Ksitigarbha Fundamental Vow Merit Sutra" is imprinted on the Buddha's light, and countless golden words are circulated to save the souls of the dead.

The Four Great Ghost Kings have ruled the Nine Nether World for many years, making reincarnation ugly. Many ghosts who should have entered the six realms of reincarnation were forced into the Four Hells, where they were contaminated by the evil spirit and turned into ghost soldiers and ghost generals to sacrifice to the ghost king. drive. Therefore, the power of the four ghost kings became stronger and stronger, but the reincarnation of the six realms became a mess.

Qi Ze originally wanted to return to the mortal world as soon as possible, but seeing the disorder of reincarnation, he had to stay and try his best to save the souls of the dead. With Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva suppressing it, the four ghost kings dare not act rashly for the time being. This is an excellent time to sort out the six realms of reincarnation.

Without the ghost king to disturb reincarnation, Qi Ze's transformation of ghosts is very smooth, but his mana is still weak, so he can only rely on the power of the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Great Vows", which is blessed with mana, so it will get twice the result with half the effort.

During Qi Ze's actions, he felt that every time he transformed a ghost, a little bit of merit power would flow into the dharma body. Although a little bit is small, the victory lies in the endless supply. Became a Buddha.

Qi Ze also knows that it is impossible, how powerful Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is, and how great the vows made by UU Reading are, and they cannot save the entire darkness. It is only because all living beings are poisoned by greed, anger, and ignorance, and they are tossed and turned. Difficult to tame.

Qi Ze has self-knowledge, but he is also willing to do his best to help ghosts wash away their sins very early and reincarnate. He just wandered in the evil mirror hell, constantly chanting the scriptures taught. Some ghosts were infected, and they also recited along with it, which gradually spread.

As long as every ghost recites the scriptures, he will have his own Buddha light to protect his body. As long as he repents his karma devoutly, he will have his own convenient door open. All of a sudden, there were many tiny Buddha lights flickering in the Niejing Hell, which gradually became connected and turned into raging fires.

This is what the three-headed ghost king saw, so it was absolutely intolerable to threaten the Yaocha ghost king.

In the icy hell, the ghost king Yaksha appeared as an immeasurable ghost, with indigo skin color, swaying fangs, and wrapped in blue will-o'-the-wisp. He suddenly grabbed the demon monk with his hand.

The demon monk was still in shock, and shouted: "What a powerful Nie Jing!"

The Yaocha Ghost King snorted coldly, but did not punish him. What the ghost king Zaotian said is right, among the four ghost kings, the ghost king Yacha is relatively mild-tempered, otherwise he wouldn't have allowed the demon monk's predecessor, Yuan Ling, to escape.

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