MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 7 Initially first

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There are already all kinds of inconceivable wonders in the realm of the first meditation. Qi Ze calmed down, first checked his eyes, and after a little movement, two divine lights shot out from his eyes, observing everything, as far as his eyesight could see. The roof and walls all penetrated through.

Qi Ze tried to look back at himself with his eyesight, and he could get the magic of inner vision. As far as his eyesight could reach, he saw that the eight meridians in his body were blocked and blocked, and his true energy was blocked. He was familiar with the Buddhist scriptures and knew that his eyesight was supernatural, so he thought: "Did I open my eyesight?"

There are nine consciousnesses in Buddhism, which are divided into eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, mana, alaya, and amara. It all depends on the wonder of the Buddha stele.

Qi Ze doesn't know if there is any teaching of the Nine Consciousnesses in Buddhist practice in this world, since he has opened his eyes and consciousness, he has to follow the path of the Nine Consciousnesses to climb upwards. Qi Ze reincarnated here and knew the existence of the Immortal Buddha, so he naturally had a bit of ambition. He wanted to become a Buddha and a patriarch, and live as long as the heavens. However, this goal is too far away, and right now he can only take it one step at a time.

After half a day of audition, it was already the dawn of the rooster. He entered the first meditation, his soul was sublimated and refined, and he was full of energy even if he didn't sleep all night. Then he tried out the power of the Vajra Chant. It is said in "Small Wuxiang Chan Gong" that every time one of the four Zen realms is attained, one will have the opportunity to comprehend a Buddhist supernatural power. As for the specific function, it all depends on the practitioner's own aptitude and opportunity.

Qi Ze still doesn't have the power to protect himself and kill the enemy, so he finally obtained a supernatural power, so he has to explore it. In the brain palace, the Buddha's light outside the Buddha tablet has been completely subdued, but there is a group of small Buddha's lights on the tablet.

Once cast, the Buddha's light suddenly turned into a light curtain, and in the slight flow, there were countless voices of Zen singing, Zhuang Su's deep and faint, expounding the essence of Buddhism, expelling the demonic atmosphere, and awakening the mind and warning friends.

Qi Ze would rather cultivate a boxing, swordsmanship and other supernatural powers, but the Buddhist supernatural powers do not depend on one's own will at all, and only rely on karma. When he heard it, the power of meditation he gained when he sat in meditation was more profound, and it was a supernatural power that increased the power of practice. But the magical effect of Vajra Chan singing must be far more than that, as Qi Ze's skill is getting deeper and deeper, it still needs to be carefully excavated.

After trying out the power of eye consciousness and Vajra Chan singing, there was an invisible force hovering in Qi Ze's brain. It is the power of the primordial spirit that Taoism says.

Qi Ze worked so hard just to cultivate this power of true primordial spirit, he immediately calmed down and guided it to slowly flow out of his brain and inject it into his arms. If you are successful in Zen, you must work hard, control your life with your nature, open up the meridians, and solve the problem of blocked eight channels!

Qi Ze had long thought about it, and chose the Yangwei Meridian, which originates from the meeting of all Yangs, and there are various acupoints such as Jinmen, Yangjiao, Fuyu, and Tianliao. To practice in this world, opening up the meridians of the whole body is the first step. As for measuring the acupoints, each school has its own secrets that will never be leaked. Without the authentic secrets, it is absolutely difficult to find the acupoints, but this is what Qi Ze learned in his previous life. He has already memorized all the meridians and acupoints upside down. The only thing he cares about is whether the human body in this world is different from the previous life.

Qi Ze carefully drained the water, and slowly poured the power of true nature into the Fengfu acupoint, and immediately turned from empty to real, turning into a stream of heat, attacking the acupoints by force! Qi Ze was slightly relieved, since he could find the Fengfu acupoint, presumably there would not be much difference between the two lives, but he had to be careful.

Opening the acupoints must be very careful, so as not to make mistakes and cause fire hazards. Qi Ze has just completed his Zen skills and has a firm Zen mind. Atresia of the Eight Meridians is a congenital terminal disease. The acupoints are coagulated and astringent. Once touched, pain, itching, soreness, swelling and other strange sensations come one after another.

Fortunately, Qi Ze had experienced all kinds of strange sensations when he realized the first meditation, and he was not moved at all. When the sky was bright, he only felt a slight heat in the back of his head, and finally broke through Fengfu acupoint! As soon as the acupoints were opened, the power of Zhenru was entrenched inside, nourished by the acupoints, and actually produced strands of true energy. The true energy is golden in color, exactly like the color of the golden bodies of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in temples, the color of Buddhists is still yellow, which means that what Qi Ze is refining is the authentic true energy of Buddhism.

The zhenqi hovered in the acupoints, eager to move, and wanted to go to the next acupoint, but was blocked by Qi Ze, who couldn't chew too much, harvested too much overnight, and needed to settle down. Hearing the noisy sound in the barracks, he raised his eyes and gasped, with streaks of evil spirits in his eyes, UU Reading rushed to the sky!

Qi Ze thought: "I think that coming here is the murderous aura in the barracks. It is rumored that the masculine aura of soldiers can deter ghosts and fierce gods. It is the murderous aura." Jin Dahuan promised to protect him for three days. Zen is also happy to live here, and strives to use two days to open up the Yangwei vein and lay a solid foundation.

Qi Fu left Qi's house and came to the small courtyard again, where the man in black was already waiting there. Qi Fu said: "It's been half a day, has it been found out?" The man in black said: "It's not difficult to find out, then Qi Ze took refuge in Jin Dahuan and is now living outside the Zhenwei barracks!"

Qi Fu frowned and said, "Jin Dahuan? Humph! How dare he interfere with the Qi family's affairs?" The voice of the man in black became very strange, and said: "Jin Dahuan took the initiative to reveal Qi Ze's whereabouts! He knew that Qi Ze had offended him Qi Family, I want to see the Patriarch!"

Qi Fu sneered and said: "So that's how it is! That guy is also an ambitious person, he has long wanted to learn the practice method from Qi and Zhao, so he even ignored the fellowship with Qi Ze's father, he is a hero! You Go and tell him that he is not qualified to meet the Patriarch, I will go to see him tonight!" Throwing down a secret book, he said again: "Didn't you always want the position of Zhou Tian acupoint? Take it!"

The man in black's eyes flickered, he reached out to take the secret record, and said: "Qi Gan used this method to lure me to work for him, you gave it to me so easily, if he found out..." Qi Fu said: "You don't have to ask, just take That's it! But if you accept my things, you have to work hard for me, otherwise I have plenty of ways to make your life worse than death!"

The man in black let out a muffled laugh and flew away. At midnight, Jin Dahuan really showed up, and Qi Fu was still waiting for him in this courtyard. Jin Dahuan's iron armor never left his body, he walked clangingly, and said coldly: "Qi Ze is in my hands, Qi Gan knows what I want, can you be the master?"