MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 27

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This is terrifying.

Liang Xiao was shocked and speechless for a while, not knowing how to react, she was stunned for a long time: "…"

The housekeeper asked, "Are you afraid?"

Liang Xiao was convinced: "I'm afraid."

The housekeeper asked himself and tried his best to retreat, saluted him and left.

Mr. Huo was wearing a windbreaker and was not wet. I simply rinsed the second bedroom, arranged the work, asked the housekeeper and bodyguard to go back to rest, and returned to the master bedroom alone.

Liang Xiao was still pondering on the sofa.

In all fairness.

From a rational point of view, he doesn't really think that Huo will always do this kind of thing.

There are always surprises. When he signed the contract, he would never have imagined that he would die anyway. In addition to biting him, Mr. Huo would one day give him an apology letter to let him read the whole text and write down his thoughts.

What's more, the housekeeper has followed Mr. Huo for many years.

Informed and loyal.

Liang Xiao was persuaded by her own thinking, and she felt a sense of crisis, she looked up full of thoughts, and saw Huo Lan pushing the door in at a glance: "..."

Huo Lan stared at him blankly, and his aura was condensed into a question mark with ease.

Liang Xiao quickly left the crisis-ridden sofa: "Mr. Huo."

His reaction was not the same as usual. Huo Lan was not used to it.

Liang Xiao followed him around to the wall to adjust the temperature of the air conditioner, followed him to take the late-night refreshments sent to the porch, followed him to take out the computer mouse, and followed him back to the desk.

Huo Lan was followed twice by his tail, stood at the table, raised his eyes: "Worry?"

Liang Xiao stood at attention: "No hurry."

When the agent stuffed him with clothes, he even told him that he didn't have to go back at night, but he must protect his own safety at night.

Liang Xiao didn't quite know what he meant by emphasizing the night, but was simply a little afraid to go back to the sofa: "Do you want to work?"

Huo Lan nodded, put down the computer, and pushed the refreshment to him.

Liang Xiao was stunned.

Before Huo Lan went upstairs, he asked the hotel waiter for a late night snack.

Liang Xiao saw it, and when he entered the elevator, he was still thinking that Mr. Huo also has such real and amiable details that are very human-like.

It turns out that Mr. Huo is not to meet his physiological needs as a human being.

"Not anytime soon."

Seeing that he didn't move, Huo Lan stood still for a while, and reluctantly said, "You—"

I wanted to say, "If you have something to eat, don't doze off." It's a bit too much to think about. I want to say, "Eat hard at night and rest first," but I feel like it's overstepping.

Huo Lan was silent, pulled out the swivel chair, sat down, and turned on the computer.

Liang Xiao recovered and smiled: "Thank you."

Huo Lan gave her a meal.

"Have you eaten yet?"

Liang Xiao divided half of the delicate refreshments in the small white porcelain plate, kept it for him, and served half of it himself: "Airplane meals always seem to be not full, every time I finish the plane, I always Especially want to eat hot pot."

Huo Lan didn't answer, and didn't push back the snacks he left behind. He connected the mouse and opened the report.

He couldn't concentrate, his eyes fell on it for a while, and then he raised it again.

"It's not the serious one." Liang Xiao found a coffee table, put everything in his hand, and nagged to himself, "Put a small electric pot for instant noodles, put it on Half a bag of spicy base, cook whatever you have on hand, preferably eggs..."

Liang Xiao put down the delicate creme brulee in his hand, turned around, and looked at Mr. Huo's serious expression as if he was listening to some important financial report of the company.

Thinking of the little Huo Lan in the butler's mouth, Liang Xiao unconsciously softened.

He found out long ago that Huo Lan really wanted to talk to people.

No one spoke to him or told him what to say.

I am not liked by my parents, everything is wrong When I come back to take charge of the company in the future, no matter what I say, the people around me will be silent at every turn.

Liang Xiao made up his mind to let him communicate more normally, seeing that he was still holding the mouse in his hand, he brought the topic back to the category where he could talk: "Are you working a lot today? ?"

Huo Lan was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

He is obviously much busier these days than before. Although he is not more exhausted than last time, the eyes of Meifeng are full of fatigue, and Liang Xiao can also see it.

"The matter of the star crown?" Liang Xiao actually didn't know much about the games in the business world, so he just casually accosted him, picked out a creamy cube and stuffed it into his mouth, "It's hard—"

"It's not hard." Huo Lan said, "It's just chores."

Liang Xiao was stunned for a moment. Facing Mr. Huo, who had learned to answer so quickly, he was even relieved and nodded with a smile.

Huo Lan waited for a while, seeing that he didn't have any more intentions to say, he couldn't help frowning.


Even if he has the heart to talk to people and doesn't know what's wrong, he will always get into a deadlock after a few sentences.

Huo Lan calmed down, dealt with work for a while, and looked up at Liang Xiao.

Liang Xiao can stay anywhere, and doesn't seem cramped because he changed a place. He pulled up a chair and sat on the edge of the sofa.

He just flushed the hot water, and his face was much better than before he came back. Call the light a reflection, revealing some healthy and comfortable complexion.

Brows and eyes are warm and beautiful.

Huo Lan was silent for a while: "It's about Long Tao."

I didn't expect Mr. Huo to make rapid progress, and he even learned to take the initiative to lead the topic. Liang Xiao was a little surprised, and chatted with kindness: "Are you going to deal with Long Tao?"

Huo Lan nodded in default.

"Anyway, after staying for a few years, Brother Duan knows some insider stories."

The old things have been completely explained, Liang Xiao is not taboo, and generously: "And the original things, I can help you write down the list of principals..."

That dinner party was a conspiracy, and all the people who handled Long Tao's work were one and the same, I'm afraid they couldn't get rid of it.

It's all acting, of course, Liang Xiao also wants to jump to Xingguan to make money for Huo Lan: "What do you need to negotiate with them?"

Huo Lan shook his head: "No need."

Liang Xiao was startled: "Can the star crown buy me from Longtao?"

"I can't buy it." Huo Lan said, "Long Tao and you signed a mandatory non-assignment contract."

Liang Xiao never expected that they could make up such a serious description for the deed: "So——"

Huo Lan: "So I want to buy Longtao."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao opened her mouth, looked at Mr. Huo's silent gaze who wanted to continue chatting, took a deep breath, and pressed his forehead.

...This is probably Mr. Huo's most dominant line.

The boss didn't even know how to answer.

Liang Xiaoxin said that you deserve a lot of work, and after holding back for a long time, you were completely defeated, and offered them a pineapple nectar cake with Lingnan egg tarts: "Then you... come on."

Huo Lan didn't seem to realize what was wrong with his words, looked up at him, still waiting for him to speak.

"..." Liang Xiao clenched his fist and shook the sand hammer: "Yeah."

Because it is not possible to buy an artist, it is impossible to buy the complicated work brought by Long Tao, Huo Lan closes the computer, and Liang Xiao has fallen asleep on the spot without any accident.

In this situation, it is already a category that they can only cover when they purely dominate the general world. Liang Xiao asked himself if he couldn't help, but supported him mentally, and kept sitting at the table and nagging him to cause trouble.

Huo Lan answered seriously at first, but later found that Liang Xiao was just idle and chatting, so he didn't respond any more.

When he repeated several planning cases with Longtao for key resource endorsement one by one, he finished his work and raised his head, only to realize that the background sound had been quiet.

Liang Xiao leaned against the desk with his arms resting on his back, breathing lightly and evenly.

Huo Lan looked at it for a while before realizing that Liang Xiao was resting on his arm.

Liang Xiao didn't sleep well, he woke up as soon as he moved, yawned and opened his eyes.

Liang Xiao: “…”

Liang Xiao woke up instantly, sat up and quickly let go.

Huo Lan frowned: "Didn't sleep well?"

Liang Xiao slept surprisingly well. At this moment, the comfort and laziness of his body can't get over, and his mind is dull and dull, thinking about why he is so restless.

Holding once is an accident, hugging twice is frivolous.

Three hugs may be thrown out by their boss Huo with one hand.

Liang Xiao was a little dazed, looking at Huo Lan, who was even very calm: " you have anything to say?"

Huo Lan always felt a little numb when he hugged one hand.

Liang Xiao: “…”

This may be the calm before the blizzard.

Huo Lan looked at him in a daze, frowned, and got up to carry the person to wash.

Long Tao's size is there after all, and the thin dead camel is bigger than a horse.

Huo Lan has been consolidating liquid funds and liquidating assets these days, coupled with the comprehensive suppression of Longtao's competition, the things to deal with are extraordinarily tedious.

If Liang Xiao can sleep happily, he can go to rest earlier.

Liang Xiao was guilty and asked what to do. According to Mr. Huo's words, Chaos washed out and changed into pajamas, and suddenly felt wrong: "??"

Huo Lan also washed, turned out of the bathroom, and stretched out his arms to hug him: "Don't move."

Liang Xiao didn't have time to ask Mr. Huo why he wanted him to change into pajamas. He was already wrapped around Huo Lan's chest and arms, and the soft cotton fabric was pulled down slightly, exposing the glands on the back of the neck. body.

The gentle pressure is covered with the cool ice and snow breath.

Liang Xiao: “…”

Huo Lan was afraid that he would be uncomfortable, so he only extracted a little information source, frowned and lowered his head: "What's wrong?"

"..." Liang Xiao blushed at his own thoughts: "It's okay."

Mr. Huo is very talented and learns everything faster and faster.

Liang Xiao didn't dare to think about it, and decided to delete the small yellow text in the mobile phone, preparing to ask Duan Ming to help him find the "Pure Heart Mantra" and "Prajna Parami Heart Sutra" tomorrow.

Huo Lan looked at him for a while, then nodded without asking, "Go to sleep."

Liang Xiao blushed in confusion: "What?"

Huo Lan led him to the bedside and motioned him to lie down.

Liang Xiao's glands in the back of her neck jumped: "Mr. Huo, it's not right—"

Liang Xiao numbly looked at Mr. Huo's exceptionally skilled movements: "..."

"There is a side sleeper." Huo Lan had a headache, closed his eyes and pressed his temples, "I'll go after you sleep."

Liang Xiao really wanted to know the reason, so she dared to test: "Then your hand..."

…why must it appear between my head and pillow at this time.

Half of the question, he understood first.

Liang Xiao's heart was ashes, recalling the frivolous act of hugging Mr. Huo's arm as soon as he fell asleep, and rolled up the quilt weakly.

Huo Lan adjusted the light for him, leaned on the bedside and closed his eyes.

Liang Xiao couldn't fall asleep no matter what, took a deep breath and raised her head to make it clear, looked up at him, her chest suddenly hurt. easy to bully Huo Lan when he was a child.

Believe everything, and do it seriously.

Maybe someone told him at the beginning that by writing a letter to his parents, he would be able to communicate with his parents and get along well.

Liang Xiao closed her eyes for a while, and was so burned by herself that she said in a hoarse voice, "Mr. Huo."

Hearing that his voice was wrong, Huo Lan frowned: "What's wrong?"

"I... miss my parents." Liang Xiao took a deep breath, "I can't sleep."

Huo Lan paused for a moment.

He didn't know how to comfort him at this time, so he was silent for a while, trying his best to recall the housekeeper's tone: "Where are your parents?"

There is no parental information in Liang Xiao's profile.

It is human nature to miss his parents, and he sometimes thinks about it in the dead of night.

If Liang Xiao really thinks so much, he can contact the crew to arrange and coordinate family visits...

"I don't know." Liang Xiao: "The head of the orphanage picked me up from the road."

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao felt like she was raising a bar, but this sentence was the truth, and she cleared her throat: "Really."

Huo Lan really didn't know what to say: "...condolences."

Liang Xiao's eyes were darkened, and he turned to the topic bluntly: "I don't know what parents are like, you..."

He didn't want to reveal the scar, but he always had to know what happened to Huo Lan before he could deal with it.

In order to prevent the housekeeper from being beaten for "secretly spreading the crime of Mr. Huo's childhood privacy", he could only ask Huo Lan himself.

Huo Lan was startled by his question, and after a while he said, "I don't know either."

Liang Xiao listened to his tone, and his chest became even more stuffy. I was embarrassed to pull another innocent hand, grabbed the corner of his shirt and patted it.

Huo Lan looked down at him, frowning slightly.

Liang Xiao usually doesn't catch people to ask such a thing, even if he wants to ask, he will go to the agent or assistant first. Now that he suddenly asked what his parents were like, he suddenly couldn't help but want to know.

He always seemed perfunctory to answer like this.

"I-" Huo Lan was silent for a while, then briefly told him, "I didn't spend time with them when I was a child, my mother's pheromone is 'warm sun'."

Liang Xiao's chest sank suddenly.

Up to now, the pheromone of alpha and omega have been clearly classified, except for a few special types of pheromone, most of them are grouped into the categories A to Z.

What exactly is Huo Lan's pheromone, he still doesn't know, but it will undoubtedly belong to the cold theme of nature, and I'm afraid it is still very high in the ranking.

In the case of omega breeding offspring, the most dangerous one is the conflict between the pheromone of the mother and the offspring.

The mother's pheromone is the main theme of heat, which is in conflict with the baby. If it happens to be born at the time of fluctuation, it is very easy to have an accident, and it may even be life-threatening.

"Father... loves mother very much."

Seeing that he was still silent, Huo Lan thought for a while, and continued to explain: "So he was very angry with me."

His birth was not what his father expected, and his mother was seriously ill for several years.

The fetus will only have pheromone fluctuations when it forms an information source in the mother. As long as it is not differentiated after birth, it will not release pheromone, but because it is homologous to the mother, it still triggers maternal pheromone the possibility of volatility.

So his father never allowed him to stay at home more.

Liang Xiao couldn't help frowning: "Where's your mother? Is she—"

Huo Lan: "She doesn't remember."

Liang Xiao was stunned.

When Mr. Huo talked about his father, he was not surprised. After all, Xiao Huo Lan was obedient and sensible when he thought about it. The father didn't like his son, so there must be some reason that ordinary people couldn't understand.

But he really… didn't expect this.

The omega is fragile and vulnerable. Under the strong impact of their own pheromones, in clinical manifestations, there is indeed a loss of memory ranging from one year to several years.

Huo Lan's mother had a pheromone conflict during childbirth. After she recovered, she had only her loving husband in front of her, and she lived a happy and harmonious family life.

The two immortal couples, husband and wife, are slowly taking care of their bodies while on vacation, and at the same time planning to transfer the business to the branch, and go to settle abroad together in the future.

Sometimes the children from the separated family come to live for a while, and they seem very sensible and cute, but they are a little nerdy, and they also write a thank you letter to their husband in a serious manner.

It's not just not liked by parents.

Liang Xiao suddenly couldn't bear it anymore, propped up on the bed and sat up indistinctly, and hugged Huo Lan indistinctly.

Huo Lan was slightly startled, and subconsciously supported him.

"I... miss my parents I've never met."

Liang Xiao closed his eyes hard and took a deep breath: "I can't sleep alone, Mr. Huo, can you stay with me for a while?"

Huo Lan was tightly bound by him, hesitantly held the person steady, and touched his hair.

Liang Xiao: "QAQ."

Huo Lan looked at him for a while, then nodded.

Liang Xiao lent him his entire chest and hummed on his back.

Huo Lan folded his arms and patted him on the back: "Q——"

"It means crying." Liang Xiao: "Q is the eyes, A is the mouth."

Huo Lan finally solved his doubts, and wanted to say more, but was hit by Liang Xiao with a headbutt on the shoulder.

The juvenile Huo Lan stood by the flower pond in a quiet, rainy and windy way.

"The bed is so big." Liang Xiao felt that this sentence was actually wrong, but he couldn't hold back his emotions, and couldn't hold back, "Two people...can sleep well."

Just now, he suddenly remembered what the housekeeper said that Mr. Huo couldn't sleep during the susceptible period.

Even if he figured out the letter of apology, the feeling after reading it and the spanking, he still couldn't think of what made the young Huo Lan dare not even sleep.

"It's been a long night...I can't sleep."

Liang Xiao bravely carried the pot: "Can you not leave?"

Huo Lan looked down at him for a while, wrapped his arms around his shoulders, and gently put Liang Xiao back on the bed.

He leaned against the head of the bed, just sat there, closed his eyes, and relaxed his shoulders a little.

The bed is enough for five people to sleep like a five-pointed star. In Liang Xiao's assumption, Mr. Huo doesn't have to be so miserable. He hesitated about to speak when Huo Lan suddenly raised the corner of his mouth very lightly.

Liang Xiao was startled, but did not say anything.

Huo Lan closed his eyes and said softly, "Okay."

Read The Duke's Passion