MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 36

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The lunch break works surprisingly well.

Huo Lan rarely had a deep sleep. He slept peacefully for a few hours in his arms and woke up completely refreshed.

The housekeeper has experienced many trainings, and is no longer surprised that Mr. Liang appears in any place on their Mr. Huo. He calmly sent away Liang Xiao, who had come out of Mr. Huo's arms, and took him with him. The pot of black tea came back: "Mr. Liang has returned to the hospital."

Liang Xiao pulled out the needle and ran out by himself. There are still two bottles of liquid to lose in the afternoon.

Duan Ming and the housekeeper sat at the door and lit a cigarette, completely put down the plan to take people away, and when they were ready to go back, they would discuss with the hospital to see if they could bring the medicine back and let Liang Xiao directly Infusion in the Presidential Suite.

The housekeeper concealed the scene where Mr. Liang was frightened by his increasingly rambunctious behavior, put down the black tea, suddenly realized that something was wrong, and met Huo Lan's gaze: "...Mr. Huo?"

Huo Lan nodded, looked away, and turned on the computer.

"..." The housekeeper quickly deleted the picture in his mind of Mr. Huo, coughing alone and looking at the door.

It just seems a little stiff.

Although it does not affect their calm and calm personality, Huo Lan will raise his left hand every once in a while and massage his shoulders and necks calmly and calmly.

The housekeeper was still disappointed at first, but seeing that his condition was much better, he was happy again: "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan raised her eyes.

Housekeeper: "You never considered talking to Mr. Liang..."

The housekeeper took into account his susceptibility period and tried his best to choose the words: "At the same time - does it exist on the bed?"

Huo Lan: “…”

The housekeeper poured a cup of black tea, brought it with the refreshment, and put it in his hand.

The first time was at Mr. Liang's house, so it's okay to be simple. When I came to the studio, the bed in the presidential suite was obviously big enough, but Huo Lan was still unmoved and never went to bed with Mr. Liang.

The housekeeper couldn't figure out what seal was on the bed, and met Huo Lan's slightly worried gaze, hesitantly persuaded: "It's uncomfortable after all..."

Huo Lan did not expect that the always prudent butler would say such a thing, frowning for a while, closed his eyes to suppress his temper.

The housekeeper is old and may not know much about these matters. He does not intend to slander Mr. Liang lightly.

Huo Lan opened his eyes and told him patiently, "Going to bed is a very late stage."

“…” Butler: “Oh.”

Huo Lan retracted his gaze and opened a few reports.

When the two of them get along, Huo Lan can see clearly, but when they touch the top of their head, Liang Xiao will be so nervous and at a loss.

He was trying to coax Liang Xiao to sleep, so he was naturally responsible to the end. There was no reason why Liang Xiao could not fall asleep by tossing and turning.

The housekeeper looked at him weakly, and even wanted to find some books for Mr. Huo to imprison and force love: "Then you- are you planning to do this all the time?"

If Mr. Huo intends to sit and sleep like this every night from now until he can spend the rest of his life with Mr. Liang, he may also contact a private doctor and make an appointment for cervical physiotherapy traction .

Alpha's physical fitness is strong, Huo Lan didn't think there was any problem with this, and pressed his shoulder and neck: "I'm fine."

The housekeeper wants to make an appointment with the doctor now, think about it, and hold on for the time being: "You are nothing..."

He obviously had the second half of what he said. Huo Lan waited for a while, a little impatient, and raised his eyes to look at him.

"...But when Mr. Liang left, he said he didn't sleep well."

The housekeeper sighed: "Mr. Liang is at home, he sleeps with a pillow, and a good quality pillow never sits."

Huo Lan: “…”

Housekeeper: "…"

Huo Lan is only clear in the field he is good at. He has never hugged pillows, nor has Huo's family ever opened up the bedding market.

"It's very serious." The housekeeper apologized to Mr. Liang in his heart, "Mr. Liang needs a pillow very much, didn't you realize that he slept with you today?"

Huo Lan couldn't help frowning.

He was intentional to correct, it was not Liang Xiao who hugged him, but Liang Xiao rubbed all the way from his shoulder to his chest, so he was hugged by himself.

I also feel that this kind of remark is really frivolous and disrespectful to Mr. Liang.

The housekeeper is not sure, and is still leading them to the depths of logic according to the experience taught by Liang Xiao: "Mr. Liang sighed when he left, unfortunately today's hand is not enough it is good."

Huo Lan was really unable to sit still because of what he said, and he frowned and let go of the mouse.

The butler's heart beat fast, and he swallowed quietly.

…Of course not.

The fact is that Mr. Liang got out of Mr. Huo's arms, and the whole person was always in a trance of excessive fright. After being sent downstairs by him and his manager, he suddenly woke up, shaking his manager's shoulders and stammering and recounting today's plot, which was much more exciting than the previous ones.

However, when two people develop a relationship, it is not that someone has to give in a little from time to time.

Be tolerant of each other and make some innocuous sacrifices.

The housekeeper sighed in his heart, determined to take good care of Mr. Liang in the future, and looked up at Mr. Huo firmly.

Huo Lang's heart sank.

He originally just wanted to coax Liang Xiao to sleep, but when he was not careful, he fell asleep instead, and did not realize that Liang Xiao had not slept well.

Huo Lan was remorseful for what he said, silent for a while, and finally gave in: "Wait until he recovers."

The butler's eyes lit up: "Tomorrow—"

Huo Lan: "Not tomorrow."

Strictly speaking, Liang Xiao was not actually sick this time, but was dragged in by an oolong, and inexplicably entered the hospital for Jiang Pingchao's manager.

However, one of the sequelae of pheromone outbreaks is that the glands are always irritable, and it is easy to become active after a little stimulation.

So it must always be suppressed by special inhibitors.

This time, Liang Xiao took the initiative to trigger pheromone, and the glands were partially activated. Even if the hospital cooperates with medication, and Huo Lan relies on temporary markers to adjust and relieve, it will take several days to completely restore stability .

For Liang Xiao, one more day in this state means more danger.

"Wait for him." Huo Lan reluctantly said, "I lie down...let him hold him."

The butler smashed his palm in surprise: "Okay!"

Huo Lan was still thinking about Liang Xiao's lack of sleep in the afternoon, and was not affected by the housekeeper's emotions.

Liang Xiao lost the liquid for three days. With the temporary marking, most of the glands were stabilized again.

The whole person is still not very good.

For three days in a row, I didn't sleep very well. I sat on the sidelines, clutching the script, and closed my eyes and dozed off for a while.

"What's the matter?" Duan Ming helped him stare at Weibo, reached out in time, and pulled the person back to the chair, "Can't you sleep beside Mr. Huo?"

Liang Xiao hesitated, sighed: "...Yes."

Duan Ming glanced at him inexplicably, and took a screenshot of Weibo million fans.

Liang Xiao’s Weibo has also been registered for three days, and the traffic is generally stable. Under the direction of the screenwriter, he posted two clips of horse riding and electric chair torture.

At the time when the audience was in urgent need of materials, the popularity of Yunlian actually doubled. Knowing that the filming has not been completed, many comments have petitioned under the official blog of the crew, and the number of likes has soared, just to give Yun Lian a stable ending.

Liang Xiao took the mobile phone and flipped through a few pages of Weibo comments, finally unable to calm down, returned it to Duan Ming, and sighed again.

"..." Duan Ming helped him start numbly: "Ah, ah, it's so exciting."

Duan Mingxin is crazy to tell you what to say. God knows whether you touched Mr. Huo's hand or touched Mr. Huo's respectful buttocks this time. I really don't bother to ask any more, put on the blindfold for him Wear: "Since you and Mr. Huo already have this kind of relationship, adjust your mentality and don't be surprised by anything..."

Liang Xiao is still slowly and continuously getting hot, confused: "What kind of relationship?"

Duan Ming got angry, wrapped him in a coat, and stuffed him back into the reclining chair: "Sleep."

Liang Xiao's glands in the back of her neck were stimulated by these two words, and she coughed a few times to cover up the past.

He couldn't sleep, not because he was by Mr. Huo's side.

Huo Lan had always restrained himself by resting with him, and only sat on the head of the bed and refused to lie down. He was still a little worried because of this, and asked the housekeeper privately.

The housekeeper looked embarrassed and hesitated, but in the end he just assured him that there would be no problem with Mr. Huo's body in the short term.

Liang Xiao thought about finding a way for a long time, and she has been thinking about it for a few days.

… He never knew that Xiao Huangwen was really real.

Since Huo Lan decided to help him calm down the pheromone, the temporary marking is no longer a familiar bite. It happened that he hit Mr. Huo's susceptible period. The rigidity of the teenager Huo Lan collided with Mr. Huo's determination. He had to cooperate with Mr. Huo in the control variable experiment of temporary marking these days.

How deep and how long to bite, the ratio of pheromone injection and information source extraction.

The influence of other factors to ease the tension of temporary markers.

Hugging strength, body contact area, sitting on the couch, bed, or desk.

Still... on Mr. Huo's lap.

Liang Xiao's body became weak during the experiment. When he remembered that he was held in his arms by Mr. Huo, he bowed his head and bit his neck meticulously. , even if he fell asleep, he could appear in his dream and remind him again.

"It deserves it." Duan Ming was not sure, just thought he was still worried because of his glands, and couldn't help but nagging him, "I dare to send pheromones by myself, now I know Are you feeling bad?"

Liang Xiao twitched the corners of his mouth: "In a hurry, follow the right..."

Duan Ming sighed, touched his forehead, and wrapped his coat tightly around him.

The situation was urgent at that time. If Liang Xiao's emergency response was not decisive and effective, Jiang Pingchao's manager would have to lie down in the hospital for ten days and a half months even if he survived.

Liang Xiao has been using inhibitors all the year round, and the problem of glandular activity is not big, but she must be more vigilant during this time. With the combination of the hospital's medication and the fact that Mr. Huo always helped with temporary marking, it was much faster than his own adjustment and stability.

"Mr. Jiang too, why haven't you come back for three days?"

Duan Ming knew in his heart that it was because his family was distressed, and he didn't say anything about him: "I don't know what those two are doing..."

"..." With the blindfold, Liang Xiao felt in a trance that she might know what those two people had been up to these three days.

"The set is finished." The crew didn't start filming, Duan Ming had nothing to do, and was still nagging beside him, "You also adjust your state, wait for Teacher Jiang to come back, and finish the last scene well. , we're done."

The crew has been injected with new capital by the investor, and they have a lot of confidence. They have carefully polished the scene of the finale. They have been set up for the past three days.

As long as Jiang Pingchao comes back, the final scene will start filming.

Song Qi was afraid that they would not be slack in filming these days, so he still detained several leading actors to the sidelines every day, and regularly got together to talk about the drama.

Liang Xiao's role is different, can't follow Su Man, Meng Feibai and the others listening to the fierce dark battle, fell asleep for a while, and was woken up by Duan Ming: "Work has started."

Liang Xiao groped and took off the blindfold: "Mr. Jiang is back?"

Duan Mingchao pointed to the sidelines and raised a hand to let him sit up.

Liang Xiao had just woken up, but she still didn't recover. Seeing Jiang Pingchao and Chi Che finished talking to Director Song, they came straight to him, stunned, and held on. Duan Ming's arms were sitting upright.

Jiang Pingchao walked to the edge of his shed, stopped beside him, and let Chi Che come over alone.

"Mr. Liang." Chi Che held down Liang Xiao without telling him to stand up, "That day... I'm sorry."

Chi Che took a breath: "My attitude toward you—"

Liang Xiao smiled and said, "It doesn't feel good to meet anyone."

Chi Che was cut off by him, so he couldn't continue, and looked up at Liang Xiao.

"I don't mind." Liang Xiao couldn't hold back his help at that time, so he wasn't going to ask him to worry about it after so long, "How is it, is it alright?"

Chi Che's ears became hot unconsciously, the corners of his mouth pursed, and he nodded.

"Thanks were helpful then."

Chi Che was silent for a while, then said again: "We heard about Long Tao."

Liang Xiao heard what he said, took the thermos cup that Duan Ming handed over, and took a sip of hot water.

"These days, Long Tao has been putting pressure on everyone."

Chi Che said: "If you intend to terminate the contract with Long Tao, Teacher Jiang's studio can provide an artist contract."

Liang Xiao never heard Huo Lan mention Longtao, but in public opinion Longtao was suppressed by the star crown and couldn't lift his head up, so far he still can't find a chance to smear him once, of course never It is impossible not to move the mind elsewhere.

Liang Xiao knew what to do, and smiled: "No need... Thank you."

Chi Che: "Do you prefer the star crown?"

He asked straightforwardly, Liang Xiao held the thermos cup, was silent for a while, and smiled: "Yes."

"The star crown is outstanding and the treatment is reasonable."

Chi Che: "Do you know Mr. Huo?"

Liang Xiao choked: "…Understand."

Chi Che: "How much do you know?"

Liang Xiao: “…”

In a few days, they may know every corner of their Huo body.

It is impossible to talk like this no matter what, Liang Xiao buried himself in the rising heat of the thermos cup, and carefully considered: "How much...know a little bit."

Chi Che confirmed with his own eyes at the door that the relationship between the two is not simple. Objectively speaking, he does not think that with Liang Xiao's talent and strength, he needs to be committed to the president of a film and television company in exchange for resource treatment.

He was helped by Liang Xiao, and he didn't intend to interfere with Liang Xiao's decision. He just wanted to repay his favor, reminding him a little: "Huo is always a businessman."

Liang Xiao frowned and looked up.

"Huo was always a very successful businessman."

Chi Che: "Never suffer, be calm, and take every step of the way. Whatever he wants, he won't get anything."

In the past few days, Star Crown’s big moves one after another, the industry is all startled, and they are vaguely worried that Star Crown intends to further monopolize resources in the circle and cut off others’ way of life.

Long Tao has been going downhill in recent years, and was suppressed by Star Crown with all his strength, and his downfall is a matter of time. It is impossible for Liang Xiao to stay in Longtao all the time. As for the way out, he has to decide for himself.

"It was just yesterday." Chi Che said, "The Star Crown intercepted Long Tao's two million-level endorsements and destroyed a top resource in the Asia-Pacific region."

"Longtao has been trading frequently in equity recently, and it seems that it is about to be forced into a dead end."

Chi Che: "Before we came to the set today, we saw the person in charge of Long Tao coming to him."

Liang Xiao was slightly dumb: "…Thank you."

Huo Lan didn't mention the content of the work to him. If it wasn't for Chi Che, Liang Xiao wouldn't know that Xingguan's actions were so fast.

Make some money for Star Crown.

Mr. Huo will have 1/100,000 of his money in buying Longtao in the future.

Liang Xiaogang's pride was a little hit, and he even wanted to find a piece of paper to count the zeros again, considering that Chi Che was still there, he put down the thermos first: "Mr. Huo is in the business field. , is a very successful businessman..."

Chi Che frowned: "What's the difference?"

"It's different." Liang Xiao said.

He has been thinking about this all these days, Chi Che doesn't know the inside story, he made a mistake, but made him sober a lot: "In business, businessmen seek profits for the sake of money. ."

Chi Che was stunned: "So what?"

"I'm going to Star Crown." Liang Xiao smiled and exhaled frankly: "It's not for money."

In the office, Huo Lan lowered his eyes coldly and closed the computer in his hand.

"What do you want?"

General Manager Long Tao was almost impatient: "Endorsement? Resources? Market share?"

The merger and acquisition matters need to be discussed with the chairman, Huo Lan did not want to talk to him, and signaled the housekeeper to send him out.


"Reasonable competition." Huo Lan said, "Star Crown has no intention of monopoly."

General Manager Long Tao frowned and stared at him for a long time. After a flash of thought, he suddenly had a ridiculous thought: "Are you for that omega?"

Huo Lan raised her eyes.

"A broken omega..."

General Manager Long Tao is incredible: "Do you really like his type? How much do you want, we'll collect it for you—"

Huo Lan: "See off."

The housekeeper took a step forward, and General Manager Long Tao noticed the intense undercurrent in Huo Lan's eyes, his heart froze, and instinctively shut his mouth and took two steps back.

"Manager Zhang." The housekeeper raised his hand, "Please."

"Just for an artist." Under the eaves, General Manager Long Tao held back his anger and reluctantly changed his words, "It's not that Long Tao can't be sold."

Long Tao was here after all to show weakness this time, and he also took into account the filth of Liang Xiao and Xing Guanqi in the early stage. At this point, he has already made preparations for concessions.

Huo Lan motioned to the housekeeper to handle it, and General Manager Long Tao handed over Liang Xiao's contract, bit his teeth and signed the letter of intent for the artist's handover, and finally couldn't help but sneer: "Mr. Huo is really in love."

"Do public opinion, find resources, pave the way..." General Manager Long Tao: "I heard that Xingguan wants to buy him a house."

The workflow of the star crown was not deliberately secretive, Huo Lan was not surprised that he knew it, and sent a message to the secretarial department to deal with the contract.

"You bought him everything, thinking you'd make him die."

General Manager Long Tao sneered: "He is with you for money, you have enough money, why doesn't he leave?"

General Manager Long Tao has never played an artist before, and he knows that it is impossible to make Huo Lan change his mind with a few soft words. Now forced to give Liang Xiao to Xingguan due to the situation, he has the intention to give him eye drops, half-truthfully mocking: "The house is there, the future is there, he won't leave, he's still waiting for you to bite-"

"He should have had these." Huo Lan said.

General Manager Long Tao was choked by him and could not speak immediately.

Huo Lan: "He didn't do what he shouldn't do, so naturally he can't save the money he shouldn't earn, and he doesn't have the right to choose."

Liang Xiao didn't say it, but people still knew what happened at that time. Xingguan traced it all the way, and found out early on how generous Long Tao had offered to let Liang Xiao cooperate.

Huo Lan took a deep breath and suppressed irrelevant emotions: "For the past, Xingguan still reserves the right to be held accountable."

General Manager Long Tao's face was sinking, but he didn't say anything.

Since Long Tao was targeted by Xingguan, and he tried to contact Liang Xiao several times, he was in vain. At this point, there is no need to struggle in vain.

Huo Lan lowered his eyes and put the contract aside.

Of course he knew that Liang Xiao wanted money.

Liang Xiao has tried his best in these years, stumbled to earn his life, too late to save money, too late to have a stable place, too late to think about the future.

These shackles and shackles fell between Liang Xiao's hands and feet, dragging him to the ground and beside him.

"The world is mean to him, I will supply him."

Huo Lan: "After making up, if you want to leave or stay, Star Crown will not interfere."

"Long Tao wasted five years on him." Huo Lan: "He should have a bright star."

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