MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 42

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Liang Xiao lay on Huo Lan's chest, unable to hear her heartbeat.

He was not afraid, nor did he feel uncomfortable.

It's nothing to get past.

Water flows under the ice, and the water ripples fluctuate, refracting the warm sunlight.

Liang Xiao closed her eyes tightly, her hands trembled, she groped a few times, and grabbed Huo Lan's shirt.

Huo Lan held his hand, measured the pulse with his finger pads for a while, took the oxygen mask, and put it on for him.

"No need." Liang Xiao turned his head and tried his best to calm down his voice, "I'm fine, I think..."

Liang Xiao took a deep breath: "I want you to hug me for a while longer."

Huo Lan put his palm on his back: "I'm here."

Liang Xiao shuddered.

"Take a moment." Huo Lan put the mask on for him, and still asked him to lean against his arms, "I'm not leaving."

Liang Xiao's chest throbbed, tensed for a while, then relaxed little by little.

Liang Xiao turned his face to the side and pressed his forehead against Huo Lan's shoulder fossa.

The agent seemed to have something to say, but in the end he just moved his lips, silently exited the ward, and carefully closed the door.

Huo Lan spent the night in the hospital.

The next morning, I went through the formalities with the hospital and took Liang Xiao on the plane together.


Huo Lan got off the plane and took people home all the way.

"Spontaneous heat."

The personal doctor has been very familiar with Liang Xiao, and has done a neat examination: "The normal differentiation process of omega mostly occurs between the age of eighteen and twenty, and it is rare to delay it so late."

The housekeeper has handed over to the hospital over there: "Mr. Liang's glands have been seriously injured twice, is this related?"

The doctor nodded: "The main reason is gland damage, and it is also related to factors such as physical fitness."

When Omega grows, the living conditions cannot keep up, the development will be passively delayed, and the glands will automatically delay waiting for the state suitable for differentiation.

Multiple and frequent stimulation of highly matched alpha pheromones may also cause the recovery of glands that have fallen into dormancy.

For Liang Xiao, entering the spontaneous estrus period is not a bad thing, indicating that the severely injured glands have begun to gradually recover their functions. If it can be properly conditioned, it is not impossible for a complete recovery in the future.

"We have a nutritionist." The butler nodded, and took out the notebook to write down, "Is there anything else..."

"The first spontaneous estrus, the time will be longer, and the reaction will be relatively serious."

The first time the doctor came, he took the risk of suggesting that Mr. Huo and the highly matched omega would be permanently marked, and were almost frozen on the spot. This time, he did not dare to say: "Suggestion—"

Huo Lan hugged Liang Xiao, controlled the mouse with one hand to work on the laptop, and raised her head following the sound.


The doctor calmed down, and the doctor was kind: "If there is a specific alpha, it is best to maintain high-density contact for a long time during this period, and make several temporary markings."

Huo Lan lowered his eyes: "How long?"

"Theoretically, the longer the contact time, the more stable it is, and the better the comforting effect on omega."

The doctor fully considers the situation of the patient and family members, and is appropriately euphemistic: "But——"

Butler: "You have coffee."

Doctor: "?"

"But - not absolutely."

The doctor couldn't figure out why there was coffee this time, so he thanked him and took it over: "The development of modern medicine is gradually improving, in fact, even if there is no alpha..."

The butler quickly stuffed the biscuits into his mouth.

Doctor: "…"

"We will contact you again if necessary."

The housekeeper is always attentive and skillful in seeing off guests. He brings the doctor and coffee to the door together: "You walk slowly."

The doctor chewed the biscuits blankly, nodded with him with the coffee in hand, and left.

The housekeeper sent people away, pushed the door back, and gently closed the door.

The housekeeper approached Huo Lan: "Mr. Huo..."

Huo Lan lowered his eyes, adjusted his posture slightly, held the person more stably, and indicated the documents that had been approved by him.

The housekeeper took the stack of documents and said, "Is Mr. Liang okay?"

Liang Xiao has not had a good rest these days.

The doctor said it doesn't matter, but the physical state is weak during the estrus period, and the lack of timely detection in the early stage has never cooperated with adequate rest.

Liang Xiao's estrus period is special, and the pheromone to ease the accumulation is only one aspect, and the subsequent physical problems are more important. There is no better way at the moment, and can only try to rest and recuperate.

Have the opportunity to relax, have a good rest and sleep, naturally it is good for the body.

But always falling asleep like this is inevitably worrying.

"It doesn't matter." Huo Lan released his hand to measure Liang Xiao's pulse, "Tell him to sleep more."

The housekeeper nodded, hesitated, and then softly advised: "You also remember to rest."

Huo Lan was noncommittal, his eyes fell back to the computer screen.

The housekeeper put away his things, exited the bedroom, and closed the door quietly.

Huo Lan sat quietly for a while and released the mouse.

He lowered his gaze, folded his arms, and looked at Liang Xiao leaning on his chest.

Huo Lan raised his hand and gently touched his closed eyelashes.

Liang Xiao brows and eyes are splendid, so she sleeps quietly with her eyes closed, she looks extra docile, much younger than her actual age.

With him in his arms, Liang Xiao slept extraordinarily peacefully, and didn't toss over the mountains like every night.

In fact, last night Liang Xiao didn't make any sound except calling him vaguely at the end.

He didn't know what to do at such a time, he could only watch the thin body in his arms tremble and tremble. between the arms.

Huo Lan's chest was suffocating and suffocating, and he carefully turned the person over, but did not see any tears.

"He's been alone for a long time, I don't know..."

The agent followed them back, holding back all the way, before getting off the plane, stumbling and plucking up his courage: "Don't let him go...don't go."

Huo Lan never thought of this, hugged Liang Xiao in the cabin, and promised him, "I won't leave."

The agent was speechless, the little assistant looked left and right with red eyes, mustered up his courage and added in a low voice, "Brother Liang said he likes you and wants you to—"

The manager didn't say anything, and was dragged away by the manager.

Although work won't be delayed, as long as the mind relaxes a little, the ubiquitous thoughts will pop up, making him almost unable to sit still.

Huo Lan closed his eyes tightly, suppressing the vague unease aroused by this sentence.

What he originally thought was to do his best to take care of Liang Xiao, and never let Liang Xiao live his old days again. As for how Liang Xiao treats him, even whether it is true or false, whether to leave or stay, all from out of consideration.

Huo Lan also knows that he is easy to enter a dead end during the susceptible period, and some inexplicable obsessions that he should not have, so he does not want to mention this to Liang Xiao at this time.

But just thinking of this possibility, he couldn't calm down no matter what.

He never thought that Liang Xiao might also like him.

Huo Lan lowered his gaze blindly, unaware that the person in his arms moved, and turned over slightly between his arms.

Liang Xiao opened her eyes.

I couldn't sleep better this time, Liang Xiao was rarely at ease, and he didn't have to worry about falling asleep and delaying anything, and the agent and assistant had no arrangements.

Both body and mind were completely released, Liang Xiao slept without dreams, and woke up naturally.

I opened my eyes, and the comfort brought by deep sleep finally hugged my body before slowly dispersing.

Liang Xiao yawned, and was about to go to Mr. Huo to ask when he would go home and hold his studies. As soon as he held it up, he felt that the hand felt wrong, and he raised his head: "..."

Liang Xiao rubbed her eyes, closed her eyes, lay back, and woke up again.

Huo Lan was tossed by him for a long time, then he recovered and lowered his head to meet his line of sight.

"..." Liang Xiao was instantly familiar: "Boss Huo Huo."

When he fell asleep, his body was soft, and when he leaned against it, it dripped to nowhere. Huo Lan could only always pay attention to keep the person steady, and now that he was awake, his shoulders relaxed slightly.

Liang Xiao looked at Mr. Huo's computer, her heart beat fast, and she stammered: "Are you- are you working?"

Huo Lan lowered his eyes, as a default.

Liang Xiao’s knee hurts.

I just raped my country.

In ancient times, it was Mr. Huo who rose up for him in a short spring night, and from then on the king did not go to court early.

Liang Xiaofei quickly made room for the king: "You are busy."

He just woke up, and he didn't have any strength.

Liang Xiao was completely bored, lying on the king's thigh like a salted fish: "..."

"The doctor said-"

Huo Lan met his gaze and clenched his fist: "During this period, it is best to maintain high-density contact with alpha for a long time."

Liang Xiao was hot: "What contact?"

"Long time, high density."

Huo Lan said: "The longer the contact time, the better the effect."

Liang Xiao couldn't control the little train in his head, his heart beat fiercely and his eyes were lost: "Doctor, what else did the doctor say..."

Huo Lan's arm was slightly stagnant.

The doctor also said but.

Huo Lan didn't want to talk much this time, so he was silent for a while, then he took him back and shook his head.

Liang Xiao was stunned, and the little train hummed to a halt: "Is it gone?"

Huo Lan rarely lied, his shoulders and back were slightly stiff, and he repeated the half sentence of the assistant in his heart.

Huo Lan closed his eyes and nodded his head: "No more."

Liang Xiao even felt a little regretful and sighed lightly.

…good too.

"Will you not delay your work?"

Liang Xiao was so happy that she knew her fate, her whole body was so red that her hands were hot, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but lift up, clearing her throat: "Ma, please—"

"No trouble." Huo Lan said.

Liang Xiao was startled.

Huo Lan put him back in his arms and promised: "I won't delay work."

"Don't delay." Huo Lan closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around him, "Don't go."

Liang Xiao was at a loss for a while, and when he saw the alpha special inhibitor used by Huo Lan, he vaguely recovered.

"I'm not leaving either." Liang Xiao hugged Mr. Huo, who was in their susceptible period, and patted the back, "You bomb me and I won't leave."

Huo Lan shook his head, looked at him, and pursed his lips.

He sat quietly like this, his youthful aura in his deep pupils, like fresh snow covered by the sun, and the icy snow couldn't cover it, breaking out fine brilliance.

Liang Xiao has always been unable to bear this, so he finally pulled his eyes out of the eyes of their boss Huo, leaned on his arm with his dying breath, and took two breaths from an oxygen bottle.

Huo Lan helped him sit up a little: "Can't breathe?"

"Okay." Liang Xiao said, "You work, I'll just watch."

Huo Lan looked at him carefully for a while, nodded, asked him to lean on his shoulder, and pulled over the computer.

"Mr. Huo is not satisfied with these reports this time."

The housekeeper conveyed the spirit to the management of Star Crown, and criticized one by one: "The work must be due diligence, not half-hearted, and not sloppy."

It is not that Huo Lan has no secretarial department, but the young Huo Lan was surrounded by crises and traps every step of the way, and every step he took was calculated. There are too few people who can be trusted. body.

Especially in the susceptibility period, in addition to holding meetings, Mr. Huo's approval of various departments will be conveyed by the housekeeper on his behalf.

"Due to my duties and keep improving." The housekeeper emphasized, "Learn more with Mr. Huo."

Several ministers felt a little guilty and bowed their heads to reflect on their own.

Huo Lan never delays the business. Even if he rushes over this sudden change, he finished the meeting in writing late at night and arranged the necessary work.

Xingguan has always taken the president as a role model. Recently, several major projects with Long Tao have won beautifully. Some departments are indeed dazzled by the victory, and they are a little relaxed.

"The more this is the case, the less you can go wrong."

The housekeeper conveyed Mr. Huo's words: "The star crown is a blue thread, and you can't plant it on blind arrogance."

Several ministers looked ashamed: "Yes."

The housekeeper nodded, opened the tablet, and distributed the approved plans that Mr. Huo had just passed over: "These are Mr. Huo's approval, if you have any questions, please raise them as soon as possible. Feedback to Mr. Huo."

"Yes." The Minister of Resource Development quickly raised his hand, "For our cinema investment project, do we still need to continue to inject funds into the early stage development..."

The housekeeper knows his duty and only acts as a microphone for Huo Lan, never saying anything without permission: "I'll ask for you."

The housekeeper was calm and answered the villa's phone: "Mr. Huo, the development department is asking about cinema investment-"

The phone hung up, and Huo Lan sent the funding arrangement for the investment project directly.

The Minister of Development quickly took it away: "There are also evaluation and prospect analysis, and I would like to ask Mr. Huo to take a look."

The housekeeper suspected what might have happened to the villa's phone, so he helped send the reports and connected the phone to Huo Lan: "Mr. Huo—"

Huo Lan was about to hang up, when Liang Xiao was stimulated by the extremely sensitive glands, so he groaned.

Huo Lan: “…”

Housekeeper: "…"

Huo Lan closed his eyes and reluctantly explained: "I'm marking temporarily."

"..." The butler held the microphone and conveyed calmly, "Mr. Huo is watching and will reply later."

The head of the development department had no doubt that he was there, nodded respectfully, put away his things and sat back.

"Also." The head of the marketing department mustered up his courage and raised his hand, "Recently fighting with Long Tao, our department is under a lot of pressure from top to bottom, I would like to... Please say a few words of inspiration from Mr. Huo. ."

Housekeeper: "…"

The housekeeper closed his eyes and picked up the phone.

I didn't expect that the glands would be so sensitive during estrus, Liang Xiao's voice was hoarse, soft in Mr. Huo's arms, sweating in cold sweat but begging for death: "It's really impossible..."

"Hold on." Huo Lan said softly, "It will be fine soon."

The doctor specially mentioned that Liang Xiao's situation is special. If the pheromone is not channeled as soon as possible, it will only be more uncomfortable when sealed in the gland, and it will even affect his health after a long time.

Liang Xiao also knew that, she tried her best to bite her lower lip to endure, but Huo Lan used her wrist to separate her: "If you can't stand it, bite me."


The housekeeper opened his eyes and turned the tide: "Mr. Huo said - hold on, it will be fine soon."

"If you can't hold it..." The housekeeper took a deep breath, "Just grit your teeth."

The head of the marketing department felt a heat in his chest, nodded vigorously with tears in his eyes, and went back to convey it to everyone in the department.

Brand Operations Department raised her hand: "And..."

The housekeeper couldn't hold it any longer: "Why?!"

The director of the operation department shivered with fright: "The outside world has recently... Controversy about the star crown, and there are different opinions, and there are some rumors inside."

Director of Operations Department: "Does Mr. Huo have any words for us..."

Desperate, the housekeeper closed his eyes and raised the phone.

After finally getting through the temporary marking, Liang Xiao's body was almost red, and she was so sensitive that she shivered when she touched it, and it completely melted into a pool beside the bed.

Huo Lan didn't dare to touch him, took a glass of water and touched his lips.

Liang Xiao took a hard sip, turned her head sideways, and was dying: "It's too exciting..."

Huo Lan stroked his hair: "Thank you."

Liang Xiao was drowsy, maintaining a sense of reason, looking at the tooth mark on the left wrist of Mr. Huo: "You work harder than me..."

"Never mind."

Huo Lan shook his head and put away his hand: "I will find a way."


The housekeeper hung up the phone and saw the world: "Mr. Huo said, don't worry, he will try to do better."

The director of the operation department wanted to say more, but the housekeeper covered his mouth and stuffed it back into the conscientious leadership.

"Let's end the meeting." The housekeeper was vicissitudes, "Now I am left alone."

Read The Duke's Passion